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Known issues in LA Internationalization

vjrj edited this page Dec 14, 2022 · 49 revisions

More that the level of internationalization of each LA module code, this is a list of known enhancement and bug issues related with i18n in LA software:

  • It seems that right-to-left languages are not supported right now, so LA needs some basic patching to support it.
  • For now, spatial only works well with ISO-8859-1 layers. See this thread for a summary of next development steps.
  • There are some UTF-8 encoding issues in mysql databases (in CAS and specieslists). For new developments this should be fixed thanks to this PR, but if you deployed your mysql DBs previously to this PR you can be affected.
  • There are several tasks to improve the internationalization of ALA. For instance the use of the ala-i18n debian package and this related PRs. As soon as these PRs are merged, released and deployed the internationalization of ALA to new languages or of ALA will be quite straightforward and automatized.
  • It seems that all properties should be in ISO-8859-1 with java < 9. This affects to i18n properties but also to properties configs. So /data/*/config/*properties should be iso-8859-1 if, for instance, your Organization Name has non latin characters. See this PR.

Many of these i18n functionalities are not necessary per se for ALA node so PRs and translations from other countries with these necessities are welcome.

Current userdetails issues




Current collectory i18n issues

  • The sentence related to the number of registers for each group shown in the left side of the main page, is not present in Crowdin. Traslations should be as follows:

  • 89 colecciones/bases de datos de fauna

  • 21 colecciones/bases de datos de insectos

  • 78 colecciones/bases de datos de plantas

  • 4 colecciones/bases de datos de hongos

  • E.g.


  • When there is no data to display in the sections included in "Registros" tab "No data to display" is shown. It should be written in Spanish ("Sin datos que mostrar"). I can't find it in Crowdin. image

  • In the section "Por información de datos" in the tab "Registros", the word "assertions" is not translated as (aserciones). This word is shown when the arrow of the mouse is one any bar of the bar graph. image

  • There is not map legend/key explaning the meaning of the colours and shape of locations. image It could be useful to add a text clarifiying that the numbers on the circles correspond to number of instituions and not number of collections.

  • If there is not collection corresponding to one of the categories shown in the left buttons, the text "Haga clic en el nombre de la colección para ver más detalles, incluyendo los registros de especímenes digitalizados para la colección. Las colecciones no mostradas en el mapa (debido a la falta de información de ubicación) están marcadas" should not be present in the heading of "Lista" tab. e.g.: Microorganismos image

  • In a specific collection, in the tab that shows the registers digitalized available ("Registros") in the section "Por información de datos" (, "Not supplied" should be translated as "No facilitado / Sin datos". image

  • A message is shown in English about the number of collections when clicking on an institution pin on the map at Collectory main page ( It is desirable to get it in Spanish: "Tiene xxx colecciones/bases de datos". image

  • The sentence "Mostrar todo 111 colecciones" in the button "Todas las colecciones" in Collectory main page ( should be translated as "Mostrar 111 colecciones/bases de datos". It is not present in Crowdin. image

  • Unclassified should be translated as "Sin clasificar" in "Estadísticas de uso" tab. I can't find it in Crowdin. image

  • Testing should be translated as "pruebas" in "Estadísticas de uso" tab. It is already translated in Crowdin: image

  • Conservation management/planning should be translated as "gestión de conservación/planificación" in "Estadísticas de uso" tab. It is already translated in Crowdin: image

  • Dowloads should be translated as "descargas" in, in"Estadísticas de uso" tab. image

  • sentence should use {0} for numbers so the translation can use the number in other position than English (code in map.js). image

  • The message of the collection in collectory i18n messages, as Wouter Koch mentions in crowdin: "Combining partial sentences like this one is not going to generate grammatically correct sentences in all languages...". We should refactor this code, adding {0} args.

  • image

  • Wrong sentence with number argument (at least in Spanish). Code: image

Current ala-hub / biocache / records i18n issues

Current bie-index issues

Current bie-hub / ala-bie-hub issues

Current spatial-hub / spatial-service issues

  • The drop-down list shown for "Facet" (left side menu) has not translated terms. Some of them are arranged vertically.


  • There are many forms which have many terms and sentences not translated into Spanish that are not present in Crowdin. E.g.


  • There are sentences and words that are translated from English to Spanish in Crowdin, but remain not translated in forms. E.g.


