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SolarUser Datum Import API

Matt Magoffin edited this page Nov 7, 2024 · 24 revisions

The SolarUser Datum Import API provides methods to manage importing datum in bulk to SolarNetwork. The API is designed around import tasks where the following steps are taken:

  1. Upload the bulk data.
  2. Optionally preview how SolarNetwork will parse the data into datum objects, then confirm the job.
  3. Check the import task status to wait for SolarNetwork to complete the import process.

All paths are relative to a /solaruser prefix. All dates and times are represented in the Gregorian calendar system. All requests must provide a valid user authentication token. See SolarNet API authentication for information on how to use authentication tokens.


Verb Endpoint Description
POST /user/import/jobs Submit an import task request.
GET /user/import/jobs List previously submitted import tasks with their processing status.
GET /user/import/jobs/{jobId} View a previously submitted import task with its processing status.
DELETE /user/import/jobs/{jobId} Cancel a previously submitted import task.
POST /user/import/jobs/{jobId} Update a previously submitted import task configuration.
GET /user/import/jobs/{jobId}/preview Preview a staged import task request.
POST /user/import/jobs/{jobId}/confirm Confirm a staged import task request.
GET /user/import/services/input List the available import input format types.

Localized responses

Many endpoints return localized messages. The locale of the response is determined by the Accept-Language HTTP header passed on the request. If not provided, the default locale of the SolarNetwork service will be used.

Localized setting specifiers

Some responses include a localizedInfoMessages response object. This objects contains a pair of localized messages for the setting specifier key values returned in the same response. The localized message pairs are in the form X.key (a title) and X.desc (a longer description) where X is a setting specifier key. For example, a response might look like:

  "id": "net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService",
  "locale": "en-NZ",
  "settingSpecifiers": [
      "key": "headerRowCount",
      "defaultValue": "1",
      "secureTextEntry": false,
      "transient": false,
      "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
  "localizedName": "CSV - Basic",
  "localizedDescription": "Import data in a basic CSV format, with JSON encoded columns for instantaneous, accumulating, status, and tag sample data.",
  "localizedInfoMessages": {
    "headerRowCount.key": "Skip Rows",
    "headerRowCount.desc": "The number of rows to skip. Can be used to skip header rows, or to skip previously loaded rows from  a partially completed import job."

A single headerRowCount setting is defined for this service. The localizedInfoMessages object thus defines the title for that setting via headerRowCount.key (Skip Rows) and a description via headerRowCount.desc (The number of rows to skip. …).

Input formats

The following input data formats are supported; each input format has a unique service ID that is referenced in various endpoints, such as the Import Task Submit endpoint.

Format Description
CSV - Basic CSV format with JSON-encoded columns for datum properties.
CSV - Simple CSV format with simple property value columns.
Cloud Datum Stream Import from a configured Cloud Datum Stream

CSV - Basic input format

ID net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService

The CSV input format encodes each datum as a CSV row, with datum properties as 4 columns of JSON encoded objects for each supported property classification (instantaneous, accumulating, status, and tag). A header row is optional in this format. It supports the following settings:

Setting Type Default Description
headerRowCount integer 1 The number of header lines to skip in the import data. At least one header row is required, and the first header row must define the datum property names.
nodeIdColumn string 1 The CSV column number or name that contains the node ID values, starting from 1 or A.
sourceIdColumn string 2 The CSV column number or name that contains the source ID values, starting from 1 or A.
dateColumnsValue string 3 A CSV columns reference for the datum date and time. When multiple columns are configured, all column values are concatenated with a space to form the timestamp to be parsed using the configured date format.
instantaneousDataColumn string 4 The CSV column number or name, starting from 1 or A, that contains the instantaneous property values, as a JSON objects
accumulatingDataColumn string 5 The CSV column number or name, starting from 1 or A, that contains the accumulating property values, as a JSON objects
statusDataColumn string 6 The CSV column number or name, starting from 1 or A, that contains the status property values, as a JSON object.
tagDataColumn string 7 The CSV column number or name, starting from 1 or A, that contains the tags, as a comma-delimited string.

Example input looks like this:

123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:25:00,"{""irradiance"":0.000}","{""wattHours"":0.000}"
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:30:00,"{""irradiance"":9.000}","{""wattHours"":10.100}"
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:35:00,"{""irradiance"":12.336}","{""wattHours"":15.020}"
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:40:00,"{""irradiance"":15.660}","{""wattHours"":19.325}"
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:45:00,"{""irradiance"":18.996}","{""wattHours"":25.923}"

⚠️ Note that the JSON column values must correctly escape the quotes within the JSON values by replacing each quote character with two quote characters.

It is not a problem if a specified column does not actually exist in the imported data. The example shown above does not contain status or tag columns, even though those settings default to columns 6 and 7, respectively. Missing columns will simply be ignored during the import process. Additionally, empty column values are allowed except for the node ID, source ID, and date columns.

CSV - Simple input format

ID net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.SimpleCsvDatumImportInputFormatService

The CSV input format encodes each datum as a CSV row, with datum properties as individual columns. A header row is required as the datum property names are defined there. It supports the following settings:

Setting Type Default Description
headerRowCount integer 1 The number of header lines to skip in the import data. At least one header row is required, and the first header row must define the datum property names.
nodeIdColumn string 1 The CSV column number or name that contains the node ID values, starting from 1 or A.
sourceIdColumn string 2 The CSV column number or name that contains the source ID values, starting from 1 or A.
dateColumnsValue string 3 A CSV columns reference for the datum date and time. When multiple columns are configured, all column values are concatenated with a space to form the timestamp to be parsed using the configured date format.
dateFormat string yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss The date format for parsing the datum date and time.
instantaneousDataColumns string The CSV columns reference for the instantaneous property values.
accumulatingDataColumns string The CSV columns reference for the accumulating property values.
statusDataColumns string The CSV columns reference for the status property values.
tagDataColumns string The CSV columns reference for the tag values. Tag values may be specified individually or as a comma-delimited list.

Example input looks like this:

123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:25:00,0.000,0.000
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:30:00,9.000,10.100
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:35:00,12.336,15.020
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:40:00,15.660,19.325
123,/S01/TEST,2013-01-21 07:45:00,18.996,25.923

It is not a problem if a specified column does not actually exist in the imported data. The example shown above does not contain status or tag columns. Missing columns will simply be ignored during the import process. Additionally, empty column values are allowed except for the node ID, source ID, and date columns.

CSV columns reference

A CSV columns reference is a comma-delimited list of column numbers, or letters, with optional ranges separated by a dash character. Numbers start at 1 and letters start at A, following the common spreadsheet method of adding additional letters as needed to reach columns higher than 26.

Here are some examples:

Reference Description
4 The forth column.
4,5,6,10 Four columns including 4, 5, 6, and 10.
4-6,10 Same as previous, using a range: four columns including 4, 5, 6, and 10.
D The forth column.
D,E,F,J Four columns including 4, 5, 6, and 10.
D-F,J Same as previous, using a range: four columns including 4, 5, 6, and 10.
AA-AC,AG Four columns including 27, 28, 29, and 33.
4,E-F,10 Four columns including 4, 5, 6, and 10.

Cloud Datum Stream input format

ID s10k.c2c.ds-import

The Cloud Datum Stream format imports datum from a configured Cloud Datum Stream.

⚠️ Not all Cloud Datum Stream services support importing data over arbitrary time ranges. Consult the documentation for the service you are interested in for more information.

⚠️ The batchSize input setting should be set to 1 for Cloud Datum Stream import jobs See the Import transaction handling section for more details.

