v0.7.7 (2016-08-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- New Configuration for Keep Duplicate pokemons + Evolve #3033
- translations.ja.json (PokemonStrings and PokemonMovesetStrings only) #3031
- Language/information issues #2747
- [Enhancement] Fully customizable transfer/evolve logic #2745
Fixed bugs:
- DeviceID always re-generated? #3302
- ')' or operator expected (at index 212) #3240
- Stuck Login (Ptc) (Default Config) #3232
- KeepMinOperator & KeepMinDuplicatePokemon not working correctly #3036
- Language problem #3024
- [0.7.0] Auth.json is not autoupdated #2761
Fixed bugs:
- Player defined delay does not appear to be used between evolves #2597
- [Bug maybe] The bot catch the pokemon which I've ignored #2595
- moves arent translated in 0.6.4 \[DE trans\] #2584
- upgrading not detecting IV100 #2551
- Pokemon Not Getting Transferred #2526
- translation (at least affecting de) - encounterpokemonfled not getting translated #2524
- [BUG] Wrong special character readout #2474
- [bug] Necrobot trying to loot the same spot trigger false positive soft ban #2471
- [BROKEN] "UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving: true" does not hold-off on evolving Pokemon #2468
- [BUG] Bot not using berry on every second attempt and subsequent #2421
- Delay between catching pokemon via manual sniping #2361
- Repeating INFO and UPDATE, No Pokestops with GPX pathing #2296
- KeepMinOperator not working as expected #2270
Closed issues:
- Login Problem.. #2748
- Will I get flagged by Niantic when I use the new release? #2743
- DownloadSettings UPDATE!!! FIX for no pokestops. #2700
- Transferring Pokemon incorrectly #2695
- [Improvement] Modify altitude for future usage! #2691
- [Bug] 0.6.4 - PrioritizeIvOverCp #2686
- Transferring not adhering to config #2678
- [suggestion] logic to prioritize iv as well as cp for least loss. #2671
- [minor] Changing wording in settings configuration (on first run) #2657
- Fully customizable logic for evolve/transfer/upgrade #2655
- [Suggestion] Close the "issue" tab when Niantics server are down #2654
- Keep Filter Overhaul #2652
- [Observation] Transfer Before Catch Guarantees Success #2642
- [Feature requesst] add SnipeAboveCP and SnipeAboveIV #2641
- [Suggestion] Random delay between Player Actions and Pokemon Catch #2620
- [Suggestion] Rename KeepMinDuplicatePokemon to NumberKeepOfEachPokemon #2618
- Rant: KeepMinDuplicatePokemon #2612
- additional option for sniping locations? www.pokespawns.be/ #2610
- [Feature request] Auto levelup favorite pokemons #2604
- [v6.4][Bug] Bot Still Not Auto Leveling 100% IV Pokemon #2587
- [ISSUE] not receiving names to snipe #2579
- [BUG] Evolve pokemons when Pokemon Storage is nearly full not working #2572
- [Suggestion] Display Half Levels of Pokemon in Read Out #2557
- Request a funtion to change the ignorned catching pokemon in config.json #2552
- [Suggestion] Lowering KeepMinDuplicatePokemon transfers worst exemplars, not best #2545
- Only using berries on first attempt #2543
- When will the duplicates be transfered if "TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture=FALSE"? #2538
- transfaer problem #2537
- [Bug] Transfering stronger pokemon #2535
- TransferWeakPokemon #2530
- [BUG]UseGreatBallAboveCp/UseUltraBallAboveCp doesn't work #2529
- Hard drive memory issue #2520
- move syntax needs explanation (wiki?) #2518
- [Request] Load auth.json file per command line option #2517
- Keep best IV and another with best CP? #2513
- [IDEA] AboveMaxReachableCP for transfer/evolve/power-up #2511
- Pokestop Problem #2510
- [Enhancement] "KeepMinLevel" & "TransferAllUnderThreshold" #2509
- Sniping with several Accounts #2508
- [Feature Request] Add Japanese language support #2496
- [BUG] "ShowPokeballCountsBeforeRecycle": true causes it to spam the message #2484
- [weird bug] 9 pokemon spots occupied with no pokemon #2465
- UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly is ignored #2437
- Not ignoring pokemons on ignorelist #2176
- Encounter Problem: EncounterNotFound" #1942
- [Feature Request] Generate custom config file during setup #1876
Merged pull requests:
- [Feature] Sniping pokemon missing from the pokedex #2736 (ChemiHatake)
- Updated readme #2735 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.fr.json #2734 (SebastienBenazet)
v0.7.0 (2016-08-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Crashing NecroBot #2521
- [Feature Request] Use berry during sniping? #2262
- Added multiple usability improvements #2728 (Andrerm124)
Fixed bugs:
- farfetchd and mrmime dont work on "PokemonsToIgnore": [ #2636
Closed issues:
- No usable pokestops found in your area #2701
- is there a timeline to when this will be fixed? #2698
- no pokestops found, location unchanged #2697
- Bot doesnt seem to find any pokemon, pokestops or even walk at all #2696
- This is not a real issue - NecroBot prerequisites #2693
- Pokestops not found #2690
- NO useable pokestop found in your area. how can i fix this? #2689
- help error #2688
- No usable Pokestops #2687
- No usable Pokestops after update? #2685
- Attention No usable pokestops found in your area. Is your maximum distance too small? #2683
- [SUG] Renaming Pkmn #2682
- Location Not Changing #2681
- Current Bug (No Pokestops) - BlueStacks App works fine #2680
- No Pokestops #2679
- not catching ANY pokemon, not even trying #2676
- no usable pokestops found #2675
- Bot issue 'no pokestops' #2674
- duplicated srry :( #2673
- i have 18 arcanine. what is the bot not transferring them? #2672
- no nearby pokestops ..?? #2670
- So nfettinger doesn't read the issue and just closed my thread... #2669
- Is your maximum distance too small? #2668
- Bot just transferd my 1700 cp pinsir?!?! #2667
- Niantic - Limit on connections/IP ! #2666
- WebSocketPort always uses 14252? #2664
- banned #2663
- Multi-Bot Management #2662
- No usable pokestops found in your area, all the time! #2661
- help for log setting pokestop #2660
- No usable Pokestops #2659
- Pokemon Go updated. Bot not working anymore for now (no pokestop or red error) #2658
- INVALID URI hostname could not be parsed. #2656
- Google Login doesnt work after 10 minutes #2653
- Issue #2651
- A weird message #2650
- [bug] cant connect #2648
- No usable pokestops found in your area #2644
- p #2639
- Config Question about transferring pokemons #2638
- Pokemon go error! please help #2637
- NullPointer Exception #2635
- Stardust #2634
- Error after updated #2633
- Pokemon go error! please help #2632
- [ISSUE v0.6.4] Bot Crashing #2631
- 0.64 error #2630
- debian version and speed script #2629
- Rename Pokemons #2628
- [Bug] 0.6.4 - PrioritizeIvOverCp #2627
- Keep Getting errors "End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown" continuously with 0.6.4 #2626
- Error/auto restarting idk what its doing #2625
- How to Use Razz Berry when Pokemon is over......? #2624
- Errors #2623
- Error right now #2622
- error from 0.6.4 #2621
- System.NullRefferenceException / SystemRuntimeCompiler error #2619
- [Question] Config Path #2617
- Getting NullReferenceException at update v0.6.4 #2615
- Error message using newest version #2614
- Problem with System.NullReferenceException #2613
- [Proposal] add config explanation file to releases. #2611
- Bot hangs up after a whyle #2609
- [bug snipe] #2608
- Problem with new accounts #2607
- Bot resetting GPX route when server is unstable #2606
- How to input GoogleUsername containing dots, i.e.: "lekka.lokka66"? #2605
- TransferWeakPokemonTask is not honoring KeepMinOperator #2603
- the bot transfer all my pokemon help please #2602
- Need a Config #2601
- Suggestion more webs for snipe #2600
- Minduplicate: 0 deletes everything #2599
- New error in latest release #2598
- Update started deleting all pokemon #2594
- [Error] after 6.0.4 #2593
- Pokemon's gone #2592
- [IDEA] Option to use only unlimited incubators #2590
- After 0.6.4, CP is prioritized over IV #2589
- UseKeepMinLvl and KeepMinLvl #2588
- Pls Add time to go to a pokestop, not only the Distance (meters) #2586
- usercredentials invalid #2582
- Getting CatchError all the time #2580
Merged pull requests:
- Merging latest working api #2733 (GrimmGringo)
- Updated progress bars #2732 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.id.json #2731 (wakrad)
- Added progress bar loader #2730 (GrimmGringo)
- Updating git url #2727 (GrimmGringo)
- Updates to submodules #2726 (GrimmGringo)
- Create translation.cs.json #2725 (prokopsimek)
- Moving POGOProtos #2724 (GrimmGringo)
- Fix Dutch translations #2722 (jordyvandomselaar)
- Added "PokemonStrings" + "PokemonMovesetStrings" language support for #2711 #2721 (Oolaruu)
- Update translation.nl.json #2720 (karoi)
- updated translation.de.json #2719 (somani6)
- Update Translation NL #2718 (RetroRipper)
- Merging settings and code cleanup #2717 (GrimmGringo)
- Add Setup.md #2716 (schwartzadev)
- Update translation.nl.json #2715 (karoi)
- added move operator in transfer filter, fixed keepminlevel logic, added some comments #2714 (actislav)
- renaming case sensitive file #2713 (mercuriete)
- Updated German Translation File #2710 (Bananab0y)
- Adding exception handling #2709 (GrimmGringo)
- Delay between evolves #2708 (ChemiHatake)
- Logging of latitude entered by the user #2707 (RonaldMariah)
- Updated for Current API situation #2706 (techdude23)
- German translation correction #2703 (LucasZL)
- German translation correction #2702 (Taiyo4D)
- Update translation.pl.json #2649 (Dyzson)
- Text fixes #2646 (florian-berger)
- Add better exception handling in ApiFailureStrategy #2643 (lyrex)
- Bahasa Indonesia: translation update. #2616 (awaaas)
- Update translation.pt-br.json #2596 (PrimOox)
- Final update to Polish Translation. #2591 (TheKasarR)
v0.6.4 (2016-08-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] Dependency between "EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage" and "UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount" #2462
- activate sniping by default? #2457
- [Feature Request] Auto detect Windows/Apps language or Google language #2336
- Option to disable "Press key to start" when bot stops mid session and then tries to start again #2267
- [suggestion] Shorter/more compact console output #2159
- [FeatureRequest] Relate KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve with PokemonsToEvolve #2034
- [FeatureRequest] minimize to tray #2014
- Luresinpe option #2003
- [Suggestion] PokemonsTransferFilter, add setting to keep enough pokemon to match candies #1981
- [FeatureRequest] Transfer Pokemon based on MOVES #1753
- Add get sniper info from pokezz.com #2560 (NzV)
Fixed bugs:
- [Crash] Bot crashed #2493
- PrioritizeIvOverCp is not working #2486
- Error converting value "loginInvalid" to type 'PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.Common.TranslationString' #2466
- BUG: Autofavoriting does not work #2454
- [bug] bot starts evolving immediatly if KeepPokemonThatCanEvolve is set to false #2447
- Pokemon not being transfered properly bug #2438
- [FR Transl] V0.6.2 Move1 / Move2 / Candy Not translated lang files is ok #2303
Closed issues:
- Razz Berry Usage #2576
- Unclear how and/or applys with moves. #2575
- [Question] #2574
- Use of ultraballs #2573
- Only finding low CP Pokemon #2570
- NecroBot only finding Pokemon with CP<25 #2569
- PokemonsToIgnore - #2568
- PokemonsToIgnore - #2567
- NecroBot only finding Pokemon with IV<25 #2563
- Transfer completely ruined after update #2562
- Add "gps positions" shortcuts #2561
- Can we update config lol #2558
- [Bug] Sniping currently misses feeded rares #2554
- (NullReferceneException)Exception happening quite frequently #2550
- Request a funtion to ignore the pokemon you don't want #2549
- Auto Favorite not working (release 0.6.3 ) #2547
- Compile currently broken #2546
- Multiple snipe locations, only seems to catch last one #2544
- NullRefernce Exception #2542
- [Feature Request] Collect Coins/Stardust from Pokemon holding Gyms #2541
- More newb friendly ChangeLog #2540
- pokemon level filter, #2534
- transfer/evolve #2533
- Bot not starting at all #2532
- No information about "TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture" #2528
- Sniping no longer working. #2527
- PTC login failed #2522
- [Question] How long do I have to wait to jump from Frankfurt to London? #2515
- [bug]transfer duplicate pokemon do not work. #2514
- [BUG] System.ArgumentNullException #2507
- What are the input strings these pokemon? #2506
- Filter for sniping #2505
- [Sugesstion] Transfer All Pokemon Below **** Cp/Iv #2504
- KeepMinOperator is not used when evaluating TransferWeakPokemonTask #2500
- System.IO #2499
- Bot not detect Farfetchd from Location Feeder #2495
- [BUG] Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException #2491
- Best pokemons get transfered #2490
- KeepMinDuplicatePokemon not working properly #2487
- [REQUEST] Add the possibility to level up all pokémon as high as possible #2483
- Bug: Transfers high Cp pokemon keeping less cp pokemon #2482
- [BUG] UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount #2481
- [Bug] Pokemon Inventory is full #2480
- [bug] transfer weak pokemon #2477
- Selective sniping #2475
- Softban and No usable PokeStops found in your area. #2473
- Closed Issue with no info to why #2463
- QUESTION : Value of UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount #2458
- Question: How do I use the KeepMinOperator function + Bot transferring all non-favorited pokemon #2455
- BUG: "SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": true does not work #2453
- Evolve not working in specific setting #2451
- Set the config so it keeps and auto-evolves selected pokemons 'pidgeys' when enough candy #2449
- dont working AutoUpdate #2448
