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Grigori Fursin edited this page Sep 14, 2016 · 4 revisions

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Brief installation notes

Here you can find a manually updated list of shared CK repositories.

You can easily install any Git based repository via

 $ ck pull repo --url=[URL to a GIT-based CK repository]

If CK-powered repository is shared via, you can easily install it by name:

 $ ck pull repo:[repo name]

For example, you can pull CK repository for universal and multi-objective autotuning via

 $ ck pull repo:ck-autotuning

By default, all pulled repositories are stored in a USER space in the CK directory. If required, this directory can be changed via CK_REPOS environment variable.

Note, that we use https protocol by default. However, if you would like to use git protocol instead, just add --git flag to the above command line.

It is possible to update any shared repository using the same pull command. It is also possible to automatically update all shared Git-based CK repositories via:

 $ ck pull all

You can list all new entries from a pulled repository via:

 $ ck list [repo_name]:: --all

Note, that it is possible to share CK repositories as zip archives (useful to share artifacts along with publications and add them as supplementary material for ACM Digital Library, for example). Such repositories can be installed via

 $ ck add repo:[repo_name] --zip=[zip archive name or full URL] --quiet

List of cTuning GitHub repositories

  • ck-env - enable package installation across different platforms (hardware, OS, libs) and simplify co-existence of multiple versions of tools and libraries during experimentation;
  • ck-analytics - CK experimentation, statistical analysis, predictive analytics and graphs
  • ck-docker - automation of various Docker tasks (build, run, pull) via CK with examples;
  • ck-web - CK web front-end for interactive articles, graphs and tables (see example of our live CK-powered repo here)
  • ck-autotuning - customizable multi-objective program autotuning/benchmarking (OpenCL/CUDA/MPI/algorithm/compiler flags/etc) and design space exploration for heterogeneous multicore systems (see DATE'16 paper and interactive report)
  • ctuning-programs - CK repository with benchmarks and codelets shared by the community (to move from rigid, outdated and non representative benchmarks to continuously evolving and realistic applications and kernels)
  • ctuning-datasets-min - CK repository with a minimal set of shared data sets (for above programs)
  • ck-dissemination-modules - modules for artifact evaluation and knowledge dissemination
  • ck-crowdtuning - (on going) engine to crowdsource experiments across various platforms (cloud, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, data centers, etc) such as multi-objective autotuning (OpenCL, compiler flags, etc)
  • ck-crowdtuning-platforms - descriptions of platforms participated in experiment crowdsourcing (automatically and manually added features for predictive analytics)
Projects with whole experimental setups shared in the CK format:

List of non-cTuning Git-based CK repositories

List of repositories shared as zip archive

Grigori Fursin shared all data sets from the PLDI'10 paper "Evaluating iterative optimization across 1000 datasets" in the CK format via Google Drive:

List of repositories shared via BitTorrent

We suggest to share large CK repositories in zip archive via BitTorrent to optimize sharing (upload and download) of such repositories across multiple users. We use the following file name convention for such repositories: ckr-<repo></repo>

  • (~287Mb) - Data sets (MiDatasets and cDatasets) from our past R&D to crowdsource autotuning and benchmarking (crowd-tuning and crowd-benchmarking). Get torrent here.
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