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eBUS Binding

csowada edited this page May 28, 2015 · 5 revisions


Date Description
16.05.2015 Corrected logging id's
30.03.2015 Change internal event handling from Thread to ThreadPool, enhance java doc
21.01.2015 Add new vaillant configuration vaillant-bai00


The eBUS binding allows you to control your heating system. The eBus protocol is used by heating system vendors like Wolf, Vaillant, Kromschröder etc. You can read temperatures, pump performance, gas consumption etc.

┌────────┐                                          ┌──────┐
│        │  serial (eBUS)  ┌───┐ serial/usb (rs232) │ ──── │
│        │<--------------->│ X │<------------------>│ :    │
│  ◊◊◊◊  │                 └───┘                    └──────┘
Heating Unit             eBUS Adapter              openHAB Server

To access your heating system you either need an eBus interface. You can buy a ready interface or solder your own circuit (examples: eBUS Wiki). A simple read-only interface can be build with an Arduino device.

For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings. You can download the latest binding from here: eBUS binding 1.7.0 SNAPSHOT

Binding Configuration in openhab.cfg

You can find the configuration section for the eBus binding in file configurations/openhab.cfg, section "eBUS Binding".

For your convenience you can see the relevant section as follows:

# Serial port of eBUS interface
# Valid values are e.g. COM1 for Windows and /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 for Linux

# TCP Hostname and Port
# Warning: Only use ebus.hostname or ebus.serialPort

# Custom parser configuration file
# This example tries to load a configuration ${openhab_home}/configurations/ebus-config.json

# Load different parser, currently supported
# >> common - All telegrams defined by eBus interest group
# >> wolf - All telegrams specified by Wolf/Kromschröder
# >> vaillant - All telegrams specified by Vaillant
# >> vaillant-bai00 - Telegrams for Vaillant Controller (used by VSC 196 etc. ?) 
# >> testing -  All unknown or test telegrams
# >> custom - Use configuration defined by ebus:parserUrl
# default uses common and all vendor specified telegrams

# Set the sender id of this binding, default is "FF"

A sample configuration could look like:


Bind Items to eBUS


In order to bind an item to a eBus value you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add binding information in your 'item file' (in the folder configurations/items`). The syntax for the eBUS binding configuration string is explained here:


This binding allows you to combine a set of parameters to get/set or request values on your heating system.

If you only want to read a value, you just need to set the parameters id and class. You can find a list below.

Sometimes more than one bus participant will send telegrams with given id and class. To filter the telegrams you can use the properties dst (destination address) and src (source address).

Reading parameters

ebus="id:<id>, class:<class>"
ebus="id:<id>, class:<class>, src:<src>"
Parameter Description
id Defined together with class to read a value from eBUS. The class is required to distinguish modules in your system. Sometimes you can access the same value with different id/class combinations with different precisions.
class Together with id it addresses a unique value from your system.
dst Filter telegrams for a specified destination eBUS address (hex string).
src Filter telegrams for a specified source eBUS address (hex string).

Writing parameter

There are two common types of writing to the bus. Broadcasts and Request/Answer commands.

To set or request values from your system, you have to set a cmd (command) parameter to your item.

Normally you send a request and expects an answer from a bus participant. But this binding works asynchronous, hence you can get return values only indirectly by using the read parameters. By this way you can update one or more items with only one command because a telegram can contain multiple values.

You should look at the examples below to understand the different cases.

The binding tries to send a commando up to five times before it cancels a request. You only get a short warning in the log. So this is fire-and-forget.

ebus="id:<id>, class:<class>, cmd:<cmd>, dst:<dst>"
ebus="id:<id>, class:<class>, cmd:<cmd>, dst:<dst>, refresh:<refresh>"

On some systems it is required to request answers from bus participants regularly. In this case you can use the parameter refresh to send the command or RAW data automatically every n seconds.

RAW data

It is also possible to send a raw eBUS telegram directly without any programmatic help. You have to write the telegram as hex string like FF 08 50 22 03 CC 9A 01 00. The last byte will be automatic replaced by a valid checksum if it not the sync byte FF.

