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Releases: ay-lab/FitHiChIP

Major Release - Version 11.0 (December 2022)

09 Dec 22:17
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  1. FitHiChIP now support HiChIP interactions in .hic and .cool / .mcool formats, in addition to the earlier formats.
  2. Updated configuration files corresponding to these new input options.
  3. Updated Docker and Singularity packages.
  4. Differential HiChIP loop calling does not require ChIP-seq alignment files as a mandatory option. If users do not have any ChIP-seq alignment file, they can just proceed with the differential analysis without considering the difference in 1D.
  5. FitHiChIP output loops are now converted to files compatible with WashU, UCSC and IGV epigenome browsers.


28 Apr 18:39
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Version 10.0 - April 2022

  1. Minimum dependency of HiC-pro installation.
  2. Updated parallel processing to make it robust across any computational cluster.

Major release - October 2021

04 Oct 22:01
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This release provides lots of new functionalities, described in the README. Users are requested to use this updated version.

Updated release

11 Jan 01:22
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Release 9.0 (January 10, 2021)

  1. Updated singularity, Docker installation, incorporating the latest code and dependencies.
  2. Incorporated simultaneous generation of WashU browser compatible tracks for differential analysis.
  3. Minor warning fix regarding 0 size of input peaks for a given chromosome.
  4. Updated documentation.

Minor updates

01 Jul 23:07
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Corresponds to the minor updates in the version 8.1 (May 2020)

Published version - Nature Communications

31 Jan 02:29
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Release 8.0 - Encapsulates releases 7.1 and 7.0 as well

(For detailed list of changes, please see the Release Notes)

  1. Updated differential analysis module, with bedgraph / bam formatted ChIP data support - much lower running time
  2. Support for HiC data
  3. Support for HiChIP data simulation from input ChIP and HiC data
  4. Support for locus pairs with contact count as an input format

BiorXiv 2nd version

17 Jan 22:44
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Support for peak header; updated spline fit plots; minor big fixes

Minor upgrade with summary

26 Sep 02:05
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This release corresponds to the BiorXiv version, with the following upgrades:

  1. Creation of a summary .html file in the specified output directory. This summary file lists all the important output files the user should check, including the significant interactions. It also plots distribution of interactions according to the genomic distance, FDR thresholds, etc.

  2. Support for gzipped file in the validpairs input, matrix input (from HiC-pro) and also for the input peak file. It'll enable users to save storage space.

  3. Minor fix in the parsing configuration file routine.

  4. Minor modification in the spline and interaction plots.

Release - BioRxiv version

21 Sep 07:07
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This release contains updated FitHiChIP code with the following changes, and corresponds to the manuscript published as BioRxiv:

  1. Added a new module for differential analysis of two categories of FitHiChIP loops, each with multiple replicates.
  2. Included a separate script for peak calling from the HiChIP data itself, for use in the significance estimation.
  3. Added various utility scripts for producing contact matrix of varying resolutions, merging ChIP-seq alignments, and generating ChIP-seq coverage of individual replicates. These files are all used for the proposed differential analysis.
  4. Minor bug fix in the merging adjacent loop code.
  5. Added functionality of plotting distance vs contact count for the significant loops.
  6. Discarded various redundant parameters from the configuration file and the code implementation.

Release - removed unnecessary dependencies

03 Apr 08:44
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  1. Reference files such as fasta sequence (corresponding to the reference genome), mappability file, restriction fragment file, are made as optional parameters. User can proceed without specifying these parameters (keeping the entries blank in the configuration file). The output interaction file is of the same format as before, except that, without any such genome specific input files, those fields have 0 values.

  2. Minor fix in coverage computation (support for gzipped / plain text valid pairs file)

  3. Optional plotting of mappability, GC content, and RE sites, according to the parameter specifications.

  4. Updated configuration file.

  5. Updated README file.