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JSR223 Script Engine

Steve Bate edited this page May 15, 2016 · 7 revisions

Note: Currently this scriptengine cannot be used in OpenHAB2. A new smarthome compatible functionality is in development. Scripts from this engine can be used in the new addon without significant changes. A compatibility layer will be provided.


This addon allows the usage of different scripting languages as basis for rules. It was tested with the Jython, but feel free to contribute to this wiki, if you are using another language like JRuby.

Javascript Installation

The package needs to be installed to addons like any other addon [openhab]/addons. By default it comes with build-in Nashorn-Engine for JavaScript (*.js) as scripting language. Put all your scripts in the [openhab]/scripts directory, not the rules directory.

  • ATTENTION: The addon jsr223 jar of 1.7.0 is broken, please use a 1.8.0 build

Requirements, using Nashorn-Engine for JavaScript

  • Use Java Version >= 1.8.0_40
  • Use openHAB Version >= 1.8.0
  • For loading Java classes with nashorn you need to start openHAB with the for java 9 preferred class-loader. Therefore add the -Dorg.osgi.framework.bundle.parent=ext parameter to your or start.bat.


  • Download groovy from and install it.
  • Create a new directory inside openhab, openhab/lib
  • Copy from groovy/lib all groovy*.lib to openhab/lib
  • You now need to modify your startup script (here is the windows one)


@echo off

:: set path to eclipse folder. If local folder, use '.'; otherwise, use c:\path\to\eclipse
set ECLIPSEHOME=server

:: set ports for HTTP(S) server
set HTTP_PORT=8080
set HTTPS_PORT=8443
:: get path to equinox jar inside ECLIPSEHOME folder
for /f "delims= tokens=1" %%c in ('dir /B /S /OD %ECLIPSEHOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar') do set EQUINOXJAR=%%c
:: start Eclipse w/ java
echo Launching the openHAB runtime...
java -Dosgi.clean=true^
 -cp .\lib\*;%EQUINOXJAR% org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main %*^


Each Script needs to be located in configurations/scripts with a correct script ending (for example, ".py", ".jy" for jython interpreter). Each script file can contain multiple rules.


Each rule is basically a class in the given scripting language. It needs to implement two functions:

  • getEventTrigger
    • returns an array of EventTrigger
  • execute
    • gets as first argument the reason why it was called

Supported triggers:

  • ChangedEventTrigger (for updates and changed states)
  • UpdatedEventTrigger
  • CommandEventTrigger
  • ShutdownTrigger
  • StartUpTrigger
  • TimerTrigger

Interaction with Openhab

In general all interaction is done through the oh object. It has support for the following:


  • oh.logDebug(logger_name, format, arg0,....)
  • oh.logInfo(logger_name, format, arg0,....)
  • oh.logWarn(logger_name, format, arg0,....)
  • oh.logError(logger_name, format, arg0,....)


  • be.sendCommand([Item] item, [String] commandString)
  • be.sendCommand([Item] item, [Numer] number)
  • be.sendCommand([String] itemName, [String] commandString)
  • be.sendCommand([Item] item, [Command] command)
  • be.postUpdate([Item] item, [String] stateAsString)
  • be.postUpdate([String] itemName, [String] stateAsString)
  • be.postUpdate([String] itemName, [State] state)
  • be.storeStates([Item[]] items)
  • be.restoreStates([Map<Item, State>] statesMap)


  • ir.getItem(itemName) or ir.getItem(itemName)
  • ir.getItemByPattern(String name)
  • ir.getItems()
  • ir.getItems(String pattern)
  • ir.isValidItemName(String itemName)


  • pe.persist(Item item [, String serviceName]) or PersistenceExtensions.persist(Item item)
  • pe.historicState(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.changedSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.updatedSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.maximumSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.minimumSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.averageSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.varianceSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.deviationSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.lastUpdate(Item item [, String serviceName])
  • pe.deltaSince(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.evolutionRate(Item item, AbstractInstant timestamp [, String serviceName])
  • pe.previousState(Item item)
  • pe.previousState(Item item, boolean skipEqual)
  • pe.previousState(Item item, boolean skipEqual [, String serviceName])