Data portal issues

  • In the page showing the occurrence records from a specific institution, the word institution should be translated as "Institución"

E. g.

ALA or Australia occurrences in messages

  • alerts: more.blogsnews.update.message=New ALA blog items have been added.$

  • alerts: me when ALA Blog items are added.$

  • bie-index: admin.ala.label=ALA admin functions$

  • biocache-service: description.vernacular_name=The common name the ALA has matched this record to in the NSL$

  • cas:$

  • cas: screen.success.success=You, <strong>{0}</strong>, have successfully logged into the ALA's Central Authentication Service. However, you are seeing \$

  • cas: screen.logout.success=You have successfully logged out of the ALA's Central Authentication Service. You may <a href="login">log in</a> again.$

  • cas: screen.unavailable.header=ALA auth error$

  • cas: screen.unavailable.heading=ALA auth is unable to process this request: "{0}:{1}"$

  • collectory-plugin: about the institution, the collections they hold and view records of specimens that have been digitised. Currently only the collections of ALA partners are shown. Over time this list will expand to include all natural history collections in Australia$

  • collectory-plugin: reports.index.title=ALA Collections Reports$

  • collectory-plugin: institution.isALAPartner.label=Partner$

  • collectory-plugin: providerGroup.isALAPartner.label=Is Atlas Partner$

  • collectory-plugin: manage.list.des07=You have the required role but are not listed as a contact with editor rights on any collection, institution or dataset. If you believe you should be, ask someone who is listed to add you as a contact. If you can't do that, click the support link below to send a request to the ALA support team$

  • collectory-plugin: manage.index.title01=ALA Metadata Management$

  • downloads-plugin: Data Download$

  • downloads-plugin: format.legacy=ALA Legacy Format$

  • downloads-plugin: helpicon.legacy=<i class="fa fa-question-circle tooltips" data-content="The original ALA download format that contains <a href=''{0}?filter=dwcTerm:.*'' target='_fields'>Darwin Core</a>, <a href=''{0}?filter=assertion'' target='_fields'>data quality assertions</a> and <a href=''{0}?filter=name:[ce]l[0-9]*'' target='_fields'>sampling data</a>."></i>$

  • downloads-plugin: downloads.fields.intro=This table provides information on the occurrence record field types and mappings between search terms, <abbr title="JavaScript Object Notation"><a href="">JSON</a></abbr> output terms (<a href="">see ALA web services</a>), download headers, readable names, descriptions, <a href="">Darwin Core (DwC)</a> terms and classes, as well as other miscellaneous attributes. Data is derived from the JSON web service: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>. More information can be found on the <a href=''>wiki page</a>.$

  • downloads-plugin: download.confirm.emailed=An email containing a link to the download file will be sent to your email address (linked to your ALA account) when it is completed.$

  • spatial-hub: 202=This is a sandbox environment for data uploads, to allow users to view their data with ALA tools. This is currently an <strong>experimental</strong> feature of the Atlas.<br/>Uploaded data will be <strong>periodically cleared</strong> from the system.<br/>This tool accepts Excel spreadsheets and <a target="_blank" href="">CSV</a> files. For large files, its recommended that the files are <a target="_blank" href="">zipped</a> before uploading.$

  • spatial-hub: 290=Welcome to ALA Spatial BETA.$

  • spatial-hub: 435=Search the ALA DOI service for species datasets$

  • specieslist-webapp: public.lists.arg0=ALA$

  • specieslist-webapp: listtooltip.spatial.portal.list=List generated on-the-fly in the ALA’s Spatial Portal$

  • specieslist-webapp: listtooltip.profile.list=Lists used by the ALA’s Profile tool$

  • collectory-plugin:'s natural history collections$

  • collectory-plugin: about the institution, the collections they hold and view records of specimens that have been digitised. Currently only the collections of ALA partners are shown. Over time this list will expand to include all natural history collections in Australia$

  • collectory-plugin: admin.index.title02=Information about Australian biodiversity collections can be added and updated here$

  • collectory-plugin: map.js.contentline10=The Atlas of Living Australia$

  • collectory-plugin: map.js.contentline11=Data Manager | Atlas of Living Australia$

  • collectory-plugin: change.js.transformer10=All Australian states are covered.$

  • collectory-plugin: change.js.transformer11=Australian states covered include:$

  • collectory-plugin: to Australia$

  • downloads-plugin: download.termsofusedownload.01=By downloading this content you are agreeing to use it in accordance with the Atlas of Living Australia$

  • downloads-plugin: downloads.fields.intro=This table provides information on the occurrence record field types and mappings between search terms, <abbr title="JavaScript Object Notation"><a href="">JSON</a></abbr> output terms (<a href="">see ALA web services</a>), download headers, readable names, descriptions, <a href="">Darwin Core (DwC)</a> terms and classes, as well as other miscellaneous attributes. Data is derived from the JSON web service: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>. More information can be found on the <a href=''>wiki page</a>.$

  • spatial-hub: 15=Australia$

  • spatial-hub: 374=Australian iconic species$

  • specieslist-webapp: conservationStatusAUS=Conservation Status in Australia$

  • specieslist-webapp: threatened.list.tooltip=Species with any conservation status in Australia$

  • specieslist-webapp: invasive.list.tooltip=Species with any invasive status in the Australian region$

  • specieslist-webapp: iconic.species.title=Australian iconic species$

Additional issues

More info

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