You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 4
Useful queries
\copy (SELECT services.name as servicename, users.name as username, users.email_address, STRING_AGG(permissions.permission::character varying, ',') as permissions
FROM user_to_service
JOIN users ON users.id = user_to_service.user_id
JOIN services ON user_to_service.service_id = services.id
JOIN permissions ON permissions.user_id = users.id
WHERE services.organisation_id=<orgID>
GROUP BY services.id, users.id
ORDER BY services.id, users.id) TO '~/Downloads/filename.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
Users with manage service permission (for at least one trial or live service) who have logged in at least twice in the last year
WITH users_with_permission AS (
SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.name, u.email_address
FROM users u
JOIN permissions p on u.id = p.user_id AND p.permission = 'manage_settings'
JOIN services s on s.id = p.service_id
WHERE u.state = 'active'
AND s.active IS true
recent_logins AS (
SELECT (data ->> 'user_id')::uuid AS id, count(*)
FROM events
event_type = 'sucessful_login'
AND created_at > (now() - interval '12 months')::date
HAVING count(*) >= 2
eligible_users AS (
SELECT uwp.*
FROM users_with_permission uwp
JOIN recent_logins rl ON uwp.id = rl.id
SELECT * from eligible_users
services.id as service_id,
services.volume_email as go_live_expected_email_count,
services.go_live_at as service_go_live_date,
count(*) as notifications_sent_without_reply_to_in_last_7_days
left join services on
services.id = notifications.service_id
and services.research_mode is false
and services.restricted is false
notifications.notification_type = 'email'
and notifications.reply_to_text is null
and services.id not in (select distinct(service_id) from service_email_reply_to)
group by
order by
5 desc;
delete from user_to_organisation uts using users u
where uts.user_id = u.id
and uts.organisation_id = '63b9557c-22ea-42ac-bcba-edaa50e3ae51'
and u.email_address ~* 'notify-tests-preview\+[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\+[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk'
and u.created_at < (now() - interval '1 days');
Clear the organisation cache from platform admin: https://www.notify.works/platform-admin/clear-cache
SSH to notify-api
in preview. Use https://github.com/alphagov/notifications-manuals/wiki/Support-Runbook#ssh-into-one-of-our-ecs-instances
from app.models import Template, TemplateFolder
from app import db
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name=='Untitled letter template', Template.archived==False, Template.folder==None): t.archived = True
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name.ilike('%sms with placeholders%'), Template.archived==False, Template.folder==None): t.archived = True
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name.ilike('%email with placeholders%'), Template.archived==False, Template.folder==None): t.archived = True
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name.ilike('%edit/delete%'), Template.archived==False, Template.folder==None): t.archived = True
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name.ilike('%test-parent-folder%'), Template.archived==False): t.archived = True
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name.ilike('%test-child-folder%'), Template.archived==False): t.archived = True
for t in Template.query.filter(Template.service_id=='64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', Template.name.ilike('%test-grandchild-folder%'), Template.archived==False): t.archived = True
for tf in TemplateFolder.query.filter(TemplateFolder.service_id == '64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', TemplateFolder.name.ilike('test-grandchild-folder %')):
for tf in TemplateFolder.query.filter(TemplateFolder.service_id == '64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', TemplateFolder.name.ilike('test-child-folder %')):
for tf in TemplateFolder.query.filter(TemplateFolder.service_id == '64f8dff2-913d-471f-8793-57b9087b6ef3', TemplateFolder.name.ilike('test-parent-folder %')):
/* Users who are a member of at least one live service: */
\copy (
users.logged_in_at as last_login,
count(distinct services.id) as num_live_services_member_of,
count(distinct organisation.id) as num_of_orgs_member_of,
count(distinct organisation.organisation_type) as num_of_org_types_member_of,
count(CASE WHEN permissions.permission = 'manage_settings' AND services.restricted = false THEN 1 END) as num_of_live_services_manager_of,
most_used_service.service_name AS most_used_service_name,
most_used_service.org_name AS most_used_service_org,
most_used_service.org_type AS most_used_service_org_type
from users
join user_to_service on user_to_service.user_id = users.id
join services on user_to_service.service_id = services.id
join organisation on services.organisation_id = organisation.id
left outer join permissions on (services.id = permissions.service_id and users.id = permissions.user_id)
join (
select (data ->> 'user_id')::uuid as user_id, count(*) as num_of_logins
from events where event_type = 'sucessful_login'
and created_at > '2023-04-30'
group by 1
) as count_of_logins on users.id = count_of_logins.user_id
join (
distinct users.id,
FIRST_VALUE(service_name) OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY live_service_usage.num_sent DESC) as service_name,
FIRST_VALUE(organisation_name) OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY live_service_usage.num_sent DESC) as org_name,
