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Nakazoto edited this page Mar 18, 2023 · 1 revision


This is a list of the available registers, OpCodes / Instructions, and what they mean. These were all reverse engineered by just looking at existing code and recognizing patterns. As such, this list may be incomplete or full of errors. Any resemblance to the mnemonics or syntax used by other processors, such as the 8086, is simply because we borrowed existing syntax where it seemed fit. The CPU5 and CPU6 are both evolutions of the older CPU4 design, which itself was either heavily inspired by or a direct copy of the Eldorado Electrodata Corporation EE200. Documentation on the EE200 can be found here.


There are eight registers available, though care should be taken with some registers, particularly the X, S, C and P registers, as these are used for specific functions during some OpCodes.

Each register is addressed by its nibble. For word operations, use the Leftmost nibble. For byte operations, the nibble corresponds to the high byte or low byte.


AW = 0, AH = 0, AL = 1

BW = 2, BH = 2, BL = 3

Name Byte Full Word High Byte Low Byte Usage Notes
A 01 AW AH AL Primary Accumulator Primary register, commonly used in implicit operations, can use full addressing modes
B 23 BW BH BL Secondary Accumulator Primary register, commonly used in implicit operations, can use full addressing modes
X 45 XW Primary Index Can only do word operations (Not true for CPU6?)
Y 67 YW YH YL Secondary Index or Working Register Index registers or working storage registers
Z 89 ZW ZH ZL Secondary Index or Working Register Index registers or working storage registers
S AB SW SH SL Stack Register Global among all interrupt levels and used to maintain stack during subroutine exits and entries
C CD Context Register Contains the status condition indicators (fault, link, minus, and value) and preceding interrupt level
P EF Program Counter Base Contains initial program counter value to be used when starting up or returning from interrupt


Each register and the flags appears to exist in 16 contexts and these contexts are mapped between 0x0000 and 0x00FF 16 bytes per context starting with context 0 and working upwards. The registers are stored in the memory in the order given above. Writing to the memory of another context updates the registers for that context. Writing to the memory for your own context appears to change the register value except for P and C.

The processor starts in context 0. Context 15 is used by what appears to be a syscall instruction, context 6 is used by the MUX interrupt test, context 1 is used programmatically during MMU testing.

Interrupts (or at least the one sample we have) are processed by a hardware triggered context switch, the execution of code in the new context, and then an 0x0A instruction.

Context Register

The context register holds the previous IPL, the condition codes and the Page Table Map register.

The register organisation is as follows

Bit(s) Function
15-12 Previous IPL
11-8 Unknown, not used?
7 Value (Zero)
6 Minus (Sign)
5 Fault (Overflow)
4 Link (Carry)
3-0 Page Table Map for context

Instruction Organization

Instructions are constructed a nibble at a time, like a Build a Bear. The high nibble of the high byte determines what kind of operation is being executed. It should be noted that the lowest bit of the high nibble determines whether we are doing a byte operation or a word operation (excluding Control, Branch, X register and Jump operations). For example, 0x8 is 1000 in binary and is a byte operation. 0x9 is 1001 in binary and is a word operation. Both operation load the A register, but the low bit being either "0" or "1" is what determines whether we are loading a byte or word.

High nibble Operation type
0x0 Control instructions
0x1 Conditional branch instructions
0x2 Single Register byte operations
0x3 Single register word operations
0x4 Double register byte operations
0x5 Double register word operations
0x6 X register memory reference operations
0x7 Jump operations
0x8 A register load byte operations
0x9 A register load word operations
0xA A register store byte operations
0xB A register store word operations
0xC B register load byte operations
0xD B register load word operations
0xE B register store byte operations
0xF B register store word operations

Addressing Modes

Instructions can be either 1-byte, 2-byte or 3-byte depending on the type of instruction. The second or third byte (if present) are related to addressing, or directing the instruction as to which location in memory to act upon. Addressing can be either implicit or explicit. Implicit means that no addressing is specified, and that specific instruction operates on only one specific location. Explicit means the programmer must state which location they will perform the operation on.

In the chart below, the addressing mode and what is expected at each nibble of each operation is shown.

HB = High Byte; MB = Mid Byte; LB = Low Byte

HN = High Nibble; LN = Low Nibble

HB_HN       HB_LN       MB_HN   MB_LN   LB_HN   LB_LN   Note
0 Op (0-F) Control Operations
1 Op (0-F) Displace Displace Branch Operations
2 Op (0-7) Source Reg. Constant Single Register Explicit Byte Operation
2 Op (8-F) Single Register Implicit Byte Operation
3 Op (0-7) Source Reg. Constant Single Register Explicit Word Operation
3 Op (8-F) Single Register Implicit Word Operation
4 Op (0-7) Source Reg. Dest. Reg. Double Register Explicit Byte Operation
4 Op (8-F) Double Register Implicit Byte Operation
5 Op (0-7) Source Reg. Dest. Reg. Double Register Explicit Word Operation
5 Op (8-F) Double Register Implicit Word Operation
Op (6-F) 0 Literal Literal Literal Memory Address Byte Operation
Op (6-F) 0 Literal Literal Literal Literal Literal Memory Address Word Operation
Op (6-F) 1 Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Memory Address Operation
Op (6-F) 2 Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Memory Address Operation
Op (6-F) 3 Displace Displace Relative to Current Location Memory Address Operation
Op (6-F) 4 Displace Displace Indirect Relative to Current Location Memory Address Operation
Op (6-F) 5 Register Modifier Displace Displace Indexed Addressing (Modifier Table Below)
Op (6-F) 8-F Implicit Indexing (8 - F => A - P Reg.)
Modifier Note
0 Use register as address (2-byte)
1 Use register as address and increment after (2-byte)
2 Decrement register and then use as address (2-byte)
4 Use register as indirect address (2-byte)
5 Use register as indirect address and increment after (2-byte)
6 Decrement register and then use as indirect address (2-byte)
8 Add displacement byte to register and use as address (3-byte)
9 Add displacement byte to register and use as address, then increment (3-byte)
A Decrement register, add displacement byte to register and use as address (3-byte)
C Add displacement byte to register and use as indirect address (3-byte)
D Add displacement byte to register and use as indirect address, then increment (3-byte)
E Decrement register, add displacement byte to register and use as indirect address (3-byte)

Full Instruction List

This is a full list of instructions in order of hexadecimal value. Depending on the operation, this may not be the most effective way of looking up an instruction but is included for completeness.

Note: Despite saying "completeness" in the previous sentence, this list is very much so incomplete and a constant work in progress. If something seems incredibly strange or broken, it most likely is.

