What’s Changed
- fixbug/plugin-status #305
- fix issue 302 #303
- [Optimization] some optimizations for apidoc #301
- refactor: add popconfirm when deleting the selector #300
- refactor: optimization of json field format in the form #292
- [ISSUE #293] Api doc view #294
- fix: form style bug #291
- feature: tcp-proxy front design and develop #289
- fix password rule that it not think =_+- are special characters #287
- fix can not add/update api when api ext content is not json format #286
- bugfix can update state on unmounted component, refactor change default password ui #285
- [Task] check password tips #282
- [type:feature] Change password strictness #280
- add system/resource searcher to search menu with name #279
- Added Switch Btn to adjust plugin screen alignment #275
- [type:refactor] add match restful uri #272
- [TASK] save plugin jar to db font (fore-end) #271
- feat: support custom dynamic menu #270
Bug Fixes
- bugfix can not load favicon.ico in dashboard #278
- Fix ApiDoc insert update failure #276
- fix each child in list should have key in iconModal #269
- refactor: modify the style of the proxy-selector card #299
- refactor: modify the display of proxy-selector card #298
- refactor: form style optimization, form field localization and logic modification #290
- fix springcloud plugin‘s style display issues #284
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
@VampireAchao, @crudboy, @dev-ST-IA, @eurecalulu, @kerwin612, @li-keguo, @liusishan, @misaya295, @moremind, @peng-heng and @tomsun28