711 commits
to official-release
since this release
3.16.0 (2023-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- .change detection is correctly triggered to build new filters (#1584) (8849ad7), closes #1570
- .change detection is properly triggered after dynamically loading a component (#1639) (5ba6dfb)
- .database entities are not lazy loaded (#1637) (086e2be), closes #1634
- .demo: demo data is only created after login (#1645) (e83d0ab)
- entity, which doesn't pass filter is only removed from table after short delay (#1590) (4f22246)
- handle invalid dropdown (configurable-enum) options gracefully (#1641) (eaa20df), closes #1628
- having multiple distance columns in matching view is supported (#1587) (e6aff0b)
- .improved config for matching (#1606) (8f57681)
- .more consistent and reusable entity-list component (#1625) (5035166)
- .more sophisticate applying of remote changes in entity-form (#1612) (5df5917)
- notes popup form shows again when creating a new note from a case's profile (#1585) (76e34b1)
- .setup: add entity-array and enum-multi data types for import of config (#1611) (e475755)
- .small map integration improvements (#1598) (8dd5592)
- .styling of edit single entity component (679164d)
- user is notified about unrecoverable app states (#1604) (77ecc0f)
- .when user is not yet activated edit buttons are properly hidden (#1599) (a519c59), closes #1593