Hex Binary OpCode Byte Address Byte Address Byte Notes
00 0000 0000 HLT Halts the CPU
01 0000 0001 NOP No Operation
02 0000 0010 SF Set Fault
03 0000 0011 RF Reset Fault
04 0000 0100 EI Enable the Interrupt System
05 0000 0101 DI Disable the Interrupt System
06 0000 0110 SL Set the Link/carry Flag
07 0000 0111 RL Reset the Link/carry Flag
08 0000 1000 CL Complement Link
09 0000 1001 RSR Return from subroutine
0A 0000 1010 RI Return from interrupt
0B 0000 1011 RIM Return from Interrupt Modified. Possibly illegal instruction on the CPU6
0C 0000 1100 ELO Enable Link Out on EE200. CPU6 will flash the ABT light on the front panel
0D 0000 1101 PCX Transfer PC to X
0E 0000 1110 DLY Delay 4.5 ms
0F 0000 1111 RSYS Return from JSYS using stack. (pops a byte, PC <- X, then pops the new value of X, then the new IPL, then the new Page Table Map). See also JSYS
10 0001 0000 BL PC+N Branch if Link/Carry Set
11 0001 0001 BNL PC+N Branch if Link/Carry not Set
12 0001 0010 BF PC+N Branch if Fault Set
13 0001 0011 BNF PC+N Branch if Fault not Set
14 0001 0100 BZ PC+N Branch if Equal to 0
15 0001 0101 BNZ PC+N Branch if Not Equal to 0
16 0001 0110 BM PC+N Branch if Minus set
17 0001 0111 BP PC+N Branch on Positive
18 0001 1000 BGZ PC+N Branch if Greater Than 0
19 0001 1001 BLE PC+N Branch if Less Than or Equal to 0
1A 0001 1010 BS1 PC+N Branch if Sense Switch 1 Set
1B 0001 1011 BS2 PC+N Branch if Sense Switch 2 Set
1C 0001 1100 BS3 PC+N Branch if Sense Switch 3 Set
1D 0001 1101 BS4 PC+N Branch if Sense Switch 4 Set
1E 0001 1110 BIE Branch on interrupts enabled
1F 0001 1111 BEP? Branch on Even Parity (Changed for CPU6? Branch on AH at interrupt level 1 bit 0 set. See instructions B6 and C6)
20 0010 0000 INR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Increment byte of explicit register by 1 + constant
21 0010 0001 DCR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Decrement byte of explicit register by 1 + constant
22 0010 0010 CLR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Clear byte of explicit register to constant
23 0010 0011 IVR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Invert byte of explicit register, constant 1 is negate
24 0010 0100 SRR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Arithmetic Shift byte of explicit register right by 1 + constant
25 0010 0101 SLR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Shift byte of explicit register left by 1 + constant
26 0010 0110 RRR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Rotate byte of explicit register right by 1 + constant (wraps through carry)
27 0010 0111 RLR Byte Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Rotate byte of explicit register left by 1 + constant (wraps through carry)
28 0010 1000 INAL Increment byte of implicit AL register
29 0010 1001 DCAL Decrement byte of implicit AL register
2A 0010 1010 CLAL Clear byte of implicit AL register
2B 0010 1011 IVAL Invert byte of implicit AL register
2C 0010 1100 SRAL Shift byte of implicit AL register right
2D 0010 1101 SLAL Shift byte of implicit AL register left
2E 0010 1110 *See chart below *See chart below Special two byte instruction
2F 0010 1111 *See chart below *See chart below Special two byte instruction
30 0011 0000 INR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Increment word of explicit register by 1 + constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
31 0011 0001 DCR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Decrement word of explicit register by 1 + constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
32 0011 0010 CLR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Clear word of explicit register to constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
33 0011 0011 IVR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Invert word of explicit register, constant 1 is negate. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
34 0011 0100 SRR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Arithmetic Shift word of explicit register right by 1 + constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
35 0011 0101 SLR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Shift word of explicit register left by 1 + constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
36 0011 0110 RRR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Rotate word of explicit register right (wraps through carry) by 1 + constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
37 0011 0111 RLR Word Register in high nibble, unsigned constant in low nibble Rotate word of explicit register left (wraps through carry) by 1 + constant. Using an odd register will operate on memory.
38 0011 1000 INAW Increment word of implicit AW register
39 0011 1001 DCAW Decrement word of implicit AW register
3A 0011 1010 CLAW Clear word of implicit AW register
3B 0011 1011 IVAW Invert word of implicit AW register
3C 0011 1100 SRAW Shift word of implicit AW register right
3D 0011 1101 SLAW Shift word of implicit AW register left
3E 0011 1110 INX Increment word of implicit X register
3F 0011 1111 DCX Decrement word of implicit X register
40 0100 0000 ADD Byte register, Byte register Add bytes of two explicit registers (left plus right stored in right)
41 0100 0001 SUB Byte register, Byte register Subtract bytes of two explicit registers (left minus right stored in right)
42 0100 0010 AND Byte register, Byte register AND bytes of two explicit registers (left AND right stored in right)
43 0100 0011 ORI Byte register, Byte register OR bytes of two explicit registers (left OR right stored in right)
44 0100 0100 ORE Byte register, Byte register XOR bytes of two explicit registers (left XOR right stored in right)
45 0100 0101 XFR Byte register, Byte register Copy byte of one explicit register into other explicit register (left into right)
46 0100 0110 *See chart below *See chart below Special two byte instruction
47 0100 0111 *See chart below *See chart below Special two byte instruction
48 0100 1000 AABL Add bytes of implicit AL and BL (AL plus BL stored in BL)
49 0100 1001 SABL Subtract bytes of implicit AL and BL (AL minus BL stored in BL)
4A 0100 1010 NABL AND bytes of implicit AL and BL (AL AND BL stored in BL)
4B 0100 1011 XAXL Transfer byte of implicit AL into XL
4C 0100 1100 XAYL Transfer byte of implicit AL into YL
4D 0100 1101 XABL Transfer byte of implicit AL into BL
4E 0100 1110 XAZL Transfer byte of implicit AL into ZL
4F 0100 1111 XASL Transfer byte of implicit AL into SL
50 0101 0000 ADD Word Register, Word Register Add word of two explicit registers (left plus right stored in right). Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory.
51 0101 0001 SUB Word Register, Word Register Subtract word of two explicit registers (left minus right stored in right). Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory.
52 0101 0010 AND Word Register, Word Register AND word of two explicit registers (left AND right stored in right). Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory.
53 0101 0011 ORI Word Register, Word Register OR word of two explicit registers (left OR right stored in right). Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory.
54 0101 0100 ORE Word Register, Word Register XOR word of two explicit registers (left XOR right stored in right). Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory.
55 0101 0101 XFR Word Register, Word Register Copy word of one explicit register into other explicit register (left into right). Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory.
56 0101 0110 ?? Set high bit in internal status register. (possibly trap on buffer overflow on string instructions)
57 0101 0111 ?? Clear high bit in internal status register. (possibly trap on buffer overflow on string instructions)
58 0101 1000 AABW Add word of implicit AW and BW (AW plus BW stored in BW)
59 0101 1001 SABW Subtract word of implicit AW and BW (AW minus BW stored in BW)
5A 0101 1010 NABW AND word of implicit AW and BW (AW AND BW stored in BW)
5B 0101 1011 XAXW Transfer word of implicit AW into XW
5C 0101 1100 XAYW Transfer word of implicit AW into YW
5D 0101 1101 XABW Transfer word of implicit AW into BW
5E 0101 1110 XAZW Transfer word of implicit AW into ZW
5F 0101 1111 XASW Transfer word of implicit AW into SW
60 0110 0000 LDXW #Literal #Literal Load immediate address into full word X
61 0110 0001 LDXW Direct Direct Load direct address into full word X
62 0110 0010 LDXW [Indirect] [Indirect] Load indirect address into full word X
63 0110 0011 LDXW PC+N Load direct Program Counter offset by N address into full word X
64 0110 0100 LDXW [PC+N] Load indirect Program Counter offset by N address into full word X
65 0110 0101 LDXW Word Register, Mod. Offset Load indexed mode register into full word X
66 0110 0110 JSYS #Literal System Call. Pushes CCR + Page Table Map, Current IPL, X, X <- PC, pushes literal as argument. Clears the Page Table Map and jumps to 0x0100. See also RSYS.
67 0110 0111 *See chart below *See chart below Special two byte instruction
68 0110 1000 STXW Store Location Store Location Store word of XW register into PC address (PC)+ <- X. Opposite of 60
69 0110 1001 STXW Direct Direct Store word of XW register into direct address
6A 0110 1010 STXW [Indirect] [Indirect] Store word of XW register into indirect address
6B 0110 1011 STXW PC+N Store word of XW register into direct Program Counter offset by N address
6C 0110 1100 STXW [PC+N] Store word of XW register into indirect Program Counter offset by N address
6D 0110 1101 STXW Word Register, Mod. Offset Store word of XW register into indexed register
6E 0110 1110 LDCC Direct Direct Load CCR with byte at address
6F 0110 1111 STCC Direct Direct Store CCR to address
70 0111 0000 JMP #Literal #Literal Jump to literal address (Not possible?)
71 0111 0001 JMP Direct Direct Jump to direct address
72 0111 0010 JMP [Indirect] [Indirect] Jump to indirect address
73 0111 0011 JMP PC+N Jump to direct Program Counter offset by N address
74 0111 0100 JMP [PC+N] Jump to indirect Program Counter offset by N address
75 0111 0101 JMP Word Register, Mod. Offset Jump to indexed mode register
76 0111 0110 ?? Enable Parity Checking
77 0111 0111 MULU Word Register, Word Register Unsigned multiply Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory. 32 bit result is stored in adjacent registers.
78 0111 1000 DIVU Word Register, Word Register Unsigned divide Using an odd register for either operand will operate on memory. Link flag is set for zero remainder. Result stored as remainder, quotient in adjacent 16 bit registers.
79 0111 1001 JSR Direct Direct Jump to subroutine at direct address (Careful with JSR, check S register)
7A 0111 1010 JSR [Indirect] [Indirect] Jump to subroutine at indirect address
7B 0111 1011 JSR PC+N Jump to subroutine at Program Counter offset by N address
7C 0111 1100 JSR [PC+N] Jump to subroutine at indirect Program Counter offset by N address
7D 0111 1101 JSR Word Register, Mod. Offset Jump to subroutine at indexed mode register
7E 0111 1110 PUSH First Byte Register in high nibble, Count - 1 in low nibble Push multiple 8 bit registers to the stack. Registers are pushed from last (highest) to first
7F 0111 1111 POP First Byte Register in high nibble, Count - 1 in low nibble Pop multiple 8 bit registers from the stack. Registers are popped from first (lowest) to last
80 1000 0000 LDAL #Literal Load literal address into byte of AL register (Pretty sure 2-byte opcode)
81 1000 0001 LDAL Direct Load direct address into byte of AL register (Pretty sure 2-byte opcode)
82 1000 0010 LDAL [Indirect] Load indirect address into byte of AL register (Pretty sure 2-byte opcode)
83 1000 0011 LDAL PC+N Load direct Program Counter offset by N address into byte of AL register
84 1000 0100 LDAL [PC+N] Load indirect Program Counter offset by N address into byte of AL register
85 1000 0101 LDAL Word Register, Mod. Offset Load indexed register into byte of AL register
86 1000 0110 ?? Disable Parity Checking
87 1000 0111 ?? Illegal?
88 1000 1000 LALA Load byte from memory address stored in implicit AW into AL register
89 1000 1001 LALB Load byte from memory address stored in implicit BW into AL register
8A 1000 1010 LALX Load byte from memory address stored in implicit XW into AL register
8B 1000 1011 LALY Load byte from memory address stored in implicit YW into AL register
8C 1000 1100 LALZ Load byte from memory address stored in implicit ZW into AL register
8D 1000 1101 LALS Load byte from memory address stored in implicit S into AL register
8E 1000 1110 LALC Load byte from memory address stored in implicit C into AL register
8F 1000 1111 LALP Load byte from memory address stored in implicit P into AL register
90 1001 0000 LDAW #Literal #Literal Load literal address into full word of AW register
91 1001 0001 LDAW Direct Direct Load direct address into full word of AW register
92 1001 0010 LDAW [Indirect] [Indirect] Load indirect address into full word of AW register
93 1001 0011 LDAW PC+N Load direct Program Counter offset by N address into full word of AW register
94 1001 0100 LDAW [PC+N] Load indirect Program Counter offset by N address into full word of AW register
95 1001 0101 LDAW Word Register, Mod. Offset Load indexed register into full word of AW register
96 1001 0110 ?? Set even parity?
97 1001 0111 ?? Illegal?
98 1001 1000 LAWA Load word from memory address stored in implicit AW into AW register
99 1001 1001 LAWB Load word from memory address stored in implicit BW into AW register
9A 1001 1010 LAWX Load word from memory address stored in implicit XW into AW register
9B 1001 1011 LAWY Load word from memory address stored in implicit YW into AW register
9C 1001 1100 LAWZ Load word from memory address stored in implicit ZW into AW register
9D 1001 1101 LAWS Load word from memory address stored in implicit S into AW register
9E 1001 1110 LAWC Load word from memory address stored in implicit C into AW register
9F 1001 1111 LAWP Load word from memory address stored in implicit P into AW register
A0 1010 0000 STAL Store Location Store byte of AL register into PC address (PC)+ <- AL. Opposite of 80
A1 1010 0001 STAL Direct Direct Store byte of AL register into direct address
A2 1010 0010 STAL [Indirect] [Indirect] Store byte of AL register into indirect address
A3 1010 0011 STAL PC+N Store byte of AL register into direct Program Counter offset by N address
A4 1010 0100 STAL [PC+N] Store byte of AL register into indirect Program Counter offset by N address
A5 1010 0101 STAL Word Register, Mod. Offset Store byte of AL register into indexed register
A6 1010 0110 ?? Set odd parity?
A7 1010 0111 ?? Illegal?
A8 1010 1000 SALA Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in AW
A9 1010 1001 SALB Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in BW
AA 1010 1010 SALX Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in XW
AB 1010 1011 SALY Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in YW
AC 1010 1100 SALZ Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in ZW
AD 1010 1101 SALS Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in S
AE 1010 1110 SALC Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in C
AF 1010 1111 SALP Store byte from implicit AW register to memory address stored in P
B0 1011 0000 STAW Store Location Store Location Store word of AW register into PC address (PC)+ <- AW. Opposite of 90
B1 1011 0001 STAW Direct Direct Store word of AW register into direct address
B2 1011 0010 STAW [Indirect] [Indirect] Store word of AW register into indirect address
B3 1011 0011 STAW PC+N Store word of AW register into direct Program Counter offset by N address
B4 1011 0100 STAW [PC+N] Store word of AW register into indirect Program Counter offset by N address
B5 1011 0101 STAW Word Register, Mod. Offset Store word of AW register into indexed register
B6 1011 0110 ?? Writes -1 to AH at interrupt level 1. See instructions C6 and 1F
B7 1011 0111 ?? Illegal?
B8 1011 1000 SAWA Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in AW
B9 1011 1001 SAWB Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in BW
BA 1011 1010 SAWX Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in XW
BB 1011 1011 SAWY Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in YW
BC 1011 1100 SAWZ Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in ZW
BD 1011 1101 SAWS Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in S
BE 1011 1110 SAWC Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in C
