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Tyler Flowers edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

I'm pretty sure those wires are just for show. Until you cut the wrong one, of course.

Needed Edgework: Serial Number

Needed Information: Number of wires, color and location of wires.

To defuse the module, first input the amount of wires.

An image showing the selection of the amount of wires. The available options are 3 through 6.

After inputting them and pressing OK, input the color of the wires in their respective locations. These have to exactly align with how it looks on the module.

An image showing an example of how to input wires into the window.

After inputting the wires and pressing OK, a text area should appear next to a wire saying "CUT". Cut the wire based on the location of the text and wire.

An image showing a solved module along with KAaNE. This is an example of how to solve it based on the information given from KAaNE.

General Usage

Installation and Proper Usage

Building a release file

Bomb Settings

Vanilla Modules

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The Button


Simon Says

Who's on First

Modded Modules

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Currently, no mod pages are done. Come back later, or help make them.

Custom Mods

Modloading: Simple Usage

Modloading: Layout

Modloading: Edgework

Modloading: Compiling and Releasing

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