- How can I set the config that it can keep all the pokemons have one at least #2445
- (request) DoNotTransferIV100(true) #2443
- Change KeepDuplicatePokemons to NumberToKeepOfEachPokemon and set default to 1 #2442
- No Pokestops available (Too many request from 1 IP = softban) #2439
- PokemonTransferFilter not working properly #2434
- question :Bot transfers all my high cp pokemon, please look and help. #2432
- Evolve conflict #2430
- Making Bot Continue After Operation Canceled #2429
- Transfer all Mons under IV 90 #2428
- proxy #2426
- PogoLocationFeed Filter #2425
- [enhancement] Create a GUI for Necrobot #2424
- [Question] Regarding PokemonTransferFilter #2423
- Berries Not Used #2420
- RequireInputText #2419
- error message and bot stops #2418
- [Request for Max greatball, ultraball,potion,superpotion,hyperpotion,revive,berry] #2416
- logic.dll not found #2414
- CSV DumpPokeStats file wrong format #2412
- [Question] KeepMinIvPercentage #2411
- [Question] EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv #2410
- [Question] AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon #2409
- Some troubles with transfer #2408
- Mass bug version 6 #2407
- [Question]About Script #2405
- possible sniper options #2404
- [Question] Many connections from IP = softban #2403
- Please help! How to fix this constant spam of Info every 10-30 seconds? Very Frustrating since new update! #2402
- Not using Razzberries when catching pokemon #2401
- [Request] MacOS Support #2399
- Evolutions will not be transferred but kept if it is tier 3 #2398
- Bot ignoring pokeballs related configs? #2396
- AND / OR not working at same time #2395
- [SAMPLE] try this sample hopefully it will help #2394
- Deleting my files #2393
- to many transfers same value #2392
- Delete my files #2391
- [featurerequest] levelup by IV and filter #2390
- Sniping issue #2389
- Why 350 items Max? #2388
- about "UseTransferIvForSnipe" set to true #2387
- [suggestion] KeepMinOperator per Pokemon #2385
- Keep Pokemon Base on 2 set of Move? #2384
- Google login troubles #2383
- Not working #2382
- [suggestion] dump items and eggs #2380
- Pokemon transfer #2378
- Since this new thing im keeping unlimited of pokemons because they meet the move requirement of nothing? #2377
- [featurerequest]LANG:JP #2375
- [locale] zh_CN pokemon names from ID 1 to 151 #2374
- Pokemon aren't showing up #2373
- Transfer weak pokemon #2370
- doubt in drafting config.json #2368
- recycling pokeballs #2363
- Files missing #2362
- Auto Level Not Powering Up 100% Pokemon #2356
- Transferring Pokemon based on moves and IV #2354
- Bot using greatballs and ultraballs when settings are set like this #2353
- Bot transferred all pokemon #2352
- NecroBot: from 'educational use ONLY' to commercial usage. #2351
- Doesn't Evolve or Transfer Mons #2349
- Bug: Crashes when adding "mr. mime"/"farfetch'd" to do not transfer list #2348
- Since Update - Cant Login #2345
- When updating, removes all files in folder #2344
- DE translation file - evolve pokemon names are in english #2343
- Updated ignore list to catch no pokemon. #2338
- [request] sharing catches to discord or some other servers #2317
- Anyway to put more space in between evolution times when mass evolving? #2315
- [Request] Transfer: Keep each, highest CP AND highest IV Pokemon #2312
- Ignore Min # duplicate or Min # CP #2300
- evolve when storage <90% is being ignored #2298
- Current operation was canceled. #2292
- Transfer rules still ignored for KeepMinOperator "or" #2291
- User Credentials #2290
- Same Transfer issue #2285
- Hatching Eggs - Ignore Pokestops #2284
- Bot refuses to acknowledge "UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving" #2145
- (ERROR) Connection refused. Your IP might have been Blacklisted by Niantic. Exiting.. #2141
Merged pull requests:
- Version 0.6.4 #2581 (GrimmGringo)
- [Feature] Added config initialisation & Resolved Issue #2335 #2566 (Andrerm124)
- add non-tls socket for webui #2565 (nicoschmitt)
- Update translation.zh_TW.json #2564 (dca)
- Update translation.zh_TW.json #2559 (jwchen119)
- Update translation.id.json #2556 (mirdhan123)
- Customizable throws #2548 (Codecamv)
- Added KeepMinLvl, and UseKeepMinLvl. Requested by #2440 and #2509 #2539 (ChemiHatake)
- Update translation.zh_TW.json #2525 (jwchen119)
- Update translation.zh_TW.json #2519 (jwchen119)
- Update translation.es.json #2516 (antolinjm)
- Update and rename translation.zh_tw.json to translation.zh_TW.json #2503 (david082321)
- Minor update to translation.es.json #2502 (antolinjm)
- Update translation.fr.json #2488 (Oolaruu)
- [UPDATE] translation.de.json #2485 (fr3k4life)
- changed egg prio for unlimited incubator #2479 (RoseFlunder)
- fixed grammar in translation.it.json #2476 (Numbe9988)
- Update translation.it.json #2472 (tdragonite)
- fix transfer bug ( usage of global KeepMinOperator instead of local) #2446 (actislav)
- Update translation.ru_RU.json #2436 (mozgin1)
- update all Chinese translate for translation.zh_CN.json #2427 (Greatliu89)
- more cleaner and optimized filtration in transfer pokemon inventory function #2397 (actislav)
- Resolved a bug where perfect 100IV would not be upgraded. #2386 (GrimmGringo)
- Inventory transfer function refactoring, improve and fixes of some wrong behaviors #2367 (actislav)
v0.6.3 (2016-08-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Vietnamese language] try add this language #2220
- can we have the bot autocollect pokecoins from the shop? #2211
- Renaming pokemons back to it's original names #2203
- Suggestion: delay between catching pokemon via manual sniping #2199
- [Suggestion] Level > CP or Attack instead of IV or CP #2124
- [Feature Request] Pausing the bot when a snipe is received from PogoLocationFeeder #1950
- No delay used while evolving. Please add a unique delay in the settings for evolving pokemons. #1930
- please split ball types in config again #1702
Fixed bugs:
- 0.6.2 - uncaught IOException when csv file is in use #2301
- Logs have "false" added to the end of every line. #2294
- 6.2 Bug: "UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly": false #2280
- 6.2 Transferring not functioning properly. KeepMinDuplicatePokemon #2279
- uncaught IOException when csv file is in use #2261
- Transfer problem #2253
- Sniping while ignoring unknown IVs #2210
- [Bug] TransferWeakPokemonTask ignores PokemonsNotToTransfer if KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve is true #2187
- Pokemon Inventory is full, won't start evolving. #2182
- Bot ignores "TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep" #2164
- New version did not transfer keep Pokeballs value #2160
- Newest Version 0.6.0 #2143
- Necrobot Crashes on Startup - Unhandled Exception Error #2139
- bot keeps trying to transfer pokemons that are stuck in gyms #2130
- Favoriting Pokemon runs even though it is already a favorite #1763
- limited usage incubators dont used #1718
- inventory full #1547
Closed issues:
- about pogo location feeder #2369
- Ignoring my settings for CP or IV #2364
- Removal of one line brings 100% improvement of XP per hour #2359
- [HELP] sniping isnt working last few days #2355
- bot transfered all of my pokemon lol #2350
- Bug: Bot have been skipping all pokemons #2347
- Transfer bug #2342
- Error After to PokeStop #2341
- Bot is keeping weak pokemon under CP/IV #2340
- Bot doesn't AutoUpdate from .5.0 #2339
- the Perfect Value of this Settings #2332
- New Version From Release Skipped All Pokemon #2330
- After applying auto update error message revived followed by crash of program. #2328
- How can disable recycling potions? #2327
- Follow roads dont go thru buildings and ponds #2326
- No useable pokestops #2323
- TransferWeakPokemon not in Wiki #2322
- <Suggestion> Adding move types in dumps #2321
- Random error message started showing 1 hour ago #2320
- [request] pokestops only if needed #2319
- Niantic removed bonuses from bonus throws #2318
- (INFO) Logging in using Google #2316
- Instead of evolving pokemon, bot transfers them #2314
- Items Recycling options are not working. #2310
- Bot won't even run after new update. #2309
- Favoriting is not working #2308
- moveset syntax not explained in wiki #2307
- 6.1 - broken backpack cleaning? #2305
- Help pls! NO NAME problem! #2299
- How to add moves to PokemonsTransferFilter #2295
- Necro keeps eating all my pokemons #2293
- Scary text popped up in Log #2289
- Crashes in v0.6.1 and v0.6.2 #2288
- Error on program start? #2287
- AutofavoritePokemon #2286
- [Bug] Login loop error #2283
- evolveFilter does work at all #2281
- Bot dumps all pokeballs #2278
- Something strange with evolving and transfering #2277
- KeepMinDuplicatePokemon keeping more than 1? #2276
- Egg Hatching #2275
- Sniping filter issue #2274
- bug #2272
- Errors Necro 0.6.1 does not work? #2266
- 0.6.1 is not evolving #2265
- Another Transfer Issue #2260
- Evolution/Transfer calculation may be wrong #2258
- Many duplicate [Pokemon ignore filter] messages #2228
- How to prioritize evolve over transfer? #2226
- Update failure / language not working #2196
- "MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 60000, #2189
- [BUG] Using Pokeball better than should #2177
- LevelUpByCPorIv #2163
- [BUG] Move1 and Move2 Not translated in Console even if lang files ok #1953
- SpawnPointGuid Bug #1926
- Bot stop working after awhile. #1717
Merged pull requests:
- Updating version number to 0.6.3 #2381 (GrimmGringo)
- Resolved a bug with missing snipable pokemon #2379 (GrimmGringo)
- Fixed various issues with error handling and logging #2376 (GrimmGringo)
- Bahasa Indonesia: Update translations. #2372 (awaaas)
- Fixed for pokemon name -Nidoran #2366 (Oolaruu)
- fixed/changed #2303 & #2165 #2365 (ChemiHatake)
- Update translation.id.json #2357 (xtrsyz)
- Fixed bug with logging having false at eol #2337 (GrimmGringo)
- Update Settings.cs #2331 (noodle-)
- Update spanish translation #2329 (BlauDev)
- Update translation.pl.json #2325 (Dyzson)
- Update translation.pl.json #2297 (Dyzson)
0.6.2 (2016-08-02)
v0.6.2 (2016-08-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- PLEASE update the wiki #2240
- bot version output is cached. please state somewhere the bots actual version #2222
- Change the way the version is checked #2218
Fixed bugs:
- 6.1 did not fix 2 step authorization #2191
- Issue at Line360 in File translation.de #2155
- login error if using special character #2150
Closed issues:
- Feature Request: Curveball - is it possible? #2271
- Messy Dump Files #2268
- Bot lead me with no pokemons #2257
- Transfer issue with lastest update #2255
- Automatic use of lucky egg #2254
- EXP/H #2250
- [Feature Request] Collect level-up item gifts #2249
- why is the bot waiting to evolve now ? #2245
- Suggestion: Items #2244
- Sniping #2243
- After update does not evolve any pokémon #2242
- lot of pokemon lost with new version #2241
- Transfer of all Pokemon #2239
- Noting happens after 0.6.0 Update #2238
- SetFavouritePokemon doesn't seem to be working #2236
- new update probs #2235
- throws away all pokemon after update! #2234
- Weird going back when using GPX Pathing #2233
- transferred most pokemon #2232
- NecroBot Wiki issues. #2231
- [Bug]Transfering best pokemon. #2230
- Pokemon on PokemonsToEvolve list don't transfer, even with KeepPokemonThatCanEvolve set to false #2227
- Google Two-Factor Login Issues #2224
- ASK #2223
- transferring is bugged #2221
- help me setting pokeballs for catchsuccess #2217
- Issue #2215
- User Credentials Are Invalid And Login Failed (PTC) #2214
- Default "TransferWeakPokemon" to false. #2212
- "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1 not working #2208
- Exception Caught,writing log buffer? #2207
- Transfer low Pkmn (HELP) #2206
- TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture transfers Pokemon while encountering/catching other Pkmn #2205
- [BUG] TransferDuplicatePokemon #2202
- Snipe isn't working? v 0.6.1 #2201
- Update and Info line spammed #2200
- Bot worked, but now can't launch #2198
- Transfering all pokemon after last release. #2197
- New update transferred most of my pokemon !!! Also, the console should show candies of pokemon hatched from the egg. #2195
- Wiki - config #2194
- Upgrade / Level Up #2193
- New update transferred most of my pokemon !!! #2192
- 0.6.1 transferring duplicates bugged #2190
- 0.6.1 - Crash on Startup: Exceptiion caught, writing LogBuffer. System.ArgumentNullException #2188
- Trouble with google 2-step auth #2186
- KeepMinCP not always working #2185
- [BUG] TransferDuplicatePokemon #2184
- Pokemon dump file very hard to read #2183
- [BUG] UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount #2181
- Bot only use ultraball #2180
- Can someone please share their sniper setting with me? #2179
- transferred all pokemon #2178
- comoon, update transferred all my ultraball to save space for regular pokeballs #2175
- 0.6.0 - Not transfering pokemons while having evolve enabled #2174
- No need to package .vshost files in releases #2173
- New Version 0.6.0 transfers almost ALL my Pokemon #2171
- Transfer broken #2170
- Updated to version 6 and it transferred almost all my pokemon :( #2169
- Updated transfer all pokemon #2168
- Version # Incorrect #2167
- Bot 0.6.0 Update Renamed All GPX files to .old #2166
- update transferd almost all pokemons #2162
- [BUG] PrioritizeIvOverCp #2161
- Transferred pokemon in the "do not transfer list" #2157
- Latest version recycled all my pokeballs #2156
- v0.6 transfer all high Ev lvl pokemons #2154
- New Update Caused All Pokemon to Transfer #2153
- New Update Caused All Pokemon to 5transfer #2152
- Sugestion : Proxy #2151
- Transferred most of my pokemon, regardless of my max CP threshold #2149
- Diferent transfer problem #2148
- Transferred the best / only one pokemons #2146
- "KeepMinIvPercentage" issue #2084
- [BUG] Pokemon not transferring? #1991
- Getting Errors On Google Login Attempts #1548
Merged pull requests:
- Version 0.6.2 #2273 (GrimmGringo)
- Adds missing translation when evolving #2269 (alpadev)
- Using development instead of prod rawgit for version checking #2264 (GrimmGringo)
- Updated Danish translation file #2263 (FL4ZH)
- Update translation.es.json #2259 (javilonas)
- Adds TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep to MaxItemStorage check #2256 (alpadev)
- current message is lost when flushing LogbufferList to disk #2252 (s-p-c)
- Fixing evolution check for keepPokemonsThatCanEvolve #2251 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.es.json #2248 (javilonas)
- New language file: Vietnamese support Issue #2220 #2247 (Oolaruu)
- fixed using wrong setting for amount of berries to keep #2246 (RoseFlunder)
- Version should be 0.6.1 i guess #2237 (somani6)
- Version Fixes #2229 (dddbliss)
- Logbuffer clear #2225 (somani6)
- prevent wrong Evolve behavior, pls do n't change meaning of mnemonic parameters #2213 (actislav)
- Fixed Typo for De #2155 #2209 (Oolaruu)
- Update translation.fr.json #2204 (Oolaruu)
- resolve CS0105: The using directive appeared previously in this namespace #2172 (s-p-c)
v0.6.1 (2016-08-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Please return the periodic display of the contents of the bag. it was very convenient. #2136
- TransferWeakPokemon #2112
Fixed bugs:
- Weird Transfer #2093
Closed issues:
- Stupid transfer pokemon bug #2144
- v0.6.0 wasting greatballs and ultraballs again #2142
- More Transfer Issues #2138
- Pokemon Transferred, With all Setting set to false! #2137
- Transferred all my pokémon #2135
- Transfers ALL pokemon #2134
- Pushed 0.6 not updating #2132
- "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon" not working #2131
- v0.6.0 wasting greatballs and ultraballs again #2128
- Recicle inventory #2127
- Spam With Favourite #2125
- V 0.6 Deleting all Pokemon #2123
- ApiFailureStrategy Error #2122
- Autoupdate compiled version is not working #2120
- The delays between player actions and catching pokemon #2119
- [Suggestion] Pokemons and items we have at the moment #2118
- [ERROR]Current Operation was cancelled #2117
- PrioritizeIvOverCp issue #2076
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed recycling item tasks to show stats #2147 (GrimmGringo)
- Fixed levelled typo #2133 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.es.json #2129 (BlauDev)
- Turning weak pokemon transfer off by default #2126 (GrimmGringo)
- Finished fixing upgradable pokemon #2121 (GrimmGringo)
v0.6.0 (2016-08-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- alternative to skiplagged #2012
- inconsistency in perecentage syntax #1966
- Add 3rd party snipe list? #1842
- Saves up pokeballs but not greater and ultraballs #1752
Fixed bugs:
- Bot is not logging #2098
- german translation #2092
- Transferring pokemons which are above "KeepMinCp" value #2063
- Recycles potential pokeballs/items #2002
- GPXPath issue: keeps checking for evolve / recycling #1964
- PTC Servers are probably down OR your credentials are wrong. Try google #1929
- Issue with Google Auth [BUG] #1900
- [fix] Hardcoded console size breaks the build. #1884
- When multiple Pokemon have the same IV the one with the lowest stamina is kept #1840
- Configuration Migration System issues (upgrading from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0) #1801
- Sniping and walk behavior when disconnected #1798
- LuckyEgg Evolution (or any evolution for that matter, I think) #1783
- IndexOutOfRangeException when starting the bot #1755
- [BUG] ArgumentNullException #1736
- Always using ultraball #1709
- Permanently Warped to Sniping Location Bug #1675
- Not Showing Hatched Egg's #1669
- SNIPING not displaying results(escape/success/flee) after v0.5.0 update #1660
- Autoupdate shouldn't delete .gpx file #1643
- Error on converting "Farfetch'd" #1628
- full pokemon, cant transfer during sniping mode #1575
Closed issues:
- item specification. #2115
- Necrobot on Smartphone? #2114
- Dump CSV File needs improvement #2113
- Suggestion: Kill Bot After Set Time #2111
- [Suggestion] Add proxy functionality and a hour based schedule #2110
- 2 Step Authentication #2108
- Multi-bot without clone #2106
- Ultraballs,greatballs get used first . #2105
- Rename #2104
- Fody.1.28.3 #2103
- upload #2102
- Using Ultra Balls to low lvl Pokemon #2101
- DumbPokemonStats #2099
- Necrobot w/ Proxy #2097
- Clarification about "ready" label #2096
- Mass evolving not evolve all pokemon #2089
- Bot NOT evolving EXP pokemons #2087
- transfer duplicate pkmn not seeming to work #2086
- [Feature Request] Get Levelup Rewards #2082
- [FeatureRequest] GUI Pokemon list #2081
- Mewtwo enquiry #2080
- Recycling/egg incubating not working ? #2079
- [0.5.0]You're outside of your defined radius #2078
- Home location #2077
- Release new version #2075
- [FeatureRequest]Add PokemonNotToEvolve? #2072
- NECROBOT Using Great and Ultra Balls when it should NOT #2069
- [Feature Request] Prioritize Eggs #2068
- Not Evolving? #2067
- PokemonsTransferFilter cannot work correctly #2066
- Error #2064
- Bot keeps low CP Pokemons #2060
- [Off] PogoLocationFeeder (503 error solved) #2057
- Bot is working VERY slow #2051
- Sniping works with useragent SnipePokemonTask.cs #2047
- a misunderstand of Transferring in wiki. #2044
- Sniping not working #2043
- [Bug] Periodical crash (TaskCanceledException) #2041
- [BUG] Mass evolving #2040
- Doesn't work anymore from yesterday #2039
- Can't set favourite #2036
- [Feature Request] Rename for all IVs #2033
- [Feature Request] Use Great/Ultra Balls for certain Pokemon TYPES #2029
- [Bug] Used Razz Berry after escape #2028
- [FeatureRequest] MaxRunTime/ExitAfterMinutes #2027
- Not mass evolving #2026
- New Setting: Moving #2025
- Bot throw every hyperball away and keeps greatball .... #2024
- All unique pokemons #2023
- Not starting on mono #2022
- [FeatureRequest] save last coordinates for later start from #2019
- necrobot has gotten really slow #2018
- Not using pokeballs #2017
- A linux release or ? #2015
- Change Locations & GPX Route Files doesn´t work #2011
- Log File Disable #2010
- Source code cannot be loaded #2009
- [Suggestion] Egg Incubator Improvement #2008
- Debug Error #2007
- new configs wiki? #2006
- Manual Sniping Error #2004
- Keep best IV PLUS best CP? #2000
- Can't snipe a thing #1998
- NecroBot Crashes after an hour or two #1997
- [Feature Request] Set minimum CP for high IV pokemons #1996
- Great balls only? #1990
- how to fix it ?attention encounter problem :encounter not found #1987
- When clicking inside the window, "Select" appear in the windows name. #1982
- Best CP/IV Stat #1980
- Not sure if this is a bug or a feature that doesn't exist yet. #1978
- bot crash again and again #1975
- "Use*BallAboveCP" setting not working #1974
- Sniping error #1973
- Account not verified! Exiting... #1971
- outside max radius #1969
- bug or feature, sniping #1968
- Looting no items #1963
- KeepMinDuplicatePokemon Change #1962
- How to set config to transfer ANYTHING below 90iv #1961
- (ATTENTION) Encounter Problem: EncounterNotFound #1960
- Pokemon ignore list seems to not be working #1956
- "UseSnipeOnlineLocationServer": needs wiki explanation #1955
- [BUG] GPX path issue? #1951
- Recycling/Transfering work ocassionaly #1949
- Sugestion xD #1944
- could you possibly make the unbanning process quicker? #1939
- (INFO) Logging in using Google #1933
- Snipe Rare Pokemon #1932
- Transfer... #1928
- Naming a file CSV doesn't make it so... #1927
- Bug #1925
- Account not verified? #1921
- [Suggestion] NecroBot GUI? #1920
- Ultraball and Greatball wasting #1918
- V 0.5.0 - waste razz berry #1914
- Error when changing language #1913
- Sniper issue, not using all the feeder locations. #1911
- History of pokestops #1910
- Sniping not working with pogolocationfeeder #1909
- Razz Berry setting #1908
- [Question] PokemonsTransferFilter #1907
- SnipingScanOffset? #1904
- Ignoring pokemon not working #1903
- Question: Evolve only commons #1901
- [SUGGESTION] Make the bot faster #1899
- PTC Login issue #1898
- Is the discord server down? #1897
- Rocket API related exception #1894
- PTC servers are probably down or your credentials are wrong. Try google . #1893
- Bot crashing after some time using PTC #1891
- PTC servers are probably down or your credentials are wrong. Try google . #1889
- sniper not working #1888
- Keep Max.Duplicate #1887
- PTC account error #1886
- PTC servers are probably down or your credentials are wrong. Try google . HELP #1885
- Bot using Ultra Ball on all Pokemons #1883
- Can't log in useing google #1881
- Not workin #1877
- FailedPokemonMissing and IndexOutOfRangeException when release and evolving #1875
- Please add the Option to Translate the Pokemon names #1869
- Hi, #1868
- Pokeball #1867
- Delay between evolutions and CatchEscape-CatchSuccess interval not free from other actions #1866
- (ERROR) System.FormatException #1865
- option to use an alternate sniper scanner #1861
- Ultraball waste #1858
- Android Login #1857
- Problems with 0.5.0 Recycler: #1855
- Skiplagged API #1854
- [Suggestion] Discord Bot to filter coordinate chats #1853
- Is it normal to get softban frequently? #1848
- bot not working, but only for one account #1847
- Help with the GPX path #1846
- Using my Ultra balls on EVERYTHING. My setting's are correct. #1844
- sniping error #1839
- Transfer behavior not working as expected. #1837
- [Request] Guide on how to install on Linux #1834
- Tutorial on how to install on linux? #1833
- Crash after 30min in v0.5.0 #1832
- Crash after longer disconnect #1831
- can i request to farm pokestop only ? #1828
- Whenever the bot tries to catch a pokemon this happens #1827
- Evolve List #1826
- Transfer Pokemon by CP #1825
- Banned? #1822
- [Feature Request] Prioritise egg types (2k, 5k, 10k) with incubators #1821
- Teleport to nearby Pokemon if has low rarity #1820
- check https://go.joass.com as API if its Post Loop #1816
- Multiple Error Messages? #1815
- use 'Pokémon' instead 'Pokemon' #1814
- Bot transfers pokemons when KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve set to false and UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving set to true #1812
- Not working with Mono #1811
- Auto level up crash #1810
- "No useable pokestops nearby" When I am positioned within 4. #1806
- The dump excel is tough to read #1805
- Question: mass evolve + lucky egg #1802
- Script updating config file sets 0 as default value to new settings #1799
- Error on execution - Systemformatexception #1797
- Sniping not working #1796
- [Request] Pokemon name translation (de, fr, ja, ko, zh) #1794
- Over max item storage #1793
- Ignore KeepMinCP? #1791
- 0.5.0 Error when trying to scan for snipeable pokémon #1789
- Config causing crash on startup - can't pinpoint errors #1788
- Auth Issues #1787
- Program using Great/Ultraballs on crappy pokemon, despite config settings #1785
- Error while Sniping #1782
- Repeatedly getting the same error #1781
- A Good Catch Probality For Great Ball And Ultra Ball #1778
- Auth file issues #1777
- Issue with pokeballs #1776
- [Minor Bug] Bot becomes inactive on Windows 10 #1774
- Having Trouble Setting how much of each item i want #1773
- When the IV value is the same, can choose better CP? #1766
- Does sniping work at all anymore? #1765
- Bot doesn't snipe #1764
- doesn't evolve pokemon #1762
- Account not verrified #1761
- Regarding the quantity of Pokemon Ball #1760
- "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1, not work for me #1757
- GPX pathing skips pokestops if it doesn't hit them precisely, is that supposed to be the case? #1756
- Error snipping ? #1751
- Red Errors Are Popping Up As of Today #1750
- Ignore Pokemon is not always skipping #1749
- Snipe function keep getting errors #1748
- Help me ! how i can only catch pokémon ? not pokéstop #1747
- using great and ultra balls on low cp pokemon #1746
- Sniping not working #1744
- [BUG] PtcOfflineException #1743
- [ QUESTION ] Where can i edit the cmd headline stats output ? #1741
- Doesnt transfer duplicate pokemons. #1740
- Bot stopping #1739
- Error #1738
- Polish letters are not displayed correctly #1737
- [ QUESTION ] How can i configure the logfile output ? #1734
- Config Issues #1732
- pokeball, greatball and ultraball porblem #1730
- Bot keeps recycling all of my pokeballs and other items #1729
- suggestion for transtering pokemons #1728
- CSV dump not beeing a "real" comma-separated value file #1727
- no ConfigConfigPokemonsNotToCatch.ini file... #1726
- Farfetch'd cannot put under "Pokemon": [] #1723
- [Help Request] Bot Won't Evolve from List #1722
- No recycling: Help me please #1721
- Standing still at lures #1720
- evolves with eggs not working when i have 30 pokemon. (it wont use the egg) #1715
- Sniping via PokeVision #1712
- Using Razzberries all over the place? #1710
- No Snipe #1708
- Too many things to list #1704
- MAX Travel Distance #1703
- Bot errors out when theres'an uncaptured pokemon (only seen) in your pokedex. #1701
- Should I make "UseSnipeOnlineLocationServer" true if I ran PogoLocationFeeder.exe? #1700
- Getting an unstable servers error resets GPX pathing #1699
- What are the BEST settings for the bot? #1698
- Still catching "LURED" pokemons even if its on the pokemontoignore list #1697
- Error while running self compiled bot. #1696
- poke UI #1695
- [12:52:21] You're outside of your defined radius! Walking to start (2888124.53678202m away) in 5 seconds. Is your LastPos.ini file correct? #1694
- Incubator issues.. #1693
- Can I disable the function for using Razz Berry to catch pokemon? Thank you #1691
- v0.5.0 - Keeps using Great Balls even for 100 CP PMs, I have set "useGreatBallabovecp" to 800! #1690
- v0.5.0 -- DumpPokemonStats CSV isn't properly delimited #1687
- What is this? Keep poping and won't start. #1686
- Keep Pokemons that Can Evolve #1685
- ATTENTION! You're outside of your defined radius! #1684
- Disconnect/Bot interruption "ERROR CURRENT OPERATION WAS CANCELED" #1683
- Wrong Account Entirely? #1682
- Ultraballs and Greatballs being used for every pokemon #1681
- Evolve does not continue even lucky egg time has not ended yet #1680
- Pokemon level up issues? #1679
- Default Values in Settings after Update (new unset Values) #1678
- account not verified? #1676
- Online Snipe is not working in the Compiled Release Setup #1674
- Pokeball Ratio #1670
- Cannot connect #1666
- How to make the sniping function work in the Compiled Release Setup? #1663
- Evolve problem #1662
- [Request] Periodic status note #1659
- Unable to read pokemon inventory? #1657
- KeepMinDuplicate keeping low cp #1655
- PTC servers are probably down OR your credentials are wrong try google #1654
- Spine cant work? #1653
- Pokemon are fleeing - Catchflee #1652
- Number of caught pokemon is inaccurate #1651
- Auto favorite over IV is spamming #1650
- [Request] SLOW DOWN #1645
- Accidently did something wrong with config I think. #1644
- couldn't find namespace IApiFailureStrategy. #1642
- KeepMinCP not being honored #1635
- V 0.5.0 ---- Always use Ultraball till it empty #1633
- UseSnipeOnlineLocationServer doesn't work #1632
- Rocket API #1631
- Crash after some time #1630
- Not Evolving... #1626
- fix translation fr #1624
- Recycler #1623
- Using berry on everything #1622
- [REQUEST] Skiplagged Scanner #1621
- v.5 changes the config to use great/ultra/master balls #1618
- [DISCORD] Add a snipebot to our Discord Server #1617
- Using Great/Ultraballs instead of Pokeballs #1615
- Not transferring pokemons #1614
- Account no verified #1613
- User friendly change logs please? #1612
- IApiFailureStrategy could not be found #1611
- Web socket => ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE #1608
- Help #1606
- wierd behavior, bot transferring pidgey, weedle even i have set it to evolve :( #1604
- Always using lucky eggs when "UseLuckyEggConstantly": true?? #1597
- how do you guys using the sniping #1595
- Erro when location (latitude or longitude) is negative #1591
- Stuck in 2-Step Authentication #1590
- Unhandled error #1589
- Linux or MacOS Wine support? #1585
- [Suggestion] Auto restart when stuck #1582
- [REQUEST] PowerUP Pokemons doesnt work/broken #1581
- Bot is stuck some times #1573
- <ERROR> JSON Exception #1572
- "UseSnipeOnlineLocationServer" seems to be removed #1564
- teleport doesnt seem to catch pokemon #1549
- Issue with building the bot from repository. #1533
Merged pull requests:
- Update translation.es.json #2109 (BlauDev)
- Added Level Up and Item Rewards logging #2100 (Andrerm124)
- Made PokemonsTransferFilter accept KeepMinOperator #2095 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.pl.json #2094 (Dyzson)
- Create translation.ro.json #2074 (rivman)
- Fixed a bug with not transferring pokemon which can evolve #2073 (GrimmGringo)
- Improve/fix default values #2071 (noodle-)
- Pokemon Name -FR #2070 (Oolaruu)
- Update translation.pl.json #2065 (Dyzson)
- Fix Typo #2061 (AdamZaczek)
- Fixed a typo in #2016 causing FR crashes #2058 (Andrerm124)
- Update translation.pt-br.json #2056 (PrimOox)
- Add lat and long to pokemon capture event #2055 (redChrillz)
- Add always evolve with lucky egg when min pokemon amount occurs option #2054 (redChrillz)
- Fixed bug where keepminiv 100 would not be matched #2052 (GrimmGringo)
- Added some Translation file error handling. #2050 (Andrerm124)
- Fixed a bug with keeping all pokemon which can evolve #2048 (GrimmGringo)
- Translations for Pokemon possible #2045 (Kotentopf1337)
- Add lat and long to EventFortUsed event #2037 (redChrillz)
- Put LastPos.ini into profile directories #2032 (mosimo)
- Bahasa Indonesia: Update even more translations #2021 (awaaas)
- Refactor WebSocket Handler #2020 (nicoschmitt)
- Fixed typos + French #2016 (Oolaruu)
- Fixed bug that always transfers pokemon that can evolve #1999 (GrimmGringo)
- Updating some config defaults to be more user friendly #1995 (GrimmGringo)
- issue #1966 fix incorrect log #1993 (streppelchen)
- Fixed language compiling issue #1989 (GrimmGringo)
- issue #1966 #1988 (streppelchen)
- Fixed pokemon inventory to retain the correct number of duplicates #1986 (GrimmGringo)
- [FR] Fixed Compilation error #1985 (Oolaruu)
- Fixing the submodule with latest from FeroxRev. #1979 (dddbliss)
- Fixed transfer functionality #1976 (GrimmGringo)
- Optimized recycling, added recycling berries, removed redundant code. #1970 (Nimryel)
- Updated Sniper Feeder protocol #1965 (5andr0)
- Update .gitmodules #1958 (toquengtoketin)
- Rewrote most of the upgrade code to actually work properly. #1957 (GrimmGringo)
- Update French language #1948 (Oolaruu)
- Tweaked pokemon evolution status text #1931 (GrimmGringo)
- Websocket - Add correct delay #1924 (nicoschmitt)
- Bug fix and small formatting tidy #1916 (TheTravelingTrainer)
- Set Console.Title on start #1912 (j2ghz)
- Websocket: Allow user to manually evolve through the GUI #1902 (nicoschmitt)
- Add Moves to TransferFilter #1896 (sawirth)
- [issues/1884] BUG: removed fixed console window width #1892 (Cyberek)
- Fix default ball settings. #1879 (dddbliss)
- [Feature] Added a better config merging system #1874 (Andrerm124)
- Bahasa Indonesia: Moar fixes and untranslated strings. #1864 (awaaas)
- Snipe task: prevent incorrect player position setting; Evolve task, fixed never evolve case; Null reference exception in SnipeScanForPokemon fix #1852 (actislav)
- Update translation.de.json #1851 (Triky313)
- Added a Lithuanian translation - translation.lt.json #1850 (GediminasMasaitis)
- Stopped recycling from happening at every pokestop #1849 (GrimmGringo)
- Fix berries logic #1843 (danilopez)
- Fixed bug with recycling far too often #1841 (GrimmGringo)
- Cleaning #1836 (danilopez)
- Added berry logic and transferring on catch option #1835 (GrimmGringo)
- Update LuckyEggs to show amount in Inventory #1829 (dddbliss)
- Update translation.fr.json #1824 (Oolaruu)
- Incense cleanup, moved strings to translation files. #1819 (dddbliss)
- Update translation.es.json #1817 (javilonas)
- Better English translation for traveling/walking #1809 (phasze)
- Fix hardcoded and missing strings #1808 (danilopez)
- Fixed merge issues, adds request trainer profile #1795 (TheTravelingTrainer)
- Updating IV and CP logic for transferring. #1772 (dddbliss)
- Bahasa Indonesia: Fix and update translations. #1770 (awaaas)
- waffle.io Badge #1758 (waffle-iron)
- Fix Crash PtcOfflineException and AccessTokenExpiredException #1742 (prophetal)
- CLi Size #1735 (toquengtoketin)
- Update translation.gr.json #1733 (veloX92)
- Pull request for refactoring of the logging messages #1731 (igeligel)
- Websocket: Allow Pokemon Transfer from the GUI #1719 (nicoschmitt)
- Update it.translation.json #1711 (hilycker)
- Websocket: Fix JSON #1707 (nicoschmitt)
- Fixed bug with farfetchd name #1692 (GrimmGringo)
- Fixed FeroxRev API issues #1688 (GrimmGringo)
- Correct order for PtcUsername and PtcPassword #1677 (Oolaruu)
- Update translation.pl.json #1672 (Dyzson)
- Fixed French, Issue #1624 #1671 (Oolaruu)
- Inventory Full During Snipe Power Farming Fix(for real this time) #1667 (OuttaControlX)
- Snipefix #1664 (OuttaControlX)
- Updating code with FeroxRev to work for now #1661 (GrimmGringo)
- Revert "Switch to FeroxRev Repo for API" #1656 (NecronomiconCoding)
- When no Fort is nearby, bot attempts to call GetMapObjects() quickly. #1649 (dddbliss)
- Clean up PokeDex to print out correct findings. #1646 (dddbliss)
- Change CSV dump to be comma seperated-values as well as output more data #1639 (Dgc2002)
- Maximum storage settings checking #1638 (GrimmGringo)
- Fixed level XP values #1637 (Nimryel)
- Update translation.es.json #1629 (javilonas)
- Fixed full inventory to kick off recycling #1627 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.fr for egg/incense/pokedeckcount #1616 (Oolaruu)
- LevelUpPokemonTask #1586 (keinPlan)
- Update FarmPokestopsTask.cs #1530 (wbayer81)
- Switch to FeroxRev Repo for API #1524 (septemus)
v0.5.0 (2016-07-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Remember Window Size and possition #890
- [+] Add quantity of captured pokemons #849
- [REQUEST] Rename all pokemons with their IV. #840
- [Request] Check GetBestBall BEFORE starting the encounter. #837
- Bug: #653 - Egg Hatching Automatically contributed by (cawk) #832
- [Feature] Add a delay between pokemons Transfer. #826
- [Feature Request] More Randomization Options #808
- [Feature Request] Only farm pokestops #803
- [Request] Do not login with default location on the first run #793
- [Request] Option to randomize throw accuracy #764
- Pokemons List to Log File #758
- [Feature Request] Setting to prioritize XP or Evolves #755
- [Feature Request] Add Pokemon Slots Used/Total to Evolve and Transfer lines #754
- MAC OS not coping code to clipboard and not creating config files #731
- [Request] Berry Blacklist. #728
- DelayBetweenPokemonCatch Not Being Used Between CatchNearbyPokemonsTask Executions #722
- Enhance recycle items #707
- [Request] FavoriteAboveIv #703
- Feature Request: interface/db for 2D map. #701
- [Multiuser Support] always promps when config/auth.json and config/config.json is missing. #690
- Feature Request: Add Pokemon level to (Transferred) log #674
- Feature Request #2: Fast automatic softban bypass #662
- [feature request] power up pokemon above a certain IV level #659
- Feature Request #1: Skip pokemon catching if no balls. #658
- List of Pokemon #638
- Lucky Eggs Being Wasted #632
- Add gps coordinates to log #623
- Suggestion (Pokemons not to catch): Catch and transfer instead of skipping. #613
- Add unit testing #604
- [Improvement] Check for softban. #594
- Is possible to make a log with all pokemon you already have with their stats? (no transfered) #585
- Enhancement: Collect LevelUp Awards #530
- [Suggestion] The use of 2-5-10 km eggs of choice. #521
- Option to list IV of ALL pokemons during start of bot (T/F) #519
- [Suggestion] bigger Font and change console color on rare capture. #496
- [Feature] Use PoGoMap's pogom.db to hunt rare Pokes #495
- [Feature] Implement ConfigPokemonsToPurge #492
Fixed bugs:
- Scanning issue? #901
- [BUG] Can't find
#882 - Incense cause NullPointerException #815
- NullReferenceException #782
- Skip Pokemon #773
- Double evolving error #768
- [Bug] candies all showing as {0} on caught pokemon 0.1.7 release #765
- When evolving, system throws error because it didn't check on available candy #751
- System.NullReferenceException - CatchPokemonTask #733
- HttpClientExtensions InvalidResponseException Thrown #715
- [Request] Evolve Check (Candies) before transfer #698
- Entering Altitude causes problems: "No usable PokeStops found in your area. Is your maximum distance too small?" #655
Closed issues:
- Bug with sniping cause bot to be really far away once ina while. #1603
- Account not verified! Exiting... #1599
- [PTC] Account not verified after update to 0.4.0 #1577
- Snipe Location doesnt work anymore? #1569
- Throw berries missing #1568
- Can't run the bot #1566
- Google.Protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException on Login #1565
- Amount of Poke/Great/Ultra Balls to keep #1563
- Failure while starting. #1562
- Error while tryin to get Google Auth correct! #1561
- Recycling inventoy spamming #1560
- A GUI would be nice.. #1557
- FeroxRev folder not included #1556
- AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon crashes #1554
- auto hide icon to tray #1553
- Doesnt Recycle Berries #1552
- NecronomiconCoding can you help? #1546
- HELP #1544
- "AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon": true crashing the app #1542
- Usernames with underscore - parse exception #1541
- Request for documentation #1540
- Is it possible to dissable Pokestops using the bot just to catch pokemons? #1539
- [Off] NecroBot Fórum #1537
- (ERROR) Account not verified #1534
- Possible softban spam even when not? #1260
- Google credentials #1259
- v0.2.1 google auth #1258
- So much contain but nothing work. God of ads. #1257
- Bot keeps trying to update to v0.2.1 even though it is v0.2.1 #1255
- Project in inbuidable state. #1254
- Can someone help me, please? #1253
- [Suggestion] Write Google Credentials in console #1252
- Pokemon list on demand / periodically #1251
- How to tell bot after update to logg in with TrainerClub? #1250
- Installing With Git Error? #1248
- can someone help with this ? #1247
- Wrong names in pokestops (Russian lang) #1245
- not working even after update #1242
- KeepMinDuplicate don't work #1241
- Possible issue or is just me? #1236
- [Feature Request] Starting lat lon based on GPX #1234
- Don't use log4net, use NLog #1232
- someone help pls #1230
- Translation for EventFortFailed is missing #1226
- Not evolving #1224
- [Question] How to keep 3 dratinis #1222
- Issue using Egg #1221
- 925 compile, but critical error on startup #1220
- google auth fixed? #1218
- [Feature Request] A feature to list all the pokemon in inventory. #1217
- Update for Language zh_CN added missing lines #1216
- Initializing Rocket logger at time 2016-07-28 7:42:18 AM... #1215
- couple of issues inc incubator and non transfer #1214
- I delelted the old one... #1210
- Not transfering kept on walking... searching for pokestops. #1208
- Logging problem #1207
- "Translation for IncubatorEggHatched is missing" #1205
- [Suggestion] check for a match TypeOfPokemon=TheAttackTypePokemon if false then transfered #1203
- Error - NullReferenceException #1201
- [Suggestion] Log lat/long of captures #1198
- No code copied to clipboard (altough it said it has) #1190
- softban #1189
- How to set the coordinates ? #1188
- Websocket events: Add ID in FortUsed #1187
- Google Device #1186
- No Evolving and no Softbanlift in GPX Mode #1185
- "Unable to connect to the remote server" error #1184
- Error: No Google Login Code #1181
- [Suggestion] [TR] Turkish Language #1179
- Google Token Problem #1178
- [Feature Request] Auto power up Favorite pokemon T/F option (if there is enough dust). #1177
- Error #1176
- [Suggestion] keep a list of existing pokemon in the inventory #1175
- Google Refresh Token #1174
- Please visit and enter #1173
- Couldnt copy to clipboard #1168
- [Error] Bot was working, it crashed, now it no longer works. #1166
- Its possible to run it on MAC? #1163
- 0.19 Compiled Release, Evolve Issue On GPX Path. #1161
- Autoupdate clears config #1160
- [Suggestion] Save last GPS location #1159
- Is Bot dead now?? It was good while it lasted :) #1158
- KeepMinDuplicatePokemon cann't working #1156
- "DelayBetweenPokemonCatch" Not being honoured #1155
- Temporary Fix to Clipboard Problem #1154
- GUYS making a million issues about the same thing doesnt help u...... Read if ur getting clipboard errors #1152
- No google code #1150
- run bot and nox at the same time #1144
- Exp grow too fast.. #1143
- needs best config . thanks #1142
- just started using it and this happens... anyone knows how to fix it ? #1141
- how to use the Translations file to change the language? #1140
- leaving 2 of the same kind #1138
- [Feature Request] KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve only if Pokèmon is on PokemonsToEvolve list #1137
- bot crash after i add this line to pokemons transfer filter #1136
- Couldnt copy to clipboard, do it manually #1135
- [Question]how to stay with Lure poke stops #1133
- Does anyone know what this error is? #1130
- [Feature Request] - Set Radius to check pokestops within #1129
- I want to help NecroBot to build a multi language Wiki, how can I do? Thank you #1128
- Next level and XP wrong for 39 to 40 #1127
- no Google code or clipboard #1126
- [Request]Check ban before catch pokemon #1125
- GetDuplicatePokemonToTransfer inside of Inventory.cs isn't working #1119
- [Request] Web Apoi to manage items/pokemon #1118
- Google Unauthorized Response #1117
- Transferring problems 0.1.9 #1116
- [???] Encounter problem: EncounterAlreadyHappened #1113
- Incense Pokemon not supported? #1112
- I made a Disneyland GPX path that hits 200 pokestops in 12km. #1110
- [Feature Request] Break Timer #1109
- [HELP newbi] how to use "NecroBot-0.1.9.tar" and "NecroBot-0.1.9" ? or not use ? (I 've PoGo.NecroBot.CLI update v1.0.9) thanks #1108
- [Help] Pokémon evolution (config) #1105
- Doubling lucky by changing time #1104
- [Feature Request] Prioritize egg incubation by Distance #1103
- Trying to catch a pokemon that spawned from incence throws an error and logs you out. #1100
- GPX error #1096
- Translations Issue ? #1092
- [Feature] [Request] Pause after welcome warning #1091
- no pokemons get catched when the pokestop is empty #1086
- Pokemon inventory/keep pokemon that can level bugged loop #1085
- There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'username' of 'Login.DoPtcLogin(string, string)' #1084
- Always catchflee #1080
- Option to disable catch pokemon// or catch wanted pokemon #1078
- V0.1.9 UseLuckyEgg Function does not work. #1076
- Getting this message or close to it "No usable pokestops in the area..." #1075
- InvalidResponseException after updating v0.1.9 #1072
- Missing Config.json #1071
- Question #1069
- Pokemon Inventory full #1068
- Not transfer correctly the pokemons #1066
- [Suggestion] Upon running the program for the first time, ask for the locality to set as default #1065
- [SUGGESTION] Renaming Pokemon #1064
- KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve #1062
- [BUG]Not tranfering pokemon correctly #1060
- Do not transfer all pokemons correctly #1059
- Missing English Translations #1057
- Pokemons never evolving?? #1053
- [QUESTION] Not Catching Lured Pokemons #1052
- Error on Installing NecroBot after Publish #1047
- [suggestion]attack gyms in regio #1046
- Auth code not showing up #1045
- PoGo.Necrobot.CLI - load failed #1044
- [BUG] Auto Update Erases Longitude / Latitude #1042
- [Suggestion] Add Longitude / Latutude setting to first time startup #1041
- google login crash #1040
- TaskCanceledException #1039
- Skip all Pokestops to slowly get all pokemon? #1038
- Show coordinates in log #1037
- Any way to make the "possible softban" not count to 45 but just skip that stop immediately #1036
- Missing Translation #1034
- [Suggestion] Auto-close after first startup #1033
- [Suggestion] Pokeball Priority #1030
- Pokemon wont evolve. #1029
- [Suggestion] Rare Pokemon Broadcaster #1028
- [Sugestion] gyms #1027
- Login Crash #1020
- RocketAPI needs to be updated problem with the filename Exceptions/PtcOfflineException.cs #1018
- [Error] On Startup (TaskCanceledException) #1017
- GPX Confirmer #1016
- pokemon still evolve even not in the pokemontoevolve list #1014
- (ERROR) Encounter Problem: Lure Pokemon NotAvailable #1013
- [ Sugestion ] CatchMinIV #1011
- 2 bug #1006
- [Suggestion] Show current GPS location #1005
- [EXCEPTION]: ERROR after login #1002
- [Request] Enhanced Multi Account #1001
- Ignoring pokemon keeps skipping the same ones #998
- Transfering not all pokemon #996
- Linux AuthType Google #994
- Feature Request: List of pokemon NOT to evolve #992
- New Issue with MultiUser Support #991
- Lure caught pokemon is displaying the wrong amount of candies #989
- GPX "Unhandled Data in GPX File" Error #988
- Wait for user acknowledgement on position at startup #987
- GPX/pokestops still having issue #986
- Unable to use in areas without Pokestops #984
- Google auth exception error #979
- Sorting on Iv,Cp,LvL #978
- [Please] fix evolving! #977
- (ATTENTION) PokemonInventory is Full.Transferring pokemons... #975
- Does not transfer any pokemon #974
- Issue with lured pokemon #973
- [ Sugestion ] Proxy Support #972
- [QUESTION] How to setup multi profile for using with multiple account? #971
- Can't use incense correctly #970
- Always use lucky egg #968
- Question regarding Nidoran male/female name in config #966
- Got this error ( not sure what it means ) #965
- Feature Request: Display Pokestop Name #962
- Feature: Transfer if under IV/CP and not on evolve list #959
- Evolve Bug #957
- Error: PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Exceptions.AccountNotVerifiedException: #956
- GPX Pathing should override starting long/lat #955
- Everytime a pokemon caught show "Candies: {0}" #953
- Favorite Pokemon Protection And Properties #950
- [Request] Pokemon Name translation #948
- Wrong encoding - special chars #945
- translation.de Translation for EventFortFailed is missing #944
- Bug translation.ru_RU #942
- is there catching exp? #940
- Command in Config for showing all Pokemon CP and IV at the start or creating logfile #938
- Better error handling on PTC login failure? #937
- Error on startup #935
- gyms and pokemon bug #934
- easy transfer logic #933
- No pokestops within radius #931
- Transfer not working properly anymore #930
- Discord channel invalid #929
- Rereleased 0.1.8 catch lure causing softban detection #928
- probem cant use it, anyone can help? pokemonGORocketAPI.console shutting down #927
- priority capture pokemon list rare pokemon #923
- Ability to start WebSocket without TLS #916
- PokemonsToEvolve #863
- [+] Run multiple accounts with same config without duplicating files/running a new exe #862
- (ERROR) NO WORK #861
- [Bug]EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv flag does not work #816
- [Bug]Custom config path failed #785
- PokemonDoTransferList #742
- Feature Request: add evolve function to run every 30 minutes or so #677
- Feature Pokemon level as filter, or having individual filter #676
- [Issue] Show List Pokemon Twice On Start #664
- GPX Looking for pokemon.. #628
- Just getting this error for some reason? #611
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed default EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage for existing configs #1607 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.es.json #1605 (javilonas)
- Update translation.fr.json #1602 (Oolaruu)
- Update Translations.cs #1601 (Oolaruu)
- Fixed lucky egg and incense functionalities #1600 (GrimmGringo)
- Fixed recycling and first run bugs #1596 (GrimmGringo)
- fix/settings-duplicate-PokemonToSnipe #1594 (asilevani)
- Potential Evolves Update 1 #1593 (Andrerm124)
- Update translation.pl.json #1592 (Dyzson)
- Fix/snipe-event #1588 (asilevani)
- Write location to disk on update #1587 (jessewhite007)
- Fixed the berry event handlig in the CLI and added the berry type #1584 (RoseFlunder)
- Update translation.pl.json #1580 (Dyzson)
- Resolved issue with default value of zero for a couple config values #1578 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.fr.json #1567 (Oolaruu)
- Events: Add info to eggslist event to display accurate data #1559 (nicoschmitt)
- Fixes files missing from cproj. Also adds callback helper id for web requests #1558 (TheTravelingTrainer)
- Some minor fixes and improvements #1555 (actislav)
- Improved dump format & added pokemon favorite/nickname/max cp #1551 (asilevani)
- Bug in sniping config, renamed int to double #1545 (GrimmGringo)
- Implemented boundaries for sniping #1543 (GrimmGringo)
- DumpPokemonStats fix #1538 (padmanek)
- Fix a syntax issue #1536 (yvan-sraka)
- Use Lucky Egg and incense constantly #1535 (cawk)
- LogLevel.Recycling Fix #1532 (Aneduna)
- Add EvolveCountEvent.cs #1531 (ahmadsafar)
- Switched to skiplagged for sniping #1529 (GrimmGringo)
- Add PokeDex #1528 (cawk)
- Corrected error on FR Translation #1526 (BjkGkh)
- Update translation.de.json #1525 (Triky313)
- Add minimum stardust for levelup #1522 (cawk)
- Added Hungarian Translation #1521 (elodszopos)
- Fixes Exception for max level and add how many times you want to loop through upgrades #1520 (cawk)
- Added sniper loglevel #1519 (asilevani)
- Added option to control verbose inventory check #1518 (GrimmGringo)
- Update translation.pl.json #1516 (Dyzson)
- Fixed frequent recycling to be inventory based #1514 (GrimmGringo)
- Websocket: Send coords on connect #1513 (nicoschmitt)
- Websocket update #1512 (nicoschmitt)
- [Fixed conflicts] EggList & ItemList WebRequestHandlers #1507 (TheTravelingTrainer)
- Automatically favorite pokemon based on IV #1504 (GrimmGringo)
- Updating Bahasa Indonesia #1503 (muchlax)
- Updated translation.it.json #1501 (AlessioDP)
- Update translation.pt-pt.json #1500 (nrmodesto)
- Updates to websockets to handle command based communcation #1497 (TheTravelingTrainer)
- Potential Evolves Logging #1496 (Andrerm124)
- Fix bugs with ball logic to use proper pokeball type #1495 (GrimmGringo)
- Impltement optimized recycling #1494 (BadWolfL)
- Add translation.ca.json #1493 (Sinekk)
- Adding Candy amount in output to console and text dump #1489 (SindreKjetsa)
- Update EvolvePokemonTask.cs #1488 (N0ct3)
- Bot was catching all pokemons above 300 with greatball #1487 (Revell1on)
- Online Sniper Server #1486 (Tsuki)
- Update translation.fr.json #1485 (SebastienBenazet)
- Update translation.es.json #1480 (javilonas)
- Upgrade fix #1474 (l3uddz)
- Updated README with two lines #1472 (AN2548)
v0.4.0 (2016-07-30)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon default -> false #1468 (Ilses)
- Update Icon for Pokeball #1466 (javilonas)
- Fix RNG in UpgradePokemon #1465 (Ilses)
- Fix translation.es #1464 (javilonas)
- Offset parameter explicitcast #1461 (Ryuichiro)
- Update translation.es.json #1460 (javilonas)
- Optimized PokemonsTransferFilter for sniping #1459 (DeadElle)
- Updating Bahasa translation #1458 (muchlax)
- not needed anymore Translation #1457 (Happymeal1887)
- Offset parameter #1456 (Ryuichiro)
- MaxPokeballsPerPokemon #1455 (l3uddz)
- Fix MinPokeballsToSnipe and MinPokeballsWhileSnipe #1454 (Ilses)
- Updated French language #1453 (Oolaruu)
- Add Upgrade Pokemon Levelling Up #1452 (cawk)
- Added pokeball output for counts and an alert if they have none #1450 (GrimmGringo)
- Greek Translation Update. #1447 (xakersas)
- Fix missing file #1446 (nicoschmitt)
- Custom pokeballs #1445 (AlessioDP)
- Enhanced pokeball-management for sniping #1442 (Ryuichiro)
- Update translation.tr.json #1441 (erkutalakus)
- WebSocket Respond to EggsListEvent #1439 (nicoschmitt)
- Event: send current position on start #1437 (nicoschmitt)
- Adding pokemon moves in output to console and text dump #1436 (SindreKjetsa)
- Updated French language #1435 (Oolaruu)
- Fix error Spanish translation file #1433 (lyrex)
- event: snipemode to tell GUI we are in snipping mode #1432 (nicoschmitt)
- Enhanced Renaming #1431 (Ryuichiro)
- [add] Never spawn at the same position. Niantic might detect that! #1430 (Floppixx)
- Added Danish translation file [Fixed with .csproj] #1429 (FL4ZH)
- [add] Ukrainian translation file #1423 (bkolodiy)
- Sniper improvements and removed spamming debug messages #1419 (5andr0)
- FarmPokestopsGPXTask completely broken, iterating only through the fi… #1417 (s-p-c)
- cleanup VS output dir with Fody Costura #1413 (septemus)
- Improved default Settings.cs and pokemon lists/filters #1410 (DeadElle)
- patch overide PokemonLocation toString method #1408 (navidemad)
- Master #1407 (Afraidium)
- Adding, translating and fixing new keys and values from translation.en.json to translation.id.json #1406 (muchlax)
- Improved Sniper IV logic #1404 (5andr0)
- Fixed a bug in gpx where tasks were never called #1403 (5andr0)
- Important Snipes #1402 (mich3lam)
- Snipe Fix, pokevision api changed. #1401 (th3ragex)
- Simple IV calculation. #1399 (padmanek)
- event: add iv to pokemonlist #1398 (nicoschmitt)
- Update to use proper convention for Icon #1396 (YouNeverListen)
- Config/Auth transfer on update #1393 (maartenpeels)
- Additional information egg hatched event #1386 (RoseFlunder)
- Update translation.it.json #1384 (AlessioDP)
- Updated russian translation file #1379 (panthernet)
- Update translation.es.json #1372 (javilonas)
- SniperPokemonTask.cs - Useless line. #1369 (StealthyXor)
- Sniping Updates #1367 (kaeus)
- Added cancellationtoken #1366 (rfaes)
- Fix #1365 (dgateles)
- Update translation.es.json #1363 (javilonas)
- Throw away low level pokeballs, potions, revives and keep the better ones. #1362 (th3ragex)
- Revert "Culture fix/hack in SnipePokemonTask.cs" #1361 (yamashi)
- Culture fix/hack in SnipePokemonTask.cs #1360 (StealthyXor)
- Fix sniping for countries using a comma as separator #1359 (Pandabehr)
- Added Swedish translation #1358 (carlssonn)
- Websocket: Send PokemonList if asked to #1356 (nicoschmitt)
- Update translation.pt-br.json #1354 (dgateles)
- Update translation.tr.json #1352 (erkutalakus)
- Fix translation file for Italian #1351 (federico123579)
- Set snipe timeout to avoid waste of time. #1350 (nongdun)
- Sniper with automated pokelocation feed #1349 (5andr0)
- Update translation.nl.json #1348 (WinSCaP)
- Fix translation file for French and Norwegian #1344 (lyrex)
- Fix coordinate related things (i.e. sniping) for non-us users #1340 (lyrex)
- Update translation.ru_RU.json #1337 (kraleksandr)
- Optimized default RenameTemplate setting #1336 (tr0n0s)
- Update translation.it.json #1332 (hilycker)
- Update translation.pl.json #1331 (GTXMike)
- Title number comma formatting #1330 (xKryptus)
- Create translation.zh_tw.json #1329 (Tsuki)
- Never waste Masterballs on non-legendary. #1327 (Sekioh)
- Fixed French Translation #1326 (BjkGkh)
- Update translation.zh_CN.json #1322 (cqhtyi)
v0.3.3 (2016-07-29)
v0.3.2 (2016-07-29)
v0.3.1 (2016-07-28)
Merged pull requests:
v0.3.0 (2016-07-28)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Added some nests #1309 (mich3lam)
- Fixed snipe logic crash #1308 (panthernet)
- Fixed translations to use default values + updated russian translation #1304 (panthernet)
- Update translation.tr.json #1302 (erkutalakus)
- Fixed translations not loading #1298 (panthernet)
- Updated russian translation #1291 (panthernet)
- fix: DelayUtils not delaying (changed to sync mode) #1290 (Cyberek)
- [Feature] Configurable Pokemon Sniping #1287 (kaeus)
- Revert "[Feature] Configurable Pokemon Sniping" #1281 (yamashi)
- Improved bottleneck when run out of pokeballs #1280 (5andr0)
- Update translation.tr.json #1276 (erkutalakus)
- [Feature] Configurable Pokemon Sniping #1274 (kaeus)
- [FIX] For Evolution Logic with LuckyEggs #1272 (erkutalakus)
- Update FR translation #1270 (BjkGkh)
- Events: Add Pokestop ID in FortUsed event #1269 (nicoschmitt)
- Name & Icon Change #1268 (LeagueRaINi)
- setting up template for renaming function #1264 (hakkotsu)
- Fix random delays and DelayBetweenPlayerActions compile errors #1263 (5andr0)
- Critical auth fix for PTC users #1261 (5andr0)
- FEATURE: randomized delay between each action #1249 (Cyberek)
- Update translation.zh_CN.json #1243 (cqhtyi)
- Add indonesia translation file #981 (hendrawd)
v0.2.1 (2016-07-28)
Closed issues:
v0.2.0 (2016-07-28)
Fixed bugs:
- 【bug】subfile loading error #914
Closed issues:
- Error Google code #1233
- Certificate error on wine #1231
- [Question] Possible Issue #1229
- Pokestops/Pokemon Fleeing/GYM Battles #1228
- Failed to Copy to clipboard #1227
- fixed #1225
- IV checker #1204
- "No usable pokestop..." problem in v0.1.9, but fine in v0.1.7 #1200
- Visual Studio errors #1197
- No code for a login #1195
- Missing Google Login form.. #1194
- Poke Stops farming just exp #1193
- [FIX] (ERROR) Couldnt copy to clipboard, do it manually #1192
- Unhandled exception #1191
- Error While Executing PoGo.NecroBot.CLI.exe #1182
- Missing translation file #1171
- Malware-Gen issue #1170
- [Guide] Fix Google Device Auth Issue *Outdated, working on fix* #1169
- How do I fix this? #1167
- issue #1165
- it keep 'Logging in using Google' with a red text #1164
- When launching Compiled Release v0.1.9 - ERROR: Couldnt copy to clipboard, do it manually #1162
- possible to run on Linux #1149
- [Suggestions] Resizable Window #1148
- 【fix】no Google code or clipboard #1146
- About haching egg. Why "Translation for incubatoregghatched is missing ?? Thk u before #1132
- Dont work evolve #1131
- Google auth not working aymore since 10:15pm #1124
- Device Code Error #1121
- v0.1.9 error that prevents running, can anyone take a look please? #1120
- Account not verified - exiting #1111
- Error Google Auth #1107
- [Feature Request] Console title, change email to actual PTN username #1106
- Evolving #1098
- English Translation for IncubatorEggHatched is missing #1094
- ERROR : session.Client.Inventory.UpgradePokemon is not working #1093
- V0.1.9 - PTC Account verified 100% - (ERROR) Account not verified. - Exiting* #1082
- No idea, thats clearly not the path im using also #1081
- GPX error please help #1063
- Red text error? #1061
- [Error/v0.1.9] NullReferenceException #1056
- PoGo.NecroBot.CLI.exe is Missing #1055
- [BUG] Unable to Run PoGo.NecroBot.CLI after login and Lat/Lon input #1054
- [TYPO] KeepMinIvPercentage for Eevee is 800 instead of 80 within config file #1035
- Login with google account #1022
- [Sugestion] Pokemon To Evolve Filter. #1008
- Duplicate Pokemon transfer skipping incorrectly #995
- Incubate only happens on startup. #976
- Unstable. #958
- [Bug] Default config PokemonsTransferFilter wrong bracket? #952
- [TYPO] default config -> Eevee -> KeepMinIvPercentage: 800.0 #949
- Current translations implementation won't allow to translate everything #919
Merged pull requests:
- Settings rearrange & added config paths #1238 (5andr0)
- Update Settings.cs #1237 (mich3lam)
- More optimal settings to avoid full PokeInventory #1235 (tr0n0s)
- Update Settings.cs #1213 (mich3lam)
- Hotfix to save new Settings feature not only on first start #1212 (Nordiii)
- Update Dutch translation #1211 (AlexZHR)
- Tweak Estonian translations a bit #1209 (Lauriy)
- Fix for commit 1202, was missing some commas. #1206 (TheCrimsonDevil)
- Optimal default config - Update Settings.cs #1202 (tr0n0s)
- Add ability to set Default Lat and Long on first run. #1199 (wind-raven)
- Add Estonian translations #1196 (Lauriy)
- Show that inventory is full if pokestop gives no items #1183 (TheBorna)
- Simple swap #1180 (mich3lam)
- Fix Incense Pokemon Catch Task #1157 (emoisback)
- Update translation.es.json #1151 (tr0n0s)
- Fixed duplicate skip of KeepMinDuplicatePokemon #1145 (JackD111)
- Update translation.zh_CN.json #1123 (cqhtyi)
- Distance-based incubation checks #1102 (patrikwlund)
- Update for Language DE / german added missing lines #1101 (Ehnoah)
- Update translation.it.json #1090 (hilycker)
- Remove unnecessary if nesting #1089 (Ilses)
- [TRNSLTS] Moved text templates out of Statistics class + trnsl + minor improvements #1088 (panthernet)
- Update translation.tr.json #1087 (erkutalakus)
- update for german translation... complete #1079 (Resaec)
- Added new translations + russian lang update #1074 (panthernet)
- Asks if you want to continue on first start #1073 (Nordiii)
- Fix for latest commit and updated russian lang file #1050 (panthernet)
- update german translation #1032 (Resaec)
- Added many new Translations #1025 (panthernet)
- Update translation.it.json #1024 (hilycker)
- Remove path separator char prepended to profile, as this breaks Path.Combine #1021 (Ilses)
- Readme update #1019 (spot88)
- Create translation.tr.json #1015 (erkutalakus)
- Logger message changes as few users requested #1004 (TheBorna)
- event: send coordinate when pokestop use #997 (nicoschmitt)
- Dump pokemon stats to file #714 (JoshYuen)
v0.1.9 (2016-07-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- [QoL Request] Truncate Pokemon CatchSuccess Distance Decimal Places #802
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug?] AmountOfPokemonToDisplayOnStart doesn't seem to work #794
Closed issues:
- Missing config file in release 0.1.8 #1009
- unhandled excpection #993
- Logger not showing enough information #985
- Question #963
- Always CatchFlee #951
- Ignoring pokestops #947
- [Question] Always same walking speed? #943
- v0.1.8 evolves all pokemon #941
- ConfigPokemonsToEvolve.ini #918
- Evolve issues #905
- Looting failed, possible softban #899
- Adding Pokemon to "Types of Pokemons not to catch" #891
- Shorten distance lenght #888
- Trasfer all pokemons under IV % #886
- [Request] Options to chose what bot needs to do #860
- [Request] Randomize walking Speed #857
- [REQUEST] Auto Unbanner (softbans) #841
- [REQUEST] CatchEscape/CatchFlee Messages in LogLevel.Warning (Yellow) and No Pokeballs in LogLevel.Info (Red) #833
- GPS noice #825
- Crash consistanly #820
- [Question] About IV display #812
- TransferPokemonKeepDuplicateAmount Error #811
- Catch Dist meters displayed as a floating number #806
- [Feature Request] When initially listing all of the Pokemon, show the IV 'goodness' #781
Merged pull requests:
- Update translation.es.json #1012 (javilonas)
- Move Settings.cs from CLI to Logic #1010 (PocketMobsters)
- Update Translating - Norwegian #999 (spot88)
- Updating Translation #990 (BjkGkh)
- Update translation.ru_RU.json #980 (kraleksandr)
- Update translation.es.json #960 (javilonas)
- Egg incubation checks during PokeStop farming, and logging for hatch-events #907 (patrikwlund)
v0.1.8 (2016-07-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- default lat long in config.json after first compile #683
- [Minor] Add proper spacing to the TRANSFER logs #626
Closed issues:
- 0.1.8 Soft ban issue #921
- 2 bots banned after 2 hours farming #900
- Error message when opening bot. #894
- [Request] Sniper far away Pokemons while botting #893
- [ISSUE] PokemonGo.RocketAPI missing? #892
- (ISSUE) No Pokeballs #885
- [Request] IV Rename tool #869
- Translation Files everywhere #856
- i think cp iv somewhat error #852
- [BUG] GetPokemons() doesn't return the right count of pokemon #851
- Cannot start bot #846
- cannot transfer low cp pokemon #845
- PokemonsNotToTransfer #843
- [PROBLEM] - Can't catch pokemons #839
- [PROBLEM]: transfer not work. POKEMNON INVENTORY FULL #838
- UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving - Not working v0.1.7 #831
- Only Pokemons..... #830
- To Many Duplicates #821
- [Feature Request] Logs should be saved in directory of the relevant profile #819
- Not all duplicate pokemons are transferred #817
- Lure pokemon not available #814
- [Feature] Add a bool flag to check the array PokemonsToEvolve or not. #810
- Pokemon not evolving after use LuckyEgg #809
- San Francisco Marina District Loop #807
- check pokemons moves for trasnfer #801
- Problem ?! Ini kenapa ya ? kok sering muncul? #800
- [Feature request] Gym train #798
- config.json and .ini #795
- How do I Evolve specific Pokemons then Transfer it #790
- (ATTENTION) Encounter problem: PokemonInventoryFull #786
- Suggest for duplicated pokemons #783
- [Crash] Immediately after setting config/auth. Settings.cs Line 126 and Program.cs Line 46 #779
- Is there a better way to run multiple profiles at once? #777
- [Bug] #771
- Not transfering some Pokemons. Bag is full. #767
- Farming without pokestops #766
- Auto Evolve question? #763
- [Error] Login Ptc #762
- [Bug] MultiProfile is not working for auth.json #760
- [BUG] Random freezes; Needs any key pressed to unfreeze. #759
- There is something wrong #757
- [Feature Request] Softban Mitigation / Resolution #752
- [ERROR] System.NullReferenceException #747
- Encounter Problem: Lure Pokemon NotAvailable #746
- [02:16:22] (ATTENTION) Encounter problem: PokemonInventoryFull #745
- Software ban new scean #744
- (Request) Keep best CP regardless of IV #743
- Catch Success line issues #741
- [Request] Get current position in localhost about BOT #740
- [Request] (PKMN) (CatchEscape) in color RED pls #738
- (ATTENTION) Encounter problem: Lure Pokemon NotAvailable #735
- [01:41:28] Failed to start WebSocketServer on port : 14251 #730
- Certificate build error #724
- Error #717
- Pokemon Inventory Full & Wrong Window-Title "Item Recyled" #702
- (ERROR) System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: #700
- [Bug] [Critical] [IV% not calculated properly] Not transferring all Pokemons. Debugger screenshots in comments. #696
- [Feature] Use pokeminer's db.sqlite for Rare Pokemon Hunting #694
- Feature Request: Add number of pokeballs remaining after catch / escape / flee #689
- Upgrade high IV or CP pokemons with candies #685
- TransferDuplicateIV #663
- [Suggestion] Removal Of The Pokemon Show Upon Start #625
- [Bug ]KeepMinIvPercentage value possibly not being read correctly. #621
- Features, capture before rare pokemons? #600
- [Bug] Transfers highest cp pokémon when higher iv pokémon is available #597
Merged pull requests:
- Softban bypass FIX - with checks. #925 (TheBorna)
- Bug Fix: FortUsedEvent needs to be called when TimesZeroXPawarded <= 5 not greater than #920 (mrnitrate)
- Bug Fix: softban detection was incrementing TimesZeroXPawarded incorrectly #917 (mrnitrate)
- Update FarmPokestopsTask.cs #912 (mich3lam)
- Add pt-pt translation #909 (andrewfonseca)
- French Translation #906 (BjkGkh)
- Update translation.ru_RU.json #904 (majackov)
- update for german translation #903 (Resaec)
- Brazilian Portuguese Translation #895 (dgateles)
- Add TH Translation #889 (AlienHack)
- Settings.cs proper use of Path.Combine #887 (5andr0)
- Update translation.zh_CN.json #884 (cqhtyi)
- Compile fixes, libraries update/consolidation, filled out pokemon lists. #883 (DeadElle)
- Update Settings.cs #879 (mich3lam)
- Added new translation strings and russian translation file #878 (panthernet)
- Typo - Norwegian Translation #877 (spot88)
- Pokemon Moves #876 (mich3lam)
- Norwegian Translation #871 (spot88)
- Fix evolution logic #870 (integriti)
- Evolve Weedle and Caterpie - default #867 (spot88)
- Fix mono/Linux compatibility #864 (hirschmann)
- Moved lang files to PoGo.NecroBot.CLI\Config\Translations #858 (panthernet)
- MultiProfiles fix & Individual transfer filter feature #854 (5andr0)
- German Translation #853 (GSHydra)
- Retry at same PokeStop up to 40 times, if it gives 0 experience (softban bypass) #850 (TheBorna)
- Dutch translation #834 (rbnbrls)
- Italian Translation #824 (hilycker)
- Simplified Chinese Translation #822 (cqhtyi)
- Add configurable minimum number of evolvable pokemon for lucky egg usage #791 (bjwood)
- Spanish Translation #784 (Alriac)
- Fix: Move RenamePokemonTask to after evolving and transferring #774 (mrnitrate)
- Fix for trying to get nearby pokestops when using GPX. #761 (kaeus)
- Removed duplicated code for displaying your Pokemon #756 (Nordiii)
- Polish Translation #750 (GTXMike)
- Added 2 decimal precision for distance #748 (JoshYuen)
- Fix candies count on catch #739 (OverlordQ)
- [Suggestions] Update settings.cs #736 (X1bO)
- CandyCount while transferPokemon Now Fixed ! #732 (SwordStroker)
- Egg incubation #726 (patrikwlund)
- Handled PokemonInventoryFull and fixed candy count while transfering pokemon. #705 (SwordStroker)
- Make the paths compatible with Linux #691 (d4nsc4v4)
v0.1.7 (2016-07-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- (request) rare pokemon sniping method without being softban #636
- [Suggestion] Add active counter of number of pokeballs next to (CatchSuccess) #501
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Error - Download from scratch #718
- [PROBLEM] FeroxRev\PokemonGo.RocketAPI\PokemonGo.RocketAPI.csproj : error #706
- A good idea. #704
- Feature Request: Gym Battles #695
- (INFO) in ... (spamming) #686
- After the second run does not break Pokemon. #681
- rocket.api doesnt appear in files #680
- Rocket API project failed to load in VS #679
- Too much candies. #678
- All wild pokemon escape, even by hand #671
- All your errors when trying to compile #670
- Incorrect argument #669
- Bot is not catching pokemon anymore, and inventory is full warning #668
- Namespaces not found #666
- Need better Pokemon transfer. #665
- Error while compile source code from cloned git #661
- Can't Compile -- POGOProtos #660
- Missing file #657
- UI #656
- PogoProtos #654
- [Suggestion] Auto to use incubator to Hatch egg and auto to use incense #652
- [feature request] not deleting "favorited" pokemons #651
- PoGo.NecroBot.CLl.exe" is missing #650
- GpxFile #649
- Many items "not be found" #647
- RocketAPI.csproj : error #646
- PokemonInventoryFull while still have to select starter deadlock. #facepalm #645
- Running out of Pokeballs #644
- There is no UserSettings.settings. #643
- Wiki incorrect cannot compile #641
- Bag full. #640
- 1 or more projects didnt open correctly #639
- add a RazzBerryMode. #637
- Not evolving 0.16 #635
- Unable to compile from Master #634
- Lucky eggs are used before 30 min #629
- Cannot compile since last night commits #627
- Error with authenticated proxy #622
- Run 2 bots (or more) at the same time #619
- Wiki needs Update #618
- missing files for main download #617
- [Bug] Not evolving when enough candies #615
- PoGo.NecroBot.CLI.exe is missing? #614
- No Pokeballs all the time #612
- "No usable PokeStops found in your area. Is your maximum distance too small?" #609
- Few Issues I have #608
- Where did the .API go?? #605
- Refactor
#603 - Cant LogIn with Ptc. AccountNotVerifiedException #602
- [Req] Basic Windows Form #601
- Not working v0.1.5 - Ptc #599
- Unsoft ban features? #598
- Pokemon Inventory Full #589
- [Feature Request] Star (Favorite) high IV pokemon #587
- Caught pokemon show no map location in-game #549
Merged pull requests:
- Added support for translations, customizing messages to your desire #723 (ghost)
- Fixed manifest signing error #719 (ghost)
- Updated submodule to latest version #697 (ghost)
- Use async/await in tasks and states [fixed] #687 (patrikwlund)
- fix pogo proto not being found #675 (Valmere)
- [Feature] catch and find lure incense pokemon #673 (UntilSunrise)
- Added MultiProfile via CommandLine parameter #667 (5andr0)
- Add Pokeball counter to CatchEvent messages #631 (PocketMobsters)
- fixup part 1 of auto update #630 (Valmere)
- fix evolve using GPX #624 (Wil32)
- Disabled display of pkm in case it is set to 0 #620 (Nordiii)
- Display your strong Pokemon #559 (Nordiii)
v0.1.6 (2016-07-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update Wiki to Explain settings.ini #571
Closed issues:
- (ERROR) Account not verified. - Exiting #596
- Item recycle options in settings.ini possible? #593
- No useful pokestops in your area. #592
- Unhandled Exception: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException #580
- Bot is still not spining near pokestops with gpx #579
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.5 (2016-07-26)
Fixed bugs:
- Bot should exit immediately on login fail #544
Closed issues:
- No usable PokeStops #590
- PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Exceptions.AccountNotVerifiedException #586
- Project not loading #582
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Give json settings the touch" #591 (yamashi)
- Fix #544 #584 (rrrds)
- Give json settings the touch #581 (ghost)
v0.1.1.0 (2016-07-26)
v0.1.4 (2016-07-26)
v0.1.1.4 (2016-07-26)
v0.1.1.1 (2016-07-26)
v0.1.1.2 (2016-07-26)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Gpx not farming Pokestops #536
Closed issues:
- 0.13 Division by 0 when evolving pokemon #578
- UsePokemonToonlyCatchFilter #577
- "KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true is causing errors #576
- Recycled items #574
- Ptc not Working #573
- hummm,few questions. #572
- Google Device Code on Ptc? #570
- Dlls missing and such #569
- Last merge doesn't load properly App.conf or settings.settings #568
- [REQUEST] seperate login.ini #567
- Cant connect with my google mail. #565
- [Suggestion]Remove Softban #564
- After i start the bot, i have to connect device? #563
- Can i make bot not to use pokestops, and catch only pokemons? #561
- Can I get a list #560
- how to update necrobot and why pokemons dont transfer? #558
- When i start exe, only virtual studio starts. #557
- Where ist the main logic loop now located ? #556
- PokemonGo.RocketAPI project library is missing #554
- Slow down when finds a pokemons #552
- Bot doesn't load settings correctly #551
- Necrobot doesn't copy the google device code to clipboard on macOS #550
- no usable pokestops error #548
- Rocket API Error - Prevents it from catching pokemon #547
- I did choose Ptc but it prioritize Google account. #546
- Proper code for allowing enough pokeballs but not capping item inventory #542
- Location Issue #541
- Does not catch Pokemon while moving #540
- Error #539
- changing auth type to 1 for ptc causes error #538
- latest rev is broken? missing API can't run the bot #537
- Appreciation For The Devs. #534
- Source with VS2012 #533
- Display Highest Perfect #531
- PokemonGo.RocketAPI (load failed) #529
- How do I get back to the normal view?? #528
- Low CP Pokemon not transferring. #527
- Please add feature in user settings that allows you to choose an item limit of the bag so I don't go over the bag capacity. #526
- Stuck at "You have newest version" #525
- Not getting items from Pokestops #524
- Location not changing #523
- No pokemon transfer #522
- I have changed the location via the config file. Opened it and confirm the change but when I run the program it still uses the default lat & log. #518
- Encounter Problem: PokemonInventoryFull #516
- parameter to run it? #515
- Missing block data with BestIV and BestCP #511
- the version of the release and does not work with PTC account #509
- what eggs will be used #507
- [BUG] GPX routes don't work #505
- [Bug] Modifying the ConfigItemList Doesn't Recycle Items #502
- [Suggestion] Dratini Farm Spot #500
- [BUG] Changing the AuthType Setting doesnt have any effect #497
Merged pull requests:
- UPDATE README.MD #575 (deknarf)
- Fix #536 #566 (rrrds)
- Slight logger improvements #562 (JoshYuen)
- Fixed KeepMinIvPercentage's usage #555 (JoshYuen)
- Fix create Settings.ini (TransferDuplicatePokemon = true) #543 (mrboms)
- Fixed divide by zero in GetDuplicatePokemonToTransfer #508 (5andr0)
- #494: Implemented Family Candies display when transferring and catchi… #503 (kaeus)
v0.1.3 (2016-07-26)
Closed issues:
- GoogleAuth.ini file not saving info #504
- [BUG]Changing Latitude and Longitude doesn't have any effect #498
Merged pull requests:
- Moved settings loading into Settings.cs #514 (PocketMobsters)
- Add JSON Settings #513 (PocketMobsters)
v0.1.2 (2016-07-26)
Closed issues:
- How do I build this without the sub module? #506
Merged pull requests:
- Updated RocketAPI & Fixed namespaces ( hotfix for not working app.config hopefully ) #510 (ghost)
- Fixed a logic error in GetDuplicatePokemonToTransfer & reduced size of GetXpDiff #490 (5andr0)
v0.1.1 (2016-07-26)
Merged pull requests:
- GoogleAuth.ini Fixed. #491 (SwordStroker)
- GPX hit pokestops while walking #489 (PocketMobsters)
- KeepMinDuplicatePokemon can now be set to zero #488 (Nordiii)
- Use InvariantCulture to parse GPX values #486 (Rejaku)
v0.1-beta (2016-07-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Changing Lat and Long does nothing. #117
- [REQUEST] Use lucky eggs if available #48
- [Request] Heading towards designated destination #30
Closed issues:
- [ERROR] Downloaded from scratch, getting this ... #449
- ConfigPokemonToKeep #448
- Allways seen player level #447
- Pokestop not working #445
- Unhandled Exception #444
- Next Level in 0H 0M #443
- Missing configs folder #439
- Can't even start the bot up? IF NOT EXIST #438
- Help, I Can't change Default'sLong.and Altitude [FIXED] #437
- [Suggestion] Commands #433
- Crash at startup : System.FormatException #431
- Wrong input string format in Utils/Statistics.cs #430
- useLuckyEggs #427
- Private Logic.cs methods to public? #426
- Transferred Log Best should change based on PrioritizeIV #422
- Looping anyone else? #421
- Better balls used system #420
- [Suggestion] : Adjust item limit to % #418
- Evolve filter list not working #416
- GPX File delimiter issue #415
- Please make Evolve before transfer if that pokemon in the list #413
- [Issue] Evolving & Keeping Pokemon #412
- how can i change razzberrys cp limit on usage #410
- [Suggestion] Make DelayBetweenPokemonCatch variable #409
- [Request] Proxy option #407
- Add a PowerUp Feature? #406
- UseGPXPathing Problems #405
- [Request] Max amount of pokemon before transfer for specific species. #402
- [Request] Use incubator and hatch eggs automatically #401
- Actions in duplicate #400
- GPXPathin error #399
- [Request] Option to use Incense/Lucky egg #397
- [Minor] Getting rewards from Pokéstops... #396
- please close #394
- got this attention notice beetween catch #393
- ConfigPokemonsNotToCatch.txt #392
- can not get google device code copied to clipboard #391
- [Suggestion] Add small random offset to Latitude/Longitude #390
- Bot keeps restarting with exception #388
- My bot keep running, DisplayHighestPerfect #387
- [Question] Transfering #386
- Map Bot Integration #385
- Doesn't work on linux #382
- [REQUEST] Evolving all Pidgeys? #381
- [Request] Better Raspberry and Better PokemonKeep #380
- Updating without redownloading #379
- Since the last update, the bot stopped from farming pokestop and transfer duplicate #378
- Level seems to be calculated wrong #375
- My bot is in amsterdam, not in Sweden Help! #374
- [Error] After setting usersetting.setting #373
- Configs folder only gets created in "Debug" mode. On release it doesn't #372
- Max Distance make infinite Loop #371
- [Enhancement] Logger does things #370
- Missed / Escaped / Flee gives 25XP #369
- [Suggestion] EvolveAllPokemonWithEnoughCandy should respect KeepMinDuplicatePokemon setting #368
- Transfer Pokemon dont work often for Pinsir's #367
- pokeStop.CooldownCompleteTimestampMs is 0 #366
- Transfers multiple times #361
- Running multiple bots at same time #359
- Automatic restart #358
- Bot not starting kept spamming start screen #356
- [BUG] Pokemons only evolve when the bot starts. #354
- [ISSUE] Is there any other way 2 add pokemons to exceptions since the folder is missing? #353
- [ISSUE] I get this 2 errors when i try to start it . #352
- [Question] Is EGG hatching supported? #349
- Configs folder stll not showing up on visual studio #347
- Spams my pokemon info #345
- [Suggestion] Latitude / Longitude Coords.ini update on change #344
- QUESTION - 'Do not catch' #343
- Suggestions, workarounds and fixes for certain issues #342
- Fix Postbuild-Event for release mode. (Sorry have no repo for pull request) #341
- ConfigPokemonsToKeep not working. #339
- Inventory caching is causing the duplicate transfer and recycle messages #337
- HI I just couldn't change my account #335
- [Q] Farming spots #334
- Algorithm of pokebot is inefficient #332
- Need KeepMinCPPercentage plus consider both CP% AND IV% #331
- where are the files stored #329
- [Transfering] Wrong Pokemon #328
- Protocol Documentation #327
- Objects informations #322
- Eggs Informations #321
- Problem - Exception System #320
- Gmail freshtoken #319
- Evolve XP not added to stats #318
- [QUESTION] Gym #316
- Repeating transfers and recycling #313
- Error: the script no idea what #311
- no clue why its going on #310
- [Minor] Getting rewards from Pokéstops... #309
- Trash, Evolve, Transfer SPAM #308
- Question #307
- Visual studio question #306
- [BUG] Bot Keeps Transfering High IV Pokemon #301
- [Suggestion] Split Branches #300
- [Bug] Console window can't be expanded to the right #298
- [Bug] Berries used not chaning amount left #297
- "Bug" Next level in... #296
- [REQUEST] GUI & Multi Accounts #295
- [Request] Item recycle threshold on a separate file #288
- Can't complete build #287
- [request] Max Level #282
- Other languages, or Translation function? #275
- Reset google device token #273
- DisplayHighestsPerfect | DisplayHighestsCP #272
- Transferring output #271
- Error while debugging #270
- Pokestops. #269
- [BUG]Pinsirs not being transfered. #266
- Google Auth to Ptv Auth #264
- items are not being deleted #263
- Perfect stats? #262
- (Minor-ish) Pokeballs #260
- What is the Lvl on console? #259
- [Request] One mode operation #257
- Google Token #256
- [Question] Eggs #255
- Escaped pokemons #254
- [REQUEST]: BEST setting ? #251
- Error on run #249
- Pokemons are not getting transfered ! #248
- I keep getting this error what should i do #244
- [Request] Bot currently prioritizes CP over IV #241
- Route based on (rare) Pokemon #237
- [Request] multi account #236
- [Issue] Trying to transfer 2 or 3 times #235
- [Request] Auto lucky egg, Auto Incense. #234
- [Bug] Transfering "Pinsir". #233
- Bot does not do anything #232
- Use other balls if one is empty #230
- not work catch, gym, pokestop, nothing. only dipslay name pokemon #228
- Evolving is happening multiple times while farming and failing (only succeeding the first time) #227
- Same path is always taken #226
- Will not let me change accounts #225
- [Doubt] What does the "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon" setting actually do? #224
- Crash: Unhandled exception. #223
- [Request] Leveling with evolution of Pidgeys, Caterpies and Weeldes. #221
- KeepMiniIVPercentage #220
- [REQUEST][INFO]Candy for a pokemon #219
- error output from console on crash #218
- [Error] ConfigPokemonsNotToCatch.txt not found, creating new... #216
- Evolution isn't working? #215
- [Request] Hatch eggs #214
- Transfer of pokemon is duplicated #212
- Keep Pokemon with the Highest IV, HighestCP #211
- ConfigPokemonsNotToCatch.txt not showing up in VS #210
- It stops after a minute #209
- Item recycling is broken #207
- [Question] #203
- (ERROR) Unhandled exception #202
- How to use the Club account login #200
- Catched pokemon level is wrong #199
- Features list #198
- InvalidCastException #197
- Items not recycling. #195
- Options for recycle amounts on item would be very usefull if not yet implented #191
- Changing Account #187
- Request: Disable movement option #186
- Crash after some minutes #185
- Console character coding #179
- Add a gitignore for the "Pokemon to keep" etc files? #178
- Inaccurate Pokemon Names and Not Collecting Items From Pokestop #174
- Search pokemon then pokestops #166
- Transfer bugged #161
- Username and DisplayHighestsPerfect keep reapting after I changed the location #160
- [Request] Renaming Pokemon according to their IV percentage #159
- [REQUEST] Different way to walk and catch pokemons. #158
- TransferDuplicatePokemon doesn't work #157
- [Request] Specific Player Location list such as pokestops and spawns #156
- DisplayHighestsCP keep repeating. #155
- [Request] Option to ignore poke stops #154
- Nother little Enhancement For Item Enums #152
- After crashing and restarting, coordinates are NaN #151
- [Request] Player Location #149
- Coordinates NEVER update. #145
- GetHighestPokemonOfTypeByCP throws Sequence contains no elements. Not thread safe #144
- DeployedFortId always return 0 #143
- Not An issue, Update for DisplayHighests() #142
- Route range #141
- Google Account have an issues ! #138
- Pokemon name repeating #137
- [REQUEST] Automatically Power Up Pokemon #136
- System.Runtime error after running the bot for 20-30 minutes - i have a google token #135
- [REQUEST] Add Stardust to the Title, keeping the number updated. #134
- Bot not farming when coordinates are too far away from a street #133
- [Request] Make it possible to farm outside streets #132
- [Request] Add the exp/hour stat and time till next level to windows status if possible. #130
- [Request] Wait until Evolution cycle before transferring #127
- Reading file from disk #124
- berry used in all poke #122
- Latest commit only evolving on login #121
- item reference fails #120
- TransferDuplicatePokemon don't work #119
- DisplayHighestsPerfect/CP stuck after some time #118
- Add xp/hours and last coords in the title #113
- Add switch to allow for config.xml to be passed to exe #112
- Error Log Output on interacting with Pokestop #110
- Step #4 Nothing to click on in Visual Studio 2015 #109
- Unactivated ptc accounts gets PtcOfflineException after 48 hours. #108
- Suggestion: update README to fix changing DefaultLat & Long #106
- crash output (but did recover) #105
- TransferDuplicatePokemon don't work :/ #104
- (ERROR) NullReferenceException - Restarting #103
- [request] reduce area #102
- Best CP not displying correctly. #101
- Capturing pokemon very low #100
- Error 30 min and crash #99
- '<ERROR> NullReferenceException' #98
- [Doubt] Does it prioritize CP over IV? #97
- Not automatically farming pokestops around me? #95
- Log in Error #94
- Minor - Visual error in the Console #92
- [BUG] Multiple Instances no longer supported #91
- Commands for the bot? #89
- [MINOR] How to display enum differently? #88
- Location doesnt get updated #86
- Suggestion #85
- [Suggestion] IVs only #83
- Error while running. #82
- [REQUEST] Server status login #80
- [Minor] XP values don't match with the actual game ones #77
- [REQUEST] updateTitle, Put updating values to the Begin of title string #73
- 'PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Exceptions.InvalidResponseExceptio n' was thrown. #72
- Crashes after however long of use #71
- Is there a way to auto-put eggs to in #70
- [Minor] Character Status Order not Correct #69
- DisplayHighestCP and perfect keep repeating itself #68
- 4.8km of start point #67
- bots stops after 30 min (google Acc) #66
- 26 Errors when trying to build solution. #65
- Perfection %'s are negative #63
- List Pokemon to evolve not working #62
- GPS coordinates input are not working #59
- please add DeviceId to usersettings.settings #58
- [REQUEST] Show % perfect when transferring #55
- [Tweek] Output CatchFlee Confusing?
LOW PRIORITY#53 - crashing after ~25-30 mins ptc login so not google token related #52
- Bug #50
- Ptc Login Issue? #49
- Error #47
- [REQUEST] if (level > maxLogLevel) #45
- [BUG] Crashes #42
- Pokemon Blacklist/Whitelist #41
- Parametername: millisecondsDelay #40
- crash with ptc, work with google. #39
- Time delays when evolving #37
- Values? #36
- Crash #35
- Better Colors #32
- [BUG] Most pokemon FLEE #31
- [Tweek] Condense output CatchFlee #29
- Problem with Coords.txt #26
- we need to go and catch i => i.NearbyPokemons #25
- Tranfer Pokemon thats in a gym #24
- GoogleRefreshToken is not shown #23
- Latitude? #18
- Red Text Error #11
- Improving customnisation of Auto Transfer and Evolution. #9
- Player status information not displayed properley #8
- Scanning nearby Pokestops, constant scanning pokemon while 'walking' #7
- Change values from Pokeballs #5
- You are back senpai ! #4
- Transfer enhancement #3
- Circulare Nav needs improvment #2
- New Discord ? #1
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed rename typo #485 (ghost)
- Rename folders to fit new name #484 (ghost)
- Renamed project / namespaces ( PoGo.NecroBot ) #483 (ghost)
- Fix: Decrement cached berry inventory count when using a berry #476 (mrnitrate)
- Fix recycling #469 (OverlordQ)
- Lucky egg changes #459 (l3uddz)
- Fix the hours/minutes not showing correctly #458 (vingesus)
- Better pokeball choosing #456 (JulienA)
- Fix issue with pokestops and gpx #455 (tehaon)
- [Feature] External Item List Config #454 (marksterxxx)
- Added feature to reset coords based on distance and time last run #452 (CTDragon)
- Fix Error #450 (fewufu)
- Simpple channge makes it look better #446 (mich3lam)
- Updated README with small fixes and such #440 (TheCrimsonDevil)
- EvolveAllPkm Management - Evolve all above certain IV value #432 (skupfer)
- New API Version with working googleauth auto save/load #429 (ReddoKiddo)
- Minor Fixes to README.md #424 (nrmodesto)
- KeepMinDuplicatePokemon was not applied in all cases #419 (cvax)
- Fixed Transfer Duplicate lines,that caused by cachedInventory. #417 (SwordStroker)
- Added Unicode support #414 (TheCrimsonDevil)
- Better item settings #408 (ReddoKiddo)
- Update Logic.cs #404 (Maxhyt)
- Implement UseItem and useLuckyEggsWhileEvolving #403 (Valmere)
- Update Logic.cs #389 (iJabbaReborn)
- Update README.md #383 (ceeel)
- Added Custom Pathing via GPX files #376 (PocketMobsters)
- Improved handling for some edge cases with the maximum radius feature #364 (Daylend)
- Small fixes for PokemonsNotToCatch #355 (pattythesleeper)
- Fixed logging when using IV > CP. #336 (JoshYuen)
- Fix the config folder bug #333 (ReddoKiddo)
- Check min CP and min IV again #330 (PocketMobsters)
- Update Inventory.cs #326 (Owinger)
- Show next level up in actual hours and minutes #317 (vingesus)
- Modify PrioritizeIVOverCP to work without API extending as per DurtyFree #314 (PocketMobsters)
- Pokemon are evolved before being transferred, and transfer less often #312 (Daylend)
- Correct ball name when you catch a Pokemon. #304 (justh1n10)
- Will now check if external pokemon config exists or not, if not then will copy the default one #299 (ReddoKiddo)
- Move Coords.txt to Configs folder as an .ini #291 (cvax)
- Modified loadPokemonList #290 (marksterxxx)
- [FEATURE]: Player will now stay within a defined radius #289 (Daylend)
- EvolveAllPkm Management - Evolve all above certain IV value #286 (skupfer)
- Move google auth token to "GoogleAuth.ini" #283 (cvax)
- Update Statistics.cs // removed decimal numbers for EXP/H and P/H #281 (Spegeli)
- EvolveAllPkm Management - Evolve all above certain IV value #280 (skupfer)
- Update Logic.cs // Change KeepMinCP Part II #279 (Spegeli)
- Update Inventory.cs // Change KeepMinCP Part I #278 (Spegeli)
- add some noise to coordinates #268 (noHero123)
- fixed Lvl-output #267 (noHero123)
- Added Prioritize IV over CP toggleable option #265 (PocketMobsters)
- Refactor Naming #258 (blackms)
- Update ConfigPokemonsToEvolve.txt #252 (qwikwit)
- Last Update README.md #247 (deknarf)
- Update README.md #243 (FeroxRev)
- Update README.md #231 (deknarf)
- Fixed a floating point issue in GetLevel for Level 1 (resulted in 0) #229 (5andr0)
- Prevent berry usage when there aren't any. #217 (cvax)
- Improve CATCH logging. Add attempt counter. #205 (cvax)
- Fixed info regarding pokestop distance output timing. #201 (AdnanCukur)
- Some Cleanup #196 (ghost)
- spelling fixes Sandslash + Alakazam #193 (sp1ti)
- Minor misspelling fixes #190 (LasaFawkes)
- Update ConfigPokemonsToKeep.txt #184 (deknarf)
- Update ConsoleLogger.cs #182 (deknarf)
- Fix "specified cast is not valid" error #181 (DanielSantoro)
- berry color update #180 (sp1ti)
- Add back the playername to the window title #176 (OverlordQ)
- Edited accordingly #173 (solenrus)
- Edited accordingly #172 (solenrus)
- Added most common evolves #171 (solenrus)
- Recycle items at random threshold #169 (Nyankoo)
- Fix enums by recompiling proto #168 (OverlordQ)
- check if cords are out of bounds & add stardust to the console title #163 (VanStorm)
- Displayhighestperfect at start fix. #162 (AdnanCukur)
- Cleaned up navigation logic. Cached inventory requests #153 (AlginMaduro)
- Replaced hardcoded pokemon not to catch with text file list. #147 (Daylend)
- Update Inventory.cs // Move the Favorite check to the DeployedFortId check ;-) #146 (Spegeli)
- Added PokemonInfo to API for BaseStats,Level,MaxCP,Perfection. Fixed proto for cpMultipliers(int->float) #139 (5andr0)
- Fix Recycle Message #128 (OverlordQ)
- Removed Delay Between movement, Added delay between pokemon catches, CatchWhileWalking Fix #126 (AdnanCukur)
- Added exception for unverified accounts #123 (lauw)
- Fix KeepMinDuplicatePokemon #107 (skupfer)
- Changed tab to space for minor beauty enhancements #93 (Langleu)
- Add KeepMinDuplicatePokemon to UserSettings and Inventory Logic #90 (skupfer)
- Throw PtcOfflineException on maintenance #87 (lauw)
- Master #84 (DidUknowiPwn)
- Fixed typo for geodude in proto #79 (Daylend)
- External Config Files for Pokemon to evolve and keep #76 (marksterxxx)
- fixed showing Pokemon Id instead of Cp #74 (Langleu)
- Update title bar with latest exp in real-time #64 (cvax)
- Update AllEnum.proto #61 (deknarf)
- Update AllEnum.cs #60 (deknarf)
- displaying perfect percent during transfer #57 (navidemad)
- Catch AggregateException so we don't die. #56 (trcjr)
- Display highest CP and IV, minor updates #54 (navidemad)
- color changes #51 (sp1ti)
- More colour options for events. #43 (MattTheHuman)
- Better logic for using berry #33 (ReddoKiddo)
- Fix for coords.txt invalid coordinate error #28 (ReddoKiddo)
- fix player exp stats #27 (Wil32)
- Showing refresh token #22 (bfxavier)
- Added logic to use berry only when pokemon CP is over 400 #17 (ReddoKiddo)
- Copy Device Code and Start browser #13 (beminee)
- Added "Save last coordination function" #10 (ReddoKiddo)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator