Commit(s): JuliaLang/julia@36effbe10aaaf4bccf84a0aec95240b9d67774f8 vs JuliaLang/julia@d5a83678c58097dc552982f7301ca8110b622863
Triggered By: link
Package Selection: ALL
Daily Job: 2020-10-02 vs 2020-10-02
In total, 4370 packages were tested, out of which 2375 succeeded, 1446 failed and 549 were skipped.
8 packages failed tests only on the current version.
Package has test failures:
- AdversarialPrediction v0.1.1 vs. AdversarialPrediction v0.1.1 (successful)
- DataDrivenDiffEq v0.4.0 vs. DataDrivenDiffEq v0.4.0 (successful)
- InformationGeometry v1.0.2 vs. InformationGeometry v1.0.2 (successful)
- LightGraphs v1.3.3 vs. LightGraphs v1.3.3 (successful)
- Pathogen v0.4.12 vs. Pathogen v0.4.12 (successful)
- Reactive v0.8.3 vs. Reactive v0.8.3 (successful)
- VoronoiDelaunay v0.4.0 vs. VoronoiDelaunay v0.4.0 (successful)
Test duration exceeded the time limit:
- KrylovKit v0.5.2 vs. KrylovKit v0.5.2 (successful)
1438 packages failed tests on the previous version too.
Package does not have any tests:
- AD4SM v0.0.1
- ADSeismic v0.3.0
- ARFFFiles v0.1.0
- AbstractStorage v1.0.0
- Absynth v0.3.1
- Adjacently v0.1.0
- Alert v0.2.0
- AlertPushover v0.1.0
- Ant v0.1.0
- BERT v0.1.0
- BatchIterators v1.0.0
- BigG v0.1.0
- BigMacro v0.1.2
- BioParticleSimulation v0.0.3
- BlockBootstrap v0.2.0
- CBSOData3 v0.1.0
- CVortex v0.1.2
- CapacityExpansionData v0.1.0
- Ccluster v0.1.1
- ChordalGraph v0.1.0
- ConjGrad v0.1.0
- ConjugateGradientMethod v0.1.0
- CornerPlot v0.0.1
- CurricularVisualization v0.1.4
- DBnomics v0.2.0
- DFTforge v1.1.2
- DactParser v0.1.0
- DashCoreComponents v1.12.0
- DashHtmlComponents v1.1.1
- DashTable v4.10.1
- DecentralizedInternet v0.1.0
- Dubins3D v0.1.0
- DynamicTerminal v0.1.0
- EasyFit v0.4.1
- EasyPlotting v0.1.0
- Edlib v0.1.1
- FastActivations v1.0.0
- Firestore v0.1.0
- FourierAnalysis v1.1.0
- FourierSeries v0.2.0
- FranklinTemplates v0.7.3
- FredApi v0.2.0
- GPLinearODEMaker v0.1.0
- GenieAuthentication v0.4.0
- GenomicMaps v0.1.2
- GigaScatter v0.1.2
- Hanabi v0.1.2
- Hawkes v0.1.0
- HigherOrderDerivatives v0.1.0
- HubCLI v0.1.0
- IJuliaBell v0.0.1
- InteractiveViz v0.1.3
- JqData v0.2.0
- JuDocTemplates v0.3.2
- KmerAnalysisMakie v0.2.3
- Kwant v0.1.0
- LTWA v0.1.0
- LabJack v0.0.1
- LaguerreVoronoi v0.1.2
- Lathe v0.1.1
- LiBr v0.2.0
- LittleManComputer v0.1.0
- LorentzDrudeMetals v0.1.0
- MCMCDebugging v0.1.3
- MTBroadcast v1.0.0
- MemoryMutate v0.0.4
- Microwaves v0.1.0
- MixFit v0.1.1
- ModularFormsModuloTwo v1.0.0
- MofonBase v0.1.0
- MultiFloats v0.4.0
- Namtso v0.1.0
- NormalMaps v0.1.0
- Numerics v0.2.0
- Numssp v0.1.3
- OMRemote v2.10.0
- ORCA v0.5.0
- OpenColor v0.1.0
- OpenPixelControl v0.1.1
- ParallelMapReduce v0.0.1
- PlutoUI v0.6.5
- PosDefManifold v0.4.8
- ProbabilityBoundsAnalysis v0.1.1
- Problox v0.1.0
- Pyrox v0.1.0
- S2TwTrans v0.1.1
- SearchLightMySQL v0.4.1
- SearchLightPostgreSQL v0.2.2
- SearchLightSQLite v0.4.0
- SeisPlot v0.1.0
- SententialDecisionDiagrams v0.1.0
- ShapeFactory v0.1.0
- Skyler v0.1.1
- SmoothLivePlot v0.1.0
- SnoopCompileAnalysis v1.7.2
- SnoopCompileCore v2.1.1
- SpikingNNFunctions v0.2.0
- SpinnakerGUI v0.1.4
- StackedHourglass v0.1.3
- StaticWebPages v0.2.4
- Synthesizer v0.1.0
- TopicModelsVB v1.5.1
- Trebuchet v0.2.1
- Tui4jl v0.1.0
- UHDBindings v0.1.1
- USDAQuickStats v0.1.1
- UnsafePointers v0.3.1
- Vcov v0.4.0
- VersatileHDPMixtureModels v0.1.0
- Vortice v0.1.0
- WavesAndEigenvalues v0.1.2
- WebToys v0.1.3
- XDGSpec v0.1.0
- XSteam v0.3.0
- mlpack v3.4.1
Package is using an unknown package:
- ADCMEKit v0.2.3
- AdjacentFloats v0.1.0
- Algencan v0.3.3
- AltDistributions v0.2.0
- AtariAlgos v0.0.2
- AutoLandmarking v0.1.0
- AvailablePotentialEnergyFramework v0.0.1
- BackwardsLinalg v0.1.1
- BioTools v1.0.0
- BoltzmannMachinesPlots v1.0.0
- BranchAndPrune v0.1.0
- CSSUtil v0.1.1
- Catsay v0.2.0
- ChangePointDetection v1.2.0
- ChpSim v0.1.0
- CrystalOrientations v0.1.0
- CuthillMcKee v0.1.0
- DiffEqMonteCarlo v1.0.0
- Dijkstra v0.1.0
- DoubleEnded v0.1.0
- DutyCycles v0.1.0
- DynamicIterators v0.4.1
- ElectricalEngineering v0.4.6
- GPFlux v0.1.0
- GoogleCloudObjectStores v0.1.0
- GradientBoosting v1.0.0
- HackerNews v0.1.0
- HardSphereDynamics v0.1.1
- HttpCommon v0.5.0
- ICOADSDict v0.1.0
- ImageSegmentationEvaluation v1.0.0
- JLFzf v0.1.2
- Jacobi v0.4.2
- LocalFunctionApproximation v1.1.0
- LocallyCompetitive v0.1.0
- LowRankModels v1.0.2
- Lyra v0.1.0
- MCAnalyzer v0.1.0
- MUMPS v1.0.0
- MatrixImpute v0.3.1
- Mazes v0.1.2
- MeCab v0.2.0
- MemoryBasedCF v0.1.1
- Merly v0.2.1
- MicrostructureNoise v0.11.0
- MultivariateStats v0.7.0
- Neo4jBolt v1.0.1
- OMJulia v0.1.0
- ONNX v0.1.1
- ObjectDetector v0.1.11
- PairAsPipe v0.1.1
- ParSpMatVec v0.1.1
- ParserCombinator v2.0.0
- PiCraft v0.3.0
- PlanarConvexHulls v0.3.0
- QNaNs v0.3.1
- QuantumInformation v0.4.6
- QuartzImageIO v0.7.3
- ROCAnalysis v0.3.1
- Retriever v1.0.0
- SeisReconstruction v0.1.0
- SenseHat v0.3.0
- SimpleGraphAlgorithms v0.4.6
- SimpleLife v0.1.0
- SimulatedAnnealing v0.1.0
- SnoopCompileBot v1.7.2
- SpectralEnvelope v1.2.0
- StaticOptim v0.2.0
- StatsKit v0.3.0
- SteadyStateDiffEq v1.5.1
- StemCellModels v0.1.0
- StorageGraphs v0.3.2
- StringCases v0.1.0
- SurfaceTopology v0.1.0
- TSAnalysis v0.1.4
- Tachyons v0.2.0
- TakagiFactorization v0.1.0
- TextAnalysis v0.6.0
- TrackingHeaps v0.1.0
- Trajectories v0.2.2
- UnicodePlots v1.3.0
- Unitary v0.1.0
- WaterFlows v0.1.0
- Web3 v0.2.3
- XGrad v0.2.0
- XXhash v0.7.0
- YaoQASM v0.1.0
There were unidentified errors:
- AMDGPU v0.2.0
- AMDGPUnative v0.3.2
- AMQPClient v0.3.0
- ASDF v1.1.3
- AWS v1.12.0
- AWSCore v0.6.15
- AWSSQS v0.6.4
- AbstractIndices v0.1.1
- AdaptiveDistanceFields v0.1.0
- Adversarial v0.1.1
- Alpaca v0.0.2
- Alpine v0.1.15
- AndersonMoore v0.1.0
- AppleAccelerate v0.3.1
- ApproximateBayesianComputing v0.0.2
- ArbFloats v0.3.2
- ArrayAllez v0.0.6
- Arrowhead v1.0.0
- AstroImages v0.2.0
- Atmosphere
- AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
- AzStorage v1.0.0
- BARON v0.6.5
- BHAtp v1.0.5
- Backtester v0.1.6
- BayesianLinearRegressors v0.2.1
- BayesianOptimization v0.2.3
- BayesianTools v0.0.1
- BetaML v0.3.0
- BetterExp v0.1.0
- BifurcationKit v0.1.1
- BinDeps v1.0.1
- BinaryBuilder v0.2.6
- BinaryBuilderBase v0.4.1
- Binscatters v0.1.0
- BioMakie v0.1.0
- BioMedQuery v0.6.6
- Bioinformatics
- BliContractor v1.0.0
- Blink v0.12.3
- Bootstrap v2.2.0
- BotCoreLCMTypes v0.3.0
- BritishNationalGrid v0.3.1
- CDCS v0.1.2
- CFITSIO v1.0.0
- CLBlast v0.2.0
- CMBLensing v0.3.0
- CMPFit v0.3.0
- CMPlot v1.0.0
- COBRA v0.3.2
- CORBITS v1.0.1
- CPLEX v0.6.6
- CQLdriver v0.9.5
- CSFML v0.1.1
- CUDAatomics v0.4.0
- Cameras v0.3.0
- CancerSeqSim v0.2.0
- CatmullClark v0.0.1
- CausalityTools v0.7.0
- Circuitscape v5.7.1
- ClearStacktrace v0.2.2
- CloudGraphs v0.1.2
- CloudSeis v1.0.0
- ColorSchemeTools v1.1.0
- Coluna v0.3.1
- CombinedParsers v0.1.4
- Comonicon v0.9.0
- ComoniconGUI v0.1.0
- Complementarity v0.7.2
- CompoundPeriods v0.4.0
- ConditionalJuMP v0.1.0
- ConicBenchmarkUtilities v0.4.0
- ConicNonlinearBridge v0.2.1
- CopositiveAnalyticCenter v0.1.2
- Crazyflie v0.1.0
- CrossMappings v0.4.0
- Cthulhu v1.2.2
- DCCA v1.2.0
- DDR2import v0.1.1
- DSGE v1.1.6
- DaggerGPU v0.1.0
- DataArrays v0.7.0
- DataKnots v0.10.1
- DataTypesBasic v1.0.0
- DatasetsCF v0.3.1
- DemeNet v0.1.3
- DependenciesParser v0.2.0
- DevIL v0.5.0
- Devito v0.1.0
- DiffEqPDEBase v0.4.0
- DiffEqTutorials v0.7.0
- DiracNotation v0.1.0
- DiscretePersistentHomologyTransform v1.0.0
- DiskDataProviders v0.1.0
- Ditherings v0.1.0
- DocumentationGenerator v0.3.8
- DrakeLCMTypes v0.2.0
- DrakeVisualizer v0.4.0
- DynamicHMCModels v2.0.3
- EchelleInstruments v0.1.0
- EcoBase v0.1.3
- EdgeCameras v0.1.0
- Eirene v1.3.5
- ElasticFDA v0.5.2
- ElectronTests v0.1.11
- EllipsisNotation v0.4.0
- Elly v0.4.0
- EntropicCone v0.0.1
- Erdos v0.7.0
- ExoplanetsSysSim v1.0.1
- ExpectationStubs v0.3.0
- FCA v0.2.4
- FEMBase v0.3.1
- FEMBasis v0.3.1
- FEMBeam v0.3.1
- FEMMaterials v0.1.1
- FEniCS v0.4.0
- FFAST v2.0.1
- FFmpegPipe v1.0.2
- FITSIO v0.16.2
- FLANN v1.0.1
- FastRecurFlux v0.1.6
- Fermi v0.1.0
- FieldDocTables v0.1.0
- FieldMetadata v0.3.0
- FiniteDiff v2.7.0
- FirstOrderSolvers v0.2.0
- FixedEffectModels v1.3.0
- Fjage v0.1.0
- FlexibilityAnalysis v0.1.0
- FluxJS v0.2.0
- FluxUtils v0.1.5
- FocusedBlindDecon v2.6.4
- Formatting v0.4.1
- FortranFiles v0.6.0
- FoundationDB v0.1.0
- FstFileFormat v0.1.2
- FusionSystems v0.1.0
- FwiFlow v0.2.0
- GAMS v0.1.3
- GAPTypes
- GCMAES v0.1.18
- GDAL v1.1.4
- GLMakie v0.1.11
- GPMLj v0.0.1
- GPnet v0.0.1
- GR v0.52.0
- GameZero v0.1.2
- GaussianMixtureTest v0.1.1
- GaussianProcesses v0.12.1
- GeoArrays v0.3.2
- GeoMakie v0.1.14
- GeohashHilbert v0.1.0
- GeometricIntegratorsDiffEq v0.1.0
- GitCommand v1.1.0
- Gloria v0.2.1
- GoogleSheetsCSVExporter v0.1.1
- Granular
- Graphs v0.10.3
- Gurobi v0.8.1
- Gym v1.1.4
- H5SectionsArrays v0.7.0
- HSARuntime v0.3.0
- HTTPClient v0.2.1
- Harlequin v0.1.0
- Healpix v2.3.0
- HeatTransfer v0.3.1
- HighLevelTypes v0.0.2
- HigherOrderNetworks v0.1.0
- Hive v0.3.0
- Homebrew v0.7.1
- Hyperscript v0.0.3
- IPython v0.5.0
- ImagePhaseCongruency v0.1.0
- ImageView v0.10.9
- Immerse v0.1.1
- IndexableBitVectors v1.0.0
- InfoZIP v0.2.0
- InfrastructureSensing
- InstantiateFromURL v0.5.0
- Instruments v0.2.0
- Intan v0.1.1
- InteractiveFixedEffectModels v1.1.0
- IonBase v0.3.5
- IonCLI v0.8.1
- JSCall v0.2.0
- JSONLines v2.0.0
- JSServe v0.6.10
- JuMPChance v0.5.0
- JuMPeR v0.6.0
- Judycon v0.1.0
- JuliaBerry v0.1.0
- JuliaFEM v0.5.1
- JuliaKara v0.3.0
- JuliaPetra v0.2.0
- JuliennedArrays v0.2.2
- KDEstimation v0.1.0
- KNITRO v0.9.2
- KnetLayers v0.2.0
- KnetOnnx v0.1.0
- Knockout v0.2.4
- LCMCore v0.6.1
- LCMGL v0.1.0
- LRSLib v0.5.0
- LSPNeovim v0.1.0
- LanguageServer v3.2.0
- LaplaceBIE v0.1.0
- LazySets v1.37.10
- Levenshtein v0.2.0
- LibFTD2XX v0.4.0
- LibSndFile v2.3.0
- LifeTable v0.2.3
- LightGraphsExtras v0.3.0
- Lints v0.4.1
- LoadTensorDecompositions v0.2.0
- LocalRegistry v0.3.0
- MATLAB v0.7.3
- MATLABDiffEq v0.3.3
- MFrontInterface v0.2.0
- MIPVerify v0.2.3
- MLInterpret v0.1.3
- MLJBase v0.15.2
- MLSuite v0.1.9
- MXNet v1.5.0
- MackeyGlass
- Mads v0.10.8
- Makie v0.11.1
- MakieThemes v0.0.2
- Marconi v0.1.0
- MassInstallAction v0.1.0
- Match v1.1.0
- MathLink v0.3.1
- MathOptFormat v0.4.0
- MathPhysicalConstants v0.0.5
- MatrixOptim v0.1.0
- Maxima v0.1.2
- Memcache v0.3.1
- Metida v0.1.2
- Microeconometrics v0.6.0
- Miletus v1.0.0
- MirrorUpdater v0.3.0
- MirroredArrayViews
- ModernGL v1.1.2
- MoistThermodynamics v0.1.0
- MolecularTrajectories v2.1.0
- MortarContact2D v0.3.1
- MortarContact2DAD v0.2.0
- MotionCaptureJointCalibration v0.3.0
- MultiDimEquations v1.0.0
- MultiJuMP v0.5.0
- MultiStochGrad v0.1.0
- MultivariateFunctions v0.1.7
- MultivariateSeries v0.1.2
- MySQL v1.1.2
- NCEI v1.1.1
- NES v0.1.1
- NIRX v0.1.4
- NLPModelsKnitro v0.4.2
- NLopt v0.6.0
- NLreg v0.2.0
- NMFk v0.7.13
- NNFEM v0.1.0
- NTFk v0.4.5
- NTNk v0.4.0
- NamedArrays v0.9.4
