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Steve Bond edited this page Dec 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

--live_shell, -ls


Launch a new DatabaseBuddy live shell session. Within the live shell, use the 'help' keyword on its own to get a list of available keywords, and then 'help <keyword>' to display detailed documentation on the given keyword.

Tab completion is implemented in the shell, as is history using the up and down keys. Hopefully this won't happen, but if the shell crashes your work will be saved to a file starting with 'DbSessionDump_tmp'. You can reload the data in this session with the 'load' command once you relaunch the shell.


$: db -ls

    ####################### Welcome to the DatabaseBuddy live shell #######################

    Type 'help' for a list of available commands or 'help <command>' for further details.
                      To end the session, use the 'quit' command.
    Your session is currently unpopulated. Use 'search' to retrieve records.

    DbBuddy> help
        -----------------------------      DatabaseBuddy Help      -----------------------------
        A general workflow: 1) search databases with search terms or accession numbers
                            2) show summary information (no sequence has been downloaded yet)
                            3) Create filtered set of results with keep and remove
                            4) restore some records from the trash bin to the filtered set
                            5) fetch full sequence records for the filtered set
                            6) Switch to a format that includes sequences, like fasta or genbank
                            7) write sequences to a file or save the live session
        Further details about each command can be accessed by typing 'help <command>'
        Available commands:
        bash      delete    fetch   help  load  remove   save    show  status  undo
        database  failures  format  keep  quit  restore  search  sort  trash   write
    DbBuddy> database uniprot
        Database search list updated to ['uniprot']
    DbBuddy> search perk1
        Retrieving summary data for 64 records from UniProt
        Querying UniProt with the search term 'perk1'...
    DbBuddy> show 10
        ACCN    DB       entry_name   length  organism-id  organism                                protein_names                                       comments                                            record
        P78543  uniprot  BTG2_HUMAN   158     9606         Homo sapiens (Human)                    Protein BTG2 (BTG family member 2) (NGF-inducib...  Function (1); Post-translational modification (...  summary
        P28482  uniprot  MK01_HUMAN   360     9606         Homo sapiens (Human)                    Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAP kinase ...  Alternative products (1); Catalytic activity (1...  summary
        P27361  uniprot  MK03_HUMAN   379     9606         Homo sapiens (Human)                    Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 (MAP kinase ...  Alternative products (1); Catalytic activity (1...  summary
        Q9C660  uniprot  PEK10_ARATH  762     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Catalytic activity (1); Sequence similarities (...  summary
        Q9SGY7  uniprot  PEK11_ARATH  718     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Putative proline-rich receptor-like protein kin...  Catalytic activity (1); Sequence similarities (...  summary
        Q9ZUE0  uniprot  PEK12_ARATH  720     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Catalytic activity (1); Function (1); Induction...  summary
        O65530  uniprot  PEK14_ARATH  731     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Catalytic activity (1); Sequence similarities (...  summary
        Q9CAL8  uniprot  PEK13_ARATH  710     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Catalytic activity (1); Disruption phenotype (1...  summary
        Q9LV48  uniprot  PERK1_ARATH  652     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Alternative products (1); Catalytic activity (1...  summary
        Q9LK03  uniprot  PERK2_ARATH  717     3702         Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK2...  Catalytic activity (1); Sequence similarities (...  summary
    DbBuddy> keep (length>250)
        Filter        # Recs removed
        (length>250)  5
        59 records remain.
    DbBuddy> keep (?i)proline
        Filter       # Recs removed
        (?i)proline  30
        29 records remain.
    DbBuddy> remove Arabidopsis
        Filter   # Recs removed
        Arabido  14
        15 records remain.
    DbBuddy> restore Fopius
        Filter  # Recs recovered
        Fopius  2
        47 records remain in the trash bin.
    DbBuddy> sort organism
    DbBuddy> show
        ACCN        DB       entry_name        length  organism-id  organism                                            protein_names                                       comments                   record
        A0A0C9QIX7  uniprot  A0A0C9QIX7_9HYME  616     64838        Fopius arisanus                                     PERK1_1 protein                                                                summary
        A0A0C9QMF9  uniprot  A0A0C9QMF9_9HYME  243     64838        Fopius arisanus                                     PERK1_0 protein (Fragment)                                                     summary
        A0A0B2SMF4  uniprot  A0A0B2SMF4_GLYSO  443     3848         Glycine soja (Wild soybean)                         Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...                             summary
        A0A0B2QGN5  uniprot  A0A0B2QGN5_GLYSO  475     3848         Glycine soja (Wild soybean)                         Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...                             summary
        A0A0B2S263  uniprot  A0A0B2S263_GLYSO  552     3848         Glycine soja (Wild soybean)                         Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...                             summary
        A0A0B2PWC3  uniprot  A0A0B2PWC3_GLYSO  536     3848         Glycine soja (Wild soybean)                         Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1                                summary
        A0A0B2QDW8  uniprot  A0A0B2QDW8_GLYSO  521     3848         Glycine soja (Wild soybean)                         Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...                             summary
        A0A0B0PF39  uniprot  A0A0B0PF39_GOSAR  395     29729        Gossypium arboreum (Tree cotton) (Gossypium nan...  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1                                summary
        A0A0B0NAE1  uniprot  A0A0B0NAE1_GOSAR  664     29729        Gossypium arboreum (Tree cotton) (Gossypium nan...  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1                                summary
        A0A0B0MM60  uniprot  A0A0B0MM60_GOSAR  610     29729        Gossypium arboreum (Tree cotton) (Gossypium nan...  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1     Caution (1)                summary
        A0A0B0P0U9  uniprot  A0A0B0P0U9_GOSAR  649     29729        Gossypium arboreum (Tree cotton) (Gossypium nan...  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1                                summary
        W9RKU6      uniprot  W9RKU6_9ROSA      571     981085       Morus notabilis                                     Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1                                summary
        W9RJX7      uniprot  W9RJX7_9ROSA      479     981085       Morus notabilis                                     Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1     Sequence similarities (1)  summary
        W9QCU0      uniprot  W9QCU0_9ROSA      718     981085       Morus notabilis                                     Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1     Sequence similarities (1)  summary
        W9R6G7      uniprot  W9R6G7_9ROSA      418     981085       Morus notabilis                                     Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1     Sequence similarities (1)  summary
        M7ZHJ2      uniprot  M7ZHJ2_TRIUA      445     4572         Triticum urartu (Red wild einkorn) (Crithodium ...  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Sequence similarities (1)  summary
        M7ZEM3      uniprot  M7ZEM3_TRIUA      584     4572         Triticum urartu (Red wild einkorn) (Crithodium ...  Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1...  Sequence similarities (1)  summary
    DbBuddy> fetch
        Retrieving 17 full records from UniProt...
        Retrieved 8.92 K residues of sequence data
    DbBuddy> format fasta
        Output format changed to fasta
    DbBuddy> write perk1.fasta
        17 fasta records  written to /home/sequences/perk1.fasta.
        Records written to file
    DbBuddy> quit

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