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Ricardo M. Ferraz Leal edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 5 revisions


Owned Tickets

Ticket Summary Owner Reporter Work Package
SasView/sasview#771 Math not rendered without network connection (Windows) ajj ajj SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasview#882 ensure everything useful is backed up ajj richardh SasView Admin
SasView/sasview#481 SESANS into GUI Design ajj pkienzle SESANS Integration
SasView/sasview#899 Warn users if they are asking DREAM for too many samples ajj pkienzle SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasmodels#140 Fix volume normalisation on Raspberry model ajj ajj SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasview#1126 Remove SasView from SourceForge entirely ajj smk78 SasView Admin
SasView/sasview#252 Provide ability to submit bug report directly from SasView ajj ajjackson SasView Admin
SasView/sasview#438 Integrate user and developer websites ajj ajj SasView Admin
SasView/sasview#991 Scripts for release ajj ajj Support Infrastructure

Tickets Closed at Code Camp

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasview#1031 fixed Consider releasing new tutorial in 4.1.1 ajj smk78
SasView/sasview#1028 fixed pearl_necklace - check equation in documentation ajj richardh
SasView/sasview#1024 fixed Include sasmodels api docs in sasview developer documentation ajj ajj
SasView/sasview#1014 fixed Slurp tutorial repo for tutorials ajj smk78
SasView/sasmodel-marketplace#10 fixed Need to fix upload of data files to marketplace ajj butler
SasView/sasmodel-marketplace#9 fixed Allow admins to edit all models and upload data etc on marketplace ajj ajj
SasView/sasmodel-marketplace#8 fixed Marketplace Admin Panel issues ajj butler
SasView/sasview#1004 fixed Improve developer communication methods ajj ajj
SasView/sasview#995 fixed About box points to misleading contributors page on Github ajj smk78
SasView/sasview#960 fixed Fix link between git commit messages and trac ajj ajj
SasView/sasview#875 fixed Generate PDFs of Roadmap ajj ajj
SasView/sasview#847 fixed Bring roadmap uptdodate ajj butler
SasView/sasmodel-marketplace#2 fixed Fix data upload to marketplace ajj smk78

Reported Tickets

Ticket Summary Owner Reporter Work Package
SasView/sasview#617 Create web page / section with list of publications using SasView. krzywon ajj Support Infrastructure
SasView/sasview#681 Remove once we have appropriate sasmodels replacement ajj SasModels Infrastructure
SasView/sasview#771 Math not rendered without network connection (Windows) ajj ajj SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasview#811 Move All Package Dependencies to a Single Place piotr ajj SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasview#970 New Model Editor needs to properly deal with form_volume function gonzalezm ajj SasModels Infrastructure
SasView/sasmodels#140 Fix volume normalisation on Raspberry model ajj ajj SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasview#997 Update install instructions / release notes for users who have Xcode installed but haven't authorised command line tools ajj SasView Admin
SasView/sasmodels#151 autogenerate orientation parameters pkienzle ajj SasModels Infrastructure
SasView/sasview#1033 Namespace clash for sasgui if shipped as separate package piotr ajj SasView GUI Enhancements
SasView/sasview#1278 Migration from Trac to GitHub issues ricardo ajj Support Infrastructure
SasView/sasview#1279 Migration from trac wiki to GitHub wiki ricardo ajj Support Infrastructure
SasView/sasview#379 Option to send data to fit panel cloned from existing one ajj SasView GUI Redesign
SasView/sasview#416 Running Sasview from the command line on linux fills the current directory with .pyc files ajj SasView Bug Fixing
SasView/sasview#426 Add model for cubic sponge phase none ajj SasModels New Model
SasView/sasview#438 Integrate user and developer websites ajj ajj SasView Admin
SasView/sasview#991 Scripts for release ajj ajj Support Infrastructure


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