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~PTT 2021 03 17

Ian Edwards edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 5 revisions

OpenCDMS Project Technical Team (PTT) Meeting


Wednesday 17 March 2021 13h UTC


Microsoft Teams


  1. Continue discusion on approach to WMO CDMS Data Model Standard and OpenCDMS Data Model Reference Implementation
  2. Working group deliverables and time frames (incl. future of data model paper)
  3. Suggestions for future discussions and presentations
  4. A.O.B
    • PTT Timeline and deliverables spreadsheet (included in AOB since broader than the remit of the RI-work group)
  5. Next Meeting date


@isedwards, @efucile, @Steve-Palmer, @mhabimana, @smachua, @githubetna, @eporrasc, @jaggh, @volloholic

Apologies: @DenisStuber

Meeting notes

1. Continue discusion on approach to WMO CDMS Data Model Standard and OpenCDMS Data Model Reference Implementation

@isedwards received feedback from several members of the team that the timeline for the WMO CDMS Data Model Standard and corresponding Reference Implementation is very ambitious (see table below).

2021-2022 2023-2024
User stories, functional requirements and acceptance tests for reference implementation OpenCDMS reference implementation presented to 19th World Meteorological Congress for endorsement
Development of a next generation data model to be adopted as a WMO standard CDMS data model to be endorsed by Cg-19

However, the project is better placed to officially take the lead on this work given OpenWIS Association ownership, Cg-18 Endorsement and involvement and support from the SERCOM and INFCOM commissions.

@isedwards gave a brief overview of and along with their corresponding GitHib repositories: wmo-im/wmdr and wmo-im/wmds.

@efucile gave a brief overview of the OGC Observations and Measurements standard (which is used in the WIGOS Meta Data standard)

2. Working group deliverables and time frames (incl. future of data model paper)

  • Future of Denis' data model paper in relation to the WMO CDMS Data Model Standard?
  • See actions from last time

3. Suggestions for future discussions and presentations


The following implementation options for the Reference Implementation can be discussed whenever time permits (e.g. if a presentation is cancelled, or does not take up the whole of the meeting time):

  • TimescaleDB time-series PostgreSQL Database (with PostGIS extention) - Introduction to hypertables
  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM) - database agnostic models. Managing and automating database migrations
  • Docker containerisation
  • Storing data as BLOBs in database vs as reference/pointer to a file: Perhaps only if the database adds additional value as a result, e.g. PostGIS, JSONB


  • WIGOS Metadata Standard and relationship to OSCAR
  • OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M)
  • Climsoft 5 (incluing gridded data and full audit) - reopen discussion about model type (value vs observation model) and full audit. Extract out and generalise issues discussed.

4. A.O.B

5. Next Meeting date

~PTT-2021-03-24 - Wednesday 24 March 2021 13h UTC

Note: Daylight saving time 2021 in Europe will begin at 01:00 on Sunday, 28 March

Previous meeting