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2020 05 19 TT WMD Teleconference #11

Igor Zahumensky edited this page May 20, 2020 · 8 revisions

Teleconference #10


1. Opening, adoption of the minutes from teleconf #10

2. Information

Guidance for spelling of notation turned into a wiki page

3. Review status of open issues for fast-track

Reports on status, blocking issues, next steps regarding WMDR codelists

4. WMDS vs WMDR GitHub and clean-up of wiki

Do we need both GitHub repos? WMDS is for standard and code list, WMDR is for schema; if so, how can issues be moved to the right one, e.g., is not a code list issue, but a schema issue. Need to clean up and organize the wiki, some outdated pages, need critical review of page content to see if up-to-date and correct. Any volunteers?

5. Date of the teleconf #12

Suggestion: 2 June 2020 12:00-13:30 UTC


  • TT-WMD: TT-WMD: Jörg Klausen (JK), Karl Monnik (KM), Tony Boston (TB), Anthonin Lizé (AL), Denis Stuber (DS)
  • Secretariat: Enrico Fucile (EF), Igor Zahumensky (IZ), Xiaoxia Chen; Lijuan Ma (LM)

The meeting was chaired by Jörg Klausen (JK), co-Chair TT-WMD

1. Opening:

The draft Agenda and the minutes from the last teleconf (#10; 5.5.2020) were adopted.

2. Information

Guidance for spelling of notation was turned into a wiki page

3. Review status of the open issues for fast-track

Reports on status, blocking issues, next steps regarding WMDR codelists were presented with the following outcomes:

  • moved from Submitted to In validation in WMDR codelists and closed
  • validation report submitted, to be reviewed and approved as requested

  • no one is assigned; no progress yet

  • KM will contact his colleagues in BoM;
  • IZ will contact Werner Ballog regarding SAT contribution to this development

  • moved from Submitted to In progress in WMDR codelists
  • Champika was contacted for contribution

  • IZ will contact Werner Ballog regarding SAT contribution to this development

  • assigned to nobody yet

  • no progress

  • to be discussed at the next teleconf

  • validation report finalize (with minor details) and approved by requested; closed

  • see 2. Information above
  • moved from In progress to Obsolete or dealt with elsewhere in WMDR codelists; closed adressed in:

  • validation report submitted; to be approved by requested
  • closed and moved from In progress to Obsolete or dealt with elsewhere in WMDR codelists

  • validation report submitted; to be approved

4. WMDS vs WMDR GitHub and clean-up of wiki

  • WMDS is for standard and code list, WMDR is for schema; do we need both? if so, issues should be moved to the right one, e.g., is not a code list issue, but a schema issue.
  • they need to be reviewed and cleaned up; the wiki pages too.
  • Denis agreed to identify problematic pages

5. Date of the teleconf #12

Suggestion: 2 June 2020 12:00-13:30 UTC through Microsoft Teams

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