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spuds edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 1 revision



$user_info is a widely used variable. For more details, please refer to the code documentation. This is a quick list that may come in handy for quick reference.

$user_info['mod_cache'] and $_SESSION['mc']

  • time - the last time (timestamp) the mod_cache array has been rebuilt.
  • id - the user id
  • gq - __g__roup __q__uery, contains a pre-made query for groups the user is moderator of, it can be:
    • 0=1 - moderator of no groups
    • 1=1 - allowedTo('manage_membergroups')
    • id_group IN ({list_of_groups}) - list_of_groups is a list (comma separated) of groups the user is moderator of
  • bq - __b__oards __q__uery, contains a pre-made query of boards the user has moderation powers, it can be:
    • 0=1 - moderator of no boards
    • 1=1 - allowedTo('moderate_forum')
    • id_board IN ({list_of_boards}) - list_of_boards is a list (comma separated) of boards the user has moderation powers
  • ap - __a__pprove __p__osts, an array of boards the user can approve posts in, in other words the return of boardsAllowedTo('approve_posts')
  • mb - __m__oderator __b__oards, an array of boards the user is moderator of
  • mq - __m__oderator __q__uery, a pre-made query of boards the user is moderator of, it can be:
    • 0=1 - moderator of no boards
    • 1=1 - allowedTo('moderate_forum')
    • b.id_board IN ({list_of_boards}) - list_of_boards is a list (comma separated) of boards the user is moderator of



Functions and Variables

  • About $user_info variable
  • About the createList() function.
  • About [Template Layers](Template layers).
  • About [is_activated](is activated) values.


  • [Create a theme](Make a new theme)
  • [Create an Addon](Create an Addon)


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