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About Virtual Assessments

Kosha Ruparel edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 1 revision

About Virtual CNB Assessments: The “Virtual CNB” refers to an implementation where projects which utilize the CNB can have survey-style links created for each participant to allow the participant to take the CNB at home, or a location of their choosing.

The minimum requirements needed for a participant to complete the Virtual CNB include:

  • A desktop or laptop computer
  • Video Conferencing application enabled on participant’s computer
  • Video Conferencing app enabled on YOUR (assessor’s) computer
  • Cookies enabled on their web browser
  • Copy of CNB Note Sheet (either electronic word document to type in notes in real time or paper copy to write notes manually on

While not a requirement, we strongly recommend the participant complete the CNB on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge. Please note, participants may NOT use tablets or smartphones to complete the Virtual CNB.

There are several different implementations for Virtual CNB assessments. We will discuss the “Static Link” option in this Wiki, as this is the intended implementation for internal projects.

The “Static Link” implementation is the preferred method of implementation by the CNB team. When a project is initialized in the WebCNP/surveys setup (this is a separate server than the standard WebCNP, complete with a different URL), a “Static Link” will be generated PER BATTERY PER PROJECT that is available as part of the project.

A static link will have all of the information embedded in the link as to what project (SiteID) and Battery is being administered to the participant. The only portion of the link that needs to be edited is the end of the link after “pid=”, which is where the coordinator will enter the ID for that participant. Remember, you may need more than one static link per participant for their CNB.

How to create a Virtual (Remote) CNB Assessment link

As part of the project setup, the CNB Implementation manager should have provided you with a static survey link in which you can create subject (and timepoint) dependent Virtual CNB assessment links “on the fly” without the direct intervention of the CNB team at Penn. If your project is a multi-site collaboration, each site will have a customized static link which will direct the study data to the correct SiteID within the WebCNP/surveys interface. The static link can be used as a template to create all the subject links for the project.

Ex:[ENTER SUBJECT ID HERE] is a static link that needs the subject ID entered to be a usable link. To create the link for Subject ID 99999, you would do the following.

  1. When you are ready to create a subject CNB Link, you should enter the subject ID immediately after the “pid=” in the static link
    Note: make sure to delete the brackets and text in [ENTER SUBJECT ID HERE] in the static link
  2. Copy the Virtual CNB link and send it to the participant! Note*: You can send the link according to your internal procedures (via email, via chat feature during video meeting, or via a database (if that is your internal process)


Remember, if your study is a longitudinal study, make sure to enter an underscore after the subject ID and include the time point. In this second example, if this project is a longitudinal study, you can create the time-point dependent links for all time points. To make three links (for three time points) for subject ID 99999, you would create the following links:

Ex: (for time-point 1)

Ex: (for time-point 2)

Ex: (for time-point 3)

If you are unsure how to create a virtual CNB link for your participants based off of the static link, please contact the CNB Implementation Manager for assistance. Make sure to denote the name of the study, Principal Investigator, and the static link, if available, so that they can assist you.

About Penn CNB Training

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