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Koosemose edited this page Oct 4, 2016 · 64 revisions

Milestone 01 in Issue Tracker

Game Design



"Don't be a jerk. Find some work!" - abackwood

New power system is in place. Next would be save/load but I would prefer to wait with it before we finished or data format discussion. Further enhancements of power and integration with utilities can take place for 0.2 @koosemose

  • Character able to walk on empty tiles

  • Character build floor incl. job creation for floor building

  • Airlocks, (different door from internal doors or a small room with two doors that we frequently depressurize?)

Final step in PR #1441

Further analyzation of what this even means and what we want our initial starting space to look like can come in later versions.

  • Expand atmosphere system. (Flow air between rooms)

Furniture and Inventory

Integration with power, and development of other systems to use Utilities will come in 0.2

  • Character - @Tranberry #684

  • Metal Smelter - @TheRiven #679

  • O2 Generator - @TheRiven #679

  • O2 Compressor - @TheRiven #790

  • Wall - @spool5520 @Dormanil #722 #1123

  • Door @longtomjr #733

  • Airlock Door @Yurgeta #1329

  • Floor

  • Cloning Pod - @longtomjr #1005

  • Power Cell Press - @dusho #1084

  • Power Generator - @Tranberry #1158

  • Copper Wire - @dusho 1439

  • Raw Iron - @TheRiven #1028

  • Steel Plate - @TheRiven #1028

  • Ice - @TheRiven #1316

  • Uranium - @TheRiven #1042

  • Vents - @Tranberry #1379
