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Workshop Reading May 2019

Ian Edwards edited this page May 6, 2020 · 5 revisions

Meeting Report


Illustration of OpenCDMS development approach

OpenCDMS development approach

(Based on option 2 from meeting report. Updated 2019-06-14)

Joint statement from workshop

Both teams agree to:
- Work together to create an OpenCDMS solution that aims to start addressing the current fragmented approach with multiple CDMSs (see option 2 above) - Trabajar conjuntamente para crear una solucion OpenCDMS encaminada a enfrentar la actual fragmentacion con multiples CDMSs (ver la opcion 2 mas arriba)
- Work to attract additional resources, including funded and unfunded contributions, to undertake the core work on OpenCDMS and also to increase activities within MCH project and Climsoft project (Climsoft plus R-INSTAT) that directly benefit OpenCDMS - Trabajar para atraer recursos adicionales, incluyendo contribuciones financiadas y no financiadas, para llevar a cabo el trabajo basico sobre el OpenCDMS y tambien incrementar las actividades de los proyectos MCH y Climsoft (incluyendo R-Instat) que beneficien directamente el OpenCDMS
- Work through an open source approach to ensure a free and sustainable CDMS for all users, especially NMHSs, and to enable (i) wider participation, especially from contributors based in developing countries, (ii) peer review, and (iii) attraction of additional expertise - Trabajar mediante una aproximacion open source para asegurar un CDMS gratuito y sostenible para todos los usuarios, especialmente SMHNs, y facilitar (i) una mayor participacion, especialmente de contribuciones de paises en desarrollo, (ii) la revision por pares, y (iii) la atraccion de expertos adicionales
- Make OpenCDMS an attractive proposition by developing a new graphical user interface using modern technologies - Hacer el OpenCDMS una propuesta atractiva mediante el desarrollo de una nueva interfaz grafica de usuarios usando modernas tecnologias
- Continue the development of both the MCH and Climsoft projects and not discontinue either project until all required capabilities are available through OpenCDMS, and users can be migrated - Continuar el desarrollo de ambos proyectos MCH y Climsoft, y no interrumpirlos hasta que todas las funcionalidades requeridas esten disponibles en el OpenCDMS y los usuarios puedan migrar al nuevo sistema
- Aim that users of MCH and Climsoft do not need extensive retraining in order to use OpenCDMS - Procurar que los usuarios de MCH y Climsoft no necesiten un extenso entrenamiento para poder usar el OpenCDMS
- Reuse existing code from both projects when appropriate - Reutilizar el codigo existente en ambos proyectos siempre que sea adecuado
- Aim to prove that OpenCDMS is a viable solution in time for 2023 WMO Congress - Procurar probar que el OpenCDMS es una solucion viable a tiempo para el Congreso de la OMM de 2023.

Tasks from Annex 4

Who Task Deadline Completed
Karen, Steve Explore opportunities for an intervention at World Meteorological Congress re OpenCDMS; draft a potential UK statement and share it with meeting participants to trigger supportive statements from their delegations during Congress 3 Jun 19 βœ“
MCH To explore funding opportunities from Mexico by promoting OpenCDMS 7 Jun 19 βœ“
Climsoft Workshop UK Met Office International Development team - explore funding opportunities by promoting OpenCDMS Jul 19 βœ“
MCH To document MCH database for the OpenCDMS team 19 Jul 19
Climsoft To update and share Entity Relation Diagram, share Climsoft v4 Technical Requirements 19 Jul 19 βœ“
Climsoft To document Climsoft database for the OpenCDMS team 19 Jul 19 βœ“
MCH To build a first version of the data model from a script specification (tool: PostGIS) 16 Aug 19
MCH & Climsoft To build an API to read and write stations, station groups and numeric observations database (programming language: Phyton) 13 Sep 19
R-INSTAT, Jose Implementing HOMOGEN function of Climatol into R-INSTAT package 31 Oct 19
Jose Present OpenCDMS at EUMETNET Data Management Workshop Nov 19
MCH & Climsoft To fill the first database with sample data through API (using free pascal program) 13 Dec 19
R-INSTAT Explore resource opportunities to launch climatic menu for R-INSTAT and –subject to funding- (i) investigate implementation of a module in R-INSTAT to read MCH data and write R-INSTAT products back in MCH data base; (ii) investigate with MCH designing a hydrological menu for R-INSTAT; (iii) document climatic (and hydrological) menu 31 Dec 19
Climsoft To share Climsoft v5 data model 31 Dec 19 βœ“
MCH, Nirina Agree on MCH licence and contributor agreement within WMO; create an MCH project within the OpenCDMS organisation on GitHub (this does not require sharing any code, but can become a place for discussions relating to MCH and could be used for tracking issues and providing documentation if appropriate) 31 Dec 19
MCH To decouple the first MCH functions from its actual database and use it by command line through API (e.g. SPI creation) 14 Feb 20
Climsoft Try SPI using R-INSTAT and getting data through the API 14 Feb 20
MCH & Climsoft For mandatory functions as per WMO CDMS specifications: To create a work plan (including resource requirements) for achieving compliance of related MCH and Climsoft functions 28 Feb 20
MCH & Climsoft To build a first version of a manual for programmers on how to decouple MCH and Climsoft databases from code and change the dataflow through API 20 Mar 20
MCH & Climsoft Explore existing CDMS data models and agree on the data model for OpenCDMS 30 Mar 20
Peer, Nirina, all Regular video calls between teams starting from mid Sep19 From Sep 19 βœ“
Peer, Nirina, all Next face-to-face meeting tentatively scheduled for 1st half of 2020 (subject to availability of resources) 1st half 2020