v1.3.2 (2023-02-15)
Closed issues:
- Testing patch release 1.3.2 prior to release #364
- Release notes required to explain 1.3 changes #358
- AnyOf causes code generation problem in icarConsignmentType #357
- icarStatistics API is not ok #353
- Handle embryo/opu flush - add event for Flushing #296
- Current icarResource Discriminator property doesnt appear valid #278
Merged pull requests:
- Tested changes for ADE 1.3.2 #367 (cookeac)
- Revert "Added repro flushing event with type and enums" #350 (cookeac)
- Added repro flushing event with type and enums #337 (cvigorsICBF)
v1.3.1 (2022-11-17)
Closed issues:
- icarWithdrawalEventResource inherits incorrect event type #347
Merged pull requests:
- Merge from Develop branch - update to v1.3.1 #349 (cookeac)
- Update ChangeLog for v1.3.1. #348 (cookeac)
- WithdrawalEventResources from IcarAnimalEventCoreResource #345 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
v1.3.0 (2022-11-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create a more formal "Specification" Markdown file for our existing resource-type and location oriented API specs #289
- Adding a reason for DoNotBreed event #250
- Changes for parturition event with new progeny details #243 (ahokkonen)
Closed issues:
- Birth Period in icarInventoryClassificationType doesn't validate as per description #335
- Add group event for weighing #332
- Check that exampleURLScheme is complete with resource types for 1.3 #326
- Check that icarMessageType is up to date for 1.3 release #325
- Define URL Scheme for Group Event messages #323
- icarReproParturitionResource.ProgenyDetails missing from ADE 1.2? #319
- Separation of Milk #318
- Consider adding PostalAddress to icarConsignmentType #317
- Add Group Movement/Registration events #316
- Add icarGroupTreatmentResource #314
- Add documentation for Identifier Schemes #305
- Add a since-version to the current list of resources and events in the Wiki #301
- Remove the default response from example URL files and substitute 400 and 500 errors. #299
- Severity code for animal health diagnosis #297
- Usage of openapi-generator 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT #295
- Write up docs for deciding between location centric vs streaming api #293
- Create icarGroupEventCoreResource #291
- Create icarAnimalEventCoreResource #290
- Consider mandating RFC3339 instead of ISO 8601 #286
- "endDate" is not nullable IcarLacationRessource #282
- DELETE-calls for batches #277
- Events following the animal #276
- expected calving date #275
- Add event resources for sets (groups) of animals #273
- Document semantics for Animal Sets - Groups #272
- Fix request for spectral linter #270
- Write first draft api spec document #268
- Add location or context to resource #267
- Add semantic type to resource #266
- Add isDeleted to meta #265
- Add id to icarResource.json #264
- Insemination: additional AICode, Station and Technican for Sire #261
- A streaming API for bulk data sharing or update #257
- Add a remark attribute to all event resources #255
- Support linking or referencing related resources #248
- type classification #247
- Investigate usage of bot for marking issues as stale #246
- Alternative Type for Coat Color #240
- Resource for ReproPreExamintion? #233
- New values for production purposes - Breeding, SucklerCow #215
- nullable declaration is not working correctly for reference types #214
- adding 2 Types in ReproParturitionEventResource #191
- Milk recording information on herd level #184
- feedIntake in milkVisitEvent #171
- Definition for breed identifier scheme #168
- Activity and rumination data #166
- Vendor-specific schema elements? #160
- Capabilities API #156
- Add Animal Health Status to Animal Resource #148
- Medicine resource API #135
- Collections for aggregrating datahubs #129
- Guidance on use of schema/id and name pairs within API #107
- Change of Ownership message #98
- Define standards for heat graphs and health graphs #94
- create test messages #13
Merged pull requests:
- Merge Develop branch to ADE 1.3 release #342 (cookeac)
- Update CHANGELOG.md #341 (cookeac)
- Corrected 3 broken links. #340 (cookeac)
- Documentation for group events #338 (cookeac)
- Add group events to URL Schemes #336 (cookeac)
- Inventory classification change - fix birthPeriod validation #334 (cookeac)
- Add group weigh event #333 (cookeac)
- Change icarStatistics value to number #331 (cookeac)
- Erwinspeybroeck #330 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Update icarMessageType.json #329 (cookeac)
- Develop #328 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Add severity and disease stage to icarDiagnosisResource #327 (cookeac)
- Add Group events for livestock movements #324 (cookeac)
- Add PostalAddress to consignment origin and dest #322 (cookeac)
- changed the default-response to use new icarErrorCollection instead o… #321 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
- Add of withdrawal-resources #320 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
- Add Group Treatment event #315 (cookeac)
- Address Speccy and Spectral linting errors and warnings #313 (cookeac)
- Issue293 #311 (alamers)
- fixed spectral linting (i think) #309 (alamers)
- Add scheme docs and well-known schemes #308 (cookeac)
- Add scheme docs and well-known schemes #306 (cookeac)
- Descriptions of date/time fields to be RFC3339 UTC #304 (cookeac)
- Create icarGroupEventResource to support event observations on groups #303 (cookeac)
- Erwinspeybroeck #284 #298 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Attempt to fix Spectral paths #294 (cookeac)
- Create icarAnimalEventCoreResource #292 (cookeac)
- updated readme #288 (gra-moore)
- removed discriminators #287 (gra-moore)
- updated draft #283 (gra-moore)
- added location to resource. #281 (gra-moore)
- Feature 265 - added isDeleted to meta #280 (gra-moore)
- Feature 266 add resource type #279 (gra-moore)
- Spectral linter fix #271 (ahokkonen)
- Type classification #269 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Add remark field to icarEventCoreResource #256 (cookeac)
- Fixed declaration for nullable reference types #254 (ahokkonen)
- HealthStatus for IcarAnimalCoreResource #253 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
- CoatColorDetails in IcarAnimalCoreResource #252 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
- Create stale.yml #249 (cookeac)
v1.2.0 (2021-09-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Request to add "Unknown" to icarDepartureReasonType enumeration #206
Closed issues:
- Extension to IcarMovementDeathEventResource #224
- Add "PregnantMultipleFoetus" in the icarAnimalReproductionStatusType #223
- Add "icarQuarterId" in the TreamentEventressources? #221
- IcarMilkingVisitEventResource, extend with exemptFromRecording #220
- TreamentProgramRessource? #219
- Milking-Statistics #218
- icarDailyFeedReportCollection refers to non-existing icarDailyFeedReportResource #216
- Remove DoNotBreed from animal #213
- icarFeedQuantityType mass unit codes #211
- Release procedure: when is a ticket mature enough #207
- Code generation from API specification. #205
- HTTPStatus-Codes in error-cases #203
- Feed and AnimalSet #202
- "Unknown" to be added in icarAnimalGenderType #199
- Transponders, Animal Numbers and the ManagementTag on the AnimalResource #195
- Feed Storage (e.g. Silo) in ICAR? #194
- Add icarDepartureReasonType on icarMovementDeathEventResource #193
- Add icarConsignmentType on MovementDeathEventResource #192
- Missing departureReasonType #190
- Move/rename locations.md #188
- Define enumeration for icarReproParturitionEventResource - calvingEase #185
- Missing types in MovementBirthEventResource #183
- Rank field in icarReproInseminationEventResource event #180
- endpoint /animalSets uses inconsistent syntax #179
- Referencing other resources (especially possibly deleted ones or ones in other locations) #178
- Feed Attributes or Properties #173
- Feed Categories or Types #172
- Missing codes for MilkCharacteristicsType #170
- Missing reference in icarMedicineResource -resource type #167
- Add timezone to LocationResource #164
- Versioning and branches #163
- Semantics for POST method #154
- Unique resource identifiers when sending new data to a server #153
- Define URL scheme that allows updating #147
- Listing and Filtering Resources (specifically Animals) #130
- What is the proposed way to retrieve available schemata or schema/id combinations for different identifiers #109
- Changes log/Release notes in ADE release versions #99
- feed intake API #93
- Call for missing documentation #72
Merged pull requests:
- Merge Develop into ADE-1 for 1.2 release #245 (cookeac)
- Update feedURLscheme.json #244 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Add /locations/ to batches URLs in healthURLScheme #242 (cookeac)
- Replace updates accidentally removed by #229 #241 (cookeac)
- Create feedURLscheme.json #238 (cookeac)
- Add management and performance URL schemes #237 (cookeac)
- URL scheme for Reproduction observations #236 (cookeac)
- Introduce milkURLScheme.json #235 (cookeac)
- URL scheme for ADE-registration labels #234 (cookeac)
- Example Health URL scheme with GET, single POST and batch POSTs #232 (cookeac)
- Updates to course treatment interval, reproductive status (multiple foetus, do not breed event) #231 (cookeac)
- Tidy enumeration for icarPositionType. #230 (cookeac)
- Revert "Merge from Develop" #229 (cookeac)
- Merge from Develop #228 (cookeac)
- Quick changes: improvements to death, treatments, departure, milking #227 (cookeac)
- added positions in the treatment and diagnosis resource #226 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Issue-218: added types, resources and endpoints for daily-milking-ave… #225 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
- MilkingRemarks #222 (AndreasSchultzGEA)
- update feed API's issue 93 #212 (erwinspeybroeck)
- #188 removed location-scheme.md as it is moved to the wiki #209 (alamers)
- Add Calving Ease to fix #185 #208 (cookeac)
- Add unknown gender, add consignment+method to death #204 (cookeac)
- Correct example URL scheme #201 (cookeac)
- Management tag #200 (thomasd-gea)
- Feed storages #198 (thomasd-gea)
- Add sourceId to icarMetaDataType #197 (cookeac)
- PR to develop branch for schemata definitions #196 (ahokkonen)
- issue 130 recommended filter parameter names #187 (alamers)
- Added new field to insemination resource + fixed "animal-sets" endpoint name in example url scheme #186 (ahokkonen)
- Develop #182 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Fixed reference in icarDailyFeedReportCollection #181 (ahokkonen)
- Feed API's first version #176 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Added Time Zone ID to Location #175 (thomasd-gea)
- Correct icarMedicineResource syntax #169 (cookeac)
- Correct so branches are only MAJOR versions + Develop #165 (cookeac)
- Update from ADE-1-1 (v1.1.1) #162 (cookeac)
v1.1.1 (2020-10-07)
Closed issues:
- Error when generating code from tag v1.1.0 #158
Merged pull requests:
- Update changelog #161 (cookeac)
- Hotfix: Remove oneOf: allow both courses and treatments #159 (cookeac)
v1.1.0 (2020-09-28)
Closed issues:
- Latest OAS3 (open API specification 3) validation now enforced on examples #144
- For which use cases do we use AnimalEvents and for which do we just use PUT/POST/DELETE? #140
- Animal Sets (groups) membership change events #139
- do not breeds RESOURCE API #138
- Add list of available locations #125
- gestations API #121
- Add documentation for icarValidSampleFillingIndicatorType.json #116
- Quarter Milking Type Quarter Id Enum differs from ICAR Data Dictionary #112
- Reproduction and lactation status values #111
- Resource for listing test days #110
- Cannot find information about ICAR_ValidSampleFillingIndicator code list #108
- Conformation Scores #97
- Animal Health Treatments #96
- breeding values of an animal API #89
- Group assignments missing (feeding, milking, barn) #88
- BCS (body condition score) API #83
- Splitting complex types, event-based types and code-based types (enums) into saparate sub-folders #66
- Define recommended url scheme #18
Merged pull requests:
- Merge from Develop to ADE-1-1 #157 (cookeac)
- Release 1.1 changelog #152 (cookeac)
- Add observation events for animal status - lactation and reproduction status #151 (cookeac)
- organised the API's in sections #150 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Add DoNotBreed to Repro status #146 (cookeac)
- Corrected linting errors and file names #145 (cookeac)
- creation of a do-not-breed event #143 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Added animal status #142 (thomasd-gea)
- Added animalSetJoin and animalSetLeave events #141 (thomasd-gea)
- Gestations API issue adewg#121 #137 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Additional changes for conformation score #136 (ahokkonen)
- Add animal health diagnosis, treatment, and treatment program events #134 (cookeac)
- Added resources for conformation score event (#97) #133 (ahokkonen)
- Corrected typo, added icarSetPurposeType enum. #132 (cookeac)
- Fixed a typo in icarLocationResource.json #131 (cookeac)
- Add animal set resource #127 (MetroMarv)
- Add locations resource #126 (MetroMarv)
- Add test day resource #124 (MetroMarv)
- removed redoc since it does not work anymore with current spec #123 (alamers)
- Develop #122 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Update changelog for 1.0.2 release #120 (cookeac)
- Update changelog #119 (cookeac)
1.0.2 (2020-06-08)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Merge from Develop to create ADE-1 v 1.0.2 #118 (cookeac)
- Explain icarValidSampleFillingIndicator, fix icarQuarterId #117 (cookeac)
- Update readme with instruction to link PRs to issues #115 (cookeac)
- Merge from Develop to correct copyright in LICENCE #114 (cookeac)
- added missing copyright holder name #106 (alamers)
- changelog for v1.0.1 #104 (alamers)
v1.0.1 (2020-05-18)
Closed issues:
- Generated java code does not compile #100
Merged pull requests:
- Merge code generation corrections from Develop into ADE-1 #103 (cookeac)
- Changes/fixes for better code generation #101 (ahokkonen)
v1.0.0 (2020-05-06)
Closed issues:
- typo in pregnancy check method #90
- Location information requirement for event #86
- Location information requirement for event #85
- Prepare for ADE-1: rename tags #84
- Possible issue in Animal/Location identifier type #80
- Adding collection for all type of events resources #73
- Pagination #69
- Lactations API #65
- icarResourceCollection unnecessary inheritance from icarResource #62
- Enum values naming patter (whitespace, dots) #61
- Devices API #59
- Heat API #58
- Weight Event #53
- Synchronising/completeness data - how to know you have all messages #35
- (automated) quality checks #27
- consider the use of tags to indicate status of messages #26
- move the $ref links to relative urls #23
- Decide on linking #19
- Define initial version scheme #17
- Create an example url scheme #16
- have a decision on how to implement the schema's #15
- clean up the principles setting up and maintaining the standard #14
- general documentation #12
- have a readable version of the spec #11
- Decide on Open Source Licence #10
- Define inheritance #9
- Open API spec fails linting #7
Merged pull requests:
- Simplify Readme.md as discussed at last meeting #95 (cookeac)
- Enums extracted into separate files + minor changes #92 (ahokkonen)
- fixed typo in pregnancy method enum #91 (alamers)
- JSON schemes preparations for first official release #87 (ahokkonen)
- aded lactation to the repository #82 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Update README.md #81 (erwinspeybroeck)
- ICAR project structure reorganization #79 (ahokkonen)
- added AgroConnect CL709 input #78 (alamers)
- Added resource type collections #77 (ahokkonen)
- Weight event changes per meeting #76 (cookeac)
- Update exampleUrlScheme.json #75 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Removed Link Definition objects, fixed errors #74 (cookeac)
- Corrected ref to uncefactMassUnitsType.json #71 (cookeac)
- changes in heats, new device API, added url for weights #70 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Weight Event Resource and matching Collection #67 (cookeac)
- Resolves adewg#61: Enum values aligned to follow common pattern #64 (ahokkonen)
- Create LICENSE #63 (cookeac)
- Added message examples for drying off, insemination and pregnancy checks #60 (ahokkonen)
- UrlScheme structure normalization/optimization + other minor changes #57 (ahokkonen)
- Added mating recommendations and heat events #55 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Performed some renaming for event observed resources and metadata type. #54 (ahokkonen)
- Rename DataLinker and JoinData folders to show they are deprecated. #52 (cookeac)
- worked on milking visits and test day result #51 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Added new stoplight/spectral linter based validation action and made minor refactoring to speccy action #50 (ahokkonen)
- Implement Speccy Action, fix validation errors. First cut at link specification. #48 (cookeac)
- Update icarConsignmentType.json #47 (cookeac)
- Changes to avoid confusion #46 (erwinspeybroeck)
- add GB/Northern Ireland schemes #45 (Jongmassey)
- Solved some issues #44 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Added missing parturition resource. #43 (cookeac)
- Added Insemination, Abortion, Pregnancy Diagnosis, Parturition, Drying Off. #42 (cookeac)
- Revert "Adding swagger endpoints" #40 (cookeac)
- Adding swagger endpoints #39 (cookeac)
- Added managementTag #37 (erwinspeybroeck)
- fixed typo's in name of operations #36 (alamers)
- extended the example urls with the registration API's (+ some small typo's) #34 (erwinspeybroeck)
- made fields compulsory wrt synchronization discussion #33 (alamers)
- Add parentage to icarAnimalCore, add Movement events. #32 (cookeac)
- Milking visit changes #31 (erwinspeybroeck)
- fixed broken url scheme links #30 (alamers)
- Added icarAnimalCoreResource and its corresponding types. #29 (cookeac)
- Linting errors #28 (alamers)
- issue 11: have a readable version of the spec #25 (alamers)
- Inheritance changes - icarEventCoreResource, icarIdentifierType #24 (cookeac)
- Update location-scheme.md with reverse domain recommendation. #22 (cookeac)
- Issue : Create an example url scheme #16 #20 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Updated the yaml to the proposed API #6 (erwinspeybroeck)
- Create location-scheme.md #5 (henning-winkelmann)
- added some design rules as discussed in the WG #4 (alamers)
- Made JoinData spec comparable to the DL draft; tagged JD endpoints with new/existing compared to draft #3 (alamers)
- Update README.md #2 (cookeac)
- Added JoinData messages and restructured the repository #1 (ElmerHarms)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator