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Jocelyn Beedie edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 1 revision


These are small little files that are associated with NODE files. They have the same format as TXT files, and are used to apply special properties to nodes.

Common values

value purpose
1 A common flag used to mark certain nodes; purpose is unknown.
FortuneTeller Used to mark a node as a fortune teller; only used once by Jimmy Neutron
FuelCan used to mark a node as a fuel can; only used once by Jimmy Neutron
Glasses Used to mark a node as glasses; used three times in Jimmy Neutron
PaulSucks Unsure, but I feel bad for Paul. Used only once in Jimmy Neutron
TETHER_DIST x Used to mark a tether distance; x can be any decimal number, but '2', '3', '4.5', '5', '5.5', '6', '7', and '8' are the only values that are used. Used only in Jimmy Neutron
Tunnel_door01 Unsure. Used only once in Jimmy Neutron
blue used to mark neutron particles as blue. Used only once in Jimmy Neutron
red used to mark neutron particles as red. Used only once in Jimmy Neutron
NO_STAND_ON Used to mark a node as not being able to be walked on, and forces the player to slide off. Used only in Revenge of the Flying Dutchman.
UNCOLLIDE Used to mark a node as not being collidable. Used only in Revenge of the Flying Dutchman.
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