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InfluxDB Persistence

Theo Weiss edited this page Nov 5, 2016 · 11 revisions

Documentation of the InfluxDB Persistence Service


This service allows you to persist and query states using the time series database InfluxDB.

There are two influxdb persistence bundles which support different InfluxDB versions. The bundle named influxdb supports InfluxDB 0.9 and newer and the influxdb08 bundle supports InfluxDB up to version 0.8.x.

1.9.0 New & Noteworthy

New configuration setting "retentionPolicy" was added.

1.8.0 New & Noteworthy

As of openHAB 1.8.0 there are two influxdb persistence bundles which support different InfluxDB versions. If you are upgrading from prior openHAB versions you have to either upgrade your InfluxDB installation to 0.9.x or newer (Upgrading docs: or if you want keep your current InfluxDB installation switch to the influxdb08 persistence bundle.


The InfluxDB persistence service persists item values using the the InfluxDB time series database. The persisted values can be queried from within openHAB. There also are nice tools on the web for visualizing InfluxDB time series.

Database Structure

The states of an item are persisted in time series with names equal to the name of the item. All values are stored in a field called "value" using integers or doubles, OnOffType and OpenClosedType values are stored using 0 or 1. The times for the entries are calculated by InfluxDB.

An example entry for an item with the name "AmbientLight" would look like this:

time sequence_number value
1402243200072 79370001 6

Installation and Configuration

Database Setup

First of all you have to setup and run a InfluxDB server. This is very easy and you will find good documentation on it on the InfluxDB web site.

Then database and the user must be created. This can be done using the influxdb admin web interface. If you want to use the defaults then create a database called openhab and a user with write access on the database called openhab. Choose a password and remember it.


After this the persistence service needs some configuration in the "InfluxDB Persistence Service" respectively "InfluxDB 0.8 Persistence Service" section in openhab.cfg.

The defaults for the database name, the database user, the database url and the retentionPolicy are "openhab", "openhab", "" and "default" respectively. If you took this defaults for the database setup you only have to add the password value to the influxdb:password= variable.

variable description default openhab version
influxdb:url the database URL <= 1.8
influxdb:user the name of the database user openhab <= 1.8
influxdb:db the name of the database openhab <= 1.8
influxdb:password the password of the database user no default <= 1.8
influxdb:retentionPolicy the retentionPolicy name "autogen" (builds before 5. Nov 2016 used "default") >= 1.9

Please note starting with InfluxDB >= 1.0, default retention policy name is no longer "default" but "autogen". Please update the InfluxDB Persistence Service to the newest SNAPSHOT release, which also uses "autogen" as default retention policy name.

For influxdb08 users the variables are named influxdb08:url, influxdb08:user, influxdb08:db and influxdb08:password. The retentionPolicy variable isn't available for influxdb08. If influxdb08 is your default persitence service, then change to persistence:default=influxdb08 as well.


For installation of this persistence package please follow the same steps as if you would install a binding.

Now place a persistence configuration file called influxdb.persist (or influxdb08.persist for the influxdb08 bundle) in the ${openhab.home}/configuration/persistence folder. This has the standard format as described in Persistence.


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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