FIRST_VALUE(organisation_type) OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY live_service_usage.num_sent DESC) as org_type
FROM users
join user_to_service on user_id = users.id
join (
services.name as service_name,
organisation.name as organisation_name,
sum(notifications_sent) as num_sent
from ft_billing
join services on services.id = ft_billing.service_id
join organisation on services.organisation_id = organisation.id
WHERE services.active = true
and services.restricted = false
and services.count_as_live = true
and bst_date > '2023-04-30'
group by 1, 2, 3, 4
) as live_service_usage on user_to_service.service_id = live_service_usage.id
) as most_used_service on users.id = most_used_service.id
WHERE services.active = true
and services.restricted = false
and services.count_as_live = true
and users.state = 'active'
and users.platform_admin = false
and users.logged_in_at > '2023-04-30'
group by 1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12
order by 3
) to '/Users/pea.tyczynska/Downloads/satisfaction_survey_users_live_services.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
Users with only trial mode services: */
\copy (
users.logged_in_at as last_login,
count(distinct services.id) as num_trial_services_member_of
FROM users
join user_to_service on user_to_service.user_id = users.id
join services on user_to_service.service_id = services.id
join (
select (data ->> 'user_id')::uuid as user_id, count(*) as num_of_logins
from events where event_type = 'sucessful_login'
and created_at > '2023-04-30'
group by 1
) as count_of_logins on users.id = count_of_logins.user_id
WHERE services.active = true
and services.restricted = true
and services.count_as_live = true
and users.state = 'active'
and users.platform_admin = false
and users.logged_in_at > '2023-04-30'
and users.id NOT IN (
SELECT users.id FROM users join user_to_service on user_to_service.user_id = users.id
join services on user_to_service.service_id = services.id WHERE services.active = true
and services.restricted = false
and services.count_as_live = true
group by 1,2,3,4,5
order by 3
) to '/Users/pea.tyczynska/Downloads/satisfaction_survey_users_trial_services.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
users.logged_in_at as last_login,
count(distinct services.id) as num_live_services_member_of,
count(distinct organisation.id) as num_of_orgs_member_of,
count(distinct organisation.organisation_type) as num_of_org_types_member_of,
count(CASE WHEN permissions.permission = 'manage_settings' THEN 1 END) as num_of_live_services_manager_of,
from users
join user_to_service on user_to_service.user_id = users.id
join services on user_to_service.service_id = services.id
join organisation on services.organisation_id = organisation.id
left outer join permissions on (services.id = permissions.service_id and users.id = permissions.user_id)
join (
select (data ->> 'user_id')::uuid as user_id, count(*) as num_of_logins
from events where event_type = 'sucessful_login'
and created_at > '2021-06-24'
group by 1
) as count_of_logins on users.id = count_of_logins.user_id
join (
distinct users.id,
FIRST_VALUE(service_name) OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY service_usage.num_sent DESC) as service_name,
FIRST_VALUE(organisation_name) OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY service_usage.num_sent DESC) as org_name,
FIRST_VALUE(organisation_type) OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY service_usage.num_sent DESC) as org_type
FROM users
join user_to_service on user_id = users.id
join (
services.name as service_name,
organisation.name as organisation_name,
sum(notifications_sent) as num_sent
from ft_billing
join services on services.id = ft_billing.service_id
join organisation on services.organisation_id = organisation.id
WHERE services.active = true
and services.restricted = false
and services.count_as_live = true
and bst_date > '2021-06-27'
group by 1, 2, 3, 4
) as service_usage on user_to_service.service_id = service_usage.id
) as most_used_service on users.id = most_used_service.id
WHERE services.active = true
and services.restricted = false
and services.count_as_live = true
and users.state = 'active'
and users.platform_admin = false
and users.logged_in_at > '2021-06-27'
group by 1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12
order by 3;
sum(case when services.restricted = true then 1 else 0 end) as num_trial_services,
sum(case when services.restricted = false then 1 else 0 end) as num_live_services,
string_agg(distinct (organisation.name || '--' || organisation.organisation_type), '|') as org_name_types
from users
left outer join user_to_service on user_to_service.user_id = users.id
left outer join services on user_to_service.service_id = services.id
left outer join organisation on services.organisation_id = organisation.id
where (services.active is null or services.active = true)
and (services.count_as_live is null or services.count_as_live = true)
and users.state = 'active'
and users.platform_admin = false
group by 1,2,3,4
Useful when we need to send an email to services.
select distinct(u.name), u.email_address, s.name service_name
from services s
join user_to_service us on (s.id = us.service_id)
join users u on (us.user_id = u.id)
join permissions p on (s.id = p.service_id and u.id = p.user_id)
where p.permission in ('manage_settings', 'manage_api_keys')
and s.active = True
and s.id in ('service_id', 'service_id')
order by s.name;
Useful if we need to email all live services an update about Notify, this will copy a CSV file to your Downloads folder.