- NamedTuples v5.0.0
- NeXLCore v0.2.0
- NeXLMatrixCorrection v0.2.0
- NeXLSpectrum v0.2.0
- NetworkDynamics v0.4.0
- NewsAPI v0.1.0
- NonlinearEigenproblems v1.0.2
- Nuklear v0.1.1
- NumericalMethodsforEngineers v1.2.1
- ODBC v1.0.4
- OIFITS v0.4.0
- OOPMacro v0.4.0
- OhMyREPL v0.5.8
- Omega v0.1.1
- OmniSci v0.10.0
- Omniscape v0.4.2
- OpenCL v0.8.1
- OpenStreetMapPlotter v0.0.2
- OptiMimi v2.0.0
- Oracle v0.1.6
- PATHSolver v0.6.2
- PackageCompiler v1.2.1
- PaddedMatrices v0.1.12
- Pajarito v0.7.0
- Pandas v1.4.0
- Parametron v0.9.1
- PartialSvdStoch v0.1.0
- Pavito v0.2.0
- PeaceFounder v0.3.1
- PeaceVote v0.3.3
- PersistentHomologyTransfer v0.1.7
- Photon v0.2.0
- PhysicsInformedML v0.2.0
- PiGPIO v0.2.0
- PiecewisePolynomials v0.1.0
- PkgMirrors v1.3.0
- PkgUtils v0.5.0
- PlanarMaps v0.1.0
- Planets v0.4.1
- Plotly v0.3.0
- PlotlyJS v0.14.0
- PointBasedValueIteration v0.1.0
- PolynomialAmoebas v0.1.1
- PolynomialFactors v0.3.0
- PolynomialMatrices v0.2.1
- PolynomialZeros v0.3.0
- Poptart v0.3.2
- Porta v0.1.3
- PostgresCatalog v0.1.1
- PowerGraphics v0.5.4
- PredictMD v0.34.19
- PrettyPrinting v0.2.0
- PrincipalMomentAnalysisApp v0.2.4
- Proj4 v0.7.2
- PyCallUtils v0.2.2
- PyRhodium v0.1.0
- QuantReg v0.1.0
- QuantileRegressions v0.1.3
- QuasiNewtonMethods v0.1.1
- REPLCompletions v0.0.3
- REPLHistory v0.1.0
- REPLTetris v0.0.2
- REoptLite v0.3.0
- RHEOS v0.9.3
- ROCArrays v0.1.0
- RTLSDR v0.0.1
- Random123 v1.2.0
- RandomProjectionTree v0.1.0
- RayTraceEllipsoid v1.0.0
- RayTracer v0.1.3
- ReSHOP v0.1.1
- Readables v0.3.3
- RealNeuralNetworks v1.0.1
- RecipesPipeline v0.1.13
- Recruiters v0.1.2
- RedPitayaDAQServer v0.1.1
- Redis v1.0.0
- RegressionTables v0.4.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentAtari v0.2.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentClassicControl v0.2.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentDiscrete v0.2.2
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentGym v0.2.0
- ReplicateBE v1.0.11
- RepoSnapshots v0.3.0
- Reproject v0.3.0
- RequiredKeywords v0.1.1
- ResumableFunctions v0.5.1
- RevealedPreferences v0.1.0
- ReverseDiff v1.4.3
- RigidBodyTreeInspector v0.6.1
- RingBuffers v1.2.0
- RoMEPlotting v0.2.2
- RobotOS v0.7.2
- RunMyNotes v0.0.1
- RvSpectML v0.1.0
- SDPNAL v0.0.1
- SDPT3 v0.0.2
- SPHtoGrid v0.2.1
- SamplingInterdiction v0.1.1
- SeDuMi v0.2.1
- SearchLight v0.20.0
- SeisIO v1.1.0
- Serd v0.2.0
- SerialPorts v0.2.2
- SeriesAccelerators v0.2.2
- SimJulia v0.8.0
- SimilarityNetworkFusion v0.1.0
- SimpleContainerGenerator v2.0.0
- SimpleDifferentialOperators v0.6.1
- SimpleDirectMediaLayer v0.2.1
- SimpleSDMLayers v0.3.0
- Slack v0.1.1
- SliceMap v0.2.3
- SmolyakApprox v0.1.1
- SnakeGames v0.1.2
- Spark v0.5.0
- SpecialMatrices v1.0.0
- StagedFilters v0.1.0
- Stan v6.1.0
- StanMCMCChain
- StanModels v2.1.0
- StanVariational v2.1.0
- StandardMarketData v0.1.8
- StataCall v0.1.0
- StaticLint v4.5.0
- StatisticalRethinking v2.2.6
- StatsMakie v0.2.3
- Steganography v0.0.2
- StippleCharts v0.1.0
- StochasticIntegrals v0.3.0
- StrICU v1.0.0
- Strs v1.0.3
- StructDualDynProg v0.2.0
- StructuralCausalModels v0.1.3
- Swagger v0.2.4
- Symata v0.4.8
- SymbolServer v5.1.0
- SymbolicUtils v0.5.1
- SyntheticGrids v0.1.0
- TableReader v0.4.0
- TemporalGPs v0.3.3
- TensorFlow v0.11.0
- TextUserInterfaces v0.0.1
- ThArrays v0.2.0
- Thermodynamics v0.2.0
- TimesDates v0.2.6
- TuringMachine v0.1.0
- Twitter v0.8.1
- TypedCodeUtils v0.1.0
- UNet v0.2.0
- UnalignedVectors v0.0.2
- UncertainData v0.10.3
- Unicode_Entities v1.0.1
- UnitfulIntegration v0.1.0
- UnitlessFlatten v0.0.1
- UnivariateDensityEstimate v0.1.0
- VIDA v0.5.2
- ValueOrientedRiskManagementInsurance v1.0.0
- VariantVisualization v0.4.0
- VariationalInequality v0.2.0
- VectorizedRNG v0.1.13
- VerTeX v0.1.0
- ViZDoom v0.1.0
- Vimes v0.1.0
- Vinyl v0.2.0
- VirtualEnv v1.0.0
- VisualDL v0.1.1
- VoronoiFVM v0.8.7
- WGLMakie v0.2.9
- WORLD v0.6.1
- Watershed v0.7.0
- WebIO v0.8.14
- WeightsAndBiasLogger v0.5.0
- XDF v0.1.0
- XFloats v0.1.0
- XMLDict v0.4.1
- XPA v0.0.1
- XboxController v0.1.0
- Xpress v0.11.1
- Xtensor v0.8.2
- YahooFinance
- Yeppp v0.4.0
- ZOOclient v0.1.3
- deSolveDiffEq v0.1.0
- vOptSpecific v1.0.0
Package has test failures:
- AMRVW v1.1.0
- ASE v0.5.1
- AWSS3 v0.7.2
- AbstractGPs v0.2.10
- AbstractNumbers v0.2.1
- AbstractOperators v0.2.2
- AbstractTrees v0.3.3
- AcceleratedArrays v0.3.2
- AccurateArithmetic v0.3.5
- AcuteBenchmark v0.3.0
- AcuteML v0.10.2
- AdventOfCode v1.0.0
- AlgebraicPetri v0.4.1
- AlphaVantage v0.2.0
- Altro v0.2.0
- Amb v0.1.0
- AmplNLWriter v0.6.0
- Ansillary v0.1.0
- ApplicationBuilderAppUtils v0.1.2
- ApproximateComputations v0.3.3
- ArchGDAL v0.5.1
- ArgMacros v0.2.2
- ArgParse v1.1.0
- ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
- ArviZ v0.4.4
- AstroLib v0.4.0
- Atom v0.12.24
- AugmentedGaussianProcesses v0.8.4
- AutoMLPipeline v0.1.17
- AutoPreallocation v0.3.1
- AxisIndices v0.6.4
- AxisKeys v0.1.5
- BSON v0.2.6
- BSONqs v0.6.3
- BTCParser v0.1.0
- BandedMatrices v0.15.20
- BasicTextRender v0.1.0
- Batched v0.1.0
- BeaData v0.4.3
- Beauty v0.1.0
- BenchmarkCI v0.1.6
- BenchmarkTools v0.5.0
- Bijectors v0.8.6
- BinaryProvider v0.5.10
- BinningAnalysis v0.4.2
- BioAlignments v2.0.0
- BioEnergeticFoodWebs v1.1.2
- BiobakeryUtils v0.3.3
- BitFloats v0.0.3
- BitIntegers v0.2.4
- Blades v0.1.0
- BlobTracking v0.1.3
- BlockArrays v0.12.13
- BlockDiagonals v0.1.6
- Bonsai v0.1.0
- BoundedStreams v0.2.1
- Bridge v0.11.3
- BrkgaMpIpr v1.0.1
- BrokenRecord v0.1.0
- BufferedStreams v1.0.0
- BugReporting v0.1.3
- BytePairEncoding v0.1.1
- CAOS v0.1.2
- CDSAPI v0.1.0
- CSV v0.7.7
- CSVFiles v1.0.0
- CairoMakie v0.3.3
- CanDecomp v0.4.0
- CancerImagingArchive v1.1.0
- Cassette v0.3.3
- CatIndices v0.2.1
- CategoricalArrays v0.8.3
- Catlab v0.9.0
- Chemfiles v0.9.3
- Chess v0.3.0
- ChipSort v0.1.0
- CircoCore v0.2.0
- ClickHouse v0.2.0
- ClimateMachine v0.1.0
- ClimateModels v0.1.0
- CloudWatchLogs v1.2.1
- Cloudy v0.1.0
- ClustForOpt v0.4.2
- ClusterRunner v0.1.0
- Clustering v0.14.1
- CodeCosts v0.2.0
- CodeTracking v1.0.3
- CodecBGZF v0.1.0
- CombinatorialBandits v0.1.3
- CombineML v1.3.0
- CommonMark v0.6.4
- Compose v0.9.1
- ConditionalDists v0.4.3
- ConstrainedDynamicsVis v0.2.3
- ContinuousTransformations v1.0.0
- ContinuumArrays v0.3.3
- CorpusLoaders v0.3.1
- CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses v0.4.1
- Coulter v0.2.0
- CountdownLetters v0.1.1
- Coverage v1.1.1
- CoverageCore v0.1.0
- CoverageTools v1.1.0
- CurrentPopulationSurvey v1.0.4
- CurricularAnalytics v1.1.0
- CurveProximityQueries v0.1.5
- CustomUnitRanges v1.0.0
- DCEMRI v0.2.2
- DECAES v0.3.0
- DICOMClient v0.1.0
- DPClustering v0.1.0
- DPMMSubClusters v0.1.8
- Dagger v0.10.0
- DanceWebpack v0.2.0
- Darknet v0.3.0
- DataAPI v1.3.0
- DataConvenience v0.1.10
- DataDeps v0.7.2
- DataDepsGenerators v0.5.1
- DataFrames v0.21.7
- DataStreams v0.4.2
- DataValues v0.4.13
- Debugger v0.6.6
- DecFP v1.0.0
- DefaultArrays v1.0.1
- DelayDiffEq v5.24.2
- DemoCards v0.3.0
- DependentBootstrap v1.1.2
- Dictionaries v0.3.2
- DiffEqBiological v4.3.0
- DiffEqFlux v1.23.0
- DiffEqUncertainty v1.5.0
- DifferentialEvolutionMCMC v0.3.2
- DiffusionDefinition v0.1.0
- DimensionalData v0.12.1
- Discord v0.1.0
- DiscreteDifferentialGeometry v0.1.0
- DiscreteEvents v0.3.1
- DispatcherCache v0.1.2
- DistributedArrays v0.6.5
- DistributionsAD v0.6.9
- Divergences v0.2.0
- DocStringExtensions v0.8.3
- DocumenterTools v0.1.7
- DomainSets v0.4.1
- DotEnv v0.2.1
- DotNET v0.1.1
- DoubleFloats v1.1.13
- DrWatson v1.16.0
- DropboxSDK v1.0.0
- Dualization v0.3.2
- Duff v0.5.0
- DustExtinction v0.10.1
- DynamicAxisWarping v0.4.2
- DynamicGrids v0.10.6
- DynamicGridsInteract v0.3.3
- DynamicPPL v0.9.3
- DynamicPolynomials v0.3.13
- DynamicSparseArrays v0.2.4
- EchelleCCFs v0.1.0
- Econometrics v0.2.7
- Elfel v0.3.0
- Embeddings v0.4.2
- EnhancedGJK v0.4.0
- EquationsOfState v3.0.2
- Evolutionary v0.7.0
- ExcelFiles v1.0.0
- ExceptionUnwrapping v0.1.2
- Expectations v1.6.0
- ExperimentalDesign v0.1.0
- ExprTools v0.1.2
- Extremes v0.2.0
- FIGlet v0.2.1
- Fairness v0.2.0
- Faker v0.2.2
- FamaFrenchData v0.1.5
- FastIOBuffers v0.3.1
- FeedbackParticleFilters v0.2.0
- FieldProperties v0.6.0
- FileTrees v0.1.4
- FillArrays v0.9.6
- FinEtools v4.7.1
- Fire v0.1.0
- FixedPolynomials v0.4.0
- FloatingTableView v0.1.0
- Flux v0.11.1
- Flux3D v0.1.2
- ForecastEval v1.0.1
- Format v1.1.0
- ForwardDiff v0.10.12
- ForwardDiff2 v0.2.2
- Franklin v0.10.3
- FreeParameters v0.3.0
- FunctionOperators v0.2.3
- FunctionWrappers v1.1.1
- FunctionalCollections v0.5.0
- FunctionalStateMachine v0.2.9
- GCP v0.1.2
- GLM v1.3.10
- GNSSSignals v0.13.0
- GPUCompiler v0.7.3
- GPUifyLoops v0.2.9
- Gadfly v1.3.0
- GalacticOptim v0.2.2
- GaussianMixtures v0.3.2
- Gen v0.3.5
- GenTeX v1.0.0
- GenerativeModels v0.2.0
- Genie v1.3.0
- GeoData v0.2.0
- GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
- GeoStatsBase v0.13.0
- GeometricFlux v0.6.1
- GeometryBasics v0.3.1
- GeometryTypes v0.8.3
- GeostatInversion v0.4.1
- GetGene v0.1.0
- GigaSOM v0.5.1
- GpABC v0.1.0
- Graph500 v0.1.0
- HELICS v0.7.1
- HORIZONS v0.3.0
- HalfEdges v0.2.3
- Hamburg v0.1.2
- HawkesProcesses v0.1.2
- HeartRateVariability v1.0.0
- HierarchicalTemporalMemory v0.2.0
- HierarchicalUtils v1.1.0
- HomalgProject v0.5.4
- HomotopyContinuation v2.0.8
- HurdleDMR v1.3.0
- HydroRefStations v0.2.1
- Hydrographs v0.2.3
- HypothesisTests v0.10.0
- IPMeasures v0.2.0
- IPNets v0.6.0
- IRTools v0.4.1
- ISAData v0.1.0
- ITensors v0.1.23
- ImageCore v0.8.16
- ImageFiltering v0.6.15
- ImageMorphology v0.2.8
- Images v0.22.4
- Impute v0.5.1
- IncrementalInference v0.15.4
- IndependentComponentAnalysis v0.1.0
- IndexedTables v0.13.0
- IndividualDisplacements v0.2.0
- InfiniteArrays v0.8.2
- InfiniteLinearAlgebra v0.4.2
- InfiniteOpt v0.2.1
- Infinity v0.2.3
- InfrastructureSystems v0.15.6
- Interpolations v0.12.10
- Intervals v1.4.2
- Iris v0.3.0
- IterativeRefinement v0.2.0
- JLSO v2.3.3
- JSON3 v1.1.2
- Jaynes v0.1.25
- JellyMe4 v0.1.4
- Jolab v0.1.1
- JuMP v0.21.5
- JuliaFormatter v0.10.2
- JuliaGrid v0.0.4
- JuliaInterpreter v0.8.1
- JuliaManager v0.1.1
- JuliaZH v1.5.2
- JupyterParameters v0.1.2
- KCenters v0.2.2
- KVectors v0.1.0
- KernelAbstractions v0.4.3
- KernelFunctions v0.8.4
- KernelMachines v0.1.0
- KernelMethods v0.1.3
- Knet v1.4.2
- KongYiji v0.1.0
- KrigingEstimators v0.4.3
- KrigingModel v0.1.2
- LLLplus v1.2.8
- LPVSpectral v0.3.1
- LSHFunctions v0.1.2
- LargeMovieReviewDataset v0.1.0
- Lasso v0.5.2
- LassoPlot v1.1.0
- Latexify v0.14.0
- LatinHypercubeSampling v1.6.4
- LazyArrays v0.18.1
- LazyStack v0.0.7
- Lerche v0.1.0
- LibPQ v1.5.0
- LibSerialPort v0.4.0
- Libtask v0.4.1
- LightQuery v0.7.0
- Lilith v0.2.0
- LinQuadOptInterface v0.6.0
- LinearCovarianceModels v0.1.2
- LinearMapsAA v0.6.5
- LinuxPerf v0.2.0
- LogDensityProblems v0.10.3
- LogRoller v0.4.1
- LogicCircuits v0.2.0
- LowLevelFloatFunctions v0.1.0
- LowLevelParticleFilters v1.0.0
- MCMCBenchmarks v0.7.2
- MCMCChainSummaries v0.1.5
- MCMCDiagnostics v0.3.0
- MIPLearn v0.1.0
- MLDataPattern v0.5.3
- MLJFlux v0.1.3
- MLJLinearModels v0.5.1
- MLJModelInterface v0.3.5
- MLJModels v0.12.2
- MLJScientificTypes v0.3.0
- MLJScikitLearn v0.1.0
- MLJScikitLearnInterface v0.1.5
- MLLabelUtils v0.5.2
- MPI v0.15.1
- MagneticReadHead v0.3.0
- Manifolds v0.4.0
- MappedArrays v0.2.2
- MarketData v0.13.1
- MathOptInterface v0.9.17
- MathOptInterfaceMosek v0.5.2
- MathematicalPredicates v0.1.0
- MatrixDepot v0.8.0
- MatrixEquations v1.1.4
- MatrixFactorizations v0.6.0
- MatrixProfile v0.1.3
- Matte v0.2.0
- Measurements v2.3.0
- Memento v1.1.1
- MeshCat v0.12.0
- MeshCatMechanisms v0.7.1
- Metadata v0.2.0
- MicroLogging v0.4.0
- Mill v1.5.0
- Minesweeper v0.1.1
- MinimalRLCore v0.1.1
- Missings v0.4.4
- Mjolnir v0.2.1
- ModelSanitizer v0.3.0
- ModelicaScriptingTools v1.0.0
- Modia v0.3.0
- Modia3D v0.4.0
- ModiaMath v0.5.2
- MomentOpt v0.2.0
- Mongoc v0.6.1
- MonteCarloObservable v0.3.3
- MortalityTables v0.12.1
- MultiScaleArrays v1.8.1
- MultipleScattering v0.1.4
- MultipleTesting v0.4.1
- MultiplesOfPi v0.4.1
- MultivariatePolynomials v0.3.10
- Multivectors v0.2.1
- MusicXML v0.3.2
- MutableArithmetics v0.2.10
- NDTensors v0.1.14
- NFLTables v0.1.2
- NLIDatasets v0.2.0
- NNlib v0.7.4
- NamedPlus v0.0.5
- NearestNeighborDescent v0.3.2
- Neo4j v2.0.0
- NeuralArithmetic v1.0.3
- NeuralNetDiffEq v1.6.0
- NeuralPDE v2.3.0
- NeuralQuantumState v0.1.1
- NeuroCore v0.2.0
- NicePipes v0.1.2
- Notifier v0.3.0
- NumericIO v0.3.1
- OCReract v1.0.1
- OILMMs v0.1.0
- OMEinsum v0.3.2
- OSQP v0.6.0
- OceanTurb v0.3.3
- Octo v0.2.8
- Onda v0.10.0
- OnlinePackage v0.3.0
- Optim v1.2.0
- OptionalArgChecks v0.3.1
- OrderedCollections v1.3.1
- OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi v0.3.2
- OutputCollectors v0.1.0
- PNGFiles v0.3.1
- POMDPModelTools v0.3.2
- POMDPPolicies v0.4.0
- PaddedViews v0.5.5
- PalmerPenguins v0.1.1
- Pandoc v0.2.5
- ParameterHandling v0.2.0
- ParameterizedFunctions v5.6.0
- PhyloNetworks v0.12.0
- Pickle v0.2.0
- Pio3d v0.0.2
- PkgAuthentication v0.3.0
- PkgPage v0.3.2
- PkgSkeleton v0.4.0
- PlotAxes v0.2.7
- Pluto v0.11.14
- Polyhedra v0.6.7
- Polylogarithms v0.1.0
- Polynomials v1.1.9
- PotentialFlow v0.1.7
- PowerDynSolve v1.0.0
- PowerSystems v0.28.1
- PressureDrop v1.0.5
- PressureFieldContact v0.0.1
- PrettyPrint v0.2.0
- PrettyTables v0.9.1
- PriorityChannels v0.1.0
- ProfileSVG v0.1.3
- ProperOrthogonalDecomposition v1.0.0
- ProximalBase v0.3.0
- ProximalOperators v0.12.0
- PushVectors v0.2.1
- PyDSTool v0.6.1
- PyPlot v2.9.0
- PyVenvs v0.1.0
- Quadmath v0.5.4
- Quadrature v1.4.0
- QuantumClifford v0.1.0
- QuantumLattices v0.1.3
- QuantumOpticsBase v0.2.2
- QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit v0.2.1
- QuasiArrays v0.3.4
- Query v1.0.0
- RDatasets v0.6.10
- RLEVectors v0.9.4
- RandomBasedArrays v0.2.0
- RandomNumbers v1.4.0
- ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.3.0
- Rebugger v0.3.3
- RecurrenceAnalysis v1.2.0
- RecursiveArrayTools v2.7.1
- RecursiveFactorization v0.1.4
- ReferenceFrameRotations v0.5.6
- ReferenceTests v0.9.1
- RegistryCI v3.1.0
- ReinforcementLearning v0.6.0
- ReinforcementLearningCore v0.4.5
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironments v0.3.2
- ReinforcementLearningZoo v0.2.0
- RemoteSemaphores v0.2.0
- ReplMaker v0.2.3
- Reproduce v0.6.3
- ResourceBundles v0.1.0
- RestrictedBoltzmannMachines v0.4.4
- Revise v3.1.2
- RigidBodyDynamics v2.2.0
- RigidBodySim v1.3.0
- RoadRunner v0.1.0
- Rocket v1.3.1
- Rotations v1.0.1
- RoundingIntegers v0.2.0
- Run v0.1.0
- RuntimeGeneratedFunctions v0.3.2
- SIMDPirates v0.8.25
- SLEEFPirates v0.5.5
- SMC v0.1.11
- SMCExamples v0.6.0
- SMM v1.4.0
- SMTPClient v0.6.0
- SVR v0.8.2
- SalesForceBulkApi v0.0.6
- ScanDir v0.3.0
- Scats v0.2.2
- ScenTrees v0.3.0
- SchattenNorms v0.1.0
- Sched v0.1.1
- Scratch v1.0.3
- Scrypt v0.1.0
- SeasonalStreamflowForecasts v0.1.0
- SevenDayStreamflowForecasts v0.1.0
- Shapefile v0.6.2
- ShapesOfVariables v0.3.0
- SignalOperators v0.4.0
- SimpleMock v1.1.4
- Singular v0.4.1
- SkipLists v1.0.1
- Slacker v1.0.0
- SlidingDistancesBase v0.2.1
- SnakeIterator v0.1.0
- SnoopCompile v2.1.1
- SoilPlantAirContinuum v0.1.1
- SolverBenchmark v0.3.1
- SolverLogging v0.1.0
- Sonic v0.1.0
- SparseDiffTools v1.10.0
- SparseGaussianProcesses v0.1.0
- SparsityDetection v0.3.3
- SpatialEcology v0.9.6
- SpectralClustering v0.1.2
- SpectralDistances v0.1.10
- SphericalHarmonicArrays v0.4.1
- SpikingNN v0.1.0
- StanBase v2.1.0
- StanDiagnose v2.1.0
- StanMCMCChains v5.1.0
- StanOptimize v2.1.0
- StanRun v0.2.1
- StanSample v2.2.1
- StateSpaceModels v0.4.0
- StaticArrays v0.12.4
- StaticKernels v0.5.1
- StaticNumbers v0.3.3
- StaticRanges v0.8.1
- StaticUnivariatePolynomials v0.6.0
- StatsBase v0.33.1
- StatsModels v0.6.15
- Stheno v0.6.12
- StochasticBlockModel v0.1.0
- StochasticDiffEq v6.26.0
- StrFormat v1.0.0
- StructArrays v0.4.4
- StructDatabaseMapping v0.3.3
- StructJuMP v0.2.0
- Sundials v4.3.0
- SurrealNumbers v0.1.1
- Surrogates v1.3.0
- Survival v0.2.0
- SwapStreams v0.1.1
- SystemBenchmark v0.3.4
- TERMIOS v0.2.1
- TSML v2.5.7
- Taarruz v0.1.0
- TableIO v0.1.0
- TaylorModels v0.3.6
- TensorCast v0.3.1
- TensorDecompositions v1.1.3
- TensorKit v0.7.0
- TensorNetworkAD v0.1.0
- TerminalLoggers v0.1.2
- Tesseract v0.3.0
- TestReports v0.3.2
- TexTables v0.1.0
- TextClassification v0.2.2
- TextSearch v0.4.1
- TikzPictures v3.3.1
- TikzQTrees v0.1.1
- TimeAxes v0.4.0
- TimeSeries v0.19.1
- TimeSeriesClustering v0.5.3
- TimeSeriesInterface v0.1.0
- Traceur v0.3.1
- Tracker v0.2.12
- Tracking v0.13.0
- TrajectoryOptimization v0.3.2
- Transformers v0.1.7
- Trello v0.1.1
- Tricks v0.1.3
- Trixi2Img v0.2.0
- Trixi2Vtk v0.2.0
- Tullio v0.2.6
- Turf v0.2.0
- Turing v0.14.6
- TuringModels v1.0.5
- TypeSortedCollections v1.1.0
- TypedPolynomials v0.2.8
- TypedTables v1.2.0
- UMAP v0.1.7
- UnROOT v0.1.5
- UnetSockets v0.1.0
- Unfolding v0.1.2
- UrlDownload v0.3.0
- VQC v0.1.0
- ValidatedNumerics v0.11.0
- Variography v0.8.4
- VectorizationBase v0.12.33
- VegaDatasets v2.1.0
- VideoIO v0.8.1
- VisClaw v0.6.0
- VulkanCore v1.2.0
- WebDriver v0.1.1
- WebSockets v1.5.2
- WikiText v0.1.0
- Winston v0.15.0
- WordTokenizers v0.5.6
- WorldBankData v0.4.0
- XGBoost v1.1.1
- XPORTA v0.1.1
- XYZFiles v0.1.0
- YAXArrayBase v0.2.1
- YOLO v0.1.0
- YaoArrayRegister v0.7.2
- YaoBlocks v0.11.0
- YaoLang v0.3.0
- YaoSym v0.4.6
- Yota v0.4.1
- Zeros v0.2.2
- Zygote v0.5.8
- ZygoteStructArrays v0.1.0
- uCSV v0.1.3
Test duration exceeded the time limit:
- AbstractMCMC v2.1.0
- DataVoyager v1.0.0
- DirectGaussianSimulation v0.4.1
- Documenter v0.25.2
- Electron v3.1.1
- ElectronDisplay v1.0.1
- Elemental v0.6.0
- GroebnerBasis v0.1.0
- ImageInpainting v0.2.0
- ImageQuilting v0.11.0
- JuLIP v0.8.2
- Laplacians v1.2.0
- LightGBM v0.3.1
- MCMCChains v4.2.2
- Mimi v1.0.1
- Oscar v0.5.0
- Quante v0.1.0
- ScikitLearn v0.6.2
- SemidefiniteModels v0.1.1
Test log exceeded the size limit:
- AdvancedMH v0.5.3
- AnyMOD v0.1.4
- BilevelJuMP v0.3.2
- BilevelOptimization v0.2.2
- BirkhoffDecomposition v0.1.0
- BloomFilters v0.3.0
- BundleMethod v0.1.4
- CDDLib v0.6.2
- COSMO v0.7.5
- CSDP v0.6.1
- Callbacks v0.1.0
- Catalyst v5.1.0
- Cbc v0.7.1
- ClimateMARGO v0.1.2
- ClimateTools v0.22.0
- Clp v0.8.1
- ConstraintSolver v0.3.0
- Convex v0.13.7
- CutPruners v0.2.0
- DataEnvelopmentAnalysis v0.1.2
- DensityRatioEstimation v0.4.2
- DiffEqBayes v2.17.0
- DiffEqCallbacks v2.14.1
- DiffEqJump v6.10.1
- DiffEqSensitivity v6.32.1
- DifferentialEquations v6.15.0
- DiscreteFunctions v0.2.0
- DualDecomposition v0.1.1
- ECOS v0.12.1
- EfficientGlobalOptimization v0.1.0
- ErdosExtras v0.2.0
- Fri v0.1.1
- GLPK v0.14.2
- GasModels v0.8.2
- GasPowerModels v0.3.0
- GraphicalModelLearning v0.2.1
- GuessworkQuantumSideInfo v0.1.2
- InfrastructureModels v0.5.3
- Ipopt v0.6.3
- Juniper v0.6.4
- LatinSquares v0.3.0
- LightGraphsFlows v0.4.1
- LightGraphsMatching v0.2.0
- LinearFractional v0.7.3
- LoopVectorization v0.8.26
- MINLPTests v0.5.1
- MadNLP v0.1.0
- MaximinOPF v0.1.1
- ModelingToolkit v3.20.1
- MosekTools v0.9.4
- NaiveGAflux v0.7.1
- NaiveNASflux v1.5.0
- NaiveNASlib v1.3.0
- OPFSampler v0.1.0
- Oceananigans v0.40.0
- OpSel v0.1.0
- OptimKit v0.3.1
- OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.10
- ParameterJuMP v0.2.0
- PiecewiseLinearOpt v0.3.0
- PolyJuMP v0.4.1
- PolyhedralRelaxations v0.1.1
- PowerDynamics v2.4.0
- PowerModels v0.17.3
- PowerModelsACDC v0.3.3
- PowerModelsAnnex v0.6.1
- PowerModelsDistribution v0.9.2
- PowerModelsRestoration v0.5.0
- PowerModelsSecurityConstrained v0.7.0
- PowerSimulations v0.6.5
- PowerWaterModels v0.0.1
- ProxSDP v1.5.1
- QHull v0.2.1
- QuadraticToBinary v0.2.2
- RELOG v0.4.0
- RandomizedProgressiveHedging v0.1.0
- SCS v0.7.0
- SDDP v0.3.4
- SDPA v0.3.0
- SDPAFamily v0.2.0
- Seleroute v0.1.0
- SemidefiniteOptInterface v0.5.1
- SetProg v0.1.3
- SimplePosetAlgorithms v0.4.1
- StochDynamicProgramming v0.6.0
- StochasticPrograms v0.4.1
- Sudoku v0.1.0
- SwitchOnSafety v0.1.2
- TCX v0.1.1
- TrafficAssignment v0.6.3
- TravelingSalesmanExact v0.3.5
- Trixi v0.2.5
- Tulip v0.6.2
- UnbalancedOptimalTransport v0.2.0
- WaterModels v0.4.0
- sparseQFCA v0.6.0
- vOptGeneric v0.3.0
Package is missing a package dependency:
- AffineArithmetic v0.1.0
- Boltzmann v0.7.1
- CovarianceMatrices v0.9.1
- CrimsonDagger v0.1.0
- DFTK v0.1.11
- DistQuads v2.0.0
- DistributedFactorGraphs v0.10.5
- EAGO v0.2.1
- ImageHistogram v0.1.5
- InvariantCausalPrediction v0.1.0
- LinearAdjoints v0.1.0
- MakieGallery v0.2.17
- PiecewiseDeterministicMarkovProcesses v0.0.1
- PorousMaterials v0.2.0
- PowerDynBase v1.0.0
- PrairieIO v0.1.0
- SpatialJackknife v1.0.1
A segmentation fault happened:
- AprilTags v0.7.4
- Arrow v0.2.4
- CodeTransformation v0.1.0
- Enzyme v0.1.0
- ExtensibleUnions v0.5.1
- Feather v0.5.6
- FeatherLib v0.2.0
- GFlops v0.1.1
- GitHubActions v0.1.0
- PkgTemplates v0.7.10
- ProximalAlgorithms v0.4.0
- StratiGraphics v0.3.2
- TropicalYao v0.1.0
Package requires a missing binary dependency:
- ArrayFire v1.0.7
- BLPData v0.4.2
- CUDA v2.0.0
- CUDAdrv v6.3.0
- CUDAnative v3.2.0
- ClassImbalance v0.8.7
- CrystalInfoFramework v0.1.0
- CuArrays v2.2.2
- CuCountMap v0.1.1
- CuYao v0.2.5
- Cxx v0.4.0
- DSPopt v0.1.1
- DiffEqGPU v1.8.0
- Diversity v0.5.1
- Fatou v1.1.0
- GenomicVectors v0.4.1
- GmshTools v0.4.2
- HnswAnn v0.0.1
- ITK v0.1.0
- LibASICamera v0.1.0
- NIDAQ v0.5.0
- Phylo v0.4.3
- PhyloPlots v0.2.2
- Reduce v1.2.9
- ReduceAlgebra v0.1.0
- ReduceLinAlg v0.1.0
- SCIP v0.9.6
- Spot v0.1.0
- TSMLextra v0.2.0
- Torch v0.1.2
- VSL v0.2.0
- Wilkinson v0.1.0
- WinReg v0.3.1
Package has syntax issues:
- Bio v1.0.1
- CUDAapi v4.0.0
- ChunkedArrays v0.1.1
- DataFlow v0.5.0
- FEHM v0.2.0
- FunctionBarrier v0.1.3
- Monads v0.2.3
Package could not be installed:
An unreachable instruction was executed:
12 packages passed tests only on the current version.
