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User Affiliates and Companies

Daniel Neto edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 4 revisions

An affiliate is an agreement between two users, in which a user called (Company) will have one or many affiliates users feeding his channel with contents, Live or VOD videos.


Companies and Users have to have right to upload videos and make Live streams. so they will be able to access all the features.


Enable Affiliation feature

First, you need to enable it on the Customize User -> Enable user affiliation


When you do that you will have an option on the user edit to tell if this user is a Company or not


That means users that are companies will be able to search on your website user´s database for affiliates

and users can search for companies to be affiliated with.

Connecting a user and a Company affiliated

On the My Account page, Companies and Users will see the "Affiliations" tab


On this tab, you can search for users and companies to connect, to complete the connection both users (Company and regular User), must agree with the connection

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On the image above you can see the company has 2 affiliates, one called (Test user) that is already connected, and the new one called (Affiliated User) that is not connected yet, it is waiting for the user confirmation

Once the user accesses his account he will see a notification


Then the user MUST agree to confirm the connection


Publishing videos

Now a regular user can associate any of his videos to a company, once the user does that, the company will have full control over the video.


the company will be able to transfer the ownership to him, or even transfer to another affiliated user, or edit or even delete the video.

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Publishing Livestreams

When you schedule a Livestream you can now direct it to a specific company, once you do that the live will looks like comes from this user



Saving recorder live stream

If the live was scheduled to a specific company, and it was set to be recorded, when it ends will be directly saved on the company videos inventory

Cancel Agreement

Any of the parts can cancel the agreement. they only need to click on the cancel button on their Affiliation tab


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