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Releases: JohnnyMorganz/luau-lsp


02 Mar 10:45
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[1.40.0] - 2025-03-01


  • Added configuration luau-lsp.types.disabledGlobals to support removing globals from the main scope for analysis.
    Accepts a list of libraries or library methods (e.g., table, string.split,
    etc.) (#888)


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.663
  • Improved error reporting when the studio plugin server in VSCode fails to start up (typically due to port already in use) (#936)


  • Fixed an issue where lint warnings would suddenly disappear when typing characters / saving a file, and only reappear
    after further edits
  • Autocompleting a table property that matches a keyword will now autocomplete correctly with braces (i.e., t.then ->
    t["then"]) (#937)

External Contributions

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.39.2...1.40.0


15 Feb 11:26
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[1.39.2] - 2025-02-15


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.661


  • Fixed unintended bump of minimum supported macOS version in 1.39.0 to macOS 14. The language server binary supports a minimum version of macOS 10.15
  • Single-line documentation comments (---) now correctly preserve newlines (#917).
  • Fixed stack-use-after-free crash in sourcemap definition magic functions when the new solver is
    enabled (#928)


15 Feb 10:46
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[1.39.1] - 2025-02-08


  • Fixed server failing to start up due to attempting to run an invalid path as the server binary


08 Feb 20:04
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[1.39.0] - 2025-02-08


  • Added configuration luau-lsp.server.path (default: "") which allows the use of locally installed luau-lsp binaries. (#897)
  • Auto-import require path information is added in CompletionItem.labelDetails.description as well as just in
  • In VSCode, the opening brace { character will be automatically closed with a } character when completed within an interpolated string. This occurs when the { character is typed just before whitespace or a ` character (#916).
  • Added support for Luau's fragment autocomplete system. This can be enabled by configuring luau-lsp.completion.enableFragmentAutocomplete (default: false). This incremental system can lead to performance improvements when autocompleting.
  • The luau-lsp.ignoreGlobs and luau-lsp.types.definitionFiles configuration from a settings JSON file will now be
    applied when running luau-lsp analyze --settings file.json on the command
    line (#892)


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.660


  • Fixed erroneous unknown notificated method: $/plugin/full message in logs even though plugin message was handled
  • Linux ARM releases are now built on arm-based GitHub runners, and hence should support Linux ARM properly

External Contributions

  • Fix Types for Faces and Axes datatypes by @Barocena in #912
  • fix: return value in Roblox platform notification handler by @lopi-py in #910
  • Add server path configuration option to the VSCode extension by @cswimr in #897
  • feat: add require path in labelDetails.description by @lopi-py in #915
  • Load ignore globs and definition files from settings file by @Stefanuk12 in #894

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.38.1...1.39.0


12 Jan 13:35
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[1.38.1] - 2025-01-12


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.656


28 Dec 15:42
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[1.38.0] - 2024-12-28


  • Auto-import requires will now show the require path in the details section rather than just "Auto-import". This will
    help to disambiguate between multiple modules with the same name but at different
    paths. (#593)
  • Added configuration luau-lsp.inlayHints.hideHintsForErrorTypes (default: false) to configure whether inlay hints
    should be shown for types that resolve to an error type (#711)
  • Added configuration luau-lsp.inlayHints.hideHintsForMatchingParameterNames (default: true) to configure whether
    inlay hints are shown where a variable name matches the
    parameter (#779)
  • Find all references of a returned function / table in a module will now return all cross-module
    references (#879)
  • Go To Definition inside of a require call will now lead to the required file, similar to Document Link. This is useful
    for editors that do not support Document Link (#612)
  • The recursive parameter in game:FindFirstChild("ClassName", true) is now supported for DataModel awareness. We
    recursively find the closest descendant based on BFS (#689)
  • We now attach a semantic token modifier to usages of self in non-colon function definitions (i.e.
    function, ...)) if self is the first
    argument (#456)


