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~PTT 2021 03 17
OpenCDMS Project Technical Team (PTT) Meeting
Wednesday 17 March 2021 13h UTC
Microsoft Teams
- Continue discusion on approach to WMO CDMS Data Model Standard and OpenCDMS Data Model Reference Implementation
- Working group deliverables and time frames (incl. future of data model paper)
- Suggestions for future discussions and presentations
- A.O.B
- PTT Timeline and deliverables spreadsheet (included in AOB since broader than the remit of the RI-work group)
- Next Meeting date
@isedwards, @efucile, @Steve-Palmer, @mhabimana, @smachua, @githubetna, @eporrasc, @jaggh, @volloholic
Apologies: @DenisStuber
1. Continue discusion on approach to WMO CDMS Data Model Standard and OpenCDMS Data Model Reference Implementation
@isedwards received feedback from several members of the team that the timeline for the WMO CDMS Data Model Standard and corresponding Reference Implementation is very ambitious (see table below).
2021-2022 | 2023-2024 |
User stories, functional requirements and acceptance tests for reference implementation | OpenCDMS reference implementation presented to 19th World Meteorological Congress for endorsement |
Development of a next generation data model to be adopted as a WMO standard | CDMS data model to be endorsed by Cg-19 |
However, the project is better placed to officially take the lead on this work given OpenWIS Association ownership, Cg-18 Endorsement and involvement and support from the SERCOM and INFCOM commissions.
@isedwards gave a brief overview of schemas.wmo.int/wmdr and codes.wmo.int/_wmdr along with their corresponding GitHib repositories: wmo-im/wmdr and wmo-im/wmds.
@efucile gave a brief overview of the OGC Observations and Measurements standard (which is used in the WIGOS Meta Data standard)
- Future of Denis' data model paper in relation to the WMO CDMS Data Model Standard?
- See actions from last time
The following implementation options for the Reference Implementation can be discussed whenever time permits (e.g. if a presentation is cancelled, or does not take up the whole of the meeting time):
- TimescaleDB time-series PostgreSQL Database (with PostGIS extention) - Introduction to hypertables
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM) - database agnostic models. Managing and automating database migrations
- Docker containerisation
- Storing data as BLOBs in database vs as reference/pointer to a file: Perhaps only if the database adds additional value as a result, e.g. PostGIS, JSONB
- WIGOS Metadata Standard and relationship to OSCAR
- OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M)
- Climsoft 5 (incluing gridded data and full audit) - reopen discussion about model type (value vs observation model) and full audit. Extract out and generalise issues discussed.
- PTT Timeline and deliverables spreadsheet (included in AOB since broader than the remit of the RI-work group)
~PTT-2021-03-24 - Wednesday 24 March 2021 13h UTC
Note: Daylight saving time 2021 in Europe will begin at 01:00 on Sunday, 28 March