It supports the following settings:

Setting Type Description
datumStreamId integer The unique ID of the Cloud Datum Stream to import from
startDate string The starting date to import from, in ISO 8601 timestamp format
endDate string The ending date to import to, in ISO 8601 timestamp format

Import task submit

Submit an import task configuration for asynchronous execution. Once submitted, the import task will either become:

  1. staged if the configuration requests it, meaning the import task will not execute but can be previewed and then must be confirmed to execute or be cancelled.
  2. queued and execute at some point in the future.

Either way, use the list or view endpoints to check on the status of submitted tasks.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs
config The import configuration JSON object, as an application/json multipart object.
data The import data, as an application/octet-stream multipart object.

The request must be submitted as multipart/form-data with config and data parts, as described in the following sections.

For example, the following HTTP request will import CSV data for staging:

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: SNWS2 <<SNWS2 AUTH HERE>>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 21:11:00 GMT
Content-MD5: s749I4GCeoV6YcTgvgxmMA==
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=6nhCnmkiuPlQKbskL1_kPKQsso2CMH0a
Connection: close
Content-Length: 929

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="config"
Content-Type: application/json

{"name":"Test Import","stage":true,"inputConfiguration":{"name":"Test Input","timeZoneId":"America/New_York","serviceIdentifier":"net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService","serviceProperties":{"headerRowCount":"0","dateColumnsValue":"1","dateFormat":"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss","nodeIdColumn":"2","sourceIdColumn":"3"}}}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data"; filename="test-data-load-123-XSM.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

01/01/2013 07:25:00,123,/S01/TEST,"{""irradiance"":0.000}"
01/01/2013 07:30:00,123,/S01/TEST,"{""irradiance"":9.000}"
01/01/2013 07:35:00,123,/S01/TEST,"{""irradiance"":12.336}"
01/01/2013 07:40:00,123,/S01/TEST,"{""irradiance"":15.660}"
01/01/2013 07:45:00,123,/S01/TEST,"{""irradiance"":18.996}"

Import data compression

The data component can provide compressed content, to reduce the size of the HTTP request. The following compression formats are supported:

  • bzip2
  • gzip
  • lz4
  • xz

When utilized, the Content-Type part header value can be specified as application/octet-stream. The compression format will be detected automatically.

Import data encoding

The data content can be included as-is (raw bytes). A Content-Type part can be specified as application/octet-stream if binary content is provided (for example compressed data). You can also provide Base64-encoded binary content if you include a Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 part header. For example:

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: SNWS2 <<SNWS2 AUTH HERE>>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 21:11:00 GMT
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=PEAtNV-9A9wuDto9aWROrpCG4gUAbf
Connection: close
Content-Length: 929

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="config"
Content-Type: application/json

{"name":"Test Import","stage":true,"inputConfiguration":{"name":"Test Input","timeZoneId":"America/New_York","serviceIdentifier":"net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService","serviceProperties":{"headerRowCount":"0","dateColumnsValue":"1","dateFormat":"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss","nodeIdColumn":"2","sourceIdColumn":"3"}}}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data"; filename="test-data-load.csv.xz"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Import task configuration

The config HTTP request part must be of type application/json and contain a JSON object that specifies the import task configuration.

Property Type Description
name string A descriptive name for the import task.
stage boolean true to stage the data so it can be previewed for errors, false to immediately queue the task for execution.
batchSize integer An optional transactional batch size. Values between 1,000 - 10,000 are good candidates. Setting to 1 disables the import transaction completely. See below for more details.
groupKey string An optional import group key. See the section on parallel import jobs for more information.
inputConfiguration object Input format configuration object that defines the format to decode the data as.

The stage property allows you to upload the data set without actually trying to import the data. You can call the preview endpoint to see if the data will be parsed correctly, and then confirm or cancel the task execution.

Import transaction handling with batchSize

The batchSize controls how many datum are imported per transaction. If any error occurs during the import process, the datum imported within the current transaction will be discarded. Or put another way, all datum up to the start of the current transaction will have been committed. The result status for the import task will provide details on how many datum were successfully imported, so you could then create a new import task with the problem corrected and the successfully imported datum omitted.

Setting batchSize to 1 means the import job will run without a transaction, so all datum up to the point of any error will have been committed. Not setting batchSize at all, or setting it to anything less than 1, means the import job will run completely within a single transaction, so if any error occurs no datum will be committed.

Generally configuring a batchSize can help an import job comlpete more quickly. As a rule of thumb a value between 1,000 and 10,000 is a good starting point.

⚠️ Some input services like Cloud Datum Stream work much better with the import transaction disabled, so set batchSize to 1 for those services.

Parallel import jobs

Import jobs are processed by creation order, from oldest to newest. SolarNetwork can process multiple jobs in parallel, however. If two import jobs include datum that overwrite each other and they are executed at the same time, one of them can fail from a transactional deadlock as they both try to write the same datum. To prevent this from happening, define a group key for the import jobs so that all jobs importing datum for the same node and source ID stream share a common groupKey value. Then those jobs will be imported sequentially, from oldest to newest, without conflicting with each other.

If no groupKey is provided with a given import job, SolarNetwork will assign a unique value itself.

Input format configuration

The inputConfiguration task configuration property defines the format of the data HTTP request part. The supported import formats are available via the List input formats endpoint.

Property Type Description
name string A descriptive name for the input format.
timeZoneId string A time zone to apply to imported datum that do not specify a time zone.
serviceIdentifier string The id of any supported input format.
serviceProperties object An optional object of setting keys and associated values to apply on the selected input format.

The supported serviceProperties are specific to each input format. Consult the List input formats documentation for more information.

An example input configuration object that imports datum in CSV form with no header row and local dates in the America/New_York time zone:

  "name": "Test Input",
  "timeZoneId": "America/New_York",
  "serviceIdentifier": "net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService",
  "serviceProperties": {
    "headerRowCount": "0",
    "dateColumnsValue": "1",
    "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "nodeIdColumn": "2",
    "sourceIdColumn": "3"

Import task submit response

The response will be a task object. See the view task response for more details.

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "jobId": "7e426ffb-5928-420d-90c6-c7c0404c6da1",
    "jobState": "Staged",
    "groupKey": "4dff899d-0fee-47e1-8f74-a0e74941ac1f"

Import task list

List the available import tasks previously submitted via a POST to this same URL.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs
states An optional comma-delimited list of import task state values. If not provided, tasks for all states are returned.

For example, to find all pending tasks you'd call this API like:


To find all executing tasks you'd call this API like:


To find all completed tasks (both successful and failed) you'd call this API like:


Import task list response

The response contains a list of import tasks. See the view import task response for more details.

Import task view

View details on a previously submitted import task.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs/{jobId}
jobId The import task job ID, returned via the submit import task API.

Import task view response

The response is an import task status object, with the following properties:

Property Type Description
jobId string A unique identifier assigned by SolarNetwork.
jobState string The current import task state.
groupKey string The job group key. See the section on parallel import jobs for more information.
success boolean true if the task has completed successfully.
cancelled boolean true if the task was cancelled.
done boolean true if the task is complete.
userId number The ID of the user that owns the task.
submitDate number The date the task was submitted, in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, in the UTC time zone.
startedDate number The date the task started executing, in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, in the UTC time zone. Set to 0 if the task has not yet started.
completedDate number The date the task finished executing, in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, in the UTC time zone. Set to 0 if the task has not yet done.
loadedCount number The count of datum that have been imported so far.
percentComplete number The percent of datum that have been imported so far, between 0 and 1.
importDate number The date used as the posted date on the imported datum, in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, in the UTC time zone. This will be approximate to the submitDate and set internally by SolarNetwork.
configuration object The full import task configuration.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "jobId": "7e426ffb-5928-420d-90c6-c7c0404c6da1",
    "jobState": "Staged",
    "groupKey": "4dff899d-0fee-47e1-8f74-a0e74941ac1f",
    "success": false,
    "cancelled": false,
    "done": false,
    "userId": 147,
    "submitDate": 1615929546543,
    "startedDate": 0,
    "completionDate": 0,
    "loadedCount": 0,
    "percentComplete": 0.0,
    "importDate": 1615929545362,
    "configuration": {
      "name": "Test Import",
      "stage": true,
      "inputConfiguration": {
        "name": "Test Input",
        "serviceIdentifier": "net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService",
        "timeZoneId": "America/New_York",
        "serviceProperties": {
          "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
          "nodeIdColumn": "2",
          "headerRowCount": "0",
          "sourceIdColumn": "3",
          "dateColumnsValue": "1"

Import task update

Update the configuration of a previously submitted but not yet executed import task.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs/{jobId}
jobId The import task job ID to update, previously returned via the submit import task API.

This request must provide application/json HTTP content of a JSON object representing the full job configuration to update. The submitted configuration will replace the existing configuration. Once updated, a staged task can be previewed again using the new settings. This allows you to correct any mistakes in the configuration without having to re-upload the import data.

See the submit import task documentation on how the configuration JSON object is structured. The JSON is basically the config part of that API.

Import task delete

Cancel a previously submitted import task.

DELETE /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs/{jobId}
jobId The import task job ID, previously returned via the submit import task API.

Import task preview

Preview how SolarNetwork will parse a staged import task.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs/{jobId}/preview
jobId The import task job ID, returned via the submit import task API.

Import task preview response

If the imported data cannot be parsed, a 422 HTTP status will be returned along with an error message. For example:

  "success": false,
  "code": "DI.00400",
  "message": "Import not allowed for node 123"

If the imported data is parsed successfully, a 200 HTTP status will be returned along with a limited set of the parsed datum. For example:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "totalResults": 307,
    "startingOffset": 0,
    "returnedResultCount": 50,
    "results": [
        "created": "2013-01-01 05:00:00.000Z",
        "nodeId": 123,
        "sourceId": "/S01/TEST",
        "localDate": "2013-01-01",
        "localTime": "18:00",
        "i": {
          "irradiance": "0.000"
        "a": {
          "wattHours": 0

⚠️ The totalResults in the preview response is an estimate only and will not necessarily match the actual number of datum that are included in the import data.

Import task confirm

Confirm a staged import task into the Queued state so it may execute at some point in the future.

POST /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/jobs/{jobId}/confirm
jobId The import task job ID, returned via the submit import task API.

Input format list

This method will list the input formats supported by the SolarNetwork datum import service. Input formats dictate the format the imported data must be encoded as.

GET /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/import/services/input

See the supported input formats section for more details.

List input formats response

The response contains an array of input format service definitions.

Property Type Description
id string The service unique identifier.
settingSpecifiers array The configurable setting specifiers for the service.
locale string The locale of the localized messages in the response.
localizedName string A localized name for the service.
localizedDescription string A localized description of the service.
localizedInfoMessages object Localized messages for the associated setting specifiers.

An example response looks like:

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": "net.solarnetwork.central.datum.imp.standard.BasicCsvDatumImportInputFormatService",
      "locale": "en-NZ",
      "settingSpecifiers": [
          "key": "headerRowCount",
          "defaultValue": "1",
          "secureTextEntry": false,
          "transient": false,
          "type": "net.solarnetwork.settings.TextFieldSettingSpecifier"
      "localizedName": "CSV - Basic",
      "localizedDescription": "Import data in a basic CSV format, with JSON encoded columns for instantaneous, accumulating, status, and tag sample data.",
      "localizedInfoMessages": {
        "headerRowCount.key": "Skip Rows",
        "headerRowCount.desc": "The number of rows to skip. Can be used to skip header rows, or to skip previously loaded rows from  a partially completed import job.",
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