BF 1011 1111 SAWP Store word from implicit AW register to memory address stored in P
C0 1100 0000 LDBL #Literal Load literal address into byte of BL register (Pretty sure 2-byte opcode)
C1 1100 0001 LDBL Direct Load direct address into byte of BL register (Pretty sure 2-byte opcode)
C2 1100 0010 LDBL [Indirect] Load indirect address into byte of BL register (Pretty sure 2-byte opcode)
C3 1100 0011 LDBL PC+N Load direct Program Counter offset by N address into byte of BL register
C4 1100 0100 LDBL [PC+N] Load indirect Program Counter offset by N address into byte of BL register
C5 1100 0101 LDBL Word Register, Mod. Offset Load indexed register into byte of BL register
C6 1100 0110 ?? Writes 0 to AH at interrupt level 1. See instructions B6 and 1F
C7 1100 0111 ?? Illegal
C8 1100 1000 LBLA Load byte from memory address stored in implicit AW into BL register
C9 1100 1001 LBLB Load byte from memory address stored in implicit BW into BL register
CA 1100 1010 LBLX Load byte from memory address stored in implicit XW into BL register
CB 1100 1011 LBLY Load byte from memory address stored in implicit YW into BL register
CC 1100 1100 LBLZ Load byte from memory address stored in implicit ZW into BL register
CD 1100 1101 LBLS Load byte from memory address stored in implicit S into BL register
CE 1100 1110 LBLC Load byte from memory address stored in implicit C into BL register
CF 1100 1111 LBLP Load byte from memory address stored in implicit P into BL register
D0 1101 0000 LDBW #Literal #Literal Load literal address into full word of BW register
D1 1101 0001 LDBW Direct Direct Load direct address into full word of BW register
D2 1101 0010 LDBW [Indirect] [Indirect] Load indirect address into full word of BW register
D3 1101 0011 LDBW PC+N Load direct Program Counter offset by N address into full word of BW register
D4 1101 0100 LDBW [PC+N] Load indirect Program Counter offset by N address into full word of BW register
D5 1101 0101 LDBW Word Register, Mod. Offset Load indexed register into full word of BW register
D6 1101 0110 *See chart below *See chart below Special two byte instruction
D7 1101 0111 ?? Register Stores AW into any register in register file
D8 1101 1000 LBWA Load word from memory address stored in implicit AW into BW register
D9 1101 1001 LBWB Load word from memory address stored in implicit BW into BW register
DA 1101 1010 LBWX Load word from memory address stored in implicit XW into BW register
DB 1101 1011 LDBW Load word from memory address stored in implicit YW into BW register
DC 1101 1100 LBWZ Load word from memory address stored in implicit ZW into BW register
DD 1101 1101 LBWS Load word from memory address stored in implicit S into BW register
DE 1101 1110 LBWC Load word from memory address stored in implicit C into BW register
DF 1101 1111 LBWP Load word from memory address stored in implicit P into BW register
E0 1110 0000 STBL Store Location Store byte of BL register into PC address (PC)+ <- BL. This is the opposite of C0
E1 1110 0001 STBL Direct Direct Store byte of BL register into direct address
E2 1110 0010 STBL [Indirect] [Indirect] Store byte of BL register into indirect address
E3 1110 0011 STBL PC+N Store byte of BL register into direct Program Counter offset by N address
E4 1110 0100 STBL [PC+N] Store byte of BL register into indirect Program Counter offset by N address
E5 1110 0101 STBL Word Register, Mod. Offset Store byte of BL register into indexed register
E6 1110 0110 ?? Register Load AW from any register in register file?
E7 1110 0111 ?? Illegal?
E8 1110 1000 SBLA Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in AW
E9 1110 1001 SBLB Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in BW
EA 1110 1010 SBLX Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in XW
EB 1110 1011 SBLY Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in YW
EC 1110 1100 SBLZ Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in ZW
ED 1110 1101 SBLS Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in S
EE 1110 1110 SBLC Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in C
EF 1110 1111 SBLP Store byte from implicit BL register to memory address stored in P
F0 1111 0000 STBW Store Location Store Location Store word of BW register into PC address (PC)+ <- BW. This is the opposite of D0
F1 1111 0001 STBW Direct Direct Store word of BW register into direct address
F2 1111 0010 STBW [Indirect] [Indirect] Store word of BW register into indirect address
F3 1111 0011 STBW PC+N Store word of BW register into direct Program Counter offset by N address
F4 1111 0100 STBW [PC+N] Store word of BW register into indirect Program Counter offset by N address
F5 1111 0101 STBW Word Register, Mod. Offset Store word of BW register into indexed register
F6 1111 0110 ?? Something to do with page table management
F7 1111 0111 ?? Copies AW bytes of memory from BW to YW
F8 1111 1000 SBWA Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in AW
F9 1111 1001 SBWB Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in BW
FA 1111 1010 SBWX Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in XW
FB 1111 1011 SBWY Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in YW
FC 1111 1100 SBWZ Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in ZW
FD 1111 1101 SBWS Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in S
FE 1111 1110 SBWC Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in C
FF 1111 1111 SBWP Store word from implicit BW register to memory address stored in P

