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Grigori Fursin edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 10 revisions

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CK can work out of the box without any specific environment variables. However, if needed, you can customize CK as described below.

Table of Contents

CK environment variables

  • CK_ROOT - you can help CK find CK root directory (may be needed when accessing CK from the Internet Server)
  • CK_REPOS - directory where new CK repositories are created (note that you should change it before first CK usage, otherwise you local settings from the local repo will be lost)
  • CK_LOCAL_REPO - full path to local repository (may be useful when you want to preserve your local settings in a place different from $CK_REPOS)
  • CK_TOOLS - directory where tools from CK packages will be automatically installed
  • CK_CROWDSOURCE_PATH - directory with logs from experiment crowdsourcing

CK kernel customization

When CK is executed for the first time, it creates a kernel:default entry in the local repository. The meta of this entry can be used to customize CK behavior. You can update it via user-friendly command line front-end as following:

 # ck setup kernel
or edit it as JSON directly via
 $ ck edit kernel:default
or using any editor via
 $ vim $CK_ROOT/CK/local/kernel/default/.cm/meta.json

You can specify the default authorship and copyright of the newly created modules and entries (otherwise cTuning info will be used), turn on or off indexing, configure web front-end, and so on.

Speeding up search via ElasticSearch

You can turn on and off transparent indexing of JSON meta information of CK entries via third-party ElasticSearch as described here.


If you have further questions, do not hesitate to ask the CK community via this mailing list.

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