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Spuds edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 2 revisions


All elements, unless otherwise stated, are required and do not require any attributes.


Must wrap all other elements in the file with this tag


Contains the id of the package. Normally in the format of [username]:[package name].

  • Example <id>Bob:AwesomeAddon</id>
  • Important When submitting an addon to the Addon Site, the pkid should match the value used here e.g. pkid: "Bob:AwesomeAddon". Avoid using anything other than letters and numbers.


Contains the name of the package.

  • Example <name>My Awesome Addon</name>


The type of package - "avatar", "language", "addon" or "modification".

  • Example <type>addon</type>


The package's current version.

  • Example <version>1.0.7</version>

<install></install> and <uninstall></uninstall>

This is filled with the specific actions to be taken. The options and their attributes are the same for the install and uninstall.

  • Attributes:
    • for: The valid ElkArte versions to install/upgrade/uninstall for. A comma delimited string with ranges such as "1.0-1.1,2.0"
  • Example <install for="1.1 - 1.1.99">

Options for Install/Uninstall Section:

<readme></readme> or <readme /> Filename of the readme file OR if using type="inline" the text string to display

  • Attributes:
    • lang: which language this readme applies to; optional
    • parsebbc: whether or not to parse bbcode in the readme; optional; defaults to false
    • type: "inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"; optional
  • Example <readme type="inline">This important text will be ignored by users during the install phase.</readme>

<code></code> or <code /> or (the newer) <database></database> or <database /> Filename of a php file to be executed.

  • Attributes:
    • type: "inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"
  • Example <code>add_remove_hooks.php</code> a php file in your package

<hook /> Add a function to an integration hook, or remove a function from an integration hook.

  • Attributes:
    • hook: name of any integration hook as found in ElkArte
    • function: name of the function to call
    • file: path and name of the file that contains the function. Normally this is a file added by your addon, so you can use various constants like SOURCEDIR/MyFile.php
    • reverse: if "true" removes the function from the integration hook (used for uninstalling); defaults to "false"
  • Example <hook hook="integrate_admin_areas" file="SOURCEDIR/MyAddonIntegration.php" function="someFunctionp" />

<modification></modification> or <modification /> Steps to take for a source modification / edit. Although an option, its use should be considered a last resort as changing the source code can/will interfear with upgrades.

  • Attributes:
    • type: if "inline", you may use the , , , and elements listed in the modification.xml documentation. "inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"
    • reverse: reverse the instructions; "true" or "false"; defaults to "false"
  • Example <modification>modification.xml</modification>

<create-dir /> Create a new directory.

  • Attributes:
    • name: the name of the directory
    • destination: the path of the directory where you want to create this new directory
  • Example <create-dir name="SomeDirToCreate" destination="BOARDDIR" />

<create-file /> Create a blank file.

  • Attributes:
    • name: the name of the file
    • destination: the path of the directory where you want to create this new file
  • Example <create-file name="SomeFile.txt" destination="BOARDDIR" />

<require-dir /> Require a directory and all files in it from inside the package.

  • Attributes:
    • from: the path to the directory
    • name: the name of the directory
    • destination: the path of where you want to put this directory
  • Example <require-dir name="DirInPackage" destination="BOARDDIR" />

<require-file /> Require a file from inside the package.

  • Attributes:
    • from: the path to the file
    • name: the name of the file
    • destination: the path of where you want to put this file
  • Example <require-file name="SomeFile.txt" destination="BOARDDIR" />

<move-dir /> Move an entire directory. May also be used to rename a directory by moving it to it's parent directory with a different name.

  • Attributes:
    • from: the path of the directory you want to move
    • name: the name of the directory
    • destination: the path to where you want to put the directory
  • Example <move-dir name="SomeDirToMove" destination="BOARDDIR" />

<move-file /> Move a file. May also be used to rename a file by moving it to it's parent directory with a different name.

  • Attributes:
    • from: the path of the file you want to move
    • name: the name of the file
    • destination: the path to where you want to put the file
  • Example <move-file name="SomeMoveFile.txt" destination="BOARDDIR" />

<remove-dir /> Remove a directory and all files in it (only during uninstall)

  • Attributes:
    • name: the name and path of the directory to be removed
  • Example <remove-dir name="BOARDDIR/SomeDirToCreate" />

<remove-file /> Remove a file.

  • Attributes:
    • name: the name and path of the file to be removed (only during uninstall)
  • Example <remove-file name="BOARDDIR/SomeFile.txt" />

<redirect></redirect> or <redirect /> Redirect after install/uninstall.

  • Attributes:
    • url: the url to redirect to; Required.
    • type: inline or file. Whether to use a file or inline text for redirect text.
    • timeout: Time until the redirect occurs. Default: 5 seconds
  • Example <redirect url="?action=admin;area=packages" timeout="5000" />
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