3x Extended Addressing

If an odd register is specified for a 3x instruction, the operation is on memory. Note that this is still very much WIP.

For a register specifier of 1, the effective address is the direct address of the word following. For other odd registers, the effective address is indexed from the relative 16 bit register.

Register Nibble Meaning Example Description
1 Direct 32 12 1234 Clear word at address 1234 to 2
3 Indexed B 32 32 1234 Clear word at address 1234 + B to 2
5 Indexed X 32 52 1234 Clear word at address 1234 + X to 2
7 Indexed Y 32 72 1234 Clear word at address 1234 + Y to 2
9 Indexed Z 32 92 1234 Clear word at address 1234 + Z to 2
b Indexed S 32 B2 1234 Clear word at address 1234 + S to 2
d Indexed C 32 D2 1234 Possibly illegal. Clear word at address 1234 + C to 2
f Indexed P 32 F2 1234 Clear word at address 1234 + P to 2

5x Extended Addressing

If either of the register nibbles are odd for a 5x instruction, then extended addressing modes will be used for the instruction. The src and dest registers are obtained by stripping out the low bit of their nibbles. Note that this is still very much WIP and needs to be verified on hardware.

  • Left Register odd, Right Register even - dest <- src op literal
  • Left Register even, Right Register odd - dest <- src op (direct)
  • Left Register odd, Right Register odd - dest <- index(src) op dest

Note that subtraction, division and XFR vary from the register to register variants. Examples are given in the table below.

Opcode Operation High nibble (src) Low nibble (dest) Meaning
51 SUB Even Odd dest <- direct - src
51 SUB Odd Odd dest <- index(src) - dest
55 XFR Odd Even dest <- #literal
78 DIV Even Odd dest <- src / direct
78 DIV Odd Odd dest <- dest / index(src)

2e Instructions

These instructions are of the form 2E ssssmmnn where ssss is the instruction selector and mm is the addressing mode of the first operand and nn is the addressing mode of the second operand.

Addressing modes

This section describes the addressing modes for the 2e instruction. This is very much WIP. These modes are shared with other instructions.

For mode 2, the microcode indicates whether the register will be in the high nibble or low nibble of the relevant byte.

Mode Function Description
0 EA <- (PC) Direct
1 EA <- imm8/imm16 + r1 + r2 (if r2 is not AW) r1/r2 are 16 bit registers indicated in byte following instruction high and low nibble respectively. imm8/imm16 follows r1/r2. Imm16 is used if r1 is odd (the word register is still used as the index)
2 EA <- R, R in high or low nibble of byte at PC determined by microcode Register
3 EA <- PC Literal (illegal when address must be specified). Size provided in microcode.


Selector Opcode Operand 1 Operand 2 Description
0 WPF Low 3 bits: page table map. High 5 bits: count Address Write Page File - write count page table entries with page table map from Operand 2 address
1 RPF Low 3 bits: page table map. High 5 bits: count Address Read Page File - read count page table entries with page table map to Operand 2 address. Set top bit from MSR
2 WPF1 Low 3 bits: page table map. High 5 bits: Page table index Address Write Page File 1 entry from Operand 2 address
3 RPF1 Low 3 bits: page table map. High 5 bits: Page table index Address Read Page File 1 entry to Operand 2 address. Set top bit from MSR
4 WPFH Low 3 bits: page table map. High 5 bits: Page table index Address Write Page File High. Writes 32-index entries from Operand 2 address
5 RPFH Low 3 bits: page table map. High 5 bits: Page table index Address Read Page File High. Reads 32-index entries to Operand 2 address. Set top bit from MSR

2f Instructions

These instructions are mainly concerning DMA. There are ten DMA instructions. The instructions are of the form 2e rs where r is a register and s is the instruction selector.