You should use this parameter only in special cases and prefere cmd instead.

Parameter Description
cmd This allows you to send a command to the eBUS. This parameter also needs the class parameter to addresses a unique command.
class Together with cmd it addresses a unique value from your system.
dst Define the destination eBUS address as hex value for the telegram.
src Defines the source eBUS address as hex value for the telegram. Or default value FF would be used. You can overwrite this inf openhab.cfg.
refresh If you set a refresh interval (sec.) the command will be automatic send via eBUS. This is usually used to poll data from your system.
data Instead of the cmd parameter you can send a raw telegram as hex string. The last byte will be replaced by the calculated crc value if is not FF.
data-{STATE} Same as parameter data, but is only send on the specified state of the item. As example you can define a switch item with data-ON and data-OFF to send two different telegrams per state.


Receive values from eBUS

ebus="id:no_of_firing, class:heating_kw, dst:08"

This item configuration receives the number of firings from the eBUS. This is defined by parameter id and class. But in this case we only want telegrams with the destination address 0x08. But keep in mind that this a read-only configuration. So we can only receive values that are submitted as broadcast or requested by a device. Optionally you can also filter the source address with the parameter src.

Reading values from eBUS regularly (Polling)

ebus="id:no_of_firing, class:heating_kw, cmd:no_of_firing, dst:08, src:FF, refresh:60"

This example is similar to the previous example, but here we active request this value every 60 seconds from the bus (Polling). If you can read multiple values with one command it's enough to send the command once. In this example the source address is explicit set to a hex string.

Send raw telegrams, receive values

ebus="id:no_of_firing, class:heating_kw, data:FF 08 50 22 03 CC 1A 27 00"

In this example we send a raw telegram as hex string instead a already defined command. The last byte is replaced by the calculated crc value if it's not 0xFF (eBUS sync byte). But you should prefer the cmd parameter.

Send raw telegram by item satus

ebus="id:no_of_firing, class:heating_kw, data-ON:FF 08 50 22 03 CC 1A 27 00, data-OFF:FF 08 50 22 03 CC 0E 00 00"

Similar to the last example, but we use different telegrams per item state. If you use a switch item you can send different telegram for the states ON or OFF.

List of ID's and Commands


This is a list based on the eBUS specification - Application Layer - OSI 7 V1.6.3 from 03/2007

ID Class Command Item type Description
vendor common - Number Vendor ID
device common - String Device String
software_version common - Number Software Version
hardware_version common - Number Hardware Version
status_auto_stroker auto_stroker - Number Status auto stroker
state_ldw auto_stroker - Switch Status ldw?
state_gdw auto_stroker - Switch Status gdw?
state_ws auto_stroker - Switch Status ws?
state_flame auto_stroker - Switch Status flame
state_valve1 auto_stroker - Switch Status valve 1
state_valve2 auto_stroker - Switch Status valve 2
state_uwp auto_stroker - Switch Status circulation pump
state_alarm auto_stroker - Switch Status alarm
performance_burner auto_stroker - Number Performance burner
temp_vessel auto_stroker - Number Vessel temperature
temp_return auto_stroker - Number Return temperature
temp_boiler auto_stroker - Number Boiler temperature
temp_outdoor auto_stroker - Number Outdoor temperature
status_warm_req1 controller - Switch Status warm request 1
status_warm_req2 controller - Switch Status warm request 1
temp_t_vessel controller - Number Target vessel temperature
pressure_t_vessel controller - Number Target vessel pressure
performance_burner controller - Number Performance burner
temp_t_boiler controller - Number Target boiler temperature
value_fuel controller - Number Fuel value
date common - String Date value
time common - String Time value
temp_t_vessel controller2 - Number Target vessel temperature
temp_outdoor controller2 - Number Outdoor temperature
power_enforcement controller2 - Number Power entforcement
status_bwr controller2 - Switch Status bwr?
status_heat_circuit controller2 - Switch Status heat circuit
temp_t_boiler controller2 - Number Target boiler temperature

Wolf / Kromschröder

This is a list for a Wolf CSZ-2 systems, hopefully it is compatible to other Wolf systems. Compatible with COB-20 for some values.

ID Class Command Item type Description
temp_exhaust heating_kw temp_exhaust Number Exhaust temperature
temp_vessel heating_kw temp_vessel Number Boiler temperature
temp_boiler heating_kw temp_boiler Number Hotwater temperature
temp_return heating_kw temp_return Number Return temperature
performance_burner heating_kw performance Number Current device output %
performance_pump heating_kw performance_pump Number Current pump output %
system_pressure heating_kw system_pressure Number System Pressure
fw_version heating_kw fw_version Number Firmware Version Burner
no_of_firing heating_kw no_of_firing Number No. of Firing
ionisation heating_kw ionisation Number Ionisation
no_of_power_on heating_kw no_of_power_on Number No. of Power-On
op_hrs_heating_unit heating_kw op_hrs_heating_unit Number Operating hours burner
op_hrs_supply heating_kw op_hrs_supply Number Operating hours online
op_hrs_pump1 heating_kw op_hrs_pump1 Number Operating hours pump 1
e1 solar_kw e1 Number Solar return temperature
solar_current solar_kw -BROADCAST- Number Current solar output
yield_day solar_kw -BROADCAST- Number Solar day yield
yield_sum solar_kw -BROADCAST- Number Solar sum yield
solar_status solar_kw -BROADCAST- Number Solar status (bitmask)
solar_pump solar_kw -BROADCAST- Switch Solar pump on
temp_collector solar_kw -BROADCAST- Number Temperature collector
temp_reservoir_1 solar_kw -BROADCAST- Number Temperature storage 1


Here a unsupported list for Vaillant devices. Here we need your support.

ID Class Command Item type Description
temp_ntc1 water_v temp_ntc1 Number NTC sensor 1
temp_ntc2 water_v temp_ntc2 Number NTC sensor 2
temp_ntc3 water_v temp_ntc3 Number NTC sensor 3
temp_vessel heating_v temp_vessel Number Boiler temperature
temp_outdoor control_v temp_vessel Number Temperature outdoor
temp_return solar_v temp_return Number Solar return temperature

Vaillant Testing ( BAI 00 )

Here a unsupported list for Vaillant BIA 00 device. ID's, class and command names can be changed in further releases.

ID Class Command Item type Description
performance_burner-kw bai00 performance_burner-kw Number Burner performance kW
performance_burner bai00 performance_burner Number Burner performance %
temp_flow bai00 temp_flow Number Flow temperature °C
status_flow bai00 Switch Flow temperature status
temp_return bai00 temp_return Number Return temperature °C
status_return bai00 Switch Return temperature status

Example for item configuration

Here is a longer example.

/** Heating **/
Group HeatingUnit					"Heating"												(All)
Group Solar							"Solar"													(All)

Group SOL_Chart1																			(HeatingUnit)
Group SOL_Chart2																			(HeatingUnit)
Group HU_Chart1																				(HeatingUnit)
Group HU_Chart2																				(HeatingUnit)
Number HU_Temp_Warm_Wather			"Hotwater temp.[%.1f °C]"			<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit,SOL_Chart1)	{ ebus="id:temp_boiler, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_Temp_M_Warm_Wather		"Hotwater min. temp.[%.1f °C]"		<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:temp_t_boiler, class:controller"}
Number HU_Temp_T_Warm_Wather		"Hotwater temp(target)[%.1f °C]"	<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:temp_t_boiler, class:controller2, src:F1"}

Number HU_Temp_Heat_Vessel			"Boiler temp. [%.1f °C]"			<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit,HU_Chart1)		{ ebus="id:temp_vessel, class:auto_stroker, src:03"}
Number HU_Temp_T_Heat_Vessel		"Boiler temp. (target) [%.1f °C]"	<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit,HU_Chart1)		{ ebus="id:temp_t_vessel, class:controller"}
Number HU_Temp_Heat_Return			"HU. Return [%.1f °C]"				<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit,HU_Chart1)		{ ebus="id:temp_return, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_Temp_Heat_Exhaust			"Exhaust temp. [%.1f °C]"			<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:temp_exhaust, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_Temp_AvgOutdoor			"Avg. temp. outdoor [%.1f °C]"		<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:temp_outdoor, class:controller2, src:F1"}
Number HU_Temp_Outdoor				"Temp. outdoor [%.1f °C]"			<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:temp_outdoor, class:controller2, src:03"}

/** Heating - Solar **/
Switch SOL_Status_Pump				"Solar pump"						<switch>			(Solar,SOL_Chart2)			{ ebus="id:solar_pump, class:solar_kw"}
Number SOL_Temp_Collector			"Sol. collektor temp. [%.1f °C]"	<__temperature>		(Solar,SOL_Chart1)			{ ebus="id:temp_collector, class:solar_kw"}
Number SOL_Temp_Return				"Sol. return temp. [%.1f °C]"		<__temperature>		(Solar,SOL_Chart1)			{ ebus="id:e1, class:solar_kw"}
Number SOL_Temp_Reservoir			"Sol. store temp. [%.1f °C]"		<__temperature>		(Solar,SOL_Chart1)			{ ebus="id:temp_reservoir_1, class:solar_kw"}
Number SOL_Yield_Sum				"Sol. sum yield [%.1f kW/h]"		<__bar_chart>		(Solar)						{ ebus="id:yield_sum, class:solar_kw"}
Number SOL_Yield_Day				"Sol. day yield [%.2f kW/h]"		<__bar_chart>		(Solar)						{ ebus="id:yield_day, class:solar_kw"}
Number SOL_Yield_Current			"Current output[%.2f kW]"			<__bar_chart>		(Solar,SOL_Chart2)			{ ebus="id:solar_current, class:solar_kw"}

/** Heating - Common Data **/
Number HU_Performance_Burner		"Unit output [%s %%]"				<__bar_chart>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:performance_burner, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_Performance_Pump			"Pump output[%s %%]"				<__bar_chart>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:performance_pump, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_No_Of_Firing				"No. of Firing[%s]"					<__bar_chart>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:no_of_firing, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_Op_Hrs					"Op. hours unit[%s h]"				<__bar_chart>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:op_hrs_heating_unit, class:heating_kw"}
Switch HU_Status_Alarm				"Alarm [MAP(]"		<siren>				(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:state_alarm, class:auto_stroker, src:03"}
Switch HU_Status_Fire				"HU. flame [MAP(]"		<__gas2>			(HeatingUnit,HU_Chart1)		{ ebus="id:state_flame, class:auto_stroker, src:03"}
Number HU_Status					"HU. status [%s]"					<settings>			(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:status_auto_stroker, class:auto_stroker, src:03"}
Number HU_Pressure_System			"System pressue [%.2f bar]"			<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:system_pressure, class:heating_kw"}
Number HU_FW_Version				"Version[%.2f]"						<__bar_chart>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:fw_version, class:heating_kw"}

Number HU_Status_Burner				"Status burner [MAP(]"	<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:_w_unknown2, class:burnerw"}
Number HU_Status_OpMode				"Op. mode [MAP(]"	<__temperature>		(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:_w_unknown4, class:burnerw"}

Number HU_PollingExample1			"Polling Example 1 [%s]"									(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:fw_version2, data:FF 08 50 22 03 CC 9A 01 00, refresh:60"}
Number HU_PollingExample2			"Polling Example 2 [%s]"										(HeatingUnit)				{ ebus="id:no_of_firing, class:heating_kw, cmd:no_of_firing, dst:08, refresh:10"}


Normally the binding is quiet and you can only see errors or important messages in your log files. But if you need more information then you can modify the logging file configuration/logback.xml.


This is the standard logger for this binding


This is a special logger to show/analyse the received telegrams


This is a special logger to show raw telegram data

Custom Parser

You can add your own parser configuration by setting the property ebus:parserUrl in your openhab.cfg file.

More information here (german language, use translator)


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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