  • The server no longer computes relatedDocuments in a textDocument/diagnostic request unnecessarily if the client
    does not support related documents
  • Go To Definition on a cross-module function reference will now only resolve to the function definition, rather than
    also including the require statement
    local func = require( (#878).
  • Overhauled the globbing mechanism leading to significant performance improvements in indexing, workspace diagnostics,
    and auto suggest requires, removing globbing as a bottleneck. Some results in example codebases ranging from 190 to
    1900 KLoC:
    • Initial indexing: ~3.32x to ~7.1x speedup (43.60s -> 13.12s and 9.42s ->
      1.33s) (#829)
    • Workspace diagnostics: ~2.39x to ~4.75x speedup (164.93s -> 69.07s and 8.49s ->
    • Auto-suggest requires: ~4.77x speedup (1.15s ->
      0.24s) (#749)
    • These improvements heavily depend on the amount of code you have matching ignore globs. Workspace diagnostics
      improvements depends on the performance of Luau typechecking.


  • Fixed isIgnoredFile check failing due to mismatching case of drive letter on Windows (#752)
  • Fixed luau-lsp analyze --ignore GLOB not ignoring files matching the glob if the files are within one of the
    provided directories (#788)
  • Fixed production VSCode extension failing to find server binary when debugging another VSCode extension (#644)
  • The Studio Plugin settings configuration is now stored in TestService instead of AnalyticsService to allow it to persist across sessions (#738)
  • The Studio Plugin now correctly sends updates to the language server when an instance changes name or ancestry hierarchy (#636)
  • Fixed Studio Plugin leaking Instance connections after disconnecting from server

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.37.0...1.38.0


14 Dec 15:34
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[1.37.0] - 2024-12-14


  • The VSCode extension now registers a JSON schema for .luaurc files, providing simple diagnostics and intellisense (#850)


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.655


  • Fixed luau-lsp analyze --settings=... crashing when a malformed settings JSON file is provided. Now, it will print the json error and continue assuming the settings did not exist
  • Fixed regression in require by string autocompletion failing to correctly autocomplete files under directories (#851)
  • Autocompletion in string requires will now show aliases in their original case defined in .luaurc, rather than all lowercased


30 Nov 13:50
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[1.36.0] - 2024-11-30


  • luau-lsp.require.fileAliases and luau-lsp.require.directoryAliases are now deprecated in favour of aliases in .luaurc files. These settings will be removed in a future version.


  • Added a setting to enable the new solver without having to tinker with FFlags: luau-lsp.fflags.enableNewSolver.
  • Support parsing and resolving aliases coming from .luaurc files in module resolution and autocomplete
  • Added two configuration options luau-lsp.diagnostics.pullOnChange and luau-lsp.diagnostics.pullOnSave to configure when document diagnostics updates for a file (default: true)


  • workspace/diagnostic call is ~98% faster when luau-lsp.diagnostics.workspace is disabled on large projects (#826)
  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.653


10 Nov 13:23
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[1.35.0] - 2024-11-10


  • Removed luau-lsp.require.mode in preparation for Luau's new require by string semantics. The default is now relative to the file the require is from.


  • Added bracket pairs colorization for <> for generic types
  • Added configuration option luau-lsp.sourcemap.sourcemapFile to specify a different name to use for the sourcemap
  • A function call on a table with a __call metamethod will now show Signature Help and documentation (#724)
  • We now warn about non-alphanumeric FFlag names, and trim any leading/trailing whitespace in FFlag configuration on the VSCode extension (#648)


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.650


  • Fixed autocompletion, type registration, hover types/documentation, and some crashes for cases where the new solver is enabled
  • Fixed the refinement for typeof(inst) == "Instance" since Object became the root class type (#814)
  • Fixed inlay hints incorrectly showing for first parameter in static function when the function is called as a method (with :) (#766)
  • Fixed bracket pair completion breaking inside of generic type parameter list (#741)
  • Don't show aliases after a directory separator is seen in require string autocompletion (#748)
  • Fixed crashing of overload resolution in signature help when new solver is enabled (#823)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.34.0...1.35.0


27 Oct 17:05
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Note: this release includes a fix for the new Roblox type definitions. Old versions of the Language Server will crash when the types are updated.

[1.34.0] - 2024-10-27


  • Sync to upstream Luau 0.649


  • Fixed internal handling of Roblox datatypes segfaulting due to introduction of "Object" class