Accessing actions

To access the old known methods (all actions) the openhab interface supports getActions() and getAction(name_of_action_provider).

ping = oh.getAction("Ping")
ping.checkVitality("", 80, 100)

Global variables/classes

OpenHab classes
  • RuleSet
  • Rule
  • Command
  • ChangedEventTrigger
  • UpdatedEventTrigger
  • CommandEventTrigger
  • Event
  • EventTrigger
  • ShutdownTrigger
  • StartupTrigger
  • TimerTrigger
  • TriggerType
  • ItemRegistry (shortcut: "ir")
  • BusEvent (shortcut: "be")
  • PersistenceExtensions (shortcut: "pe")
  • oh
  • State
  • HistoricItem
OpenHab Type-classes
  • CallType
  • DateTimeType
  • DecimalType
  • HSBType
  • IncreaseDecreaseType
  • OnOffType
  • OpenClosedType
  • PercentType
  • PointType
  • StopMoveType
  • UpDownType
  • StringType
  • UndefType
Java classes
  • DateTime
  • StringUtils
  • URLEncoder
  • FileUtils
  • FilenameUtils
  • File


Example in Jython

See Jython examples

Example in JavaScript

'use strict';

// load Java Objects
//var anArrayList = new Java.type("java.util.ArrayList")
// or
//var ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList");			

//load("foo.js"); 						// loads script from file "foo.js" from current directory
//load(""); 	// loads script file from given URL

print("\n################# E X A M P L E S ##################\n");
oh.getLogger("E X A M P L E S");

var actionsTest = new Rule(){
    getEventTrigger: function(){
        oh.logDebug("getEventTrigger", "self:"+this);
        return [
            new TimerTrigger("0/15 * * * * ?")
    execute: function(event){

        var action = oh.getActions();
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "available actions: " + action.keySet());

        var action = oh.getActions();
        var actionArr = Java.from(action.keySet());
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "available actions: " + action.keySet());

        for (var i=0; i<actionArr.length; i++) {
             oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Action: " +  oh.getAction(actionArr[i]));

        var exec = oh.getAction("Exec");
        var tran = oh.getAction("Transformation");
        var mail = oh.getAction("Mail");
        var ping = oh.getAction("Ping");
        var transform = oh.getAction("Transformation").static.transform;
        var http = oh.getAction("HTTP");
        var audi = oh.getAction("Audio");
        var xmpp = oh.getAction("XMPP");

        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Exec: " +  exec);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Transformation: " + tran);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Mail: " + mail);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Ping: " + ping);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "HTTP: " + http);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Audio: " + audi);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "XMPP: " + xmpp);

        oh.logInfo("TestRule", "internet reachable: " + (ping.static.checkVitality("", 80, 100) ? "yes" : "no"));
        oh.logInfo("TestRule", "internet reachable: " + tran.static.transform("EXEC", "ls configurations/scripts",""));
        oh.logInfo("TestRule", "transform EXEC: " + tran.static.transform("EXEC", "ping",""));
        oh.logInfo("TestRule", "transform EXEC: " + transform("EXEC", "ping",""));
        oh.logInfo("TestRule", "transform EXEC: " + transform("EXEC", "ls configurations/scripts",""));


var ohExample = new Rule(){
    getEventTrigger: function(){
        return [

			// E X A M P L E   T R I G G E R S
            //new ChangedEventTrigger("Heating_GF_Corridor", OnOffType.OFF, OnOffType.ON),
            //new ChangedEventTrigger("Heating_GF_Corridor"),
            //new CommandEventTrigger("Heating_GF_Corridor", OnOffType.ON),
            //new EventTrigger(),
            //new ShutdownTrigger(),
            //new StartupTrigger(),
            //new TimerTrigger("0 0/15 * * * ?")

