All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
14.1.0 (2018-07-18)
14.0.1 (2018-07-16)
14.0.0 (2018-07-13)
- Common chunks will only be created if necessary now.
13.0.0 (2018-07-13)
- Rollup rebuilds in watch mode (#449) (d2eefec)
- support no assetFileNames configuration (#448) (9e495dc), closes #447
no longer removes the specified files AND their dependencies.
12.1.3 (2018-07-05)
- Actually fix erroneous deletes from rollup (caee07d)
12.1.2 (2018-07-05)
12.1.1 (2018-07-05)
12.1.0 (2018-06-26)
12.0.2 (2018-06-22)
12.0.1 (2018-06-13)
- .emitAsset() can't be called twice now (24e6562)
12.0.0 (2018-06-08)
no longer has a custom rollup integration, usemodular-css-rollup
now supports acommon
option that will handle outputting any CSS that was removed from chunks due to treeshaking.modular-css-rollup
accepts a newprocessor
option that is expected to be a fully-configured & instantiated instance ofProcessor
11.0.0 (2018-06-07)
- This will break compatibility with all versions of rollup < 0.60.0
10.1.0 (2018-06-03)
10.0.0 (2018-05-02)
- Processor.remove now always returns an array. If nothing was removed the array will be empty.
9.0.0 (2018-04-25)
- svelte v2 support (9c48aef)
- svelte template syntax changed in v2, and it is now the only supported syntax.
8.2.0 (2018-03-08)
8.1.1 (2018-02-21)
Note: Version bump only for package modular-css-root
8.1.0 (2018-02-21)
8.0.3 (2018-02-21)
8.0.2 (2018-02-16)
8.0.0 (2018-02-09)
- Values will now be exported alongside composed classes
7.2.0 (2017-12-13)
7.1.0 (2017-12-11)
- onwrite not returning the promise (9ab15de)
7.0.0 (2017-11-16)
- To prevent
from running you now specifyrewrite: false
instead of defining anafter