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Videos Privacy Options Active, Inactive , Unlisted & UserGroup

Daniel Neto edited this page May 20, 2024 · 1 revision

1- Active videos anyone can watch.

2- Inactive video will COMPLETELY disable the video page.

3- Unlisted, is like the unlisted option ( on youtube ), anyone with the link can watch it.

3.1- How to protect it then? Set a password


4- How do you hide it from the front pages and all pages? On plugin theme ( gallery in my case, yours probably too ). This will hide all videos in UserGroup / Private / Unlisted. Also will not be generated on the sitemap if you indicate it!

Gallery Plugin:


CustomizeAdvanced Plugin:


5- UserGroup. This is the most common usage to restrict a video. If the user is not logged in with the account belonging to that UserGroup can NOT watch the video, even if it has a link.

Please read this for more information

More option? Please check

PayPerView ( for live-stream ) :

PayPerView ( for videos ) :

Hope you have everything clear now!

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