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Jocelyn Beedie edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 5 revisions


Rotshapes are used for objects that always face the camera, such as the collectible Neutrons in Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.


struct RotShape {
    TransformationHeader transform;
    uint32_t unknown4; // Always 1, might correlate with number of 'unknown5'?
    Vector3 unknown5;
    uint32_t unknown6; // Always 1, might correlate with number of 'unknown7'?
    float uknown7; // Always 0.0
    uint32_t unknown8; // Always 2, might correlate with number of 'size'?
    Vector3 size[2];
    uint32_t unknown9; // Always 4, might correlate with number of 'texcoords'?
    Vector2 texcoords[4]; // Always {{0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}
    uint32_t unknown10; // Always 1, might correlate with number of 'materialanim_id'?
    int32_t materialanim_id; // Animated material ID
    uint16_t billboard_mode;

The size components represent how big the RotShape is. The z value of both size components is always 0.0. A common value for the size component is {{-1, 1, 0}, {1, -1, 0}}, which means that the top-left corner is at {-1, 1, 0} and the bottom-right corner is at {1, -1, 0}.

Billboard mode

The billboard_mode can have one of two values.

Value Name Usage
0 Y-Billboard The sprite's Y rotation will be adjusted so that it faces the camera. Viewing the sprite from the top or bottom will break the illusion.
1 Complete Billboard The sprite will rotate so that it faces the camera.
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