Many improvements, 3.0.0 release
A lot of improvements with this release.
Secure and Hacker firmware are no more. There is only one firmware now, and lock/unlock settings are configured/set separately. (#331)
- Old devices can still update normally, but you may need to update your
- Old devices can still update normally, but you may need to update your
Bootloader now checks version on updates and prevents downgrades. This is a security improvement. It is not enabled on devices with a "hacker" bootloader. Thanks a lot to @szszszsz of @Nitrokey for implementing this! (#238)
The CTAP2 PIN is now stored only in hash form, instead of in plaintext. Thank you to @szszszsz / @Nitrokey for implementing this! (#240)
Our docker build was optimized and is more friendly for people to build the firmware for their own uses, in addition to use using it for release builds. Thanks a lot to @ccinelli for adding this! (#329, #330 )
Add support to U2F to be able to handle FIDO2 key handles. This was causing some problems when the various FIDO stacks out in the wild are mixed. (#323 )
Code cosmetics and documentation improved. Thanks @jolo1581! (#318, #324)
To update:
solo program bootloader firmware-3.0.0.json
Make sure you upgrade solo
to latest version (pip install solo-python --upgrade