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Supported specifications

Mark Rotteveel edited this page May 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

Jaybird 4 supports the following specifications

JDBC 4.3

Driver implements all JDBC 4.3 methods added to existing interfaces that are also compatible with Java 8.

JDBC 4.2

Driver implements all JDBC 4.2 methods added to existing interfaces. The driver explicitly supports the new java.time.LocalTime, java.time.LocalDateTime, and - for Firebird 4 WITH TIME ZONE types - java.time.OffsetTime and java.time.OffsetDateTime types.

JDBC 4.1

Driver implements all JDBC 4.1 methods added to existing interfaces. The driver explicitly supports closeOnCompletion, most other JDBC 4.1 specific methods throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.

JCA 1.0

Jaybird provides implementation of javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory and related interfaces. CCI interfaces are not supported.

Although Jaybird depends on the JCA 1.5 classes, JCA 1.5 (and higher) compatibility is currently not guaranteed.

NOTE: JCA support will be dropped in Jaybird 5.

JTA 1.0.1

Driver provides implementation of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource interface via JCA framework and javax.sql.XADataSource implementation.