- CellMLToolkit v1.0.0 vs. CellMLToolkit v1.0.0 (unsuccessful, test log exceeded the size limit)
- Diagonalizations v0.1.11 vs. Diagonalizations v0.1.11 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- JLD2 v0.2.2 vs. JLD2 v0.2.2 (unsuccessful, test log exceeded the size limit)
- JetPackDSP v1.0.0 vs. JetPackDSP v1.0.0 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- LabelledArrays v1.3.0 vs. LabelledArrays v1.3.0 (unsuccessful, test log exceeded the size limit)
- MPSKit v0.3.0 vs. MPSKit v0.3.0 (unsuccessful, test duration exceeded the time limit)
- PencilFFTs v0.9.0 vs. PencilFFTs v0.9.0 (unsuccessful, test duration exceeded the time limit)
- SecretSanta v0.2.0 vs. SecretSanta v0.2.0 (unsuccessful, test log exceeded the size limit)
- Tar vs. Tar (unsuccessful, test duration exceeded the time limit)
- ThreadPools v1.1.3 vs. ThreadPools v1.1.3 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- TimeToLive v0.3.0 vs. TimeToLive v0.3.0 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- YAActL v0.1.1 vs. YAActL v0.1.1 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
2363 packages passed tests on the previous version too.
- ACME v0.9.3
- ACTRModels v0.4.0
- ADCME v0.5.12
- ADI v0.3.1
- AES v0.1.2
- AIBECS v0.7.9
- AIControl v0.0.1
- ALFA v0.1.0
- AMD v0.4.0
- ANOVA v0.1.0
- ARCHModels v1.2.2
- ARFIMA v0.3.0
- ARules v0.0.2
- AWSSDK v0.5.0
- AbaqusReader v0.2.5
- AbstractAlgebra v0.10.0
- AbstractFFTs v0.5.0
- AbstractInstances v0.1.0
- AbstractLattices v0.2.1
- AbstractLogic v0.10.36
- AbstractPlotting v0.12.14
- AbstractRationals v0.1.0
- AbstractTensors v0.6.3
- AbstractWallets v0.1.1
- AbstractYieldMacros v0.1.0
- Actors v0.1.0
- ActuarialScience v0.1.1
- ActuaryUtilities v0.3.4
- Adapode v0.2.6
- Adapt v2.3.0
- AdaptiveFilters v0.1.0
- AdaptiveMCMC v0.1.1
- AdaptiveRejectionSampling v0.1.1
- AdaptiveResonance v0.1.0
- AddLatest v0.1.0
- AddPackage v0.1.0
- AdmittanceModels v0.2.0
- AdobeGlyphList v0.1.1
- AdvancedHMC v0.2.25
- AdvancedVI v0.1.0
- AffineInvariantMCMC v0.6.0
- Agents v3.7.1
- AgentsPlots v0.3.0
- AgnosticBayesEnsemble v0.1.6
- AhoCorasickAutomatons v0.3.0
- AirSeaFluxes v0.1.1
- AlgebraOfGraphics v0.1.2
- AlgebraResultTypes v0.2.0
- AlgebraicDecisionDiagrams v0.1.0
- AlgebraicMultigrid v0.3.0
- AlgebraicRelations v0.1.0
- AlignedBinaryFormat v0.6.1
- AllanDeviations v0.2.0
- AlphaShapes v0.1.0
- AlphaStableDistributions v1.0.0
- AmplNLReader v0.8.1
- Anasol v0.6.0
- Andes v0.1.0
- AndorSIF v0.1.0
- AngleBetweenVectors v0.3.0
- Animations v0.4.1
- AntColony v0.1.1
- AppliGeneralLedger v0.1.0
- AppliSales v0.1.2
- ApplicationBuilder v0.4.0
- ApproxBayes v0.3.2
- ApproxFun v0.12.2
- ApproxFunBase v0.3.9
- ApproxFunFourier v0.2.5
- ApproxFunOrthogonalPolynomials v0.3.5
- ApproxFunRational v0.1.0
- ApproxFunSingularities v0.2.0
- ApproxManifoldProducts v0.1.4
- ApproximationAnalysis v0.1.0
- Aqua v0.5.0
- ArbNumerics v1.2.1
- Arbitrary v0.2.2
- ArcadeLearningEnvironment v0.2.3
- ArgCheck v2.1.0
- ArgTools
- ArgoData v0.1.4
- ArnoldiMethodTransformations v0.1.3
- Arpack v0.4.0
- ArrayInterface v2.13.3
- ArrayLayouts v0.4.8
- ArraysOfArrays v0.5.0
- AsmMacro v0.1.0
- AssetRegistry v0.1.0
- AssociativeArrays v0.0.3
- AsterReader v0.2.3
- AstroTime v0.6.1
- AsyPlots v0.2.1
- AtBackslash v0.1.0
- AtlasRobot v0.4.0
- AtomBase v0.1.0
- Attrs v0.0.3
- AudioSchedules v0.2.0
- AuditoryFilters v0.1.0
- Augmentor v0.6.2
- Authorization v0.2.0
- AutoGrad v1.2.3
- Autologistic v0.4.2
- Automa v0.8.0
- AutomaticDocstrings v1.0.1
- AutomotiveSimulator v0.1.1
- AutomotiveVisualization v0.1.1
- AverageShiftedHistograms v0.8.4
- AxisAlgorithms v1.0.0
- AxisArrays v0.4.3
- AxisTables v0.1.0
- AzManagers v1.0.0
- AzSessions v1.0.0
- Azure v0.3.0
- BAT v1.0.1
- BBI v0.2.1
- BDF v0.4.1
- BEAST v1.2.0
- BED v0.1.0
- BEncode v0.3.0
- BFloat16s v0.1.0
- BGZFStreams v0.3.0
- BHAPtfem v1.0.5
- BIDSTools v0.1.2
- BIGUQ v0.8.0
- BKTrees v0.0.1
- BSDiff v1.2.0
- BSONMmap v0.2.2
- BSplineKit v0.1.1
- BSplines v0.3.1
- BackedUpImmutable v0.0.1
- Badges v1.0.0
- BangBang v0.3.29
- BaremetalPi v0.1.1
- BarycentricInterpolation v0.1.2
- Base58 v0.3.0
- Baselet v0.1.1
- BasicPOMCP v0.3.4
- BasisFunctionExpansions v1.1.0
- BasisMatrices v0.7.0
- BatchedRoutines v0.2.1
- Batsrus v0.1.2
- BayesNets v3.3.1
- BayesOpt v0.1.0
- BayesianIntegral v0.1.0
- BayesianLinearRegression v0.1.0
- BayesianNonparametrics v0.1.0
- Bcrypt v0.1.0
- Bedgraph v2.1.0
- BedgraphFiles v2.3.0
- BeeEncoder v0.1.0
- BeliefUpdaters v0.2.1
- BenchmarkFunctions v0.1.1
- BenchmarkProfiles v0.3.2
- BernoulliFactory v0.0.1
- Bernstein v0.2.3
- BernsteinEllipses v1.0.0
- BetweenFlags v1.1.0
- Bhaskara v0.1.1
- BibInternal v0.2.2
- BibParser v0.1.7
- BibTeX v0.1.0
- Bibliography v0.2.3
- BigArrays v1.3.0
- BigBed v0.1.0
- BigCombinatorics v0.2.0
- BigRationals v0.1.0
- BigWig v0.1.0
- Bijections v0.1.2
- BinaryTraits v0.6.0
- Bio3DView v0.1.1
- BioCore v2.0.5
- BioGenerics v0.1.0
- BioSeqInt v0.1.1
- BioSequences v2.0.5
- BioServices v0.3.2
- BioStructures v0.11.4
- BioSymbols v4.0.4
- Biomodelling v0.2.3
- BisectPy v0.1.0
- BitBasis v0.7.0
- BitConverter v0.1.1
- BitFlags v0.1.3
- BitOperations v0.2.0
- Bitcoin v0.1.12
- BitcoinPrimitives v0.1.2
- Bits v0.2.0
- BitsFields v0.2.1
- BlackBoxOptim v0.5.0
- BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking v0.1.0
- Blobs v0.5.0
- BlochSim v0.4.0
- BlockBandedMatrices v0.9.4
- BlockDecomposition v1.2.3
- BlockDiagonalFactors v0.1.0
- Blosc v0.7.0
- BlossomV v0.4.2
- Blowfish v0.1.1
- BlsData v0.1.0
- Bobby v1.0.1
- BoltzmannMachines v1.2.0
- BoteSalvatICX v2.0.0
- BoundaryValueDiffEq v2.5.0
- BoundingSphere v0.2.0
- BoxCoxTrans v2.0.0
- BracedErrors v0.6.0
- BraidChains v0.1.0
- BridgeDiffEq v0.1.0
- BridgeLandmarks v0.3.1
- BridgeSDEInference v0.3.2
- BrowseTables v0.3.0
- BudgetConstraints v1.0.1
- Bukdu v0.4.15
- BulkSMS v0.0.1
- BusinessDays v0.9.11
- C3D v0.6.2
- CALCEPH v1.1.0
- CBOR v0.1.1
- CBinding v0.9.0
- CBindingGen v0.4.0
- CCBlade v0.2.1
- CCDReduction v0.2.0
- CEnum v0.4.1
- CFTime v0.1.0
- CGAL v0.3.1
- CIAOAlgorithms v0.1.0
- CITIfile v0.1.1
- CImGui v1.78.2
- CLIMAParameters v0.1.8
- CMAEvolutionStrategy v0.1.0
- CMDimCircuits v0.2.0
- CMDimData v0.2.0
- CMake v1.2.0
- CMakeWrapper v0.2.4
- COBS v0.0.1
- COESA v0.1.0
- COSMA v0.1.2
- CPUTime v1.0.0
- CRC v3.0.0
- CRlibm v0.8.0
- CSTParser v2.5.0
- CSVReader v1.0.4
- CSyntax v0.4.0
- CUDD v0.2.0
- CUTEst v0.10.2
- CUnion v0.1.0
- CVXOPT v0.3.2
- CaNNOLeS v0.2.0
- CacheServers v0.2.0
- CacheVariables v0.1.1
- CachedFunctions v0.1.1
- Caching v0.2.0
- Caesar v0.6.1
- Cairo v1.0.5
- CalculatedABC v0.1.1
- Calculus v0.5.1
- CalculusWithJulia v0.0.5
- CalibrationErrors v0.5.7
- CalibrationErrorsDistributions v0.1.0
- CalibrationTests v0.4.0
- Cambrian v0.2.1
- CanonicalTraits v0.2.2
- CanopyLayers v0.1.1
- CapacityExpansion v0.2.2
- CartesianGeneticProgramming v0.1.0
- CartesianGrids v0.1.4
- Cascadia v1.0.0
- CatViews v1.0.0
- CatmullRom v0.3.2
- Causal v0.3.0
- CausalInference v0.5.4
- CausalityToolsBase v1.0.0
- ChainRules v0.7.22
- ChainRulesCore v0.9.11
- ChainRulesTestUtils v0.5.2
- ChainedFixes v0.2.1
- ChangePrecision v1.0.0
- Changepoints v0.3.1
- ChaosTools v1.17.0
- CharSetEncodings v1.0.0
- ChartParsers v0.0.1
- ChebyshevApprox v0.1.1
- CheckedArithmetic v0.2.0
- CheckedArithmeticCore v0.1.0
- ChemEquations v0.2.1
- ChemometricsTools v0.5.11
- CherenkovDeconvolution v0.1.0
- ChooseOptimizer v0.1.0
- ChrBase v1.0.1
- ChromeProfileFormat v1.0.0
- CircleFit v0.1.0
- CircularArrays v1.1.0
- CircularList v1.0.0
- Clang v0.9.2
- Classes v1.4.0
- ClassicalCiphers v2.0.1
- CleanUpPullRequestPreviews v0.1.0
- Cliffords v0.6.0
- ClimateBase v0.7.0
- ClimateERA v0.8.3
- ClimateEasy v0.3.1
- ClimatePlots v0.4.2
- ClimateSatellite v0.4.2
- ClimateTasks v0.1.1
- ClinicalTrialUtilities v0.3.1
- Clipper v0.6.0
- ClosedIntervals v0.3.0
- ClusterManagers v0.3.2
- ClusterTrees v0.2.0
- ClusteringDifferences v0.7.0
- ClusteringGA v0.0.2
- CmdStan v6.0.9
- Cn2An v0.1.0
- CoDa v0.3.0
- CodeTools v0.7.1
- CodecBase v0.3.0
- CodecBzip2 v0.7.2
- CodecLz4 v0.4.0
- CodecXz v0.7.0
- CodecZlib v0.7.0
- CodecZstd v0.7.0
- Codecs v0.5.0
- CollisionDetection v0.1.2
- ColorBlendModes v0.2.2
- ColorBrewer v0.4.0
- ColorSchemes v3.10.1
- ColorTypes v0.10.9
- ColorVectorSpace v0.8.6
- ColoredLLCodes v0.1.0
- Colors v0.12.4
- Combinatorics v1.0.2
- CommonRLInterface v0.2.1
- CommonSolve v0.2.0
- CommonSubexpressions v0.3.0
- CommunityDetection v0.1.0
- CompEcon v0.4.0
- CompScienceMeshes v0.2.7
- CompactBases v0.1.1
- Compat v3.18.0
- CompatHelper v1.16.2
- ComplexMixtures v0.4.3
- ComplexPhasePortrait v0.2.0
- ComplexRegions v0.1.1
- ComplexValues v0.2.1
- ComponentArrays v0.8.3
- CompositionsBase v0.1.0
- CompressHashDisplace v0.1.0
- ComputationalResources v0.3.2
- ComputedFieldTypes v0.1.0
- ConcaveHull v1.1.0
- ConceptnetNumberbatch v0.1.5
- ConcreteStructs v0.1.0
- Conda v1.4.1
- CondaBinDeps v0.2.0
- ConfParser v0.1.2
- Config v0.2.1
- Configs v0.2.2
- ConformalMaps v0.0.3
- ConjugatePriors v0.4.0
- Conjugates v0.1.0
- ConnectFourSolver v0.1.0
- ConsistencyResampling v0.2.0
- ConsoleInput v0.1.1
- ConsoleProgressMonitor v0.1.2
- ConstantArrays v0.2.0
- ConstantTime v0.1.1
- ConstituencyTrees v0.1.0
- ConstrainedControl v0.1.2
- ConstrainedDynamics v0.5.4
- ConstrainedRootSolvers v0.1.0
- ConstrainedSystems v0.1.1
- ConstraintProgrammingExtensions v0.0.1
- ConstructionBase v1.0.0
- ContextTracking v0.3.0
- ContextVariablesX v0.1.0
- ContextualMacros v0.1.0
- Continuables v1.0.0
- ContinuedFractions v0.1.1
- ContinuousTimeMarkov v0.2.0
- Contour v0.5.5
