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Lecture 13

Gábor Szárnyas edited this page May 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

Model Management (2015. 05. 06.)

Motivation: motivation

MDE everything is a model => but these are not island

  • model interchange

  • model persistence

  • m. comparison

  • versioning

  • co-evolution

  • global model management

  • model quality

  • collaborative modelling

##Model interchange:
late '90s (uml)

  • motivation: exchange models among different modeling tools
    • they not change diagrams
    • we are still far away from this goal
  • solution: XMI (XML metadata interchange) implemented by a general way
    • stable interchange format
    • XMI standard: intance model => assigns corresponding syntax if something is not contained by containmenthierachy than it is not serialized => not in the other model
      example xmi 1.0 document (10-15 years ago) enter image description here

enter image description here

  • very big xml document => no one liked/used that example xmi 1.1 enter image description here

enter image description here

document: represent attributes of a model as an xml attribute more practical: smaller, parser - you read elements in one, now you don't have to read each line

From that comes: for each object you have an element, for each reference you have an element, for regular attributes you have an attribute, relation have an attribute?? it is a question if you have multiply outgoing references => you can not allow to not represent this, => two main tricks:

  • first trick: attributes: default value you don't have to serialize it

  • second trick: document structured as element for container, contained element, containing => you can have two save all three => two is enough to maintain the situation -> nodes: merge containment with element (containment is an attribute)

it doesn't contain type => he is in collection of players => it isn't needed to be represented how does xml parser look like: xml document+metamodel=> you get default values from metamodel

#model persistence

if you are working with large models xml serialization format will be large => what to do => 2 main directions

  • version control system in the background : you split up the model into separate files/models => handling them with version control system in autosar models they use this

    • advantages:

    • disadvantages:lazy loading (you only load parts of the modul, when you start to use it), 2012 doesn't work on large models can't load the whole model

  • database => model persisted in it -CDO, Pure NoSQL (morsa and MongoEMF), Cloud storage solutions

#Model Comparision needed for model versioning => E.g. two teams commiting the same document
if you want to find in text edition changes it is relatively easy if you want to do it for models => to identify the diffrences of the model is hard :( we are unlucky if we have to work with models ) EMF compare, EMF diffmerge

why model comparision is more difficult => draw one graph - draw another graf => complexity of graph comparision O(nˇ2) => more complex than text => because we don't have starting points ids can help(if they can't change), because you know they can't change => you normally don't really have it on default (you have to set it)
before calculationg the actual difference you have to find the similarity => if you don't have you can guess the connection from the context (name, edges, types, attributes)

example on (kép: example: Model Comparision) => what is the best matching - it doesn't obvious first you do the matching than compare models
important !!!

  • rename the existing model and add a new one, otherweise you have two classes with the same name
  • deleting elements: move the corresponding elements to another model, and than you can delete the one which you wanted to delete
    #Model Versioning (briefly touched, because we discussed it today partly)
    store fragments in version controll systems => handle their different branches in version controll system, you have to support the merge operation

#Model Co-evolution
model Co-evoution = keep track of changes in a modeling artefact you just change another model => metamodel evolution => it's becaming more problemating with merging different models when one of it changed. It is a critical problem by automotive systems => autoSAR constantly evolves, you have to support backward compatibility and use the new one as well => you need to recast elements => problem: this model does not parse - it already has some inconsistencies but EMF does not tolerate well inconsistencis => e. g. dranging edges => if you have an element point to a nonexisting element => it won't open, you have to solve it in text editor ##Classification of meta-model changes:

  • non breaking operation: no need to migrate the models
  • breaking and resolvable automatic migration of existing models
  • breaking and not resolvable : automatic migration is not available => you have to open it in text editor to solve it

#Global Model Management:
megamodels: (comes from french), in a megamodel one element in a megamodel represents the whole model, the whole model is represented by one element relations, elements ... (metadata repository, configuration file described as a model) they are regulare models=> same tools for manipulating them #Model Quality:

  • motivation: bugs => you want to catch them at the beggining => design decisions etc.
  • example property: satisfiability => a model is satisfiable if it is possible to create a valid instantiation of the model
  • valid if it satisfies all constraints => more difficult than it seams (showing satisfiability is problematic by big models)

##one way for showing satisfiablity
constraint satisfaction problem (SAT, SMT) => show a model if it exist, prove if not: a simple instance is a proof but you want to create more complex models => If the model is empty than all the constraints are satisfied, because we found a model, which don't have any constraints to satisfied!!!! it can be a big fault!!!! be careful!!!!

#Collaborative modeling => there are more teams

  • offline collaboration => svn, git ... => send commits into a repo ... long transactions => if you change your model it becames visible if you change the online model

  • online collaboration => google docs, web modeling framework ... once you make change, it immediatly get commeted => it will be delagated to all other participants there were multiple tools which support this:

  • locks =>if model merge is complex it seems to be a good idea, but most program don't lock in a sane way => possibility to do it manually, but you can forget, to unlock these

  • acces control to models more complex than it seems to be e.g.:

    • git : everything/nothing
    • svn:acces to documents=> you have to split up the models into fragments => not very flexible, mostly working just if you working in a company

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