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Grigori Fursin edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 10 revisions

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Papers with our long term vision

You can read more on our motivation behind Collective Knowledge and previous versions of our collaborative experimentation and knowledge management frameworks (Collective Mind, cTuning) in the following recent publications (you can download all above references in one BibTex file here).

  • "Collective Knowledge: towards R&D sustainability", Grigori Fursin, Anton Lokhmotov and Ed Plowman, DATE'16 (Design, Automation and Test in Europe), Dresden, March 2016 [PDF]
  • "Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks on Embedded Platforms with OpenCL", Anton Lokhmotov and Grigori Fursin, IWOCL'16, Vienna, Austria, 2016 [PDF], [ACM reference with BibTex]
  • "Collective Mind, Part II: Towards Performance- and Cost-Aware Software Engineering as a Natural Science", 18th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC'15), London, UK, January 2015 [ArXiv], [CK-powered interactive article with BibTex]
  • "Collective Mind: Towards practical and collaborative auto-tuning", Journal of Scientific Programming 22 (4), 2014 [ArXiv], [CK-powered interactive article with BibTex]
  • "Community-driven reviewing and validation of publications", TRUST'14 at PLDI'14, Edinburgh, UK, 2014 [PDF and BibTex]
  • "Collective Tuning Initiative: automating and accelerating development and optimization of computing systems", Proceedings of the GCC Summit, Montreal, Canada, 2009 [PDF and BibTex]
If you find CK useful, feel free to reference any of the above publications in your reports.
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