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~PTT 2020 10 21

Ian Edwards edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 2 revisions


Wednesday 21 October 2020 13h UTC


Microsoft Teams


  1. Progress updates
  2. AOB
  3. Next Meeting date


@steve-palmer, @isedwards, @githubetna, @eporrasc, @smachua, @mhabimana, @jaggh, @lloyddewit, @dannyparsons


1. Progress updates

As a result of this meeting, the following issues on GitHub were created/updated:

  1. Initial list of processes.xlsx should be moved to csv files within the pyopencdms docs
  2. MCH team will upload MCH pascal code to the MCH repository
  3. MCH team will demonstrate SPI pascal process running on Linux with instructions on how to achieve this
  4. An MCH test database will be created using open data from USGS which will allow these parameters to be accessed and used by products
  5. The Climsoft team will describe the business logic behind core Climsoft processes initially focusing on an example involving metadata, such as adding or updating station locations
  6. Data model review

The following tasks have been completed:

  1. R-Instat team will decide on a set of core processes from R-Instat that will be made available through OpenCDMS this year (along with documentation and automated tests)

2. AOB

No other business

3. Next meeting date

Next meeting agreed for Wednesday 4 November 2020 13h UTC.

Next meeting

~PTT-2020-11-04 - Wednesday 4 November 2020 13h UTC

Previous meeting