Selector Opcode Description
0 LDDMAA Load DMA Address from word register
1 STDMAA Store DMA Address to word register
2 LDDMAC Load DMA Count from word register
3 STDMAC Store DMA Count to word register
4 SETDMAM Set DMA mode. Mode is constant in register nibble
5 SETDMAMR Set DMA mode. Mode is read from register in register nibble. Will always use the low byte even if a high byte register is provided
6 EDMA Enable DMA
7 DDMA Disable DMA
8 LDDMAMAP Load low three bits of Internal Status Register from register. Will always use the low byte even if a high byte register is provided
9 STDMAMAP Store Internal Status Register to register. This instruction is buggy and will only store some of the bits depending on the register provided (the status register is masked on the inverse of the register number). Best results will be with AH. Will always use the low byte even if a high byte register is provided

46 Instructions

These instructions are big number operations. The instruction form is 46 llllkkkk ssssmmnn where l is the size of operand 1, k is the size of operand 2, s is the operation selection (so far 0 is +, 1 is -), m and n are CPU6 extended instruction addressing modes. The first operand is the source, the second is the destination.

Selector Opcode Description
0 ADDBIG Adds two big numbers. Dest = Src + Dest
1 SUBBIG Subtracts two big numbers. Dest = Src - Dest
2 CMPBIG Set flags based on subtraction
3 XFRBIG Assigns a big number
4 NEGBIG Negates a big number
5 MULBIG Multiplies two big numbers (signed). Zero results where one operand is negative are unreliable
6 DIVBIG Divides two big numbers (signed). Remainder is not stored
7 DIVBIGR Divides two big numbers (signed). Remainder is written to address pointed to by AW. Link flag is set for zero remainder
8 IBASECONV Base string to Big number. Base can be from 2 to 17. (TODO - describe how base is provided - similar to OBASECONV)
9 OBASECONV Big number to Base string. Base can be from 2 to 17. Operand 1 is destination, Operand 2 is source. Base is length field of Operand 1 (field holds Base - 2). Operand 1 length is provided in AL. BL provides padding byte. AW holds address of result following operation. Result is formatted, @ in destination will be replaced by result. # in destination is padding marker, result will be zero filled until marker, from marker on result will be filled with padding byte. Other bytes in destination are left as is.

47 and 67 Instructions

These instructions appear to operate on strings or memory blocks. The general form is 47 ssssmmnn followed by the operands. m and n are the CPU6 addressing modes. 47 4x and 47 8x have an additional literal byte length argument (length of block - 1). 47 2x has two additional arguments,

67 instructions are identical to 47 instructions, except when relevant, they take their length argument in register AL (WIP, it is unknown if 67 instructions are limited to 8bit lengths)

Selector Opcode 1st Operand 2nd Operand 3rd Operand 4th Operand Description
0 binload BaseAddress record Implements most of the Centurion binary record format in Microcode.
1 strcmp?
2 condcpy? MaxCount - 1 (implicit) byte to match Src Dest Copies from Source to Dest until matching byte is found (can be used as strcpy). Sets Fault if no match found. Sets Y to match in Src. Sets Z to match in Dest
4 memcpy Count - 1 Count Length any mode count length memory copy block of memory from first argument to second argument
8 memcmp Count - 1 Count Length any mode count length memory compare two blocks of memory
9 memset Count - 1 Single Byte count length memory copies first arg repeated to second arg

D6 Instruction

A 16 bit move/store that uses the inverse of 5x Extended Addressing. Takes a operand byte with register nibbles. The lower bit of each register nibble selects an addressing mode

  • Left Register even, Right Register even - General register mode - Left <- Right
  • Left Register even, Right Register odd - store Right to 16bit (direct) address
  • Left Register odd, Right Register even - store Right to 16bit literal at PC
  • Left Register odd, Right Register odd - store Right to (Left + 16bit offset)
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