Initial release via Github Releases.
Release name proudly picked by @fredpetersen ☕
What's Changed
- Statistics by @xthedeus in #1
- Migrate to .net core 2.2 by @jonasanker in #2
- Feature/klar/app config by @KasperLarssen in #3
- Support new MobilePay flow by @jonasanker in #4
- Strongly typed app settings by @jonasanker in #8
- Release to production in #10
- Move database Setup to Startup by @jonasanker in #12
- Feature/jonas/azure devops by @jonasanker in #14
- Reworked the flow for recovering passwords by @TTA777 in #13
- Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines by @jonasanker in #15
- Code clean up and remove code smells by @jonasanker in #16
- Feature/jonas/code cleanup by @jonasanker in #17
- New email templates and updated jquery by @TTA777 in #18
- Implementation of login timeout that should be able to help alleviate potential problems with the login endpoint by @TTA777 in #19
- Feature/thomas/email design tweaks by @TTA777 in #20
- Separate error message when e-mail is not verified by @jonasanker in #21
- Docker by @jonasanker in #23
- Feature/fremartini/correlationid by @fremartini in #40
- Remove stages from Dockerfile by @jonasanker in #43
- Feature/fremartini/add userid to log by @fremartini in #44
- Update GitHub Actions trigger by @jonasanker in #47
- Bump RestSharp from 106.10.1 to 106.12.0 in /coffeecard/CoffeeCard.WebApi by @dependabot in #24
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer from 3.1.2 to 3.1.18 in /coffeecard/CoffeeCard.WebApi by @dependabot in #25
- Fix GetSemesterStart by @marfavi in #52
- Users may only retrieve their own info by @TTA777 in #55
- Merge to production by @jonasanker in #56
- OpenApi specification and documentation by @jonasanker in #57
- Minor documentation fix by @jonasanker in #59
- Remove required properties on UpdateUserDto by @jonasanker in #61
- Minor doc updates by @jonasanker in #64
- Introduce localdev appsettings, Docker image and updated build pipelines by @jonasanker in #72
- Minor clean up by @jonasanker in #73
- Rest API v2 changes by @jonasanker in #83
- Migration files for test env database by @jonasanker in #84
- Production EF Migrations by @jonasanker in #86
- Include Product Name in InitiatePurchaseResponse by @jonasanker in #89
- Migrate LeaderboardController to API v2 by @jonasanker in #94
- Introduce new Leaderboard endpoint for retrieving rank and score of a… by @jonasanker in #96
- await UpdateUserRank method to avoid concurrent usage of DbContext by @jonasanker in #99
- Include User data when querying Leaderboard Statistics by @jonasanker in #102
- Add v2 api for registering with programme by @Hjaltesorgenfrei in #106
- Update Path for register new account API v2 by @jonasanker in #109
- Better verification of jwt token. Better error handling on web pages by @TTA777 in #108
- Feature/tta/free products by @TTA777 in #105
- Marked DateUsed as required, but nullable by @TTA777 in #118
- Remove usage of deprecated MobilePay Api and related services by @jonasanker in #115
- Refactored the loginLimiter to receive the logout time in seconds by @TTA777 in #117
- Revert "Remove usage of deprecated MobilePay Api and related services (#115)" by @jonasanker in #127
- Issue vouchers endpoint by @fredpetersen in #119
- UpdateUser endpoint now retrieves the users actual scores as well by @TTA777 in #132
- Updating OpenApi spec properties for MobilePayPaymentDetails by @jonasanker in #139
- Update Migrations for Development and Production by @jonasanker in #142
- Added productName as a property to SimplePurchaseResponse by @TTA777 in #144
- Implemented get and update endpoints for AccountController v2 by @TTA777 in #134
- Added Role to UserResponse in Get AccountV2 by @TTA777 in #145
- Change Use Ticket API endpoint by @jonasanker in #152
- Update MobilePay API to latest version by @jonasanker in #114
- Fix bearer scheme by @duckth in #154
- Make mpSignatureHeader Required by @jonasanker in #156
- Added cors and changed responseTypes to ApiError instead of ApiException by @TTA777 in #150
- Update MobilePay Events mapping, improve logging by @jonasanker in #157
- Analog Core goes to Azure by @jonasanker in #151
- Remove usage of deprecated MobilePay Api v1 and related services by @jonasanker in #159
- Write SeriLog logs to Application Insights by @jonasanker in #160
- Add Privacy Policy to wwwroot by @jonasanker in #162
- Added an index on the Users email address by @TTA777 in #164
- Revert "Add Privacy policy to wwwroot (#162)" by @jonasanker in #165
- Improve performance of statistic retrieval in leaderboardService by @TTA777 in #167
- Improve logging by @jonasanker in #172
- Reenable v{version:apiVersion} on controllers by @jonasanker in #173
- Install the CodeSee workflow. by @codesee-maps in #175
- Update Serilog configuration by @jonasanker in #176
- ci: Check file formatting in pipeline by @marfavi in #180
- ci: Fix format check with dotnet-format by @marfavi in #181
- style: format files by @marfavi in #178
- feat: Add AnalogAppRedirectUri to MobilePaySettingsV2 by @marfavi in #179
- chore: enable file format on save for VS Code editors by @marfavi in #182
- Update null Status values in Purchases table by @jonasanker in #188
- Resend verification email endpoint by @jonasanker in #169
- Fix RedeemVoucher check on voucher usage by @jonasanker in #185
- Fix RedeemVoucher in Purchase API v1 by @jonasanker in #194
- Update SonarCloud JDK version to 1.17 by @jonasanker in #195
- Default to api version 2 by @duckth in #198
- Revert change to url in register endpoint response by @duckth in #201
- Anti 🤠 -measures by @fredpetersen in #202
- fix: Correct where clause in resend verification by @duckth in #204
- Cleanup of purchase data by @TTA777 in #190
- Remove sensitivity overload from Equals on DbSet by @jonasanker in #210
- Use unique OrderId for Vouchers by @jonasanker in #211
- Clean up log statements by @jonasanker in #208
- Introduce IsPerk property on Products by @jonasanker in #207
- Fix code smell by @jonasanker in #218
- create endpoints to add, update, and deactivate a product by @HubertWojcik10 in #215
- fix: IsPerk by @marfavi in #219
- Fixed the responsetype of getProducts by @TTA777 in #220
- Changed example value for price by @TTA777 in #221
- First draft on a released based deployment workflow by @jonasanker in #213
- Update workflows to fit move from develop to main by @duckth in #228
New Contributors
- @xthedeus made their first contribution in #1
- @KasperLarssen made their first contribution in #3
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #24
- @Hjaltesorgenfrei made their first contribution in #106
- @fredpetersen made their first contribution in #119
- @codesee-maps made their first contribution in #175
- @HubertWojcik10 made their first contribution in #215
Full Changelog: