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sjsoftware edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 66 revisions

Pin Connections

We have beeped out 99.9% of the CPU6 board, except for some confirmations for bus connections or pins tied to VCC or GND.

The remaining pins are listed for confirmation, for future verification of schematics.

If you want to double check how the reverse engineering process is going, please check in with Sjsoftware, Meisaka or Chris Giorgi on the Discord.

Not Found indicates that the connection was not found from the suggestions

Chip.Pin To Confirm Connections
A12.13 F7.38
A12.7 F7.37
A12.3 F7.36
A11.17 F9.39
A11.13 F9.38
A11.7 F9.37
A11.3 F9.36
A10.13 F7.23
A9.12 Edge Connector B19
A9.13 F9.23
A9.11 B9.16
A7.17 C6.14
A7.11 C6.11
A6.10 F9.22
A6.13 F9.23
A5.5 C1.13
A4.3 F9.25
A4.6 F9.24
A4.10 F9.22
A4.13 F9.23
B4.13 C9.2
B4.15 GND
C3.13 C9.12
C3.15 GND
C4.13 C9.12
C4.15 GND
J7.6 GND
J7.8 GND
J7.10 GND
J7.12 GND
H14.14 VCC, Possibly NC
L13.11 VCC, Possibly NC
L13.15 VCC, Possibly NC
L13.12 Possibly NC
L13.13 Possibly NC
L13.14 Possibly NC
L14.1 Possibly NC
L14.2 Possibly NC
L14.9 Possibly NC
L14.10 Possibly NC
A6.12 possibly NC
D9.8 possibly NC
D9.11 possibly NC
E8.8 possibly NC
E8.9 possibly NC
E12.5 Possibly NC
E12.9 possibly NC
E12.11 possibly NC
E12.13 possibly NC
F13.6 Possibly NC
H14.12 Possibly NC
H14.14 Possibly NC


Chip.Pin Area Connections
P4.7 GND, VCC, A8, ??? Not found **
P8.14 GND, VCC, ??? Not found **
P10.9 Self, GND, VCC, ??? Not found **
D10.3 K5 pin 2 or 15, H11 outputs, K11 outputs, 2 chip radius (basic gates) Not found DONE
M15.9 AM2901s pins 22-25 Not Found, believed to be NC
K11.11 Not Found, believed to be NC
H14.11 AM2901s Not found, believed to be NC
H14.13 AM2901s Not found, believed to be NC
D7.1 sockets and connectors R14, TTL connection not found

Verified 2022-07-29

Chip.Pin Area Connections
B13.16 Self, sockets M13.7
D9.14 F7, F9 F7.38
C11.4 F7, F9 F7.22
C11.6 F7, F9 F7.25
J10.1 Recheck - should be VCC or SL instruction won't work? VCC
E3.19 P7 P7.14
J12.5 J9 J9.5
J12.1 GND, self, top half of board (7-15) GND
J12.10 M12 M12.2
J12.11 J9 J9.14
J12.15 GND, self, top half of board (7-15) GND
K11.5 Self pin 4, GND, top half of board (7-15) K11.4
K11.6 VCC, top half of board (7-15) VCC
L9.3 VCC, E6.9, J7.1 (2909), K7.1 (2909) VCC
L9.10 K6 K6.3
M7.8 Column M, dip switch, P2, P3 connectors F13.15
M8.1 M13, GND, top half of board (7-15), P2 connector GND
M8.19 M13, GND, top half of board (7-15), P2 connector GND
M9.1 VCC, top half of board (7-15) D4.15
M9.2 top half of board (7-15) GND
M9.4 VCC, top half of board (7-15) E11.6
M9.10 VCC, top half of board (7-15) VCC
M9.12 VCC, GND, top half of board (7-15) VCC
M10.12 L10.2, L10.9, L11.13, M7.2, P7.13, ResPack R7, Dipsw1 pin5 ("R") cut trace from resistor pack to P7
M12.9 K10.6
M13.1 F7, F9 F7.18
M13.2 F7, F9 F7.19
M13.3 F7, F9 F7.20
M13.13 F7, F9 F7.17
M14.11 Self. P3 Connector, P2 Connector, Dip Switches, Top half of board (7-15) P2.12, R4.5
M14.19 GND GND
M15.19 GND GND
M15.13 D11 D11.7
K6.4 L5, K5 H5.19
L6.4 L5.9
P2 Connector pins 14-26 GND, VCC GND
P3 17-20 GND
P3 21-26 VCC
P5 Connector even pins 4-46 GND, VCC GND
P6 Connector even pins 4-46 GND, VCC GND
P7.6 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P7.7 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P7.10 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P7.11 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P8.1 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P8.2 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P8.11 E3 E3.2
P8.15 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P8.16 GND, VCC, ??? GND
P4.1 GND, VCC, A8, ??? GND
P4.2 GND, VCC, A8, ??? GND
P4.16 GND, VCC, A8, ??? GND
P4.15 GND, VCC, A8, ??? GND
P4.8 GND, VCC, A8, ??? VCC
P4.9 GND, VCC, A8, ??? VCC
P4.4 F7, F9 F9.37
P10.1 B9 B9.16
P10.3 B9 B9.12
P10.10 Self, GND, VCC, ??? B9.7, B10.7
P10.11 Self P10.10
P10.12 Self P10.10
P10.13 Self, GND, VCC, ??? B9.6, B10.6
P10.14 Self, GND, VCC, ??? B9.5, B10.5
P10.15 Self, GND, VCC, ??? B9.21, B10.21
P10.16 Self, GND, VCC, ??? B9.1, B10.1
K12.5 K12.6, L11.12
K12.4 K12.2, K12.3
K12.1 K12.11, K12.12
M12.9 K10.6
M12.1 E6.7
M8.16 P2.5
DIP.O P3.4
DIP.M Edge Connector B32 (!MRST)
A5.9 GND
A4.9 GND
A6.9 F11.5
B3.1 C9.2
B3.15 GND

Verified 2022-06-8

Chip.Pin Area Connections
A10.2 B10 B10.16
A10.5 B10 B10.14
A14.3 Edge Connector T8
A1.3 Edge Connector, Column A, top half of board A3.1, E10.12
A8.11 D9 D9.5
A8.6 F9, F7 F7.23
A8.5 D9 D9.15
A8.2 D9 D9.12
B7.5 C8, B1-B10, C1-C6 C8.8
B8.2 Recheck B9, B10 B9.16
B8.3 Recheck B9, B10 B9.16
B11.9 B10, B9 B10.16
B11.10 B10, B9 B10.14
C7.9 B9, B10 B9.14
C10.5 D9 F11.4
D6.10 Self pin 3, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 (seem to have missed this in the last session) B11.6
D7.1 sockets and connectors R14
D7.11 E7-15, F11-15, H11-15, J9-15, K9-15, L10-15 M9.3
D8.1 Top half (7-15) of board D12.13, E11.4, M8.14
D8.4 Top half (7-15) of board M8.12
D8.9 Top half (7-15) of board M8.6
D8.13 Top half (7-15) of board D12.4, JP1.3, C8.6
D10.3 C13.2 C13.2
D10.6 C13 C13.12
D11.3 F7, F9 F9.38
D11.6 F7, F9 F9.36
D12.1 Top half of board (7-15) B12.11
D12.2 Top half of board (7-15) D8.9, M8.6, P2.11
D12.4 Top half of board (7-15) B12.12, C8.6
D12.9 Top half of board (7-15) C10.12
D12.12 Top half of board (7-15) B12.3
D13.13 D14, D15 D15.16
D14.19 GND GND
D14.17 VCC VCC
D14.18 GND GND
D14.9 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.19, J12.12
D14.11 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.16, J12.4
D14.13 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.15, J11.4, J11.15
D14.15 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.12, J10.15
D15.17 VCC VCC
D15.18 GND GND
D15.19 GND GND
D15.9 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.9
D15.11 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.6
D15.13 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.5
D15.15 C9, Top half Column J (7-15) C9.2
E10.5 Top half of board (7-15) B15.9
E10.9 Self, Resistor Packs, Dip Switches, Top half of board (7-15) M14.9
E11.1 Top half of board (7-15) E14.2, E11.2
E11.4 Top half of board (7-15) M8.14
E11.11 Top half of board (7-15) E14.9, E8.12
E12.3 P10 socket (F15), Top half of board (7-15) P4.7
E14.3 E10, Top half of board (7-15) E10.12
E14.5 E15, D14-H14, E12-E7, C14-C7, Top half of board (7-15) E14.4
E15.2 VCC, GND, Self, B15, C15, C8, Top half of board GND
E15.4 Verify E14.12, VCC, GND, Self, B15, C15, C8, Top half of board (7-15) E14.12
E15.12 VCC, GND, Self, B15, C15, C8, Top half of board (7-15) GND
F12.2 VCC, GND, Self, Top half of board (7-15) GND
F12.10 Self, VCC, E15 Top half of board (7-15) VCC
F12.13 Self, VCC, D4, F14, Top half of board (7-15) VCC
F13.1 D4, VCC, Top half of board (7-15) VCC
F14.4 Self, F13,F12,F11 Top half of board (7-15) F14.5, F13.5
F14.5 Self, F13,F12,F11 Top half of board (7-15) F14.4 ,F13.5
H12.1 E14.10 (verify) E14.10
H12.4 VCC, GND, Top half of board (7-15) GND
H12.15 Self pin 1, VCC, GND, Top half of board (7-15) GND
H12.12 Self pin 4, VCC, GND, Top half of board (7-15) GND
H13.12 K11.3, Top half of board (7-15) K11.3
H14.4 K13, D14, D15, Top half of board (7-15) K13.3, GND
H14.6 K13, D14, D15, Top half of board (7-15) P3.9
H14.10 M7, Top half of board (7-15) A14.4
H14.7 F9.24
J9.11 F7 F7.33
J9.14 Self pin 2 J9.2
J10.1 F7, F9, J9-15, K9-15 F7.30
J10.9 L9 L9.7
J11.4 C9 C9.15
J11.1 F7, F9, J9-15, K9-15 GND
J11.14 VCC VCC
J11.12 F7, F9, J9-15, K9-15 VCC
J12.6 M12 M12.5
J13.6 J9 J9.5
J13.4 J9-15, K9-15, M12, top half of board (7-15) C8.6
J13.6 J9 J9.5
J13.11 J9-15, K9-15, M12, top half of board (7-15) J9.7
J13.13 GND GND
K13.13 GND GND
K13.10 M12, F13, VCC, GND, top half of board (7-15) F11.4
F6.4 J9 J9.10
F6.3 GND, VCC, J9-15, K9-15, M12 GND
F6.1 H5, F5 GND
H6.5 J9 J9.10
H6.10 VCC, GND, J9-15, K9-15, M12 GND
H6.13 VCC, GND, J9-15, K9-15, M12 VCC

Verified 2022-06-24

Chip.Pin Area Connections
A15.11 Column A, edge connector T27, resistor array
A14.1 Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 Pin 2, E15 pin 5
A14.2 Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 Pin 1,
A14.4 Check A14.6 on edge connector first, Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15, Possibly NC A14.5, B10.10
A14.5 Check A14.6 on edge connector first, Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15, Possibly NC A14.4
A14.6 T26
A14.13 Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 A14.12
A13.1 A13 other pins, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15, VCC, GND A13.2
A13.9 A13.10
A13.13 A13 other pins, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15, VCC, GND A13.12
A3.9 B1-B6, C1-C6 C6.14
A2.13 Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 A2.12, C10 pin 10
A2.10 Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 A15.6
B7.2 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 C7.4
B7.3 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 C7.1
B8.1 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 C8.5, B10.10
B8.2 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 B8.3, B9.16
B8.3 Multiple, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 B8.2
B8.4 Multiple, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 B10.12
B8.5 Multiple, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 B10.14
B8.6 Multiple, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 B10.16
B8.8 B12.1
B10.21 B1-B6, C1-C6 C6.14
B10.6 B1-B6, C1-C6 C4.5
B10.7 B1-B6, C1-C6 C4.2
B10.19 GND GND
B10.17 VCC VCC
B10.18 GND E12.4
B10.9 C9 C9.19
B10.11 C9 C9.16
B10.13 C9 C9.15
B10.15 C9 C9.12
B12.4 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 A2.1
B12.5 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 E8.13
B12.9 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 F11.4
B15.1 VCC, Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 VCC
B15.4 VCC, Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 VCC
B15.13 VCC, Column A, B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 VCC
C15.2 B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15, top half (7-15) of board A15.4
C15.3 VCC, GND, C9, F9, F7 GND
C15.4 VCC, GND, C9, F9, F7 GND
C15.5 VCC, GND, C9, F9, F7 GND
C15.6 VCC, GND, C9, F9, F7 GND
C14.3 D9 D9.12
C14.6 D9 D9.15
C14.10 D9 D9.5
C14.11 C13 pin 15 C13.15
C14.13 D9 D9.2
C14.15 stop if found: GND, VCC, K5, D12, D11, D10, D9, D5 GND
C14.1 stop if found: K5, D6, D5, D4, E7, E6, E5, F6, J13-9, K13, H11, K11 K5.2
C13.4 B13 B13.9
C11.2 GND or pin 1 C11.1, D4.12
C11.11 C12 C12.6
C11.12 C12 C12.5
C11.13 C12 C12.4
C11.14 C12 C12.3
C11.15 GND, VCC, D5 GND
C12.2 GND or pin 1 D4.12
C12.15 GND, VCC, D5 GND
C10.1 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 L11.7
C10.9 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15 H11.13
C10.11 B12? B12.2, B12.13, B7.8
C10.13 Column A, Column B, Column C, D7-D15, possibly NC C5.15
C9.3 F7, F9 F9.36
C9.4 F7, F9 F9.37
C9.13 F7, F9 F7.36
C9.17 F7, F9 F7.38
C9.18 F7, F9 F7.39
C8.1 B1-B6, C1-C6 B4.2
C8.5 B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 B10.10
C7.5 B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 B6.13
C7.12 B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 B9.12
D6.1 B7-B15, C7-C15, D7-D15 (need to find an output pin) B15.10, F11.9

Verified 2022-06-10

Chip.Pin Area Connections
E8.13 B12.5
H11.14 D7.14
H11.13 C10.9
H11.11 D6.14
H11.10 D6.5
H11.7 C11.9, C12.9
D6.15 GND
D6.2 H12.9, D6.11
F11.11 B11.2, B11.13
F11.10 A13.12
F11.7 B6.1, B5.1
F11.6 E14.1, D6.6, D6.13
F11.4 B12.9
D6.3 C10.4, F12.12
J7.15 D4.5
D4.4 A14.8
A14.9 A14.10, A15.2
K11.10 B9.20, B10.20
H13.13 K12.13
K12.3 K12.2
K13.7 L7.6
K13.9 L7.8
K9.1 B12.3
K9.2 C13.2
K9.3 D10.4
K9.4 F12.9
K9.15 D12.1
K9.14 F14.6
K9.13 B15.6
K9.12 H13.6
F11.12 M8.17, E11.13
B12.8 F13.3
A12.19 K11.7, E15.10

Verified 2022-06-8

Chip.Pin Area Connections
A2.9/10 A15.6
A2.11 Card Edge Front P11
A3.12 H12.2
A14.11 Card Edge Front P29
H11.4 GND
H11.5 GND
H11.6 VCC
H12.5/11 L13.4/L11.9
L11.2 P7.3
L11.6 M10.13/L10.5
L11.7 C10.1
L11.15 GND
L14.4 L14.5

Verified 2022-05-12

Chip.Pin Area Connections
M14.3 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.1
M14.5 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.2
M5.2 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) J8.7(2909), J10.10, K13.2
M5.5 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) J8.9(2909), J10.11, K13.14
M5.6 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) L8.9(2909), K9.9, J11.7
M5.9 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) L8.7(2909), J11.11
M5.12 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) J8.13(2909), J11.10, J13.14
M5.15 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) J8.11(2909), J10.7, J13.2
M5.16 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) L8.11(2909), K9.10, J12.2
M5.19 Column J and K (J10-13, K9, K13) L8.13(2909), K9.11, J12.14
M15.12 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.7
M15.14 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.6
M15.16 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.5
M15.18 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.3
M15.3 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.10
M15.5 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.11
M15.7 AM2901s pins 22-25 P3.12
D10.2 K5 pin 2 or 15, H11 outputs, K11 outputs, 2 chip radius (basic gates) K5.15

Verified 2022-05-11

Chip.Pin Area Connections
A1.2 possibly ground or +5V GND
A1.8 B11, B12, C11, C12, B15, C14, A15, A14, A13 B11.4
A1.12 possibly ground or +5V GND
B1.7 B6.7 B6.7
B1.10 Possibly ground or +5V GND
B1.12 B3, A4 B3.5
B1.13 B3, A4 B3.11
B1.14 B3, A4 B3.14
B2.2 C2.2, B5.2, C5.2, D6 C2.2, B5.2, C5.2, D6.9
B2.9 C2.9, E7, E6, E5, Rows 11,12,13,14, Row 15 A-E C2.9, K11.9
B2.10 ground (check pin with 8) GND
D4.14 D4.4 AND (H11.10-11, 12-15, K11.10, 11, 13, 15) D4.4, E7.6
D4.5 F11.15? M13.15? F11.15
D5.10 Should be M6.19? (beeped as pin 18) M6.1, M6.19
K11.1 E5/J5/2901 E5.15, K12.9
K11.2 E5/J5/2901 J5.19, K12.8
K11.3 E5/J5/2901 J5.16, H13.12


Chip.Pin Area Connections
E6.6 VCC
E6.4 GND
E6.5 GND
E6.1 E5.10
E6.2 E5.2
E6.3 E5.12
E7.6 D4.4
E7.4 GND
E7.5 GND
E7.1 J5.15
E7.2 J5.2
E7.3 GND
D2.1 E2.13
D2.2 E2.9
D2.3 E2.10
D4.1 VCC
D3.6 E2.13
D3.4 GND
D3.5 GND
D3.1 E2.9
D3.2 E2.10
D3.3 E2.11
D13.1 D4.2
A6.7 D4.7
A4.7 D4.10
C12.1 D4.12
D5.1 VCC
D5.3 D3.15
D5.4 D3.14
D5.6 D3.11
D5.11 D3.10
D5.13 D3.12
D5.14 D3.13
A9.7 D4.2
M7.19 D4.5
M7.1 D4.7
M6.19 D4.10
A8.7 D4.12
A12.11 D4.15
C9.1 E6.14
C13.1 E6.13
D9.1 E6.12
D11.1 E6.11
C4.1 E6.10
M12.1 E6.7
K7.1 E6.9
J7.1 E6.9
L6.10 H11.9
L6.9 P7.9, 4.7k pullup (possibly resistor array next to AM2901s)
F7.40 L6.8
F9.40 L6.8
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