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Installation and Proper Use

Tyler Flowers edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 5 revisions


To install, go to the releases page, click on Assets, and download the RAR file.

An image showing how to install a RAR file from the releases

If you want to, you can also build a release file yourself. For instructions on how to do that, please refer to this page.


To launch, simply unpack the RAR file into a folder of your choice and launch the EXE file. If your anti-virus software detects that the file is a virus, it's a false-positive. This is because EXE files need to be "signed" and, despite the best of my abilities, I can't figure out how to do that. If you would like to help, please feel free to contact me.

If the EXE won't launch or you're on an OS that isn't Windows, you can use the .jar file instead. The Java version required is 1.8.0+.

NOTE: This program has only been tested on Windows 10 and it might not work.


In order to properly use KAaNE, first you need to set the bomb settings before anything. This is essential because most modules need what's called "edgework". After that, you can properly start to go on to whatever module you want to work on.

General Usage

Installation and Proper Usage

Building a release file

Bomb Settings

Vanilla Modules

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The Button


Simon Says

Who's on First

Modded Modules

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Currently, no mod pages are done. Come back later, or help make them.

Custom Mods

Modloading: Simple Usage

Modloading: Layout

Modloading: Edgework

Modloading: Compiling and Releasing

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