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Nakazoto edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 30 revisions

Decompiled Source

Ren14500 has been building a phenomenally good disassembler to start taking apart system source files and turn them into genuine Centurion assembly. The resulting assembly is accurate enough that it can be reassembled using P.ASM. We do not have the source code for the original Operating System, so this is as close as we can get to peering into the inner workings and seeing how things function.

Example (XSMCB)

This is a decompiled example of the executable "XSMCB." The "X" stands for "eXecutable" and "SMCB" stands for "Set Mux Control Byte."

* Label naming:
* ENTRY = Main entry point
* ENTnn = Additional entry point
* B = Byte
* D = Displaced branch/jump target
* F = Function JSR target
* I = 32-bit integer
* J = Jump target
* L = Label (generic)
* N = Bignum
* P = Pointer
* S = String
* W = Word
8000:      DB    0,100      ; =0x00,0x0064
* Function ENTRY
8064:ENTRY XFR=  ENTRY,S    ; =0x8064 =32868(-32668) [Transfer immediate to S]
8068:      SVC   X'5C'      ; =92 [Service call GBKV - get OS block value]
806a:      DB    X'00'      ; =0x00 =0 =NUL [TODO: arg1]
806b:      DB    X'01'      ; =0x01 =1 [TODO: arg2]
806c:      DB    X'15'      ; =0x15 =21 [TODO: arg3]
806d:W806D DW    W806D      ; =0x806d =32877(-32659) [address to store block value]
806f:      LDB=  W807C      ; =0x807c =32892(-32644) [Load B with immediate]
8072:      SVC   X'5D'      ; =93 [Service call PBKV - set OS block value]
8074:      DW    X'0101'    ; =0x0101 =257 [TODO: arg1]
8076:      DB    X'19'      ; =0x19 =25 [TODO: arg2]
8077:      DW    W806D      ; =0x806d =32877(-32659) [address to read block value]
8079:      SVC   X'0A'      ; =10 [Service call EXIT - exit to OJX00]
807b:      DB    X'FF'      ; =0xff =255(-1) [completion code]
807c:W807C DW    X'0000'    ; =0x0000 =0 =NUL,NUL

Decompiled Files


File Notes Link
CPU4 Autoload ROM located on DSK/AUT board to bootstrap CPU4 systems Link
CPU5 Early Bootstrap ROM located on Backplane to bootstrap CPU5 systems off the Hawk Drive Link
CPU5 Late Bootstrap ROM located on Backplane to bootstrap CPU5 systems off the Hawk Drive Link
CPU6 Bootstrap ROM located on Backplane to bootstrap CPU6 systems to D= prompt Link
FDIPL Warrex Initial Program Loader unique to the floppy drive Link
CPU5 WIPL CPU5 Warrex Initial Program Loader Link
CPU6 WIPL CPU6 Warrex Initial Program Loader Link

CPU5 OpSys

File Notes Link
XPDIR Essential part of CPU5 OpSys Link

CPU6 OpSys

File Notes Link
OJX00 Main JCL parser. Prints "CRT0 READY", launches other @OJX files Link
OJX02 JCL command .FSPEC and .DSPEC Link
OJX03 JCL command .STA Link
OJX07 JCL command .IOA Link
OJX11 JCL command .FORMAT Link
OJX16 JCL command .REL and .CODE Link
OJX17 JCL command .SETA and .SETC Link
OJX18 JCL command .SKIP and .SKIPR Link
OJX19 JCL command .JOB and .PARM Link
OJX23 JCL command .VOL and .VSPEC Link
TX002 OpSys transient file: Link
TX003 OpSys transient file: Link
TX004 OpSys transient file: get string date Link
TX009 OpSys transient file: load private library Link
TX010 OpSys transient file: get integer date Link
TX011 OpSys transient file: convert date in GRIN to INTEGER Link
TX012 OpSys transient file: gets the current date of a file into the A register Link
TX013 OpSys transient file: sets the date on a file from the A register Link
TX014 OpSys transient file: open file by name/disk Link
TX015 OpSys transient file: performs low level disk I/O Link
PD000 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link
PD001 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link
PD002 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link
PD003 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link
PD004 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link
PD005 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link
PD006 OpSys predriver for MUX terminal Link

P Folder Assembler/Compiler Related

File Notes Link
OSLIB6 Implements a variety of CPL functions (LEN, MOD, MIN, MAX, etc.), as well as other useful functions Link


File Notes Link
BASIC Monitor Called to load the BASIC monitor to allow BASIC executables to run Link
KOMPOZ Executable for the KOMPOZ text editor Link
XASSM Assembler that builds CPU6 machine code from Assembly code Link
XASSM5 Assembler that builds CPU5 machine code from Assembly code Link
XBCOM Called to compile a BASIC program into pseudocode Link
XEJECT Simply clears the screen Link
XHEXLST Hexadecimal viewer Link
XLINK Interactive linker used when compiling executables Link
XSDUMP Hex dumper and editor Link
ZSDUMP Recreated CPL source code for XSDUMP Link
XSMCB Sets the control byte of the MUX board to change baud rate, data, etc. Link
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