            new TimerTrigger("0/15 * * * * ?")
    execute: function(event){

		// E X A M P L E S   L O G G I N G
		print("\n################# E X A M P L E S   L O G G I N G ##################\n");
        oh.logDebug("execute::"+__LINE__,"event received "+event);
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, ir.getItem("Temperature_GF_Kitchen").toString());
        oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, ir.getItem("Heating_GF_Corridor").toString());
		// E X A M P L E S   I T E M S
        var Temperature_GF_Kitchen = ir.getItem('Temperature_GF_Kitchen');
		be.postUpdate("Temperature_GF_Kitchen", getRanTemp());
		be.postUpdate("Temperature_GF_Kitchen", getRanTemp());
		be.sendCommand("Temperature_GF_Kitchen", getRanTemp());
		oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, Temperature_GF_Kitchen.toString());
        oh.logInfo("execute::item:"+__LINE__, Temperature_GF_Kitchen);
        oh.logInfo("execute::PersistenceExtensions :"+__LINE__, "Temperature_GF_Kitchen in the past: "+pe.changedSince(Temperature_GF_Kitchen,;

		var Heating_GF_Corridor = ir.getItem('Heating_GF_Corridor');
        if(Heating_GF_Corridor.state.toString() == "Uninitialized"){
			oh.logInfo("execute:"+__LINE__, "Heating_GF_Corridor is 'Uninitialized' "+Heating_GF_Corridor.toString());
		be.postUpdate("Heating_GF_Corridor", randomIntFromInterval(0,1) < 1 ? "OFF":"ON");

// E X A M P L E   T O   G E T   A L L   I T E M S
var autoOffRule = new Rule() {
    getEventTrigger: function() {
        return [
            new TimerTrigger("0/15 * * * * ?")
    execute: function(event) {
		var allItems = ir.getItems();
        for each(var nextItem in allItems) {
            if (nextItem.getState() == OnOffType.ON) {
                var dt =;
                print(" #### 1. nextItem changedSince:" + pe.changedSince(nextItem, dt));
                if (!(pe.changedSince(nextItem, dt))) {
                    print(" #### 2. Do something with " + nextItem.getName());
                print(" #### 3. nextItem Name: " + nextItem.getName());

// H E L P E R S 
var getRanTemp = function(){
	return randomIntFromInterval(-20,40);
function randomIntFromInterval(min,max){
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);

// E N A B L E   R U L E S 
function getRules(){return new RuleSet([ohExample, actionsTest]);}

###Example in Groovy

import org.openhab.core.jsr223.internal.shared.*
import org.openhab.core.items.Item
import org.openhab.core.items.ItemRegistry
import org.openhab.core.persistence.extensions.PersistenceExtensions
import org.joda.time.DateTime

Global.itemRegistry = this.ItemRegistry =

class Global {
	static ItemRegistry itemRegistry
	static Class pe

class GroovyTestRule implements Rule {
	def logger = Openhab.getLogger('TestRule')

	java.util.List<StartupTrigger> getEventTrigger() {
		return [
			new StartupTrigger()
//			new ChangedEventTrigger("Foo", null, null)

	void execute(Event event) {
		logger.debug('Event received: ' + event.toString())
		logger.debug('Actions: ' + Openhab.getActions())

		Openhab.sendCommand("Bar", "5")

		if(event.getItem() != null) {
			logger.debug('Got Item: ' + event.getItem())
			logger.debug('Trying to retrieve history state...')			
		Item item = Global.itemRegistry.getItem('Bar')
		logger.debug("averageSince(): " +,
		logger.debug("changedSince(): " +,
		logger.debug("maximumSince(): " + (,

RuleSet getRules() {
	return new RuleSet(new GroovyTestRule())


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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