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panStamp Binding

Shiny edited this page May 21, 2016 · 7 revisions


Panstamp are low-power wireless modules programmable from Arduino.

The panStamp binding enables openHAB to connect to a network of panStamp devices. The binding requires you to have a panStamp running the 'modem' sketch connected to a serial port.

It is imperative that you understand the panStamp environment before trying to use this binding. If you do understand the panStamp ecosystem, this documentation should provide a straight forward guide to getting your panStamps to talk to openHAB.

For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

Binding configuration

The binding is configured by adding the a section similar to the following to your openhab.cfg file. The different configuration parameters are explained below.

################################### panStamp Binding #####################################
# The serial port to which the panStamp modem is connected
# SWAP Network settings
# PanStamp device files
# TCP debugger settings

The critical parameter is panstamp:serial.port which configures which serial port the binding will use to communicate to the modem and the panStamp network. Typically this will be something like /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux or COM3 on Windows. It is recommended that, before trying to connect the openHAB panStamp binding to the modem, you test the modem using a terminal program such as minicom.

All the configuration parameters are explained below:

Parameter Description Required Default
panstamp:serial.port Serial port to which modem is connected. This is platform dependent yes -
panstamp:serial.speed Serial port speed. Typically 38400, but can be adjusted to 9600 and 19200 no 38400 The frequency/channel on which the SWAP network operates no 0 The network ID used by the SWAP network no 0xb547
panstamp:network.deviceAddress The SWAP sender address used by the modem device no 1
panstamp:directory.xml The directory where panStamp XML device definitions can be found. If you only use standard sketches, this directory is not required no etc/panstamp/xml
panstamp:debug.port The (optional) TCP port used to debug the panStamp network. This port is used to connect the panStamp-tools GUI client for debugging no -

Item Configuration

Items are configured using a slightly verbose but very readable syntax:


All the item parameters are explained below:

Parameter Description Required
address The panStamp device address. This is the address of the specific panStamp device. yes
productCode The product code, consisting of manufacturer ID and product ID separated by a '/'. yes
register The register ID of the panStamp register (on the device) to which the endpoint is mapped. yes
endpoint The name of the endpoint addressed by the item. yes
unit The conversion unit for the endpoint. This could for example be C or F for temperatures. no

The productCode, register and endpoint parameters map directly to the panStamp device definitions.

panStamp item configurations are simple in large part because the panStamp system provides excellent meta data which is used by the binding to determine what a device is, what it's endpoints do and how to convert data to and from it.


This example defines an item connected to panStamp device 3, register 12, endpoint 'Temperature'. The product code for the device is 1/4 and the endpoint data is read as degrees Celsius.

Number Temperature_PS3 		"Temperature [%.1f °C]"	<temperature>	(Temperature, PanStamp) { 
	panstamp="address=3,productCode=1/4,register=12,endpoint='Temperature',unit=C" }

This example uses another endpoint on the same panStamp as above to read the devices' battery voltage:

Number Voltage_PS3 		"Voltage [%.2f V]"	<energy>	(Temperature, PanStamp) { 
	panstamp="address=3,productCode=1/4,register=11,endpoint='Voltage'" }

In the above two examples, the temperature and voltage sensors are inputs. Values received from the network will be updated to the items. In the next example, we have a switch which toggles a relay driven by a panStamp:

Switch Button_PS4 "Porch Light"  { panstamp="address=4,productCode=1/7,register=11,endpoint='Binary 7'" }

Network configuration and debugging

The panStamp binding provides an optional feature to allow the user to configure or debug the panStamp network using a GUI tool while openHAB manages the network (and therefore owns the serial port). This option is enabled by providing the panstamp:debug.port configuration parameter. Doing this has the upside of being able to change panStamp configurations without stopping openHAB or without using a separate panStick.

The GUI tool can be found here.



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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