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Bomb Settings

Tyler Flowers edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 3 revisions

The bomb settings are the most crucial part, as they're needed for most modules.

All you need to do is input the edgework into the settings and press "SAVE".

For indicators, the left checkbox is for the indicator existing, and the right is for the lit status.

Things like battery holders are automatically calculated to save time.

The total mod indicators and ports on the bomb are included here. Any other edgework (such as 2FA and the specific status of indicators) are asked for in needed modules.

An image showing the default settings window

General Usage

Installation and Proper Usage

Building a release file

Bomb Settings

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Modloading: Simple Usage

Modloading: Layout

Modloading: Edgework

Modloading: Compiling and Releasing

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