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Nakazoto edited this page May 20, 2022 · 14 revisions

ROM Backups

This is a collection of all the ROMs that have been pulled from the computer and had their data backed up.


The CPU6 contains 8 ROMs in total that are all part of the microcode used to emulate the CPU4 Architecture.

Board Location Usage IC Link
CPU6 E3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 F3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 H3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 J3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 K3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 L3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 M3 Microcode AM27S191 Link
CPU6 B13 Microcode 6309 Link


The CMD board contains 11 ROMs in total that make up the microcode for interfacing with the CDC Phoenix Drive. It should be noted that these ROM files look very suspect. It is highly likely that some or all of the ROM files are bad or corrupt in some way.

Board Location Usage IC Link
CMD A7 Microcode TBP18S030 Link
CMD B3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD C3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD D3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD DC3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD E3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD ED3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD F3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD HF3 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
CMD F12 Microcode 6309 Link
CMD H15 Microcode TBP18S030 Link


The FFC board contains 12 ROMs in total, 9 on the primary board, and 3 on the secondary board. There was a lot of water damage around the H6, H7 and H8 area on the board, and the ROMs were in rough shape. Getting clean reads was spotty at best, but I believe that the data shown here is all correct. With the exception of ROM A3. It did not have any water damage, but refused to put out any meaningful data.

Board Location Usage IC Link
FFC H1 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC H2 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC H3 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC H4 Microcode TBP28S86AN Link
FFC H5 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC H6 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC H7 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC H8 Microcode 82S181 Link
FFC A3 Microcode/Logic? TBP18S030 Link
FFC A4 Microcode/Logic? TBP28L22 Link
FFC B3 Microcode/Logic? TBP18S030 Link
FFC J7 Microcode/Logic? TBP18S030 Link


The only ROM on the DSK/AUT board is the MM1702 Ceramic EPROM in the center of the board that contains the bootstrap code for CPU4 systems. The DSK/AUT and DSKII board work in tandem to interface with the CDC Hawk Drive.

Board Location Usage IC Link
DSK/AUT E4 Bootstrap MM1702 Link


The only ROM on the backplane is the TBP18S42 (or 6349) mask ROM that contains the bootstrap code for CPU5 and CPU6 systems.

Board Location Usage IC Link
BPN N/A Bootstrap TBP18S42 (6349) Link


The DIAG board has four ROMs that hold the code for the diagnostic tests as well as the Test Operating System (TOS). ROM F1 contains all the standard tests that show through the hex displays as well as TOS. ROMs F2, F3 and F4 contain all the Auxiliary Tests (0D) that are run through the terminal.

Board Location Usage IC Link
DIAG F1 Diagnostic and TOS MM2716 Link
DIAG F2 Auxiliary Tests MM2716 Link
DIAG F3 Auxiliary Tests MM2716 Link
DIAG F4 Auxiliary Tests MM2716 Link
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