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Connection pool properties

Mark Rotteveel edited this page May 7, 2017 · 3 revisions

This information is outdated

NOTE The connection pool has been deprecated and has been removed in Jaybird 3.0

Connection pooling is available by using JDBC 2 Standard Extension interfaces. Jaybird provides following implementations:

  • javax.sql.DataSource is implemented by org.firebirdsql.pool.FBWrappingDataSource class.
  • javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource and javax.sql.XADataSource interfaces are implemented by org.firebirdsql.pool.FBConnectionPoolDataSource class.

These classes support properties defined in List of connection properties section. Additionally they support following pooling-related properties:

Standard pool parameters

Property Description
maxIdleTime Maximum time in milliseconds after which idle connection in the pool is closed.
maxPoolSize Maximum number of open physical connections.
minPoolSize Minimum number of open physical connections. If value is greater than 0, corresponding number of connections will be opened when first connection is obtained.
maxStatements Maximum size of prepared statement pool. If 0, statement pooling is switched off. When application requests more statements than can be kept in pool, Jaybird will allow creating that statements, however closing them would not return them back to the pool, but rather immediately release the resources.

Extended pool parameters

Property Description
blockingTimeout Maximum time in milliseconds during which application can be blocked waiting for a connection from the pool. If no free connection can be obtained, exception is thrown.
retryInterval Period in which pool will try to obtain new connection while blocking the application.
pooling Allows to switch connection pooling off.
statementPooling Allows to switch statement pooling off.
pingStatement Statement that will be used to 'ping' JDBC connection, in other words, to check if it is still alive. This statement must always succeed. Default is SELECT cast(1 AS INTEGER) FROM RDB$DATABASE.
pingInterval Time during which connection is believed to be valid in any case. Pool 'pings' connection before giving it to the application only if more than specified amount of time passed since last 'ping'.