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AKM868 Binding

luotaus edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 7 revisions

AKM868 Binding WIKI

since 1.8.0


This binding is for users coming from the proprietary homeautomation-system "IP-Symcon". If you have bought some hardware from them, you can use this binding to enable your AKM868 presence detection system. The following hardware was used to do presence detection with the AKM-868 controller and a OVO868-tracker for your key-ring:

AKM-Module LAN-T Module 868xOVO Tracker

For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

Binding configuration

First of all you need to introduce your LAN-T868 adapter in the openhab.cfg file (in the folder '${openhab_home}/configurations').

################################ AKM-868 Binding ##########################################    
# host: the IP of the adapter LAN-T 868
# port: the port of the adapter LAN-T 868 (default is 10001)
# timeout: time in milliseconds. If the AKM-Controller does not send an update within that
# timeframe, the switch item is changing to OFF

Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to the device, you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items`). The syntax of the binding configuration strings accepted is the following:


The id represents the ID of your OVO-Tracker.

The channel can be one of the following values:

  • 0 = notify on pings from the tracker
  • 1 = when the button of the tracker was pressed
  • 5 = when the button of the tracker was pressed longer

A sample configuration could look like:

This item would turn the Switch to ON as soon as openHAB receives a PING from the tracker. It will turn the Switch to OFF if the tracker doesn't send another PING within the given timeframe (akm868:timeout value from the openhab.cfg):

Switch PresenceMichael "Key Michael" <present> {akm868="id=9999,channel=0"}

This item would turn the Switch to ON every time the key was pressed

Switch KeyPressedShortMichael "Key Michael" <present> {akm868="id=9999,channel=1"}

This item would turn the Switch to ON every time the key was pressed for a longer time.

Switch KeyPressedLongeMichael "Key Michael" <present> {akm868="id=9999,channel=5"}

Example rules:

    rule "Turn off WIFI if not at Home"
Item PresenceMichael changed to OFF	  
then {
    logInfo("Wifi","Wifi OFF") 
sendCommand(Power_Upstairs_Wifi, OFF)


  • At the moment you have to have a LANT-868 Adapter. The USB868-Adapter doesn't work.

Workaround for USB868

However, if you own a USB adapter, there is a workaround for utilizing the serial binding.

Once the serial binding is installed, following items are needed for the workaround:

String	 Presence_AKM_ComPort		"Last String from AKM [%s]" 	{ serial="/dev/ttyUSB1" } //check USB port is matching to your system configuration
DateTime Presence_AKM1_LastUpdate	"Key 1: Last Update:  [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tT]"
String   Presence_AKM1_Action 		"Key 1: Last Action:  [%s]"
Switch	 Presence_AKM				"Presence AKM"	<contact>

This rule checks handles an incomming event form the keyfob:

rule "Presence AKM Direct"
	when Item Presence_AKM_ComPort received update 
	var String[] buffer= Presence_AKM_ComPort.state.toString.split(",")
//	var String id = buffer.get(2) // this is the ID of the keyfob. rule could be enhanced to distinguish several keyfobs
	var String action = buffer.get(3)
	var String packetValid = buffer.get(4)	

	if (packetValid.contains("OK")) {
		postUpdate(Presence_AKM1_LastUpdate, new DateTimeType())
	    switch (action) {
		    case '0' :   {
		    case '1' :   {
		    case '5' :   {

A second rule is needed tp periodically check if the there was an update from the keyfob. If there was no update in the last 100 sec, the assumption is that the fob is out of range.

rule "Presence AKM reset"
		Time cron "0 0/1 * * * ?"
		if (Presence_AKM.state == ON) {
			var DateTimeType l_akm1 = Presence_AKM1_LastUpdate.state as DateTimeType			
			if ((new DateTimeType().calendar.timeInMillis - l_akm1.calendar.timeInMillis) > 100000){  // 100 sec timeout


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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