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Development team

Mark Rotteveel edited this page May 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

Current team

Project lead: Mark Rotteveel. Mark joined Jaybird in July 2011. In November 2012 he took over the project lead position from Roman Rokytskyy.

Past team

Roman Rokytskyy joined Jaybird in 2001 (see also below), and was the project lead for a long time (maybe 10+ years?) and contributed a lot of time, effort and code to the project. He also wrote the Jaybird 2.1 JDBC Driver Java Programmer's Manual.

Past team according to Roman

by Roman Rokytskyy, 5th of December, 2005

First of all I want to apologize to those, who contributed to the project in one or another way and his name is not mentioned here. My memory sometimes plays bad tricks with me and ChangeLog is just to big for reading. Just drop us a message and we will fix this text.

The Firebird JCA/JDBC driver was started by David Jencks in 2001 after Alejandro Alberola Arias wrote a first implementation of the wire protocol. At that time we had only InterClient from Borland, a type 3 JDBC driver that was supporting only limited set of functionality, required server-side component, was hard to configure and was supported only on three platforms - Windows, Linux and Solaris.

I have joined the project in autumn 2001, my first contribution was a fix to exceptions where not only GDS code was displayed, but also a complete message, after that I pursued goal of JDBC compatibility.

Blas Rodriguez Somoza joined the project after he found out that our driver was the most JDBC specification compatible one passing more tests than any other driver, including the commercial vendors like Oracle or IBM. Though not everything was perfect there. Blas did great job of fixing those issues, also he greatly improved the performance of the driver by performing many internal code optimizations. All that happened before the 1.0 release.

Ryan Baldwin has contributed our JNI layer that allowed us to use embedded Firebird in a server-less setup. This happened after 1.0, making one of the major features of JayBird 1.5.

If I’m not mistaken, Rick Fincher joined the team already after 1.0 release and took the responsibility of FAQ and documentation maintainer.

Steven Jardine and Gabriel Reid have joined the project approx. at the same time during the course of or after the 1.5 release and extends features of the "management" package with support for the Services API, one of the major features of 2.0 release. Steven is currently working on Maven2-based build process and Gabriel recently has committed support for Firebird events.

Evgeny Putilin is the main developer of Java stored procedures and together with Vlad Horsun has contributed few changes to the JNI code. Bill Oliver provided us precompiled binaries of the JNI code for many more platforms. Nickolay Samofatov contributed few fixes between 1.0 and 1.5 releases.

And the last, but not the least, I want to mention all those who use our driver in their everyday work, provide bug reports and simply warm words in our support list. Without your help the driver would never reach the current level.