You might need to copy this into an editor from the PSQL command line tool (sometimes the editor doesn't like the linebreaks when pasting this query). To access an editor type \e
\copy (select s.id service_id,
s.name service_name,
u.name user_name,
from users u
join user_to_service us on (u.id = us.user_id)
join services s on (s.id = us.service_id)
join permissions p on (s.id = p.service_id and u.id = p.user_id)
where p.permission = 'manage_api_keys'
and s.restricted = False
and s.research_mode = False
and s.active = True
and s.name not ilike ('%test%')
order by s.name) To '~/Downloads/service_managers.csv' delimiter ',' CSV HEADER
sum(case when notification_type = 'sms' then notifications_sent else 0 end) as sms,
sum(case when notification_type = 'letter' then notifications_sent else 0 end) as letter,
sum(case when notification_type = 'email' then notifications_sent else 0 end) as email
from ft_billing
where bst_date >= '2021-10-01' and bst_date < '2021-11-01'
group by bst_date
order by bst_date asc;
select count(*), notification_status, sent_by as provider
from notifications
where notification_type = 'sms'
and key_type != 'test'
and notification_status != 'created'
and created_at >= '2020-04-24 00:00' -- Add the correct date here
group by notification_status, provider
order by notification_status, provider;
select provider, sum(notifications_sent) as notifications_sent, sum(billable_units) as billable_units
from ft_billing
where notification_type = 'sms'
and bst_date >= '2020-10-01'
and bst_date < '2020-11-01'
group by provider;
select bst_date, postage, rate as cost_per_letter, sum(notifications_sent) as num_letters, rate * sum(notifications_sent) as total_cost
from ft_billing
where notification_type = 'letter'
and bst_date >= '2021-04-01'
and bst_date <= '2021-06-30'
group by bst_date, postage, rate
order by bst_date, postage, rate;
(This example is for the start of the 2020 financial year to yesterday)
select services.id as service_id, services.name as service_name, annual_billing.free_sms_fragment_limit as free_allowance, coalesce(sum(billable_units * rate_multiplier), 0) as units_used from services
join annual_billing on services.id = annual_billing.service_id
left outer join ft_billing on services.id = ft_billing.service_id and bst_date >= '2020-04-01'
where services.active = 't'
and services.restricted = 'f'
and services.count_as_live = 't'
and financial_year_start = 2020
and (bst_date is null or bst_date >= '2020-04-01')
and ft_billing.notification_type = 'sms'
group by(services.id, annual_billing.free_sms_fragment_limit)
order by services.name;
select service_id,
sum(total_sms) total_sms,
sum(total_sms_fragments) as total_sms_fragments,
sum(total_letters) total_letters,
sum(total_letter_cost) total_letter_cost,
sum(total_emails) total_emails
from (
select b.service_id,
s.name service_name,
case when notification_type = 'sms' then sum(notifications_sent) else 0 end total_sms,
case when notification_type = 'sms' then sum(billable_units * b.rate_multiplier) else 0 end total_sms_fragments,
case when notification_type = 'letter' then sum(notifications_sent) else 0 end as total_letters,
case when notification_type = 'letter' then sum(notifications_sent * b.rate) else 0 end as total_letter_cost,
case when notification_type = 'email' then sum(notifications_sent) else 0 end as total_emails
from ft_billing b
join services s on s.id = b.service_id
join annual_billing a on s.id = a.service_id
where bst_date >= '2020-04-01'
and bst_date <= '2021-03-31'
and a.financial_year_start = 2020
group by b.service_id, s.name, a.free_sms_fragment_limit, notification_type
) as results
group by service_id, service_name, free_sms_fragment_limit
order by 2;
select sum(total_sms) total_sms,
sum(total_letters) total_letters,
sum(total_emails) total_emails
from (
select case when notification_type = 'sms' then sum(notifications_sent) else 0 end total_sms,
case when notification_type = 'letter' then sum(notifications_sent) else 0 end as total_letters,
case when notification_type = 'email' then sum(notifications_sent) else 0 end as total_emails
from ft_billing b
where bst_date >= '2020-05-01'
and bst_date <= '2021-05-31'
group by notification_type
) as results;
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, service_id FROM notifications
WHERE notification_type = 'letter'
AND key_type = 'normal'
AND postage = 'first'
AND created_at > (now() - interval '7 days')
AND notification_status IN ('created', 'sending', 'delivered')
GROUP BY service_id
sum(case when ft_b.notification_type = 'sms' then ft_b.billable_units else 0 end) as sms_fragments,
sum(case when ft_b.notification_type = 'sms' then ft_b.notifications_sent else 0 end) as sms_notifications,
sum(case when ft_b.notification_type = 'letter' then ft_b.notifications_sent else 0 end) as letter_notifications,
sum(case when ft_b.notification_type = 'letter' then ft_b.notifications_sent * ft_b.rate else 0 end) as letter_cost
from ft_billing ft_b
join services s on ft_b.service_id = s.id
join organisation o on s.organisation_id = o.id
where not s.restricted and s.count_as_live and s.active
and bst_date between '2020-04-01' and '2021-03-31'
group by 1, 2, 3, 4
order by 3, 1;
date_trunc('month', ftns.bst_date) :: date as dt, -- change this if you want weekly, daily, etc
count(distinct s.organisation_id) as count -- change this to `count(distinct s.id)` if you want service counts
ft_notification_status ftns
join services s on ftns.service_id = s.id
and not s.restricted
group by 1 order by 1
select c.country_name,
count(*) as num_notifications_sent,
sum(CASE WHEN notification_status = 'delivered' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as num_notifications_delivered,
sum(CASE WHEN notification_status = 'sent' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as num_notifications_sent,
sum(CASE WHEN notification_status = 'temporary-failure' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as num_notifications_temp_failure,
sum(CASE WHEN notification_status = 'permanent-failure' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as num_notifications_perm_failure,
(sum(CASE WHEN notification_status = 'temporary-failure' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
sum(CASE WHEN notification_status = 'permanent-failure' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) / nullif(sum(1), 0)::float *
100 as failure_percentage
from (select CASE
WHEN phone_prefix = '1' THEN 'Canada & United States & Dominican Republic'
WHEN phone_prefix = '7' THEN 'South Ossetia & Kazakhstan & Abkhazia & Russian Federation'
WHEN phone_prefix = '20' THEN 'Egypt'
WHEN phone_prefix = '27' THEN 'South Africa'
WHEN phone_prefix = '30' THEN 'Greece'
WHEN phone_prefix = '31' THEN 'Netherlands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '32' THEN 'Belgium'
WHEN phone_prefix = '33' THEN 'France'
WHEN phone_prefix = '34' THEN 'Spain'
WHEN phone_prefix = '36' THEN 'Hungary'
WHEN phone_prefix = '39' THEN 'Italy'
WHEN phone_prefix = '40' THEN 'Romania'
WHEN phone_prefix = '41' THEN 'Switzerland'
WHEN phone_prefix = '43' THEN 'Austria'
WHEN phone_prefix = '44' THEN 'Guernsey & Isle of Man & Jersey'
WHEN phone_prefix = '45' THEN 'Denmark'
WHEN phone_prefix = '46' THEN 'Sweden'
WHEN phone_prefix = '47' THEN 'Norway'
WHEN phone_prefix = '48' THEN 'Poland'
WHEN phone_prefix = '49' THEN 'Germany'
WHEN phone_prefix = '51' THEN 'Peru'
WHEN phone_prefix = '52' THEN 'Mexico'
WHEN phone_prefix = '53' THEN 'Cuba'
WHEN phone_prefix = '54' THEN 'Argentina'
WHEN phone_prefix = '55' THEN 'Brazil'
WHEN phone_prefix = '56' THEN 'Chile'
WHEN phone_prefix = '57' THEN 'Colombia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '58' THEN 'Venezuela'
WHEN phone_prefix = '60' THEN 'Malaysia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '61' THEN 'Australia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '62' THEN 'Indonesia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '63' THEN 'Philippines'
WHEN phone_prefix = '64' THEN 'New Zealand'
WHEN phone_prefix = '65' THEN 'Singapore'
WHEN phone_prefix = '66' THEN 'Thailand'
WHEN phone_prefix = '81' THEN 'Japan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '82' THEN 'Korea, Republic of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '84' THEN 'Vietnam'
WHEN phone_prefix = '86' THEN 'China'
WHEN phone_prefix = '90' THEN 'Turkey & Northern Cyprus'
WHEN phone_prefix = '91' THEN 'India'
WHEN phone_prefix = '92' THEN 'Pakistan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '93' THEN 'Afghanistan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '94' THEN 'Sri Lanka'
WHEN phone_prefix = '95' THEN 'Myanmar'
WHEN phone_prefix = '98' THEN 'Iran'
WHEN phone_prefix = '211' THEN 'South Sudan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '212' THEN 'Morocco'
WHEN phone_prefix = '213' THEN 'Algeria'
WHEN phone_prefix = '216' THEN 'Tunisia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '218' THEN 'Libya'
WHEN phone_prefix = '220' THEN 'Gambia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '221' THEN 'Senegal'
WHEN phone_prefix = '222' THEN 'Mauritania'
WHEN phone_prefix = '223' THEN 'Mali'
WHEN phone_prefix = '224' THEN 'Guinea'
WHEN phone_prefix = '225' THEN 'Cote d''Ivoire'
WHEN phone_prefix = '226' THEN 'Burkina Faso'
WHEN phone_prefix = '227' THEN 'Niger'
WHEN phone_prefix = '228' THEN 'Togo'
WHEN phone_prefix = '229' THEN 'Benin'
WHEN phone_prefix = '230' THEN 'Mauritius'
WHEN phone_prefix = '231' THEN 'Liberia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '232' THEN 'Sierra Leone'
WHEN phone_prefix = '233' THEN 'Ghana'
WHEN phone_prefix = '234' THEN 'Nigeria'
WHEN phone_prefix = '235' THEN 'Chad'
WHEN phone_prefix = '236' THEN 'Central African Republic'
WHEN phone_prefix = '237' THEN 'Cameroon'
WHEN phone_prefix = '238' THEN 'Cape Verde'
WHEN phone_prefix = '239' THEN 'Sao Tome and Principe'
WHEN phone_prefix = '240' THEN 'Equatorial Guinea'
WHEN phone_prefix = '241' THEN 'Gabon'
WHEN phone_prefix = '242' THEN 'Congo'
WHEN phone_prefix = '243' THEN 'Congo, Democratic Republic of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '244' THEN 'Angola'
WHEN phone_prefix = '245' THEN 'Guinea-Bissau'
WHEN phone_prefix = '246' THEN 'British Indian Ocean Territory'
WHEN phone_prefix = '248' THEN 'Seychelles'
WHEN phone_prefix = '249' THEN 'Sudan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '250' THEN 'Rwanda, Republic of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '251' THEN 'Ethiopia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '252' THEN 'Somalia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '253' THEN 'Djibouti, Republic of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '254' THEN 'Kenya'
WHEN phone_prefix = '255' THEN 'Tanzania'
WHEN phone_prefix = '256' THEN 'Uganda'
WHEN phone_prefix = '257' THEN 'Burundi'
WHEN phone_prefix = '258' THEN 'Mozambique'
WHEN phone_prefix = '260' THEN 'Zambia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '261' THEN 'Madagascar'
WHEN phone_prefix = '262' THEN 'Reunion'
WHEN phone_prefix = '263' THEN 'Zimbabwe'
WHEN phone_prefix = '264' THEN 'Namibia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '265' THEN 'Malawi'
WHEN phone_prefix = '266' THEN 'Lesotho'
WHEN phone_prefix = '267' THEN 'Botswana'
WHEN phone_prefix = '268' THEN 'Eswatini'
WHEN phone_prefix = '269' THEN 'Comoros'
WHEN phone_prefix = '297' THEN 'Aruba'
WHEN phone_prefix = '298' THEN 'Faroe Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '299' THEN 'Greenland'
WHEN phone_prefix = '350' THEN 'Gibraltar'
WHEN phone_prefix = '351' THEN 'Portugal'
WHEN phone_prefix = '352' THEN 'Luxembourg'
WHEN phone_prefix = '353' THEN 'Ireland'
WHEN phone_prefix = '354' THEN 'Iceland'
WHEN phone_prefix = '355' THEN 'Albania'
WHEN phone_prefix = '356' THEN 'Malta'
WHEN phone_prefix = '357' THEN 'Cyprus'
WHEN phone_prefix = '358' THEN 'Finland'
WHEN phone_prefix = '359' THEN 'Bulgaria'
WHEN phone_prefix = '370' THEN 'Lithuania'
WHEN phone_prefix = '371' THEN 'Latvia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '372' THEN 'Estonia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '373' THEN 'Moldova'
WHEN phone_prefix = '374' THEN 'Armenia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '375' THEN 'Belarus'
WHEN phone_prefix = '376' THEN 'Andorra'
WHEN phone_prefix = '377' THEN 'Monaco'
WHEN phone_prefix = '378' THEN 'San Marino, Republic of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '380' THEN 'Ukraine'
WHEN phone_prefix = '381' THEN 'Serbia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '382' THEN 'Montenegro'
WHEN phone_prefix = '383' THEN 'Kosovo'
WHEN phone_prefix = '385' THEN 'Croatia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '386' THEN 'Slovenia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '387' THEN 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'
WHEN phone_prefix = '389' THEN 'Macedonia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '420' THEN 'Czech Republic'
WHEN phone_prefix = '421' THEN 'Slovakia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '423' THEN 'Liechtenstein'
WHEN phone_prefix = '500' THEN 'Falkland Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '501' THEN 'Belize'
WHEN phone_prefix = '502' THEN 'Guatemala'
WHEN phone_prefix = '503' THEN 'El Salvador'
WHEN phone_prefix = '504' THEN 'Honduras'
WHEN phone_prefix = '505' THEN 'Nicaragua'
WHEN phone_prefix = '506' THEN 'Costa Rica'
WHEN phone_prefix = '507' THEN 'Panama'
WHEN phone_prefix = '508' THEN 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'
WHEN phone_prefix = '509' THEN 'Haiti'
WHEN phone_prefix = '590' THEN 'Guadeloupe'
WHEN phone_prefix = '591' THEN 'Bolivia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '592' THEN 'Guyana'
WHEN phone_prefix = '593' THEN 'Ecuador'
WHEN phone_prefix = '594' THEN 'French Guiana'
WHEN phone_prefix = '595' THEN 'Paraguay'
WHEN phone_prefix = '596' THEN 'Martinique'
WHEN phone_prefix = '597' THEN 'Suriname'
WHEN phone_prefix = '598' THEN 'Uruguay'
WHEN phone_prefix = '599' THEN 'Curacao (former Netherlands Antilles)'
WHEN phone_prefix = '670' THEN 'Timor L''este'
WHEN phone_prefix = '672' THEN 'Norfolk Island'
WHEN phone_prefix = '673' THEN 'Brunei Darussalam'
WHEN phone_prefix = '674' THEN 'Nauru'
WHEN phone_prefix = '675' THEN 'Papua New Guinea'
WHEN phone_prefix = '676' THEN 'Tonga'
WHEN phone_prefix = '677' THEN 'Solomon Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '678' THEN 'Vanuatu'
WHEN phone_prefix = '679' THEN 'Fiji'
WHEN phone_prefix = '680' THEN 'Palau'
WHEN phone_prefix = '682' THEN 'Cook Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '685' THEN 'Samoa'
WHEN phone_prefix = '687' THEN 'New Caledonia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '689' THEN 'French Polynesia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '691' THEN 'Micronesia, Federated States of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '692' THEN 'Marshall Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '852' THEN 'Hong Kong'
WHEN phone_prefix = '853' THEN 'Macau'
WHEN phone_prefix = '855' THEN 'Cambodia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '856' THEN 'Laos'
WHEN phone_prefix = '880' THEN 'Bangladesh'
WHEN phone_prefix = '886' THEN 'Taiwan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '960' THEN 'Maldives'
WHEN phone_prefix = '961' THEN 'Lebanon'
WHEN phone_prefix = '962' THEN 'Jordan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '963' THEN 'Syria'
WHEN phone_prefix = '964' THEN 'Iraq'
WHEN phone_prefix = '965' THEN 'Kuwait'
WHEN phone_prefix = '966' THEN 'Saudi Arabia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '967' THEN 'Yemen'
WHEN phone_prefix = '968' THEN 'Oman'
WHEN phone_prefix = '970' THEN 'Palestinian Territory'
WHEN phone_prefix = '971' THEN 'United Arab Emirates'
WHEN phone_prefix = '972' THEN 'Israel'
WHEN phone_prefix = '973' THEN 'Bahrain'
WHEN phone_prefix = '974' THEN 'Qatar'
WHEN phone_prefix = '975' THEN 'Bhutan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '976' THEN 'Mongolia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '977' THEN 'Nepal'
WHEN phone_prefix = '992' THEN 'Tajikistan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '993' THEN 'Turkmenistan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '994' THEN 'Azerbaijan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '995' THEN 'Georgia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '996' THEN 'Kyrgyzstan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '998' THEN 'Uzbekistan'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1242' THEN 'Bahamas'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1246' THEN 'Barbados'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1264' THEN 'Anguilla'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1268' THEN 'Antigua and Barbuda'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1284' THEN 'Virgin Islands, British'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1345' THEN 'Cayman Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1441' THEN 'Bermuda'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1473' THEN 'Grenada'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1649' THEN 'Turks and Caicos Islands'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1664' THEN 'Montserrat'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1684' THEN 'American Samoa'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1721' THEN 'Sint Maarten'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1758' THEN 'Saint Lucia'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1767' THEN 'Dominica, Commonwealth of'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1784' THEN 'Saint Vincent and The Grenadines'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1868' THEN 'Trinidad and Tobago'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1869' THEN 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'
WHEN phone_prefix = '1876' THEN 'Jamaica'
ELSE 'Unknown'
END as country_name,
from notifications
where notification_type = 'sms'
and key_type = 'normal'
and international is true) as c
group by 1
order by 1;
Data for this query was taken from https://github.com/datasets/country-codes/blob/master/data/country-codes.csv and then manually edited into https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kAVLoFbnxDJOkg2YsaJeKCMm0rjAA4YLnfLFaz1dIwA/edit#gid=1095522260 to give just the data needed to generate the query.
This is used for the monthly DWP reports
Should be easily adaptable to run for a specific service, for a different notification type, or for different buckets.
By default, this will run for the previous month, however you can change the dates by changing the n.created_at
values to hardcoded dates. It's best to run the query for one month at time since it takes a long time to fetch the data
WITH notif_timings AS (
n.created_at::date AS "created_date",
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM n.updated_at) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM n.created_at) AS "duration"
FROM notification_history AS n
service_id = 'SERVICE-ID-HERE'
AND key_type = 'normal'
AND notification_type = 'sms'
AND n.created_at >= date_trunc('month', date_trunc('month', NOW())::date - interval '1 day')::date /* First day of last month */
AND n.created_at < date_trunc('month', NOW())::date /* First day of this month */
AND notification_status = 'delivered'
TRIM(TO_CHAR(created_date, 'Day')) AS "created_weekday",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration < 60) AS "< 60 seconds (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration < 60)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS "< 60 seconds (%)",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 60 AND duration < 300) AS "1 - 5 minutes (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 60 AND duration < 300)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS "1 - 5 minutes (%)",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 300 AND duration < 600) AS "5 - 10 minutes (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 300 AND duration < 600)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS "5 - 10 minutes (%)",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 600 AND duration < 1800) AS "10 - 30 minutes (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 600 AND duration < 1800)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS "10 - 30 minutes (%)",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 1800 AND duration < 3600) AS "30 - 60 minutes (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 1800 AND duration < 3600)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS "30 - 60 minutes (%)",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 3600 AND duration < 86400) AS "1 - 24 hours (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 3600 AND duration < 86400)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS "1 - 24 hours (%)",
COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 86400) AS ">24 hours (#)",
ROUND(((COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE duration >= 86400)) / COUNT(*)::float * 100)::numeric, 2) AS ">24 hours (%)"
FROM notif_timings
GROUP BY created_date
select date_trunc('minute', created_at), service_id, key_type, notification_type, count(*)
from notifications
where created_at >= date_trunc('minute', now()) - interval '15 minutes'
group by 1, 2, 3, 4
having count(*) > 1000
order by 1, 3 desc;
Query to extract notification data for specific services into a CSV file. The process includes handling multiple runs by appending data to the same file and using the last created_at timestamp from each run to avoid duplicate rows.
Before we start the process it might be useful to run a count of all notifications available for the service so you know how many rows are expected
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notifications where service_id = 'your-service-id'
1. Set Parameters for the Query Before running the query, you must set the following parameters:
- :service_id: Replace this placeholder with the actual service_id for the service you are querying
- :notification_type: Define which notification types you are interested in ('sms', 'email', 'letter'). You can include multiple types.
- :start_time: Replace this with the earliest data you want to return from your query.
WHERE n.service_id = 'your-service-id'
AND n.notification_type IN ('sms', 'email')
AND n.created_at >= '2024-08-24 00:00:00'
2. First Run: Export Data and Write CSV with Headers Please note this query must be run with the pgcli tool, not psql.
In the first query run, you will generate the CSV file with the column headers included. This will export up to 250K rows, at a time. At this moment we have this limitation because when we try to retrieve higher numbers, our application is affected.
\copy (
n.to AS "Recipient", -- Recipient
n.client_reference AS "Reference", -- Reference
t.name AS "Template", -- Template
n.notification_type AS "Type", -- Type
u.name AS "Sent by", -- Sent by (Created by name)
u.email_address AS "Sent by email", -- Sent by email (Created by email)
j.original_file_name AS "Job", -- Job (Job original file name)
WHEN n.notification_type = 'email' THEN
CASE n.notification_status
WHEN 'failed' THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 'technical-failure' THEN 'Technical failure'
WHEN 'temporary-failure' THEN 'Inbox not accepting messages right now'
WHEN 'permanent-failure' THEN 'Email address doesn’t exist'
WHEN 'delivered' THEN 'Delivered'
WHEN 'sending' THEN 'Sending'
ELSE n.notification_status
WHEN n.notification_type = 'sms' THEN
CASE n.notification_status
WHEN 'failed' THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 'technical-failure' THEN 'Technical failure'
WHEN 'temporary-failure' THEN 'Phone not accepting messages right now'
WHEN 'permanent-failure' THEN 'Phone number doesn’t exist'
WHEN 'delivered' THEN 'Delivered'
WHEN 'sending' THEN 'Sending'
ELSE n.notification_status
WHEN n.notification_type = 'letter' THEN
CASE n.notification_status
WHEN 'technical-failure' THEN 'Technical failure'
WHEN 'permanent-failure' THEN 'Permanent failure'
WHEN 'sending' THEN 'Accepted'
WHEN 'created' THEN 'Accepted'
WHEN 'delivered' THEN 'Received'
ELSE n.notification_status
ELSE n.notification_status
END AS "Status", -- Status
n.created_at AS "Time", -- Time (Created at)
a.name AS "API key name" -- API key name
FROM notifications n
LEFT JOIN templates_history t ON n.template_id = t.id AND n.template_version = t.version
LEFT JOIN users u ON n.created_by_id = u.id
LEFT JOIN jobs j ON n.job_id = j.id
LEFT JOIN api_keys a ON n.api_key_id = a.id
WHERE n.service_id = :service_id
-- Filter by notification_type
AND n.notification_type IN (:notification_type)
AND n.created_at >= :start_timestamp
ORDER BY n.created_at ASC -- Sorting by time so we can keep adding date manually
LIMIT 250000 -- Limit to 250k rows for each batch
) TO '~/Downloads/batch_report.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
- Output: This will generate a CSV file (batch_report.csv) in the ~/Downloads/ folder, complete with headers.
3. After First Run:
3. 1. Use the Last created_at Value
Once the first query run completes:
- 1.1. Open the CSV File:
- Open the CSV file generated in the first run and navigate to the last row.
- Find the Time (Created at) column and copy the value of the last created_at timestamp (e.g., '2024-09-01 12:34:56').
- 1.2. Modify the Query for the Next Run:
- In subsequent runs, update the n.created_at timestamp in the following line in the WHERE clause:
AND n.created_at > '2024-09-01 12:34:56' -- Replace with the actual last created_at value of the last row from the previous run
3. 2. Export Data Without Headers for Subsequent Runs For subsequent query runs, remove the CSV HEADER option to append the new rows to the same CSV file.
TO '~/Downloads/batch_report.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
TO '~/Downloads/temp_batch_report.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;
- Output: The new rows will overwrite existing ones on temp_batch_report.csv file.
3. 3. Append Data to the Existing CSV File Using cat
After each manual query run, you need to append the data from the temporary file to the main CSV file. Use the following command:
cat ~/Downloads/temp_batch_report.csv >> ~/Downloads/batch_report.csv
By following these steps, you can extract and append notification data to the same CSV file across multiple runs.
4. Split and Compress CSV Files into a ZIP
Use the following script to split and compress large CSV files into multiple smaller parts, ensuring they don't exceed 25 MB, and then compress them into a ZIP file. The 25MB limit is in place because that's the max file size we can send via email.
You can run the script directly from the terminal but if you are unsure, here are a few steps to create a file and run it
- Create the directory
mkdir -p ~/scripts
- Create the file
nano ~/scripts/split_and_compress_with_zip.sh
- Paste script and save changes
# Define the file path
# Check if the file exists
if [ -f "$csv_file" ]; then
# Compress the file into a .zip archive without including directory structure
zip -j "$zip_file" "$csv_file"
echo "File compressed successfully: $zip_file"
echo "File not found: $csv_file"
- Make script executable and run it
chmod +x ~/scripts/split_and_compress_with_zip.sh
bash ~/scripts/split_and_compress_with_zip.sh
- Output will look something like the following:
adding: batch_report_part_aa.csv (deflated 86%)
adding: batch_report_part_ab.csv (deflated 60%)
5. Delete existing files from your env
- Don't forget to remove the downloaded reports as these are personal details from users.