- ControlSystemIdentification v1.0.0
- ControlSystems v0.7.0
- Controlz v0.1.6
- ConvergencePlots v0.1.0
- Convex1d v0.1.0
- ConvexBodyProximityQueries v0.1.8
- ConvolutionalOperatorLearning v0.1.0
- Cookbook v0.3.0
- CoordinateConverterGK v0.1.2
- CoordinateDescent v0.3.0
- CoordinateTransformations v0.6.0
- Corpuscles v1.1.0
- CorrNoise v1.0.1
- CorrectMatch v1.0.1
- Cosmology v1.0.0
- CountdownNumbers v0.1.2
- Counters v0.3.0
- Countries v0.1.0
- CoupledFields v0.2.0
- CovarianceEstimation v0.2.5
- CpuId v0.2.2
- Crayons v4.0.4
- CrossEntropyMethod v0.1.0
- CrossfilterCharts v3.0.0
- CrypticCrosswords v0.1.0
- CryptoGroups v0.1.2
- CryptoSignatures v0.2.2
- CryptoUtils v0.1.1
- Cuba v2.1.0
- Cubature v1.5.1
- CubicHermiteSpline v0.2.2
- CubicSplines v0.1.1
- Cumulants v1.0.3
- CumulantsFeatures v1.3.0
- CumulantsUpdates v1.0.2
- Currencies v0.17.0
- CurrenciesBase v0.1.0
- Curve25519 v0.1.0
- CurveFit v0.3.2
- Curves v0.2.6
- CvxCompress v1.0.0
- CxxWrap v0.11.0
- CyclicArrays v0.4.2
- Cyclotomics v0.1.3
- D3Trees v0.3.1
- D3TypeTrees v0.1.1
- DASKR v2.6.0
- DASSL v2.5.0
- DBFTables v0.2.2
- DBInterface v2.2.0
- DFControl v0.2.0
- DFOLS v0.2.0
- DICOM v0.7.0
- DIVAnd v2.6.2
- DRIPs v0.2.0
- DSP v0.6.8
- DTALib v0.2.0
- DaemonMode v0.1.0
- DailyTreasuryYieldCurve v0.2.1
- Dance v0.2.2
- DanceDocker v0.2.0
- DandelionWebSockets v0.2.0
- DarkCurves v0.2.0
- DarkIntegers v0.1.4
- DarkSky v1.1.0
- Dash v0.1.2
- DashBase v0.1.0
- Dashboards v0.2.8
- DataAssim v0.3.2
- DataFitting v0.1.0
- DataFramesMeta v0.5.1
- DataIO v0.1.2
- DataInterpolations v3.2.1
- DataStructures v0.18.6
- DataTables v0.1.0
- DataTools v0.1.3
- DataValueInterfaces v1.0.0
- DatagenCopulaBased v1.3.0
- DateShifting v0.1.0
- DayCounts v0.1.0
- DeIdentification v0.8.1
- DebugAdapter v1.0.0
- DebuggingUtilities v1.0.0
- Decimals v0.4.1
- DecisionTree v0.10.10
- Deconvolution v1.0.0
- DeepDiffs v1.2.0
- DeepDish v0.1.1
- DefaultApplication v1.0.0
- Defer v0.1.1
- DeferredFutures v1.0.0
- DefineSingletons v0.1.0
- DeformableBodies v0.1.0
- Delaunay v1.0.1
- DelayEmbeddings v1.10.1
- Deldir v1.2.1
- Dendriform v0.2.1
- DensityScatter v0.1.0
- DependencyTrees v0.3.1
- DependencyWalker v0.1.0
- DesignStructureMatrix v0.1.0
- Desktop v0.1.0
- Destruct v1.2.0
- DetectionTheory v0.2.1
- DeterminantalPointProcesses v0.1.0
- Dhall v0.1.0
- DiBitVectors v0.1.0
- Diana v0.2.0
- Diary v0.1.4
- DiceRolls v0.1.0
- Dices v0.2.0
- DictDotDot v0.1.1
- Diderot v0.1.0
- Dierckx v0.5.0
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- LibExpat v0.6.1
- LibGEOS v0.6.5
- LibPSF v0.3.2
- LibSpatialIndex v0.2.0
- LibSymspg v0.4.0
- LibYAML v0.1.1
- Liblet v0.1.0
- Libsharp v0.1.0
- Libxc v0.3.3
- Libz v1.0.1
- LicenseGrabber v0.0.1
- LifeContingencies v0.8.0
- LightGraphsGraphBLAS v0.1.0
- LightOSM v0.1.3
- LightXML v0.9.0
- LikelihoodProfiler v0.2.0
- LimitedLDLFactorizations v0.3.0
- LinRegOutliers v0.3.14
- Lindenmayer v0.2.0
- LineSearches v7.1.0
- LinearAlgebraX v0.1.6
- LinearAlgebraicRepresentation v1.0.0
- LinearDynamicsModels v1.0.1
- LinearFractionalTransformations v0.1.0
- LinearMaps v2.7.0
- LinearOperators v1.1.0
- LinearTimeVaryingModelsBase v0.2.1
- LinkedLists v0.1.1
- LispSyntax v0.2.1
- Literate v2.7.0
- LiterateOrg v0.1.1
- LiterateTest v0.1.4
- LittleEndianBase128 v0.3.0
- LiveServer v0.5.6
- LoadAllPackages v0.1.0
- LoadFlint v0.3.3
- LocalCoverage v0.1.0
- LocalDiskObjectStores v0.4.0
- LocalFilters v1.0.0
- LocalPackageServer v0.1.1
- LocalStore v0.1.1
- LocalizationMicroscopy v0.1.1
- LocallyWeightedRegression v0.6.2
- LockandKeyLookups v0.1.0
- Loess v0.5.1
- LogCompose v0.2.0
- LogDensityTestSuite v0.5.2
- LogParser v0.7.0
- LogProbs v1.1.0
- LogarithmicNumbers v0.4.1
- LoggingExtras v0.4.2
- LoggingFacilities v0.3.0
- LogisticOptTools v0.1.0
- LombScargle v0.5.1
- LongestPaths v0.1.0
- LookingGlass v0.2.0
- LoopThrottle v0.1.0
- LorentzVectors v0.4.0
- LossFunctions v0.6.2
- LowRankApprox v0.4.1
- LoweredCodeUtils v1.2.1
- LsqFit v0.11.0
- Luxor v2.5.1
- LuxurySparse v0.6.5
- MAT v0.8.1
- MCHammer v0.1.4
- MCMCChain v0.2.3
- MCTS v0.4.6
- MD5 v0.2.1
- MDBM v0.1.4
- MDCT v1.2.0
- MDDatasets v0.3.3
- MDInclude v0.1.0
- MEstimation v0.1.0
- MFCC v0.3.1
- MIDI v1.8.1
- MIMEBundles v0.1.0
- MINPACK v1.1.1
- MIRT v0.13.0
- MIRTio v0.2.4
- MITgcmTools v0.1.6
- MIToS v2.5.0
- MKLSparse v1.1.0
- MLBStatsAPI v0.0.3
- MLBase v0.8.0
- MLDataUtils v0.5.2
- MLDatasets v0.5.2
- MLJ v0.14.0
- MLJJLBoost v0.1.1
- MLJTuning v0.5.1
- MLKernels v0.4.0
- MLStyle v0.4.6
- MLSuiteBase v0.2.6
- MMTF v0.1.1
- MPFR_wrap v0.1.0
- MPIClusterManagers v0.2.0
- MPIFiles v0.9.6
- MPIReco v0.3.2
- MPSKitModels v0.1.1
- MRIReco v0.2.4
- MRphy v0.1.5
- MacroTools v0.5.5
- Makeitso v0.1.0
- MakieLayout v0.9.10
- Mamba v0.12.5
- MambaModels v1.0.0
- Mangal v0.3.0
- ManifoldLearning v0.6.1
- ManifoldsBase v0.9.5
- Manopt v0.2.6
- Maracas v1.1.0
- MarkableIntegers v0.0.1
- MarketCycles v0.1.5
- MarkovChains v0.1.2
- Markovify v0.1.1
- MarriageMarkets v0.1.0
- MatLang v0.1.2
- MatchCore v0.1.0
- Matcha v0.2.0
- Materials v0.3.0
- MathProgBase v0.7.8
- MathematicalSystems v0.11.5
- MathieuFunctions v1.1.0
- MathleticsFiles v0.1.0
- MatrixMarket v0.3.1
- MatrixNetworks v1.0.1
- MatrixPencils v1.3.0
- MaxMinFilters v0.1.0
- MaxPlus v0.2.0
- MaximumLikelihoodPower v0.3.0
- MaximumLikelihoodProblems v0.1.7
- Maxvol v1.0.0
- Maybe v0.1.4
- MbedTLS v1.0.2
- Measures v0.3.1
- MechanismGeometries v0.4.1
- Media v0.5.0
- Mellan v0.1.0
- MemPool v0.3.1
- MemberFunctions v0.1.0
- Memoization v0.1.5
- Memoize v0.4.3
- MemorableUniqueIdentifier v1.0.1
- MemoryArena v0.1.0
- Mera v1.0.2
- MerkleTrees v0.1.0
- MeshArrays v0.2.13
- MeshCore v0.10.0
- MeshFinder v0.3.1
- MeshIO v0.4.1
- MeshKeeper v0.3.0
- MeshMaker v0.3.1
- MeshPorter v0.3.2
- MeshSteward v0.7.0
- Meshing v0.5.5
- MetaArrays v0.2.8
- MetaConfigurations v0.1.1
- MetaGraphs v0.6.6
- MetaGraphsNext v0.1.0
- MetaImageFormat v0.2.2
- MetaProgTools v0.6.0
- MetadataArrays v0.1.0
- Metalhead v0.5.1
- MethodAnalysis v0.4.2
- Metis v1.0.0
- Metrics v0.1.0
- MicroCollections v0.1.0
- MicroCoverage v0.2.0
- Microbiome v0.6.4
- MicroscopyLabels v0.1.1
- MilagroCrypto v0.201.1
- Millboard v0.2.5
- MinAtar v1.1.0
- MinFEM v1.0.0
- MinHash v0.2.0
- MiniFB v0.1.1
- MiniLogging v0.2.0
- MiniQhull v0.2.1
- MittagLeffler v0.2.0
- MixedModels v2.4.0
- MixedSubdivisions v1.0.0
- Mixers v0.1.1
- Mocking v0.7.1
- ModalIntervalArithmetic v0.1.0
- ModelBaseEcon v0.3.0
- ModelBasedCF v0.1.0
- ModelConstructors v0.1.12
- ModelSelection v1.0.0
- Models v0.2.3
- ModernRoboticsBook v0.1.1
- ModifiedHankelFunctionsOfOrderOneThird v1.0.1
- Mods v1.2.4
- ModularForms v0.1.0
- ModularIndices v0.1.0
- ModuleInterfaceTools v1.0.1
- ModuleLogging v0.1.0
- MolecularBoxes v1.0.1
- MolecularGraph v0.7.1
- MolecularTopologies v1.1.2
- Molly v0.2.0
- MonadFunctions v0.1.0
- Monadic v1.0.0
- MonteCarloIntegration v0.0.1
- MonteCarloMarkovKernels v1.0.1
- MonteCarloMeasurements v0.9.7
- MonthlyDates v0.1.4
- MoodleQuestions v0.2.3
- Mortar2D v0.1.3
- Morton v0.1.1
- MosaicViews v0.2.3
- Mosek v1.1.3
- MotifSequenceGenerator v1.0.0
- Mozi v0.0.2
- MriResearchTools v0.4.0
- MsgPack v1.1.0
- MuladdMacro v0.2.2
- MultiModalMuSig v0.1.0
- MultiQuad v1.1.0
- MultiResolutionIterators v0.5.0
- Multibreak v0.2.0
- MulticlassPerceptron v0.1.1
- Multigraphs v0.2.0
- MultilineStrings v0.1.0
- MultipathChannel v0.1.0
- Multiplexers v0.3.1
- Multisets v0.3.3
- MultistartOptimization v0.1.1
- MultivariateAnomalies v0.2.4
- MultivariateBases v0.1.2
- MultivariateMoments v0.3.0
- Munkres v0.2.0
- MurmurHash3 v1.0.3
- MusicManipulations v1.6.0
- MusicVisualizations v0.2.4
- Mustache v1.0.6
- Mux v0.7.2
- MzXML v0.1.0
- NASAEarthObservations v0.1.0
- NBInclude v2.2.0
- NBodySimulator v1.4.0
- NCDatasets v0.10.4
- NCTiles v0.1.10
- NFFT v0.5.2
- NIfTI v0.4.1
- NKFtool v0.0.6
- NL2sol v1.0.0
- NLPModels v0.13.2
- NLPModelsIpopt v0.5.1
- NLPModelsJuMP v0.7.0
- NLSProblems v0.3.0
- NLSolversBase v7.7.1
- NLsolve v4.4.1
- NMEA v0.1.0
- NMF v0.4.1
- NMRTools v0.0.1
- NODAL v0.4.0
- NOMAD v2.0.0
- NPFinancial v0.3.1
- NPZ v0.4.0
- NRRD v0.6.1
- NSGAII v0.1.0
- NaNMath v0.3.4
- Nabla v0.12.1
- NaiveBayes v0.4.2
- NameResolution v0.1.5
- NamedColors v0.2.0
- NamedDims v0.2.28
- NamedPositionals v0.1.0
- NamedTupleTools v0.13.6
- NarrativeTest v0.5.0
- NaturalES v1.0.0
- NaturalSort v1.0.0
- NaturallyUnitful v0.3.0
- NatureGas v0.0.6
- Navigation v0.4.1
- NeRCA v0.6.0
- NeXLUncertainties v0.2.0
- NearestNeighbors v0.4.6
- Neighborhood v0.2.0
- NeighbourLists v0.5.0
- Nemo v0.18.1
- NestedSamplers v0.5.0
- NetCDF v0.10.3
- Netpbm v0.4.1
- Nettle v0.5.0
- NetworkInference v0.1.0
- NetworkLayout v0.2.0
- NetworkLearning v0.1.1
- NetworkProtocols v0.2.0
- NeuroAnalysis v1.0.0
- NewickTree v0.2.0
- NiLang v0.7.3
- NiLangCore v0.7.6
- NiceNumbers v0.1.1
- Node2Vec v0.1.0
- NodeJS v1.1.1
- NodesAndModes v0.3.0
- Noise v0.2.0
- NoisyQuantumComputerSimulator v0.1.0
- NonPromoting v1.0.0
- NonUniformRandomVariateGeneration v1.0.0
- NonlinearTestProblems v0.1.0
- NonsmoothOptim v0.1.1
- Nord v0.1.0
- NormalHermiteSplines v0.3.0
- NormalSplines v1.0.1
- NormalizeQuantiles v1.2.0
- NoveltyColors v0.5.0
- Nullables v1.0.0
- NumNN v0.5.3
- NumberIntervals v0.2.2
- NumberTheoreticTransforms v1.0.0
- NumberUnions v0.0.1
- NumericalIntegration v0.2.0
- OAuth v1.0.0
- OBOParse v0.0.1
- ODE v2.8.0
- ODEInterface v0.4.8
- ODEInterfaceDiffEq v3.8.0
- OMETIFF v0.3.8
- OMOPCommonDataModel v0.1.4
- OOESAlgorithm v0.1.3
- ObjectDetectionStats v0.1.2
- ObjectFile v0.3.6
- ObjectStores v0.4.0
- Observables v0.3.1
- ObservationDims v0.1.4
- ObservationSchemes v0.1.0
- OceanBasins v0.1.5
- OceanColorData v0.1.1
- OceanDistributions v0.1.1
- OceanGrids v0.3.0
- OceanStateEstimation v0.1.5
- OceanographyCruises v0.2.2
- OdsIO v0.6.0
- OffsetArrays v1.3.0
- Ogg v1.0.0
- OhMyQSIM v0.1.1
- OneHot v0.2.1
- OnlineStats v1.5.6
- OnlineStatsBase v1.4.4
- OpenDSSDirect v0.6.1
- OpenEphysLoader v0.2.5
- OpenIDConnect v0.1.1
- OpenQuantumSystems v0.1.0
- OpenSMILES v0.1.0
- OpenSoundControl v1.0.0
- OpenSpiel v0.1.2
- OpenStreetMapX v0.2.2
- OpenStreetMapXPlot v0.1.2
- OpenTrick v0.2.1
- OpticalPropagation v0.1.0
- OptimBase v2.0.1
- OptimPack v1.0.0
- OptimTestProblems v2.0.2
- OptimalTransport v0.1.8
- OptimizationProblems v0.3.0
- OptimizingIR v0.2.2
- OptionalData v0.3.0
- Optionals v0.1.0
- Opus v1.0.0
- Org v0.1.0
- OscillatoryIntegrals v0.0.1
- Overseer v0.1.1
- OwnTime v0.1.0
- PANDA v0.0.1
- PCRE2 v1.0.2
- PCloud v0.1.0
- PDBTools v0.11.1
- PDDL v0.1.1
- PDFIO v0.1.10
- PDMats v0.10.1
- PDSampler v0.1.1
- PEG v1.0.0
- PETScBinaryIO v1.0.0
- PGFPlots v3.3.3
- PGFPlotsX v1.2.10
- PLCTag v0.1.1
- PLSRegressor v1.1.1
- PLists v1.1.1
- POMDPLinter v0.1.1
- POMDPModels v0.4.9
- POMDPSimulators v0.3.8
- POMDPTesting v0.2.5
- POMDPToolbox v0.3.0
- POMDPXFiles v0.2.2
- POMDPs v0.9.1
- PProf v1.1.1
- PROPACK v0.3.2
- PSFWrite v0.3.1
- PSID v1.1.0
- Packing v0.4.1
- PaddedBlocks v0.1.1
- Pages v0.3.1
- Paillier v0.3.1
- PairsMacros v0.1.0
- PairwiseListMatrices v0.8.0
- PandasLite v0.1.7
- ParallelDataTransfer v0.5.0
- ParallelKMeans v0.1.8
- ParallelOperations v0.1.0
- ParallelProcessingTools v0.4.1
- ParallelUtilities v0.7.6
- Parallelism v0.1.1
- ParameterisedModule v0.1.0
- Parameters v0.12.1
- Pardiso v0.5.1
- ParetoRecipes v0.0.1
- Parquet v0.6.1
- ParquetFiles v0.2.0
- Parsers v1.0.10
- PartedArrays v0.1.0
- PartialWaveFunctions v0.2.0
- ParticleFilters v0.5.1
- ParticleMDI v0.1.0
- ParticleScattering v0.1.0
- PassiveTracerFlows v0.3.0
- PathDistribution v0.2.1
- PcapTools v0.2.0
- PeaceCypher v0.3.5
- Peacock v0.1.1
- Peaks v0.3.0
- PearsonHash v0.1.1
- PenaltyFunctions v0.2.2
- PencilArrays v0.2.0
- Perceptrons v1.1.2
- PerceptualColourMaps v0.3.0
- Percival v0.1.0
- PerformanceTestTools v0.1.3
- PeriodicGraphs v0.1.1
- PeriodicTable v1.0.0
- PermutationGroups v0.1.3
- Permutations v0.4.0
- PerronFrobenius v1.0.0
- Persa v0.1.2
- PersistenceDiagrams v0.7.1
- Petri v1.2.3
- Pfam v0.1.0
- PharmaceuticalClassification v0.1.0
- PhaseSpaceIO v0.4.2
- PhilipsHue v0.0.1
- PhotoOrganizer v0.1.0
- Photometry v0.6.1
- Photosynthesis v0.1.1
- PhyloModels v0.3.3
- PhyloTrees v0.11.1
- PhysOcean v0.6.1
- PhysicalCommunications v0.1.1
- PhysicalConstants v0.2.1
- PhysicalOceanography v0.1.1
- PhysicalParticles v1.1.0
- PhysicalTrees v0.1.0
- PicoQuant v0.1.2
- PicoSAT v0.3.3
- Pidfile v1.2.0
- PiecewiseIncreasingRanges v1.0.0
- PiecewiseLinearApprox v0.1.1
- Pilot v0.1.0
- Pipe v1.3.0
- Pitchjx v0.1.2
- PkgBenchmark v0.2.10
- PkgButlerEngine v1.9.0
- PkgDev v1.5.0
- PkgLicenses v0.2.0
- PkgVersion v0.1.1
- PkgVersionHelper v0.1.1
- PlanktonIndividuals v0.1.9
- PlantHydraulics v0.1.1
- Plasmo v0.3.1
- PlotMesh v0.1.0
- PlotPlants v0.1.1
- PlotReferenceImages v1.1.0
- PlotSeis v0.1.0
- PlotShapefiles v0.2.2
- PlotThemes v2.0.0
- PlotUtils v1.0.7
- PlotlyBase v0.4.1
- Plots v1.6.8
- Plugins v0.4.0
- Plumber v0.0.1
- PlusMinus v1.0.0
- PlusPlus v0.1.0
- PlyIO v1.1.0
- PoincareInvariants v0.2.2
- PointPatterns v0.2.2
- PointProcessInference v0.2.2
- PoissonRandom v0.4.0
- PolaronMobility v1.2.0
- Poltergeist v0.4.0
- PolyChaos v0.2.3
- PolygonInbounds v0.2.0
- PolygonOps v0.1.1
- Polyline v1.0.0
- Polymake v0.5.0
- PolynomialBases v0.4.6
- PolynomialRings v0.7.3
- PolynomialRoots v1.0.0
- PolynomialTestSystems v0.1.4
- PooledArrays v0.5.3
- PopGen v0.0.3
- PosDefManifoldML v0.4.2
- PositiveFactorizations v0.2.3
- Postprocessing v0.1.0
- PottsGauge v0.1.0
- PovertyAndInequalityMeasures v1.0.0
- PowerDynOperationPoint v1.0.0
- PowerModelsAnalytics v0.3.0
- PowerSimulationsDynamics v0.2.0
- PowerSystemsUnits v0.2.0
- PrePostCall v0.0.2
- Preconditioners v0.3.0
- PredictMDAPI v0.3.1
- PredictMDExtra v0.13.17
- PredictMDFull v0.13.7
- Presentation v0.2.2
- Pretend v1.0.0
- Primes v0.5.0
- PrincipalMomentAnalysis v0.2.2
- PrintFileTree v0.2.0
- ProbabilisticCircuits v0.1.1
- Probably v0.1.0
- ProfileVega v1.1.0
- ProfileView v0.6.7
- ProgressBars v0.7.1
- ProgressLogging v0.1.3
- ProgressMeter v1.4.0
- ProgressMeterLogging v0.1.0
- ProjectAssistant v0.1.0
- ProjectEulerUtil v0.1.0
- ProjectFlow v0.1.0
- ProjectManagement v0.1.0
- ProjectiveVectors v1.1.2
- PropDicts v0.1.0
- PropertyDicts v0.1.0
- ProteinEnsembles v0.3.1
- ProtoBuf v0.8.0
- ProtoStructs v0.1.0
- ProxyInterfaces v1.0.0
- Pseudoseq v0.2.0
- Psychro v0.2.1
- PtFEM v1.2.5
- Publish v0.4.0
- Pukeko v0.3.0
- Purses v0.2.0
- Pushover v0.1.1
- PyCall v1.92.1
- PyCallJLD v0.2.0
- QBase v0.1.0
- QDLDL v0.1.4
- QDates v0.3.0
- QMDP v0.1.5
- QML v0.6.0
- QPDAS v0.2.0
- QPSReader v0.2.0
- QRCode v0.1.0
- QSWalk v1.1.1
- QuadGK v2.4.1
- QuadraticFormsMGHyp v0.5.1
- QuadraticModels v0.1.0
- QuakeML v0.1.1
- QuandlAccess v2.0.0
- QuantEcon v0.16.2
- QuantExQASM v0.1.0
- QuantLib v0.1.1
- QuantizedArrays v0.1.3
- QuantumAlgebra v0.3.0
- QuantumInfo v0.1.0
- QuantumLab v1.0.1
- QuantumOptics v0.8.2
- QuantumTomography v0.1.2
- QuantumWalk v0.2.2
- QuasiMonteCarlo v0.2.0
- QuaternionIntegrator v1.0.0
- Quaternions v0.4.1
- QueryOperators v0.9.2
- QuerySQLite v0.2.0
- QueryTables v0.1.0
- QueryableBackend v0.1.0
- Queryverse v0.6.2
- QuickPOMDPs v0.2.7
- QuickTypes v1.5.0
- Qutilities v0.2.0
- RAFF v0.6.4
- RCall v0.13.9
- RData v0.7.2
- RDates v0.2.0
- REDCap v1.0.1
- REPLTreeViews v0.1.0
- RNGPool v1.0.1
- RNGTest v1.5.0
- ROCCurves v0.1.1
- ROMEO v0.2.2
- RRRMC v2.1.0
- RRTMGP v0.1.0
- RSCG v0.1.1
- RadiationDetectorSignals v0.1.3
- RadiationSpectra v0.3.0
- RainFARM v1.1.0
- RandomBooleanMatrices v0.1.1
- RandomCorrelationMatrices v1.0.0
- RandomExtensions v0.4.2
- RandomMatrices v0.5.0
- RandomMatrixDistributions v0.3.0
- RandomQuantum v0.1.0
- RandomV06 v0.0.2
- RandomizedLinAlg v0.1.0
- RandomizedPropertyTest v0.1.0
- RangeArrays v0.3.2
- RankAggregation v0.1.1
- RankingDifferences v0.4.0
- RationalRoots v0.1.0
- Ratios v0.4.0
- RawArray v0.1.1
- RawFile v1.0.0
- ReachabilityAnalysis v0.8.0
- ReactionNetworkImporters v0.2.0
- ReadDatastores v0.4.0
- ReadOnlyArrays v0.1.1
- ReadStat v1.0.2
- ReadWriteDlm2 v0.8.1
- ReadableNumbers v0.2.1
- ReadableRegex v0.3.0
- RecipesBase v1.1.0
- Recombinase v0.1.1
- Recommendation v0.3.0
- Rectangle v0.1.2
- Reddit v0.1.1
- Redux v0.1.0
- Reel v1.3.2
- Reexport v0.2.0
- Refactoring v0.1.0
- Referenceables v0.1.0
- RegionTrees v0.3.1
- Registrator v1.2.1
- RegistryTools v1.5.3
- RegressionDiscontinuity v0.1.0
- RegularExpressions v0.1.0
- RegularizationTools v0.1.1
- RegularizedLeastSquares v0.6.5
- Reinforce v0.3.0
- ReinforcementLearningBase v0.8.4
- Relief v0.1.0
- Remark v0.3.0
- Rematch v0.3.2
- Remez v0.1.1
- RemoteFiles v0.3.1
- RemoveLFS v0.3.0
- Repos v0.1.1
- Reproducible v0.1.1
- Requires v1.1.0
- ReservoirComputing v0.6.0
- ResettableStacks v1.0.0
- ResizableArrays v0.2.0
- RestrictProlong v0.2.0
- ResultTypes v3.1.0
- RetroCap v2.0.0
- Retry v0.4.1
- ReusableFunctions v0.7.0
- ReusePatterns v0.2.0
- ReverseDiffSparse v0.8.6
- Richardson v1.2.0
- RiemannComplexNumbers v0.2.0
- RiemannHilbert v0.1.0
- RiemannTheta v0.1.0
- RigidBodyTools v0.1.2
- RingLists v0.2.6
- Ripemd v0.3.0
- Ripserer v0.15.0
- RiskAdjustedLinearizations v0.1.0
- Rmath v0.6.1
- RoME v0.9.1
- RobotDescriptions v0.0.1
- RobotDynamics v0.2.2
- RobotOSData v0.3.0
- RobotZoo v0.1.1
- Robotlib v1.0.0
- RobustAdaptiveMetropolisSampler v1.0.1
- RobustPmap v0.6.0
- RobustShortestPath v0.4.0
- RollingFunctions v0.6.2
- RomanNumerals v0.3.1
- RootSolvers v0.2.0
- RootTaskREPL v0.1.0
- RootedTrees v1.0.0
- Roots v1.0.5
- RootsAndPoles v1.1.1
- RoundingEmulator v0.2.1
- RowEchelon v0.2.0
- Rsvg v1.0.0
- RunLengthArrays v0.1.0
- Runner v0.2.0
- RvSpectMLBase v0.1.0
- SAMTools v0.0.1
- SASLib v1.2.1
- SDWBA v1.1.1
- SEAL v0.3.0
- SExpressions v1.0.0
- SGP4 v1.0.0
- SIMD v3.1.0
- SLEEF v0.5.2
- SLEEFInline v0.1.0
- SNAPDatasets v0.1.0
- SOFA v1.0.1
- SOM v0.4.1
- SPHKernels v1.2.2
- SPICE v0.2.1
- SQLite v1.0.5
- SRCWA v0.2.0
- SVMLightWriter v0.1.1
- SafeTestsets v0.0.1
- SaferIntegers v2.5.1
- Salsa v2.2.0
- SampledSignals v2.1.0
- SantasLittleHelpers v0.2.0
- Santiago v0.2.4
- Sass v0.1.0
- SatelliteDynamics v0.4.1
- SatelliteToolbox v0.7.2
- SauterSchwabQuadrature v2.1.0
- ScHoLP v0.1.1
- Scalpels v0.0.1
- ScanImageTiffReader v1.3.0
- ScatteredInterpolation v0.3.5
- Schedulers v0.1.0
- Scheduling v0.1.1
- Schemata v2.0.8
- Schistoxpkg v1.1.0
- Schrute v0.1.1
- SchumakerSpline v1.4.0
- SchwarzChristoffel v0.1.5
- SciPy v0.1.0
- SciPyDiffEq v0.2.0
- ScientificTypes v1.1.0
- ScikitLearnBase v0.5.0
- ScoreDrivenModels v0.1.3
- Scryfall v0.1.4
- Seaborn v0.4.1
- SeawaterPolynomials v0.2.0
- Secp256k1 v0.1.0
- SecureIO v0.3.0
- SeisMain v0.1.0
- SeisModels v1.3.0
- SeisNoise v0.5.0
- SeisProcessing v0.1.0
- SemanticModels v0.4.0
- Semaphores v0.1.0
- SemiDiscretizationMethod v0.3.3
- SemialgebraicSets v0.2.2
- SemiseparableMatrices v0.1.4
- SentinelArrays v1.2.16
- SentinelMissings v1.0.0
- SeparatingAxisTheorem2D v1.0.1
- SequenceLogos v0.1.0
- Sequent v0.1.0
- SequentialMonteCarlo v0.6.0
- SerialDependence v0.1.0
- SetRounding v0.2.0
- Setfield v0.7.0
- ShaderAbstractions v0.2.3
- ShallowWaters v0.3.0
- Shamir v0.1.0
- ShapML v0.3.0
- Shell v0.0.1
- Sherlock v0.1.3
- Sherlogs v0.1.0
- ShiftedArrays v1.0.0
- Shoco v0.3.0
- ShortStrings v0.2.4
- ShowSet v0.3.1
- Showoff v0.3.2
- SigFigs v0.1.0
- SignalAnalysis v0.4.0
- SignalBase v0.1.1
- SignalDecomposition v1.0.1
- Signals v1.2.0
- SignedDistanceFields v0.4.0
- SimSpin v1.0.0
- SimilaritySearch v0.3.20
- SimpleANOVA v0.6.0
- SimpleBufferStream v1.1.0
- SimpleCarModels v1.0.1
- SimpleDiffEq v1.3.0
- SimpleDrawing v0.2.3
- SimpleGF2 v0.1.0
- SimpleGraphs v0.7.4
- SimpleHypergraphs v0.1.13
- SimpleIntegrals v0.2.2
- SimpleMatch v1.0.0
- SimplePartitions v0.3.0
- SimplePlots v0.2.0
- SimplePolynomials v0.2.4
- SimplePosets v0.1.4
- SimpleQuaternions v0.0.3
- SimpleRandom v0.2.1
- SimpleRationalFunctions v0.0.2
- SimpleRoots v0.1.0
- SimpleTools v0.4.1
- SimpleTraits v0.9.3
- SimpleTranslations v0.1.0
- SimpleTropical v0.2.0
- SimpleValueGraphs v0.2.0
- SimpleWeightedGraphs v1.1.1
- SimplexGridFactory v0.1.1
- SimplexQuad v1.0.1
- Simplices v0.5.0
- SimradEK60 v0.1.0
- SimradEK60TestData v0.1.0
- SimradRaw v0.1.0
- Simulate v0.2.0
- Sinaica v0.1.0
- SingleFloats v0.1.5
- SingularIntegralEquations v0.6.5
- SingularSpectrumAnalysis v0.4.0
- SixDOF v0.1.0
- SkillRating v1.1.0
- SkyCoords v0.3.0
- SlurmWorkloadFileGenerator v0.1.0
- SmoothingSplines v0.2.1
- Snappy v0.3.0
- Snowball v0.1.0
- SnowballStemmer v0.1.0
- Sobol v1.4.0
- SocialSolver v0.1.0
- Sodium v1.1.1
- SodiumSeal v0.1.0
- SoftGlobalScope v1.1.0
- SoftPosit v0.3.0
- SolidModeling v0.1.0
- SolidStateDetectors v0.4.3
- SolveDSGE v0.3.9
- SolverTools v0.3.0
- SolverTraces v0.1.0
- SortMerge v1.2.0
- SortedVectors v0.2.1
- SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
- SortingLab v0.2.5
- SortingNetworks v0.3.1
- Soss v0.15.2
- SossMLJ v0.1.0
- SourceWalk v0.1.1
- SparseGrids v1.2.0
- SparseMatricesCSR v0.5.1
- SparseMatrixDicts v0.2.3
- SparseRegression v0.2.0
- SparseTimeSeries v0.1.9
- SparsityOperators v0.1.9
- SpatialGrids v1.0.0
- SpatialIndexing v0.1.2
- Spec v0.2.0
- SpecialFunctions v0.10.3
- SpecialPolynomials v0.1.1
- SpecializeVarargs v0.1.1
- Spectra v0.4.2
- SpectralGaussianSimulation v0.3.1
- SpectralKit v0.4.0
- SphericalGeometry v0.1.1
- SphericalHarmonicModes v0.4.6
- SphericalHarmonics v0.1.2
- SpiceData v0.3.2
- Spider v0.1.1
- SpiderMonkey v0.1.0
- SpikeSorting v0.2.1
- SpikingNeuralNetworks v0.1.0
- SpinMonteCarlo v1.0.0
- SpineBasedRecordLinkage v0.3.7
- Spinnaker v0.1.11
- SplitApplyCombine v1.1.3
- SplittablesBase v0.1.10
- SplittablesTesting v0.1.0
- StableDQMC v0.1.3
- StableRNGs v1.0.0
- StackCollections v0.1.0
- StackOverflow v0.1.2
- StackPointers v0.1.2
- StanDataFrames v4.0.1
- StanDump v0.2.0
- StanMamba v5.0.0
- StanSamples v0.1.0
- StandardizedMatrices v0.3.0
- Stardates v1.0.2
- StatFiles v0.8.0
- StatPlots v0.9.2
- StatProfilerHTML v1.2.0
- StataDTAFiles v0.3.0
- StateSpaceEcon v0.1.4
- StateSpaceReconstruction v0.4.2
- StateSpaceRoutines v0.3.3
- StaticGraphs v0.2.0
- StaticMaps v0.1.0
- StaticPolynomials v1.3.3
- StaticTrafficAssignment v0.1.0
- StatsFuns v0.9.5
- StatsPlots v0.14.13
- SteamTables v1.1.0
- Stipple v0.4.0
- StippleUI v0.1.0
- StochOptInterface v0.0.1
- StochasticDelayDiffEq v0.2.2
- StochasticRounding v0.3.1
- StochasticSemiDiscretizationMethod v0.3.3
- StomataModels v0.1.0
- Stopping v0.2.0
- StorageMirrorServer v0.2.0
- StrAPI v1.0.0
- StrBase v1.0.4
- StrEntities v1.0.0
- StrFs v0.3.0
- StrLiterals v1.0.0
- StrRegex v1.0.2
- StrTables v1.0.1
- Strapping v1.1.2
- Strategems v0.3.0
- StrayCopses v0.0.1
- StressTest v0.1.0
- Strided v1.0.1
- StringAnalysis v0.4.0
- StringBuilders v0.2.2
- StringDistances v0.8.0
- StringEncodings v0.3.3
- StringParserPEG v1.1.0
- StructC14N v0.3.0
- StructEquality v1.0.0
- StructIO v0.3.0
- StructMapping v0.2.1
- StructTypes v1.1.0
- StructViews v0.1.0
- StructuralInheritance v0.2.4
- StructuredGrids v0.1.0
- StructuredOptimization v0.2.3
- Struve v0.1.0
- SubMatrixSelectionSVD v0.1.1
- SubTypes v0.2.0
- SubpixelRegistration v0.1.0
- SubstitutionModels v0.4.2
- SuffixArrays v1.0.0
- SuffixTrees v0.0.1
- SugarBLAS v0.1.0
- SuiteSparse
- SuiteSparseGraphBLAS v0.3.4
- SuiteSparseMatrixCollection v0.2.0
- SumOfSquares v0.4.2
- SumProductNetworks v0.1.2
- SummationByPartsOperators v0.4.1
- SuperEnum v0.1.4
- Suppressor v0.2.0
- SurrogateModelOptim v0.4.3
- SurveyDataWeighting v1.0.2
- SwapLiterals v0.1.0
- SweepOperator v0.3.0
- SymArrays v0.3.0
- SymDict v0.3.0
- SymDiff v0.2.0
- SymEngine v0.8.2
- SymPy v1.0.31
- SymRCM v0.2.0
- SymSemiseparableMatrices v0.1.0
- SymSpellChecker v0.1.0
- SymmetricPolynomials v0.2.1
- SymmetricTensors v1.0.1
- SynchronicBallot v0.4.1
- Synchronizers v0.1.0
- SyntaxTree v1.0.1
- SyntheticDatasets v0.1.0
- SyslogLogging v0.1.1
- Syslogs v0.3.0
- TBLIS v0.1.0
- TDAmeritrade v0.1.0
- TSVD v0.4.1
- TSne v1.2.0
- TableOperations v0.2.1
- TableSchema v0.1.1
- TableShowUtils v0.2.5
- TableTraits v1.0.0
- TableTraitsUtils v1.0.1
- TableView v0.6.1
- TableWidgets v0.1.0
- Tables v1.1.0
- TabularDisplay v1.2.0
- Tapestree v0.1.3
- TarIterators v0.2.1
- Taro v0.8.2
- TaskMaster v0.1.0
- Tau v0.2.0
- TaylorIntegration v0.8.3
- TaylorSeries v0.10.8
- TeXTable v0.1.0
- TeaSeis v0.4.0
- Tectonic v0.2.0
- Telegram v0.2.1
- Telegrambot v0.1.5
- Temporal v0.8.0
- TenPuzzle v0.1.0
- TensorBoardLogger v0.1.11
- TensorCore v0.1.0
- TensorKitManifolds v0.5.0
- TensorOperations v3.0.0
- TensorPolynomialBases v0.1.4
- TensorToolbox v1.0.1
- TensorValues v0.3.5
- Tensors v1.4.3
- TerminalExtensions v0.4.0
- TerminalMenus v0.1.0
- TerminalRegressionTests v0.2.0
- TerminalUserInterfaces v0.2.0
- Terming v0.2.5
- TestImages v1.2.3
- TestSetExtensions v2.0.0
- TetGen v0.1.2
- Tetris v1.0.0
- TextParse v1.0.1
- TextUnidecode v1.0.6
- TextWrap v1.0.1
- TheCannon v1.0.1
- TheNumberLine v0.1.1
- Thebes v0.4.0
- ThermoState v0.3.1
- Theta v0.1.1
- Thorn v0.1.0
- ThreadSafeDicts v0.0.2
- ThreadTools v0.2.0
- ThreadedIterables v0.2.0
- ThreadedSparseArrays v0.1.0
- ThreadsX v0.1.6
- ThreePhasePowerModels v0.3.2
- Thrift v0.7.0
- TickTock v1.1.0
- TidyStanza v0.1.1
- TightBinding v0.1.3
- TikzCDs v0.1.0
- TikzGraphs v1.1.0
- TiledIteration v0.2.4
- TimeFrames v0.2.0
- TimeSeriesEcon v0.2.1
- TimeSeriesResampler v0.2.0
- TimeZones v1.4.0
- TimerOutputs v0.5.6
- TimeseriesPrediction v0.6.0
- TimeseriesSurrogates v1.1.1
- TinySegmenter v1.0.0
- Tk v0.7.0
- ToStruct v0.2.3
- Todo v0.1.0
- ToeplitzMatrices v0.6.2
- ToggleableAsserts v0.1.0
- Tokenize v0.5.8
- TotalLeastSquares v1.6.0
- TotalVariation v0.0.2
- Tower v0.1.0
- TrackedDistributions v1.0.0
- TrackingLoopFilters v0.1.1
- TraitWrappers v0.1.0
- TranscodingStreams v0.9.5
- Transducers v0.4.51
- TransferEntropy v0.5.6
- TransformUtils v0.2.6
- TransformVariables v0.3.10
- Transliterate v0.3.0
- TransmuteDims v0.0.4
- Trapz v2.0.2
- TravelingSalesmanHeuristics v0.3.3
- TreeParzen v0.2.0
- TreeSitter v0.1.0
- TreeView v0.4.0
- TreeViews v0.3.0
- Triangle v0.3.0
- TriangleMesh v1.1.0
- TriangularShapedCloudInterpolation v0.1.0
- Triangulate v0.5.1
- Tries v0.1.4
- TropicalNumbers v0.2.0
- TropicalSemiring v0.1.0
- TrustRegionMethods v0.3.1
- TupleTools v1.2.0
- TuringPatterns v0.1.3
- Turmeric v1.0.0
- TwentyFour v0.1.0
- Twiddle v1.1.2
- TwilioSMS v0.1.0
- TwoBit v0.1.0
- TwoDimensional v0.2.0
- TwoFAST v0.1.3
- TypeParsers v2.0.1
- TypeStability v1.0.0
- TypeTransform v0.1.3
- TypedDelegation v0.5.0
- UAParser v0.6.0
- UDUnits v0.2.2
- ULID v0.3.0
- URIParser v0.4.1
- UnPack v1.0.2
- UncValue v0.1.1
- UncertaintyQuantification v0.1.0
- Underscores v2.0.0
- UnicodeFun v0.4.1
- UnicodeGraphics v0.1.2
- Unidecode v1.0.2
- UnionFind v0.1.0
- UniqueVectors v1.0.0
- Unitful v1.4.1
- UnitfulAngles v0.6.1
- UnitfulAstro v1.0.1
- UnitfulAtomic v1.0.0
- UnitfulCurrency v0.2.1
- UnitfulMR v0.1.1
- UnitfulMoles v0.1.0
- UnitfulRecipes v1.0.0
- UnitfulUS v0.2.0
- UnivariateFunctions v0.2.1
- UnixTimes v0.3.0
- Unmarshal v0.4.1
- Unrolled v0.1.3
- UnsafeArrays v1.0.1
- UnsteadyFlowSolvers v0.7.5
- UnstructuredGrids v0.2.2
- Unzip v0.1.0
- UpROOT v0.3.0
- VPTrees v0.2.2
- VT100 v0.3.2
- VTKView v0.1.0
- ValkyrieRobot v0.2.0
- ValueHistories v0.5.3
- ValueShapes v0.7.2
- VarStructs v0.3.0
- VaxData v0.5.1
- VectorizedRoutines v0.1.0
- Vega v2.0.0
- VegaLite v2.3.0
- VersionParsing v1.2.0
- VersionVigilante v0.4.4
- VertexFinder v0.1.0
- VertexSafeGraphs v0.1.2
- ViscousFlow v0.3.4
- VisualRegressionTests v1.0.0
- VisualStringDistances v0.1.0
- Viznet v0.1.3
- VoronoiCells v0.1.5
- VoxelRayTracers v0.1.4
- WAV v1.0.3
- WCS v0.5.0
- WaspNet v0.1.2
- WaterPhysics v0.1.0
- Waveforms v0.1.1
- Wavelets v0.9.2
- WeakRefStrings v0.6.2
- WeakValueDicts v0.1.0
- Weave v0.10.5
- WebAssembly v0.1.1
- WeightedArrays v0.2.1
- WeightedOnlineStats v0.5.0
- Wells v0.1.0
- WhereTheWaterFlows v0.5.0
- Why v0.0.3
- Widgets v0.6.2
- WidgetsBase v0.1.2
- WignerFamilies v0.1.1
- WignerSymbols v1.1.0
- Wikidata v0.1.0
- WiltonInts84 v0.2.1
- WinKnownPaths v0.1.0
- WinRPM v1.0.0
- WinTypes v0.2.1
- WoodburyMatrices v0.5.2
- Word2Vec v0.5.0
- WordCloud v0.2.2
- WordNet v0.2.2
- WorldOceanAtlasTools v0.4.3
- Wrangling v0.1.2
- WriteVTK v1.7.3
- Wynn v0.0.3
- XAM v0.2.6
- XKCD v0.2.0
- XLSX v0.7.3
- XLSXasJSON v0.3.2
- XSim v0.4.0
- Xsum v1.0.0
- YAAD v0.1.0
- YAJL v0.2.1
- YAML v0.4.2
- Yao v0.6.3
- YaoAPI v0.1.0
- YaoBase v0.14.1
- YaoExtensions v0.2.2
- YaoPlots v0.5.0
- YearMonths v1.0.0
- Z3 v0.4.1
- ZChop v0.3.3
- ZMQ v1.2.1
- ZXCalculus v0.3.1
- Zabbix v0.1.0
- Zarr v0.5.1
- ZernikePolynomials v0.1.0
- ZeroInflatedDistributions v0.1.0
- ZeroInflatedLikelihoods v0.1.0
- ZeroRing v1.1.0
- ZfpCompression v0.1.0
- ZigZagBoomerang v0.5.3
- ZipFile v0.9.2
- Zomato v0.0.2
- ZygoteRules v0.2.0
- jInv v1.0.0
- jlpkg v1.2.2
549 packages were skipped on the previous version too.
Package is a untestable wrapper package:
- AMCL_jll
- ASL_jll
- ATK_jll
- AccerionSensorAPI_jll
- AmazonCACerts_jll
- Antic_jll
- Arb_jll
- ArcadeLearningEnvironment_jll
- Arpack_jll
- Attr_jll
- AzStorage_jll
- Bison_jll
- Bloaty_jll
- Blosc_jll
- Bzip2_jll
- CGAL_jll
- CImGui_jll
- CImPlot_jll
- CMake_jll
- COSMA_jll
- CSDP_jll
- CSPICE_jll
- CUDA_full_jll
- CUDA_jll
- CUDNN_CUDA100_jll
- CUDNN_CUDA101_jll
- CUDNN_CUDA102_jll
- CUDNN_CUDA110_jll
- CUDNN_CUDA90_jll
- CUDNN_CUDA92_jll
- CUTEst_jll
- Cairo_jll
- Cbc_jll
- CeresSolver_jll
- Cgl_jll
- Chafa_jll
- Check_jll
- Chemfiles_jll
- Clang_jll
- Clipper_jll
- Clp_jll
- CoinUtils_jll
- CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
- ConnectFourSolver_jll
- CoolProp_jll
- CovidSim_jll
- Cuba_jll
- Cubature_jll
- CvxCompress_jll
- CyrusSASL_jll
- Darknet_CUDA_jll
- Darknet_jll
- Dbus_jll
- DecFP_jll
- Deldir_jll
- Dex_jll
- Dierckx_jll
- DuckDB_jll
- ECOS_jll
- EDFlib_jll
- ERFA_jll
- EarCut_jll
- Edlib_jll
- Eigen_jll
- Elemental_jll
- Elfutils_jll
- Enzyme_jll
- Expat_jll
- FFMPEG_jll
- FFTW_jll
- FFplay_jll
- FLAC_jll
- FLINT_jll
- FMM3D_jll
- FastJet_Julia_Wrapper_jll
- FastJet_jll
- FastTransforms_jll
- Fontconfig_jll
- FreeType2_jll
- FriBidi_jll
- GDAL_jll
- GEOS_jll
- GLEW_jll
- GLFW_jll
- GLPK_jll
- GMAT_jll
- GMP_jll
- GR_jll
- GSL_jll
- GTK3_jll
- Gdbm_jll
- Geant4_jll
- Gettext_jll
- GibbsSeaWater_jll
- Giflib_jll
- Git_jll
- Glib_jll
- Glibc_jll
- Gnome_themes_extra_jll
- GnuTLS_jll
- Gnuastro_jll
- GoogleCodeSearch_jll
- Graphene_jll
- Graphite2_jll
- Graphviz_jll
- GtkSourceView_jll
- Gumbo_jll
- Gzip_jll
- HDF5_jll
- HELICS_jll
- HarfBuzz_jll
- HelloWorldC_jll
- HelloWorldCxx_jll
- HelloWorldGo_jll
- HiGHS_jll
- Htop_jll
- Hwloc_jll
- ICU_jll
- ISL_jll
- ImageMagick_jll
- IntelOpenMP_jll
- Ipopt_jll
- JSON_C_jll
- JpegTurbo_jll
- Julia_jll
- KAShim_jll
- KCP_jll
- KaHyPar_jll
- Keyutils_jll
- LAME_jll
- LASzip_jll
- LCIO_Julia_Wrapper_jll
- LCIO_jll
- LEAN_Community_jll
- LLVM_full_jll
- LLVM_jll
- LMDB_jll
- LZO_jll
- L_BFGS_B_jll
- Leptonica_jll
- LetsBeRational_jll
- LibAMVW_jll
- LibArchive_jll
- LibCURL_jll
- LibGit2_jll
- LibOSXUnwind_jll
- LibPQ_jll
- LibSSH2_jll
- LibSpatialIndex_jll
- LibUV_jll
- LibUnwind_jll
- LibVPX_jll
- Libcap_Ng_jll
- Libcroco_jll
- Libepoxy_jll
- Libffi_jll
- Libgcrypt_jll
- Libglvnd_jll
- Libgpg_error_jll
- Libiconv_jll
- Libmount_jll
- Librsvg_jll
- Libtask_jll
- Libtiff_jll
- Libtool_jll
- Libuuid_jll
- Libxc_jll
- LittleCMS_jll
- LoopTools_jll
- Lua_jll
- Luna_jll
- Lz4_jll
- METIS_jll
- MKL_jll
- MPC_jll
- MPFI_jll
- MPFR_jll
- MPICH_jll
- MUMPS_jll
- MUMPS_seq_jll
- MariaDB_Connector_C_jll
- MariaDB_Connector_ODBC_jll
- MbedTLS_jll
- Mesa_jll
- MicrosoftMPI_jll
- Mineos_jll
- MiniFB_jll
- Minuit2_jll
- MongoC_jll
- MozillaCACerts_jll
- Musl_jll
- NEO_jll
- NL2sol_jll
- NLopt_jll
- NNPACK_jll
- NOMAD_jll
- NUMA_jll
- Ncurses_jll
- NetCDF_jll
- Nettle_jll
- Ninja_jll
- OATHToolkit_jll
- OCaml_jll
- ORC_jll
- OSQP_jll
- Objconv_jll
- Ogg_jll
- OpenBLAS32_jll
- OpenBLASHighCoreCount_jll
- OpenBLAS_jll
- OpenCL_Headers_jll
- OpenJpeg_jll
- OpenLDAPClient_jll
- OpenLibm_jll
- OpenMPI_jll
- OpenSSH_jll
- OpenSSL_jll
- OpenSpecFun_jll
- OpenSpiel_jll
- OptimPack_jll
- Opus_jll
- OsiBuilder_jll
- Osi_jll
- P4est_jll
- PATHlib_jll
- PCRE2_jll
- PCRE_jll
- PETSc_jll
- PGPLOT_jll
- PORTA_jll
- PPL_jll
- PROJ_jll
- PYTHIA_jll
- Pango_jll
- Patchelf_jll
- Perl_jll
- Pikchr_jll
- Pixman_jll
- Poppler_jll
- Popt_jll
- Python_jll
- QD_jll
- Qemu_jll
- Qhull_jll
- Qt_jll
- QuantReg_jll
- ReSHOP_jll
- ReadStat_jll
- Readline_jll
- Rmath_jll
- SARSOP_jll
- SBC_jll
- SCIP_jll
- SCS_GPU_jll
- SCS_jll
- SDL2_gfx_jll
- SDL2_image_jll
- SDL2_jll
- SDL2_mixer_jll
- SDL2_ttf_jll
- SDPA_jll
- SEAL_jll
- SPIRV_Cross_jll
- SPIRV_Headers_jll
- SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_jll
- SPIRV_Tools_jll
- SQLite_jll
- SentencePiece_jll
- SharedMimeInfo_jll
- Singular_jll
- Snowball_jll
- SoftPosit_jll
- SpeexDSP_jll
- SuiteSparse32_jll
- SuiteSparseGraphBLAS_jll
- SuiteSparse_jll
- Sundials32_jll
- Sundials_jll
- SuperLU_MT_jll
- SymEngine_jll
- TVM_jll
- Tar_jll
- Tcl_jll
- TerminalImageViewer_jll
- Tesseract_jll
- ThriftJuliaCompiler_jll
- Tk_jll
- Torch_jll
- Triangle_jll
- TtH_jll
- TurboPFor_jll
- UCX_jll
- UDPipe_jll
- VerizonEctoken_jll
- Vulkan_Headers_jll
- WCS_jll
- WORLD_jll
- Wayland_jll
- Wayland_protocols_jll
- X11_jll
- XGBoost_jll
- XML2_jll
- XPA_jll
- XSLT_jll
- XZ_jll
- Xerces_jll
- Xorg_compositeproto_jll
- Xorg_damageproto_jll
- Xorg_dri2proto_jll
- Xorg_dri3proto_jll
- Xorg_fixesproto_jll
- Xorg_glproto_jll
- Xorg_inputproto_jll
- Xorg_kbproto_jll
- Xorg_libICE_jll
- Xorg_libSM_jll
- Xorg_libX11_jll
- Xorg_libXScrnSaver_jll
- Xorg_libXau_jll
- Xorg_libXcomposite_jll
- Xorg_libXcursor_jll
- Xorg_libXdamage_jll
- Xorg_libXdmcp_jll
- Xorg_libXext_jll
- Xorg_libXfixes_jll
- Xorg_libXft_jll
- Xorg_libXi_jll
- Xorg_libXinerama_jll
- Xorg_libXmu_jll
- Xorg_libXpm_jll
- Xorg_libXrandr_jll
- Xorg_libXrender_jll
- Xorg_libXt_jll
- Xorg_libXtst_jll
- Xorg_libXxf86vm_jll
- Xorg_libpciaccess_jll
- Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll
- Xorg_libxcb_jll
- Xorg_libxkbfile_jll
- Xorg_libxshmfence_jll
- Xorg_randrproto_jll
- Xorg_recordproto_jll
- Xorg_renderproto_jll
- Xorg_scrnsaverproto_jll
- Xorg_util_macros_jll
- Xorg_xcb_proto_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_image_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_keysyms_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_renderutil_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_wm_jll
- Xorg_xextproto_jll
- Xorg_xf86vidmodeproto_jll
- Xorg_xineramaproto_jll
- Xorg_xkbcomp_jll
- Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll
- Xorg_xorgproto_jll
- Xorg_xproto_jll
- Xorg_xtrans_jll
- YAJL_jll
- ZeroMQ_jll
- Zlib_jll
- Zstd_jll
- acl_jll
- adwaita_icon_theme_jll
- aiger_jll
- alsa_jll
- armadillo_jll
- assimp_jll
- at_spi2_atk_jll
- at_spi2_core_jll
- blis_jll
- bliss_jll
- bmon_jll
- boost_jll
- breakpad_jll
- bsdiff_classic_jll
- bsdiff_endsley_jll
- bsdiff_jll
- capnproto_jll
- cddlib_jll
- coordgenlibs_jll
- coreutils_jll
- dSFMT_jll
- datamash_jll
- difmap_jll
- eccodes_jll
- ephemeralpg_jll
- fakechroot_jll
- figtree_jll
- finufft_jll
- fzf_jll
- gdk_pixbuf_jll
- gh_cli_jll
- ghr_jll
- git_crypt_jll
- glmnet_jll
- glog_jll
- glslang_jll
- gmmlib_jll
- gperf_jll
- gperftools_jll
- grep_jll
- hicolor_icon_theme_jll
- hidapi_jll
- hsa_rocr_jll
- hsakmt_roct_jll
- htslib_jll
- hub_jll
- iODBC_jll
- iperf_jll
- iso_codes_jll
- isoband_jll
- jlqml_jll
- lib4ti2_jll
- libLLVM_jll
- libass_jll
- libasyncns_jll
- libatomic_ops_jll
- libcap_jll
- libcgal_julia_jll
- libcint_jll
- libconfuse_jll
- libcsv_jll
- libcxxwrap_julia_jll
- libdeflate_jll
- libdivsufsort_jll
- libevent_jll
- libexif_jll
- libfdk_aac_jll
- libftd2xx_jll
- libigc_jll
- libinchi_jll
- libint_jll
- libjulia_jll
- liblinear_jll
- liblsl_jll
- libmodplug_jll
- libnl_jll
- libpng_jll
- libpolymake_julia_jll
- libportaudio_jll
- libportaudio_ringbuffer_jll
- librdkafka_jll
- librealsense_jll
- librsync_jll
- libsamplerate_jll
- libserialport_jll
- libsharp2_jll
- libsingular_julia_jll
- libsndfile_jll
- libsodium_jll
- libsvm_jll
- libusb_jll
- libvorbis_jll
- libwebp_jll
- libxls_jll
- lm_Sensors_jll
- louvain_jll
- lrslib_jll
- mdbtools_jll
- mlpack_jll
- mpg123_jll
- mpv_jll
- nauty_jll
- neofetch_jll
- nghttp2_jll
- normaliz_jll
- ntl_jll
- nv_codec_headers_jll
- oneAPI_Level_Zero_Headers_jll
- oneAPI_Level_Zero_Loader_jll
- oneAPI_Level_Zero_jll
- opusfile_jll
- p7zip_jll
- pandoc_jll
- peco_jll
- polymake_jll
- pprof_jll
- pybind11_jll
- rr_jll
- ruby_jll
- s3gof3r_jll
- sais_jll
- sdsl_lite_jll
- sed_jll
- snappy_jll
- spglib_jll
- tblis_jll
- tectonic_jll
- tmux_jll
- tree_sitter_bash_jll
- tree_sitter_c_jll
- tree_sitter_cpp_jll
- tree_sitter_go_jll
- tree_sitter_html_jll
- tree_sitter_java_jll
- tree_sitter_javascript_jll
- tree_sitter_jll
- tree_sitter_json_jll
- tree_sitter_julia_jll
- tree_sitter_php_jll
- tree_sitter_python_jll
- tree_sitter_ruby_jll
- tree_sitter_rust_jll
- tree_sitter_typescript_jll
- unixODBC_jll
- unpaper_jll
- utf8proc_jll
- util_linux_jll
- vmtouch_jll
- wget_jll
- x264_jll
- x265_jll
- xfoil_light_jll
- xhyve_jll
- xkbcommon_jll
- xsum_jll
- xxHash_jll
- z3_jll
- zfp_jll
- zrl_jll
Package is not supported by this Julia version:
- Arena
- Artifacts
- DynamicBoundspODEsIneq
- ExactDiagonalization
- GapFindFill
- GraphLaplacians
- GraphMLDatasets
- GraphSignals
- McCormick
- MemoryInspector
- MicrobiomePlots
- ReverseMcCormick
- ScatterNNlib
- SigmoidNumbers
- StarPUClang
- Unicode2LaTeX
Package was blacklisted:
Julia Version 1.6.0-DEV.1117
Commit 36effbe10a (2020-10-02 17:38 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
uname: Linux 4.15.0-118-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 8 12:30:01 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64
CPU: AMD EPYC 7502 32-Core Processor:
speed user nice sys idle irq
#1-128 1498 MHz 23773640 s 5528 s 4130940 s 315664376 s 0 s
Memory: 503.8203659057617 GB (400183.6796875 MB free)
Uptime: 269263.0 sec
Load Avg: 1.03 0.98 3.13
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-10.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver2)
Julia Version 1.6.0-DEV.1109
Commit d5a83678c5 (2020-10-02 08:27 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
uname: Linux 4.15.0-118-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 8 12:30:01 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64
CPU: AMD EPYC 7502 32-Core Processor:
speed user nice sys idle irq
#1-128 1497 MHz 23773689 s 5528 s 4130959 s 315673450 s 0 s
Memory: 503.8203659057617 GB (400170.38671875 MB free)
Uptime: 269270.0 sec
Load Avg: 0.95 0.96 3.1
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-10.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver2)