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Smarthomatic Binding

mcjobo edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 2 revisions

Smarthomatic Binding

Available from Version 1.9

The Smarthomatic binding will connect a network of Smarthomatic devices to the openhab server. Information's about Smarthomatic devices can be found here: Smarthomatic Project

Currently only incoming messages of the Smarthomatic env sensor are tested.

Configuration of openhab.cfg


In the config file openhab.cfg there need to be line on which COM port the Smarthomatic Basestation is sending it's messages.

Item Configuration:

Item configuration basically looks like that:

itemtype itemname ["labeltext"] [<iconname>] [(group1, group2, ...)] [{bindingconfig}]

The format of the binding configuration looks like this:

smarthomatic="<direction>[<deviceId>, <messageGroupId>, <messageId>, <messagePart>:<transformationrule>]"

where <direction> is one of the following values:

  • < - for inbound communication, whereby the openHAB runtime will listen for incoming messaged from the smarthomatic basestation
    • for outbound communication, whereby the openHAB runtime will send messages to the smarthomatic basestation
  • = - for two way communication where the openhab will send and receive messages.

where <deviceId> is the senderId or the receiverId depending on the direction of the message.

where <messageGroupId> is the messageGroupId of the message

where <messageId> is the messageId of the message

where <messagePart> is the optional part that determines the part of a massageData part. For messages that contain multiple parts for example HumidityTemperature or messageData that contains arrays.

where <transformationrule> is the optional part if the message needs to be transformed. For example if we need a divion by 100. It uses the inbuild transformation services.

Example item definition:

Number luftfeuchtigkeit {smarthomatic="<[deviceId=10, messageGroupId=10, messageId=2, messagePart=0:JS(getDiv10.js)]"}
Number temperatur {smarthomatic="<[deviceId=10, messageGroupId=10, messageId=2, messagePart=1:JS(getDiv100.js)]"}
Number helligkeit {smarthomatic="<[deviceId=10, messageGroupId=11, messageId=1]"}`
Color dimmer {smarthomatic=">[deviceId=120, messageGroupId=60, messageId=10]"}
Number dimmer {smarthomatic="=[deviceId=140, messageGroupId=60, messageId=1]"}
Switch digitalSwitch {smarthomatic="<[deviceId=150, messageGroupId=1, messageId=1, messagePart=1]"}

Example transformation function:

(function(i) {
    return Number(i) / 10;

Supported Messages of the different devices

  • BatteryStatus
  • DigitalPort
Environment Sensor#####
  • Temperature tested
  • HumidityTemperature tested
  • Humidity tested
  • Brightness tested
  • Brightness
RGB Dimmer#####
  • Color tested


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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