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Releases: cloudflare/miniflare


21 Sep 14:40
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What's Changed

  • Implement simulators as Durable Objects by @mrbbot in #656.
  • Allow GET requests with bodies in entry worker by @mrbbot in #677
  • Remove unused handleQueue() function from entry worker by @mrbbot in #678
  • Allow magic proxy to be used from Jest by @mrbbot in #683
  • Only show all accessible hosts initially by @jspspike in #686
  • Improved source map handling and support for VSCode's debugger by @mrbbot in #681
  • Allow custom workerd binary via MINIFLARE_WORKERD_PATH variable by @mrbbot in #682
  • 🎨 Pretty validation errors by @mrbbot in #674
  • Bump miniflare version to 20230918 by @jspspike in #688

Full Changelog: v3.20230904.0...v3.20230918.0

This release changes the persistence directory layout. KV namespaces, R2 buckets and D1 databases will automatically be migrated to the new layout automatically. Caches will not be migrated.

As an example, specifying the following options...

new Miniflare({
  kvPersist: "./data/kv",
  kvNamespaces: ["NAMESPACE"],
  r2Persist: "./data/r2",
  r2Buckets: ["BUCKET"],
  d1Persist: "./data/d1",
  d1Databases: ["DATABASE"],
  cachePersist: "./data/cache"

...would previously persist data like...

├── cache
│   └── default
│       ├── blobs
│       │   └── cb439464a0136ae87dda5b16e5d5c2e25c1aadd9971defa989b5a3de8c16e7da00004bf38fc72ed2
│       └── db.sqlite
├── d1
│   └── DATABASE
│       └── db.sqlite
├── kv
│       ├── blobs
│       │   └── 6ae43bc9d5630ba36dbd152d458265eab16472e2837c6395f002cd074879ff1500004bf38ca477b4
│       └── db.sqlite
└── r2
    └── BUCKET
        ├── blobs
        │   └── c3ba545e38e76c32a9534e9406a2899d997993f0d75efc75f2507acf08735cac00004bf38da2e625
        └── db.sqlite

...but will now persist data like...

├── cache
│   ├── default
│   │   └── blobs
│   │       └── cb439464a0136ae87dda5b16e5d5c2e25c1aadd9971defa989b5a3de8c16e7da00004bf38fc72ed2
│   └── miniflare-CacheObject
│       └── 9f458c07675338a7426a7b81ac4fb1baf92d034efbcaaf4336379640ed744ded.sqlite
├── d1
│   └── miniflare-D1DatabaseObject
│       └── e5f2187c86795ea6326c373904215941fcc05bb3d3eb8bf40b08a5573435c797.sqlite
├── kv
│   │   └── blobs
│   │       └── 6ae43bc9d5630ba36dbd152d458265eab16472e2837c6395f002cd074879ff1500004bf38ca477b4
│   └── miniflare-KVNamespaceObject
│       └── c5143190acbf456f17b8db87ca6e6d0c672fd61585313adee82937a956e44b8c.sqlite
└── r2
    ├── BUCKET
    │   └── blobs
    │       └── c3ba545e38e76c32a9534e9406a2899d997993f0d75efc75f2507acf08735cac00004bf38da2e625
    └── miniflare-R2BucketObject
        └── 2ba11df92c037da2e2f63b12b8924678770664954fa3deab29e63c3d63bbfb7e.sqlite

Note db.sqlites are no longer stored under the namespace directory, but flat in miniflare-*Object directories. The file names in this directory correspond to the IDs of each namespaces' Durable Object.

As of Miniflare v3, the persistence layout is no longer a public interface, and is subject to change at any time. As long as you're accessing persisted data via the Miniflare API, data will be persisted across minor versions. If you have scripts that depend on the previous persistence layout directly, we recommend using the Miniflare API to manipulate your data instead.

import { Miniflare, Response } from "miniflare";

const mf = new Miniflare({
  script: "",
  modules: true,
  kvPersist: "./data/kv",
  kvNamespaces: ["NAMESPACE"],
  r2Persist: "./data/r2",
  r2Buckets: ["BUCKET"],
  d1Persist: "./data/d1",
  d1Databases: ["DATABASE"],
  cachePersist: "./data/cache"

// Instance of
const kvNamespace = await mf.getKVNamespace("NAMESPACE");
await kvNamespace.put("key", "value");

// Instance of
const r2Bucket = await mf.getR2Bucket("BUCKET");
await r2Bucket.put("key", "value");

// Instance of
const d1Database = await mf.getD1Database("DATABASE");
await d1Database.exec("CREATE TABLE entries (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT);");
await d1Database.prepare("INSERT INTO entries (key, value) VALUES (?1, ?2)").bind("a", "1").run();

// Instance of
const caches = await mf.getCaches();
const response = new Response("body", { headers: { "Cache-Control": "max-age=3600" }});
await caches.default.put("http://localhost/key", response);

If you need to access databases directly, you can generate the miniflare-*Object/<id>.sqlite <id> using the following function:

import crypto from "node:crypto";

function durableObjectNamespaceIdFromName(uniqueKey, name) {
  const key = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(uniqueKey).digest();
  const nameHmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(name).digest().subarray(0, 16);
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(nameHmac).digest().subarray(0, 16);
  return Buffer.concat([nameHmac, hmac]).toString("hex");

...where uniqueKey is one of miniflare-{KVNamespace,R2Bucket,D1Database,Cache}Object, and name is the ID of your namespace/bucket/database/cache. Note this is very likely to break again in future versions, so please use the Miniflare API if you can.


05 Sep 10:22
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What's Changed

  • Return copy of entry URL from Miniflare#ready by @mrbbot in #671
  • Add support for NodeJsCompatModule, and module-related fixups by @mrbbot in #673
  • Bump workerd to 1.20230904.0 and bump versions by @mrbbot in #675

Full Changelog: v3.20230821.0...v3.20230904.0


25 Aug 17:22
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22 Aug 10:14
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What's Changed

  • Serve linked source maps from loopback server (enable breakpoint debugging for TypeScript) by @mrbbot in #660
  • ✨ Implement magic proxy and add back support for Miniflare#get*() methods by @mrbbot in #639
  • Add support for ipv6 host by @jspspike in #650
  • Allow sources to be hidden in DevTools sources panel by @mrbbot in #662
  • Fix standalone support for Workers Sites using modules by @mrbbot in #631
  • Bump workerd to 1.20230821.0 and bump versions by @mrbbot in #668

Full Changelog: v3.20230814.1...v3.20230821.0


16 Aug 13:24
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What's Changed

  • Bump versions to 3.20230814.0 using workerd v1.20230814.1 by @RamIdeas in #658

Full Changelog: v3.20230814.0...v3.20230814.1


16 Aug 13:24
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What's Changed

  • Trigger scheduled handler on '/cdn-cgi/mf/scheduled' by @jspspike in #652

Full Changelog: v3.20230807.0...v3.20230814.0


08 Aug 15:42
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What's Changed

  • [Miniflare 3] Use strings for outcome instead of numeric constants for queue response by @mrbbot in #648
  • Bump versions to 3.20230807.0 by @jspspike in #648

Full Changelog: v3.20230807.0...v3.20230801.0


25 Jul 20:11
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What's Changed

  • [Miniflare 3] Add back support for fetchMock by @mrbbot in #632
  • [Miniflare 3] Bump to TypeScript 5 and fix bundled TypeScript output by @mrbbot in #635
  • [Miniflare 3] Split certificates from NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS by @mrbbot in #637
  • Bump versions to 3.20230724.0 by @1000hz in #638

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.20230717.0...v3.20230724.0


18 Jul 15:39
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What's Changed

  • Add outboundService option for customising global fetch() target by @mrbbot in #629
  • Use runtime shim for D1 by @geelen in #628

Full Changelog: v3.20230710.0...v3.20230717.0


11 Jul 13:56
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