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AutoCorres is a tool that assists reasoning about C programs in Isabelle/HOL. In particular, it uses Norrish's C-to-Isabelle parser to parse C into Isabelle, and then abstracts the result to produce a result that is (hopefully) more pleasant to reason about.


To use AutoCorres, you need to (i) run the C parser, and then (ii) run AutoCorres. For example, assume you want to parse a file myfile.c containing a function foo. Start by creating an Isabelle theory file Example.thy as follows:

theory Example
imports AutoCorres

(* Run the C-to-Isabelle parser. *)
install_C_file "myfile.c"

(* Run autocorres. *)
autocorres "myfile.c"

(* Enter the locale where all the theories reside. *)
context myfile begin

(* Show the output of the C parser. *)
thm foo_body_def

(* Show the output of AutoCorres. *)
thm foo'_def



Each function foo in your input file will have a definition in Isabelle/HOL with the name foo'.

You can perform some basic reasoning using the Hoare framework and associated tools developed by NICTA and distributed with AutoCorres.


AutoCorres supports a variety of options, which are used as follows:

autocorres [option, key=val, list=a b c d] "file.c"

The options are:

  • unsigned_word_abs = FUNC_NAMES: Use word abstraction on unsigned integers in the given functions.

  • no_signed_word_abs = FUNC_NAMES: Disable signed word abstraction on the given list of functions.

  • skip_word_abs: Completely disable word abstraction.

  • ts_rules = RULES: Enable type strengthening to the following types. Possible types include pure (pure functional), option (option monad without state), gets (option monad with state) and nondet (non-deterministic state monad).

  • ts_force RULE_NAME = FUNC_NAMES: Force the given functions to be type-strengthened to the given type, even if a "better" type could otherwise be used.

  • no_heap_abs = FUNC_NAMES: Disable heap abstraction on the given list of functions.

  • heap_abs_syntax: Enable experimental heap abstraction syntactic sugar.

  • keep_going: Attempt to ignore certain non-critical errors.

  • scope: Only parse the given functions and their callees, up to depth scope_depth.

An example of invoking AutoCorres with all of the options is as follows:

autocorres [
    force_heap_abs = c d,
    unsigned_word_abs = f g h,
    no_signed_word_abs = i j k,
    skip_word_abs,  (* mutually exclusive with previous rules *)
    ts_rules = pure nondet,
    ts_force nondet = l m n,
    no_heap_abs = a b,
    scope = o p q,
    scope_depth = 5,
    keep_going ] "filename.c"


Some basic examples are in the tests/examples directory.

Many of these examples are quick-and-dirty proofs, and should not necessary be considered the best style.

None-the-less, some of the examples available are, in approximate increasing level of difficulty:

  • Simple.thy: Proofs of some simple functions, including max and gcd.

  • Swap.thy: Proof of a simple swap function.

  • MultByAdd.thy: Proof of a function that carries out multiplication using addition.

  • Factorial.thy: Proof of a factorial function, using several different methods.

  • FibProof.thy: Proof of the Fibonacci function, using several different methods.

  • ListRev.thy: Proof of a function that carries out an in-place linked list reversal.

  • IsPrime.thy: Proof of a function that determines if the input number is prime.

  • MemCpy.thy: Proof of a C memcpy implementation.

  • MemSet.thy: Proof of a C memset implementation.

  • Quicksort.thy: Proof of a simple QuickSort implementation on an array of ints.

  • BinarySearch.thy: Proof of a function that determines if a sorted input array of unsigned int contains the given unsigned int.

  • SchorrWaite.thy: Proof a C implementation of the Schorr-Waite algorithm, using Mehta and Nipkow's high-level proof.


AutoCorres is an ongoing research project. Papers related to the project are: