Releases: anyscale/terraform-kubernetes-anyscale-foundation-modules
📚 Documentation/Examples
fix: example should use remote link and alb controller version fixed to 1.11.0 @hongchaodeng (#13)
Two fixes:
- The alb controller chart version should be 1.11.0. We should not use the
- The example should use remote link, not relying on specific directory layout.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Other information
📚 Documentation/Examples
upd: General cleanup @brent-anyscale (#11)
General cleanup of README, outputs, etc.
On branch brent/general-updates
Changes to be committed:
modified: examples/aws/eks-private/
modified: examples/aws/eks-public/
modified: examples/aws/eks-public/
modified: modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/
new file: modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/
modified: modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
📚 Documentation/Examples
upd: AWS EKS Public update for changes to Anyscale helm chart @brent-anyscale (#9)
Changes to be committed:
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Github Chores
upd: AWS EKS Public update for changes to Anyscale helm chart @brent-anyscale (#9)
Changes to be committed:
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
📚 Documentation/Examples
upd: remove warning note for EKS private networking @PawaritL (#10)
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Other information
📚 Documentation/Examples
upd: Support latest changes for Anyscale Operator on GCP @brent-anyscale (#8)
This matches latest requirements for GKE with recent changes to requirements for the Anyscale Operator.
On branch brent/gke-standard-public
Changes to be committed:
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
📚 Documentation/Examples
gke existing cluster: remove var existing_vpc_id and use name to query it @hongchaodeng (#7)
As a follow up for #6 (comment)
Basically We don't need both existing_vpc_name and existing_vpc_id. Can use one to query the other.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Other information
📚 Documentation/Examples
upd: Existing GKE Example @brent-anyscale (#6)
Fixes #5
Additional updates for Helm Chart Ingress sleeps for availability, Job Test python, GCP Storage Bucket permissions, and updates to latest CLI commands.
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Breaking changes for example. This will recreate some of the resources.
📚 Examples
Add example for existing GKE cluster @hongchaodeng (#4)
Example terraform.tfvars
google_region = "..."
google_project_id = "..."
anyscale_deploy_env = "test"
anyscale_org_id = "..."
existing_vpc_name = "..."
existing_subnet_name = "..."
customer_ingress_cidr_ranges = ""
gke_endpoint = "..."
gke_ca_certificate = "..."
📚 Documentation/Examples
add: Example for existing GKE cluster - initial commit @brent-anyscale (#3)
Changes to be committed:
new file:
new file:
new file:
new file:
new file:
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No
Other information
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: Tolerances for EKS nodes need to be ON_DEMAND @brent-anyscale (#2)
Switches the ALL tolerance to ON_DEMAND, as taints must be unique to a tuple of (key, effect) in EKS, which wasn't possible with the ALL convention
Changes to be committed:
modified: eks-private/
modified: eks-public/
Pull request checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- pre-commit has been run
- Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- All tests passing
- Docs have been reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
Pull Request Type
- Bugfix
- New feature
- Refactoring (no functional changes)
- Documentation change
- Other (please describe):
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- Yes
- No